I just have to share this tomfoolery

I had a dude tell me he produced a track on the Game's CD. :rolleyes: I said mmhmm and he kept going on like I was suppose to get excited. Then he went on to tell me how he was going to produce some other things and I could be in the videos :lachen: I told him I went direct videos so there's no need.

So I went over to his house to see his equipment (he was fine, I was trying to get mine.) Do you know what this fool's "studio" consisted of? A kiddie keyboard and some spliced together speakers. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Oh wow, I forgot about another guy I met during my online dating days. He had on his profile in all caps, NO MEN PLEASE!!! I asked him about that and he said that many gay men go on dating sites and send messages to straight men with hopes that the men are open minded and willing to try something new:lol:. Apparently, he'd been the victim of many of these guys.

One day, out of curiosity, I googled his Myspace username (he gave me his Myspace page to check out more pics of him, remember this was YEARS ago when Myspace was popular)...lo and behold, he had posted an ad on some dating site looking to experiment with men. I was shocked! Especially since he had, NO MEN PLEASE on his profile. You never know.

I always suggest doing a google search for usernames, you never know what you'll find.
Not an elaborate front but just SHADINESS.

I me this guy on base (he was in the Air Force) where I worked at the time and we hit it off. It started as more of a "friends-only" type relationship then over time it became more than just friends. We ended up doing what grown folks do. *giggle* I knew that previously he'd been in a serious relationship (engaged) and she moved back to Atlanta after their break up. He said she was really jealous and insecure, probably because he traveled alot due to his career. I didn't think much of it and we continued our friendship for a couple more months, until I began seeing someone else seriously.

One day I received a call from a girl who asked if I knew "C". I said "Yes I do, may I ask what this is in reference to". She said "I was going through his phone and found your number". Then she ask what's my relationship to him. I first told her I didn't feel comfortable talking with her until I knew who she was. She said "I am his fiancee!!!" (she wasn't rude AT ALL). I said "OMG, really?!" By this time she was crying. I started to sing like a canary. I felt so sad for this chick.

She told me what happen that made her leave. She figured he was cheating because he was being real secretive, but it was confirmed when some chick called their townhouse (a place I'd been more than a few times). When she confronted him about it he started screaming and threatening her. Eventually he either pushed or hit her, I can't remember (either way it was horrible). The cops were called, and he was removed from the house until she was able to leave (he later told me he left for a week). In that time she called her parents to come get her from VA (they were in ATL).

She'd been gone for maybe 8 months. He was always calling her, and traveling down to GA to visit quite often, trying to get back. Telling her he'd changed, loved her and wanted her back. Oh and claiming that he was so lonely. Against her parents wishes, she'd come back to him. Once she got back she quickly found that he hadn't been as lonely as he'd claimed. She'd found over 8 females that he'd been talking too and had called each one of them. Some claiming they still talked and saw each other. She was devastated and was already making plans to leave for good.

She also added that their engagement wasn't ever called off, but they were "taking time apart". She still wore her ring and wasn't dating anyone else. I was horrified FOR HER, because that she was holding on to this "relationship" for so long. Anyway, he called me like the next day after she did, trying to tell me the story. I told him I wasn't interested in hearing his side because either way he was a cheater. Plus we hadn't spoken for quite some time and I was in a new relationship.

A couple years back I was on Yahoo IM and guess who hit me up? LOL Yep "C"! Come to find out ole girl really was done with him that last time and she was now married (with a child). LOL He lost and was now on sites like BP searching for a "relationship". I said "Negro, please you just tryin' to cut" :lachen:
well bac in college whn me and dh first met he told me that he could swim and that he would teach me so I begged him to take me to the pool for the longest and he always had something else to do. Long story short he cant swim at all and just wanted to impress me wich I suppose is kinda cute so it wasnt a deal breaker

Not nearly as good as u guys stories but thats the only one I have so.............
A couple years back I was on Yahoo IM and guess who hit me up? LOL Yep "C"! Come to find out ole girl really was done with him that last time and she was now married (with a child). LOL He lost and was now on sites like BP searching for a "relationship". I said "Negro, please you just tryin' to cut" :lachen:

I don't even know her and I'm happy for her.

She went back the 2nd time when she shouldn't have, but good the 2nd didn't become a 3rd, 4th, 5th and nth time. I wish more ladies would tell guys like that to take a hike!
One day I received a call from a girl who asked if I knew "C". I said "Yes I do, may I ask what this is in reference to". She said "I was going through his phone and found your number". Then she ask what's my relationship to him. I first told her I didn't feel comfortable talking with her until I knew who she was. She said "I am his fiancee!!!" (she wasn't rude AT ALL). I said "OMG, really?!" By this time she was crying. I started to sing like a canary. I felt so sad for this chick.

I had a situation like this happen once a couple years back, but it was a girlfriend and not a fiancee.

I felt so terrible for her. I told her that although I didn't know her, I knew enough to know that the dude she was with didn't deserve to be in a relationship with her and that she needed to let 'em go :yep:
I had that ^^ situation too. And I told it all right up front. I felt sorry for her and her kids b/c this no count nothin' was on various sites tryin' to meet young single ladies.
I don't even know her and I'm happy for her.

She went back the 2nd time when she shouldn't have, but good the 2nd didn't become a 3rd, 4th, 5th and nth time. I wish more ladies would tell guys like that to take a hike!

Yes, I was sooo happy to hear that she really did move on. Even years later he sounded so hurt about it but I think it was more about his pride than anything though. Punk LOL

I had a situation like this happen once a couple years back, but it was a girlfriend and not a fiancee.

I felt so terrible for her. I told her that although I didn't know her, I knew enough to know that the dude she was with didn't deserve to be in a relationship with her and that she needed to let 'em go :yep:

I think its great that you didn't jump down the woman's throat like "some" women would. I'm glad you told her too. Hopefully she left his butt.