Miracale Hair Growers


New Member
For the past two years, I have been reading posts about growth enhancers such as mtg or whatever else ( I don't keep track) that have been promoting 1 inch or more of hair a month consistently. Does anyone have pictures of results for instance that started out with 6 inches (root to tip) and now have 18 inches ( a year) or 30 inches (two years) of progress. I just used 6 inches as an example any starting point is relevant. I am just curious and would like to see the results.
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Hey girl! Well in the past, I used MTG regularly and was getting almost 3/4" per month, which was GREAT for me. If you check out my Fokti Album (see Progress Pictures) I took pictures every 3 months, which documents my growth. In the last set of pictures taken 12/31, I had stopped using MTG altogether (no real reason, just got busy/lazy). I did not get my regular amount of growth, and instead got under 1/2" per month.

Im trying to get myself back into the habit of using MTG regularly again, because i have definitely seen the difference in my hair.
Thanks Kinikakes...LOVE your hair. I may have to get a relaxer (for a health concern) wen I get down about it ( I enjoy my natural hair) I always think whats the worst that can happen, I can have hair like KiniKakes and thats GREAT hair...LOL. I just read a thread on MTG going back to a formulation for human heads, and was considering it. I used it a bit to curb my dermatitis but I didn't like the smell too much so I didn't continue. If it enhances hair growth thats another reason to try it. I checked out your album and you have great results!
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Hi there. Just wanted to let you know that I used some of these "miracle products" you're talking about during the last six months of 2006 (June - Dec) and I still use them now. I used Surge for about a month, MTG, MN, & WGO. Pictures of my results are in my fotki or you can just look at my progress pic in my signature. The first 6 months of 2006, I just stuck to my regimen and took vitamins...no "miracle products".
