Doing a last minute 1-Month MoeGro Trial...

ok I'm going to join in but I won't be able to start until next week when I have time to get my ingredients. This is the thing. I'm already doing the sulphur challenge. I started like 2+ weeks ago. So I'm wondering if I can incorporate the horsetail into the sulphur mix I already have by infusing the oils with the horsetail then adding my sulphur later or should I keep two seperate applicator bottles, one for my moegrow and one from my sulphur? What do you think?
ok I'm going to join in but I won't be able to start until next week when I have time to get my ingredients. This is the thing. I'm already doing the sulphur challenge. I started like 2+ weeks ago. So I'm wondering if I can incorporate the horsetail into the sulphur mix I already have by infusing the oils with the horsetail then adding my sulphur later or should I keep two seperate applicator bottles, one for my moegrow and one from my sulphur? What do you think?

i'm using sulphur in mine and just add it after the oil has been infused.
i'm using sulphur in mine and just add it after the oil has been infused.

Thanks Fhrizz! I was thinking about that. Maybe it will give a boost. I'm going to put it in my next batch. Did you also put the aloe ver gel/juice from the moegro recipe or just infuse the herbs?

How's the sulphur challenge going for you? People have been pretty quiet so far. It's had to tell sometimes if it's a growth increase or not. Maybe everybody just needs more time.
I'll have an update tomorrow - I'm too lazy to take my hair down to measure it now... lol. I haven't been using it everyday anymore, more like 5 - 6 days per week just because I've forgotten a few times but I think I can still expect some growth. Last Wednesday, my nape was at 7" so I will measure again tomorrow, after a week.
Also, I realized that my nape braid was around 7" when I started, not loose. It was probably around 9" loose (I think) so I'm assuming I cut off 2-3" all over. So that 7" update I gave last week was actually misleading after I thought about it because the oil didn't put me back to where I started, since I started in shrunken braids. I hope that makes sense and sorry for the confusion, everyone!
I have no intentions of braiding up anymore, so I am now going by the loose measurement after the cut as my starting point (7").
Hopefully I will still get that .25" I got in my first week! Lol.
Thanks Fhrizz! I was thinking about that. Maybe it will give a boost. I'm going to put it in my next batch. Did you also put the aloe ver gel/juice from the moegro recipe or just infuse the herbs?

How's the sulphur challenge going for you? People have been pretty quiet so far. It's had to tell sometimes if it's a growth increase or not. Maybe everybody just needs more time.

Before I was using bee mine and I got a little growth but nothing to be wowed about but I like sulphur overall not just for hair growth and I wasn't consistent with it. I have some sulphur powder though so it will be my first go around using that so hopefully I'll get progress that way. And I plan to add the aloe vera gel as it really can't hurt. I use a bit more than 6 oz for the oil part though just in case.
Lol Janet'!
It's all good. I think I will continue to use the oil for as long as it's convenient. It was definitely convenient in braids but it's a little harder trying to use it while wearing stretched out styles. I haven't let that stop me yet, but at some point, I am going to want to just put my hair in a ponytail and I'm not trying to have a smooth tail and reverted roots.. lol. Not cute.
Nape has grown more than .25, and almost .5! (I can't really read rulers so I don't know the exact measurement... don't judge me!)
I know that last time it made my nape grow really fast. I have no idea why that is, but I definitely am going to continue past this trial. I'm just going to use it until all of my ingredients run out, which I don't think will be before the end of the year. :)
ladies, this stuff works :grin:

ive also started taking horsetail internally, every other day.

Im also not oiling my scalp every day either, maybe 4 - 5 times per week.
I'm using this oil everyday, but I'll probably cut down to 4 times a week.
SimJam, how long have you been using the oil?

Congrats to everyone whos seeing results.
Do you ladies notice a difference in the way your scalp feels while using the oil infusion?(i.e. any extra itchiness, tenderness, etc.)
13StepsAhead yes my scalp (especially the crown area) itches for abt 1-2 hours after i apply, at first I thought I was allergic, but I think its just stimulation from rubbing in the oil.

I actually like the feeling when I warm the oil before applying
Thanks I just found out my sister has some nettle so I'm going to try this and I just want to prepare my self for anything extra.
I started using this on Tuesday. One unexpected side effect is that it appears to be clearing up the acne at the nape that has been bothering me for at least 7 years. Stinging nettle and grapeseed oil are both apparently used for treating skin ailments.
HappyLiberal: That's really interesting! I know people use aloe for sunburns so maybe it has healing properties too. Whoever Moe is knew what he/she was doing in making this combo :yep:
So I realized I didn't heat up my current batch long enough. Does anyone know how long to infuse the oils if you didn't heat it up before hand?
I think you can infuse it in the sun but it takes like a week or something. Maybe someone else can chime in.
I think you can infuse it in the sun but it takes like a week or something. Maybe someone else can chime in.

Thanks I infused it for a little under 2 weeks so hopefully that gave it enough time. I then boiled it as long as I dared before straining. I added some vit e to prevent to oil from going rancid as I don't like refrigerating product. Hopefully with this and the sulfur I can finally get to BSB as I've been stuck around apl for the past year or two.
Fhrizzball: Yeah, you should be good! I think I need to start infusing mine for next week now that you brought it to my attention.
And I am praying that you reach your goal! I'm just trying to get back to APL before the year ends!!!
Is anyone still using this stuff. Ive been using mine several times a week for a few weeks and I have the itches. Also take one nixon vit a day. I'm expecting an inch of growth per month until the embed of the year. Apl here I come
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I dunno, but I've been using mine for about 3 weeks now, as needed on my scalp and you're right about the itching. I would like to see about an inch of growth per month as well. I get to measure at the end of the month :grin:
I've been using mine but adding more stuff in it on top of the normal herbs. Most times I can't be bothered to heat it up so I leave in out in the sun during the days and cold infuse it for a few weeks at a time. I'm now bsb but I'm not sure if it's thanks to this. It does keep my hair really soft and it great for detangling and end sealing.I don't massage it in as long as I should so I should try to get on top of that.
I've been using mine but adding more stuff in it on top of the normal herbs. Most times I can't be bothered to heat it up so I leave in out in the sun during the days and cold infuse it for a few weeks at a time. I'm now bsb but I'm not sure if it's thanks to this. It does keep my hair really soft and it great for detangling and end sealing.I don't massage it in as long as I should so I should try to get on top of that.

How long are u supposed to message it?

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I don't know if anyone is still using this and/or tracking their progress and results, but here go mine:

After using my variation of the moegro oil for about 30 days now (applying it to my scalp when necessary and massaging) I can only see that I've gained/retained about a 1/2 inch from comparing my before and after picture... which is about average for me. Nothing extraordinary :ohwell:

maybe next time I'll add some sulfer :spinning:
I completely forgot about this!
I still have the bottle I made when I started this. Maybe I'll give it another go just to get rid of the bottle.
I just started doing this a couple of days ago. Hopefully I will be able to report something in a couple of weeks!