MoeGro Challenge!

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Thanks for the information! Do you used the EVOO from the grocery store? Also you said we can get the same results as thejojba oil?

How much growth are you getting? Also can the herbs like nettle, and horsetail be bought in teabags or bluck at GNC?

Yup! The grocery one in the big 3 liter can. I got the same results as with jojoba yes. I get between .5 and .25 weekly, depending on how often I scritch my scalp. (I just had kinkies and they made it sooo hard to scritch so I know I am most def. behind schedule) I think the tea bags should be okay, anyone else using tea bags? I use the herb dried which is probably the same as a teabag. Just make sure the ingredients say that it contains herbs that you want in your oil, not a blend, unless you want what is in the blend in your oil.
Ok..since I don't have time to infuse the oils via "hot method" (letting it brew on the stove on a low temp for 3 hours), I will do mines the "cold method." I will put my herbs in a mason jar, cover with my jojoba oil, and let it sit outside in my backyard (since it's hot in DC and very sunny in my yard) and brew for 2 weeks. I can wait. It will probably be beneficial...just like when southern folks steep their tea's more potent and you can really taste the "tea".... I hope that made sense.

This is exactly what I did! I'm also doing a cold infusion that will be ready in a month. I will alternate between the two, so I'll have a fresh batch every 2 to 3 weeks.
Wow that is long have you been using the product?

I was only using it for three weeks consistently, then on and off thereafter. BUT I was also using taking amino acids at the time.

I read a journal article if you take L-metionthione (sp), cysteine (NAC) and minerals (zinc, kelp and something else) along with the horsetail you could maximize growth. And I got my inch!
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I was only using it for three weeks consistently, then on and off thereafter. BUT I was also using taking amino acids at the time.

I read a journal article if you take L-metionthione (sp), cysteine (NAC) and minerals (zinc, kelp and something else) along with the horsetail you could maximize growth. And I got my inch!

Sounds good, but I'm gonna buy the ingredients and put them down until I'm ready. I really want to give my ovation a real change to work..

Anyone using both? I wonder if using bother would be conter productive?
Thanks Zora. I hope it works out, which I'm confident that it will. Just to give a minor update, my brew is DARK green...I almost can't see through the jar, and the herbs (still some floaters) have settled to the bottom.

When I say it's Dark, it's dark! Looks like it's POtent :grin: I hope it ain't too potent where I'll wake up one morning and look like cousin IT..or worse, like those hairy dudes that do those Geico commercials ... the ones where their faces are covered with hair...:lachen:

But, I was rather heavy handed with the herbs...I did like 5 teaspoons of each.... can you say PRESSED! :grin: Think I made enough to share with this thread! Smells like tea that's good thing. Hope I don't have any flies swarmin my head..don't wanna look like Pigpen off Charlie Brown:nono:
Ummmm....can I pay someone to make me a batch and mail it over???? (LOL!! I know, I'm lazy!.....for real tho :look:)
Thanks Zora. I hope it works out, which I'm confident that it will. Just to give a minor update, my brew is DARK green...I almost can't see through the jar, and the herbs (still some floaters) have settled to the bottom.

When I say it's Dark, it's dark! Looks like it's POtent :grin: I hope it ain't too potent where I'll wake up one morning and look like cousin IT..or worse, like those hairy dudes that do those Geico commercials ... the ones where their faces are covered with hair...:lachen:

But, I was rather heavy handed with the herbs...I did like 5 teaspoons of each.... can you say PRESSED! :grin: Think I made enough to share with this thread! Smells like tea that's good thing. Hope I don't have any flies swarmin my head..don't wanna look like Pigpen off Charlie Brown:nono:

I found my mix to have a very earthy smell (yes, it's a beautiful dk green luminous color) so I added lavender eo..helped a ton.

How many herbs are in ya brew? :look:

How much oil did you use w/5 teaspoons of each herb? :grin:
Can you even SEE the oil.....:lachen:

Are any other relaxed heads using this oil? How ofted are you putting it on. I have been using it consistently every 2-3 days for about 2 weeks now. I hope i can get results using it this way. I wish I could use it everyday but I tried to for a couplw of days and my head was looking like a damn oil slick:lachen:.

This is a really good oil though. My breakage and shedding have slowed down considerably and i just relaxed on 7/8/08 and i already feel some newgrowth. Also my nape was shaved really low on 7/10 and I have some nice growth there already too. too bad i have to get it shaped up again.

I'm relaxed right now.

I use the oil 2 days straight on my scalp...then wash...2 days/wash...then nothing on my scalp for 3 days.

I use the oil on my ends about every other day and lightly through my hair only. I put the concoction on the ends of my fingers..rub them together and then run my fingers through my hair rather than to oil my hair directly..I found that method reduced that greasy look for me.

Glad your breakage and shedding have reduced and new growth! YEA

The oil is great...I'm most fond of the softness it delivers. It has been an intregal part in addressing my dry hair issues.

Subscribing ... I'm going to give this a try in MT doesn't make a discernible difference in three months. I would love to see some pics, though!
Eshille - I used 3 different herbs. I used Horsetail (shavegrass), Nettle and Rosemary and I they are in 2 large mason jars. I think I've made enough to last me until the end of this year. And to think, while I'm using one batch, the other batch will still marinate and get stronger.

That's super...sure beats making it every two weeks. Now that I'm comfortable w/the formula and understand how to work w/it and w/my hair...think I'll do the same next month.

thx for the idea....:yep:
Whoa damn girl, by the time you are in like..october, it's going to be so potent wow!

I know right!:grin: I think we may be on to something....I've learned so much on this board, it's unreal.

I'm going to put an order in for Jojoba oil from that site that someone mentioned....mountainside herbs or something like that. I will order the 3 of the 16 oz bottles so that I'll have them on hand.

I could also tell that the herbs are being infused, because they are not as dark as they were before use. They are extremely light now. I'm feeling this "au natural" hair craze. I've recently decided to grow my relaxer out so..we'll see.
I know right!:grin: I think we may be on to something....I've learned so much on this board, it's unreal.

I'm going to put an order in for Jojoba oil from that site that someone mentioned....mountainside herbs or something like that. I will order the 3 of the 16 oz bottles so that I'll have them on hand.

I could also tell that the herbs are being infused, because they are not as dark as they were before use. They are extremely light now. I'm feeling this "au natural" hair craze. I've recently decided to grow my relaxer out so..we'll see.

um the herbs aren't dark? My herbs are dark I assumed from the reaction with the oil.
um the herbs aren't dark? My herbs are dark I assumed from the reaction with the oil.

It may have something to do with her leaving hers outside in the sun. I think mine are dark also..I think..I'm looking over my shoulder, but I can't see it up close. As long as yours works for you, its cool.

Wow thatjerseygirl! I am soooo excited for your mix. It sounds really crazy. I can't wait to hear your results, it sounds so good
Just wanted to toss out there that I use a mini Crock pot for my infusions.

They are pretty inexpensive if you hit Big Lots.....

I don't have a place to sit oils in the sun - so....
Just wanted to toss out there that I use a mini Crock pot for my infusions.

They are pretty inexpensive if you hit Big Lots.....

I don't have a place to sit oils in the sun - so....

Yup! I started to use one too, and it cost me $11 at walmart. I swear, before when I would just stove top it, it never got this dark green. I infuse mine on it for no less than 5 hours.
I've been intrigued since I did my first infusion and even more intrigued as you ladies discuss the deep, dark rich green color of the oil infusion.

What Is Chlorophyll?
Before learning more about the benefits of chlorophyll, let's look at what chlorophyll actually is. In very basic terms, chlorophyll is what makes plants green. It is a pigment that is found in all plant forms but its uses go far beyond coloration. Chlorophyll also absorbs the energy of the sun and converts it into life energy for the plant. Just as blood is important for human life, chlorophyll is important for plant life. If the chlorophyll is drained from a plant, it will die.

One of the main differences between human blood and chlorophyll is the central atom. Human blood's central atom is iron whereas the central atom in chlorophyll is magnesium. Other than that, the two share a lot of similarities. This is one of the reasons why chlorophyll is so beneficial to human health. It is an all-natural element that takes its main energy from the sun and is processed naturally by the plant.

How Can I Use Chlorophyll To My Benefit?

The benefits of chlorophyll which is found in foods and supplement are numerous- in fact, as more research is being done, more of its advantages are coming to light. Currently, chlorophyll is known as a powerful anti-oxidant with anti-inflammatory properties and the power to help wounds heal. It stimulates and assists in the repair and healing of damaged tissues.

Magnesium has been mentioned along w/silica and sulphur as supporting healthy hair/scalp conditions. I couldn't find any specific information about topical applications of magnesium although there are a few products on the market which claim the inclusion of magnesium on their ingredient list.

At any rate, just a few little tid bits to enjoy...

Do u have to wait any period of time before you can use a you have to do w/MTG?...just curious
Do u have to wait any period of time before you can use a you have to do w/MTG?...just curious

I haven't read about any adverse reaction using the oils and relaxing so I would say you don't HAVE TO wait, but these are herbs and herbs do have chemical to be on the side of safety why don't you apply the relaxer during your oil the scalp rest days...if you have any.

Personally, I like to rest my scalp between doin' stuff...give it a breather, a rest so to speak, even when using natural stuffiums and especially if I'm using a relaxer.

Just my take on the matter....:grin:
I look like a dealer with these lb size bags of herbs!!!! What was I thinking?? :lol:

At least a year's supply? :grin:

You can always use them infused as a rinse on wash day in addition to using the oil on all other days..kinda double techinque????
ok im in, im do it for a month to see how it works if i get an inch in a month then i will continue to use it, if not then I will quit, I will take my my measurements on the 1st of august and post pics. and I will do it again on the 31st of august. I'm try to add the mix on my scalp everyday and massage...
At least a year's supply? :grin:

You can always use them infused as a rinse on wash day in addition to using the oil on all other days..kinda double techinque????

Ooohhh, that's a good idea! Ill have to look into how to make rinses.
