Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

I took my first shot (yes I used a shot glass). It had a mild and pleasant flavor. It seemed to make me a bit gassy:blush: TMI I know but is any one else experiencing this?

The company has a facebook page but I don't have an account. Maybe there is more info on their page.

CocoBunny I have not experienced that.

reeko43 I seen their page on facebook but they dont specify anything special about it besides what you read on their website.

I have not experienced a increase energy boost yet.. but it could be because I am only taking half the dosage...
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I'm firing all cylinders today! My stomach has been making odd noise all day long. I'm sure my co-workers heard it. It started yesterday but I was very low but not today. Let's me know my metabolism is up cuz I was starving last night and today.
I'm firing all cylinders today! My stomach has been making odd noise all day long. I'm sure my co-workers heard it. It started yesterday but I was very low but not today. Let's me know my metabolism is up cuz I was starving last night and today.

The first day I had the same thing my stomach was making noises then a few hours later it was to the bathroom. I have not had that since...

BUT I do notice that when I take it in the mornings my stomach growls so much harder and I have been waking up extra hungry. I did not know that has to do with metabolism though...:grin:
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am i the only one that is experiencing lost of appetite
No, it's been happening to me as well. I do however, wake up STARVING in the morning:lol:...I mean famished! But, after I eat breakfast, I don't get hungry...I know I must eat so I reach more for a piece of fruit or something like that. I have been drinking lots of water.

I have an extreme amount of energy like I've never had before. This is great!!!
Yes!:grin: I have noticed a decrease in appetite. Hopefully that means an increase in Metabolism.

And I've been "Regular" in the a.m. *if you know what i mean*:gottago:

So, far, no complaints. The extra added energy boost is much appreciated.
Yes!:grin: I have noticed a decrease in appetite. Hopefully that means an increase in Metabolism.

And I've been "Regular" in the a.m. *if you know what i mean*:gottago:

So, far, no complaints. The extra added energy boost is much appreciated.
LOL at that smiley.....LMBO! :rofl: :rofl:

I have been extra busy around the house so I think that my metabolism is in full gear!

I've been "Regular" too in a.m. and p.m.:look:, so yeah....this stuff is working!!!

i've found that it interrupts my "regularity ". I always drink 8 oz of room temperature water (sometimes with lemon juice) first thing in the a.m. to clean me out, but in the two days I've been taking it, it hasn't happened (Tmi? oh well) . I think I'll drink the water first then take the MR.
This thing also make me not want to take my other vitamins plus all I've been doing is snacking no real food
This thing also make me not want to take my other vitamins plus all I've been doing is snacking no real food
Yesssssssss.....I just want to snack not really eat food (well, except in the mornings). Last night I made Salmon with Mashed Sweet Potatoes and Veggies...:lick: and it taste so good but I couldn't eat but a few bites before I got so full, I couldn't eat. My dh looked at me like ":spinning:..what is wrong with you girl?":lol: He ate his food and then ate the rest of mine...:lol:
am i the only one that is experiencing lost of appetite

@Kerryann, no you're not, I am also losing my appetite and also my taste for sweets. So, if it does nothing else, I'm good :lachen:. Today makes the 4th day I haven't eaten any sweets and that a record for me.

@Nice and Wavy, I noticed I also woke up really hungry this am :yep:.

My hubby will be in Il for the next month and I ordered him a bottle to be delivered there via Swanson's. I also have lost 2lbs, that might be from not eating sweets.
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Here's an article about B12 that I found a good read:

Subtle Power Outage - Coming up short on vitamin B12 can drive down your energy levels


Many people are walking around with less-than-optimal levels of various nutrients. Most of these shortages aren’t large enough to cause dramatic deficiency diseases such as scurvy. Instead, symptoms tend to be of the general, “I just don’t feel right” variety. Vitamin B12 is an excellent example. Also known as cobalamin, it is required for proper nerve function and energy production. And B12 deficiencies are more common than you might think.

Deficit Risks
Almost all dietary vitamin B12 is found in foods of animal origin, such as dairy, eggs, fish, meat, and poultry. That puts vegans, vegetarians who don’t eat any animal products whatsoever, at risk for deficiency. This can be a particular problem for women of childbearing age. One study found a link between low blood levels of vitamin B12 in mothers-to-be and a higher risk of birth defects in their babies.

However, the largest group of people at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency are older adults. That’s because of the complex nature in which the gastrointestinal tract extracts B12 from food, one which requires adequate amounts of stomach acid and digestive enzymes. Anything that reduces levels of these key chemicals, such as the reduction in acid secretion that often occurs among seniors, can result in vitamin B12 malabsorption.

Other possible causes include gastric bypass surgery, inflammatory bowel disease, and the use of medications that reduce acid levels. In addition, vitamin B12 absorption requires the presence of intrinsic factor (IF), secreted by special cells in the stomach. Older people are prone to atrophic gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach lining that reduces both stomach acid and IF.

A vitamin B12 deficit interferes with the production of red blood cells, which carry the oxygen required for energy generation. This can lead to the development of pernicious anemia, marked by fatigue and weakness. Because B12 is also needed for proper nerve function, symptoms such as tingling and numbness may appear.

Brain and Heart
Vitamin B12 is essential for the production of myelin, a fatty substance that protects nerves. This may explain why deficiencies have been linked to tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, a condition that may involve nerves in the inner ear. B12’s protective effects extend to the brain. Low vitamin levels have been associated with cognitive decline, while supplementation has helped ease depression in acutely ill, older hospital patients.

Vitamin B12 also works with two other B vitamins, B6 and folic acid, to reduce levels of homocysteine, a protein metabolism byproduct linked to cardiovascular disease. Actually, the trio’s effects on homocysteine may make them useful in reducing risk for a number of ailments. For example, a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that the vitamin B12-B6-folic acid combination reduced the risk of age-related macular degeneration, a major cause of blindness, by 34 percent in women.

At one point the only way to correct vitamin B12 deficits was via injection. Fortunately, B12 is now available in capsules, liquids, sprays, and tablets, and supplementation has been shown to raise blood levels. If you have pernicious anemia (or any pre-existing condition) discuss B12 supplementation with a healthcare practitioner. If your fuel tank seems to constantly run dry, have yourself tested for vitamin B12 deficiency. An extra shot of this energy nutrient may be just what you need to achieve ignition.

Reprinted with permission from Energy Times.
@Kerryann, no you're not, I am also losing my appetite and also my taste for sweets. So, if it does nothing else, I'm good :lachen:. Today makes the 4th day I haven't eaten any sweets and that a record for me.

@Nice and Wavy, I noticed I also woke up really hungry this am :yep:.
Girl....this morning, I was looking at my husband's hand like:lick::lol:. I also haven't had a desire for sweets except honey in my tea:yep:
Thats a good read, NW....

I'm experiencing a lack of appetite as well, ladies...

I've decided to take it every other day now...:look::lol:
Yesssssssss.....I just want to snack not really eat food (well, except in the mornings). Last night I made Salmon with Mashed Sweet Potatoes and Veggies...:lick: and it taste so good but I couldn't eat but a few bites before I got so full, I couldn't eat. My dh looked at me like ":spinning:..what is wrong with you girl?":lol: He ate his food and then ate the rest of mine...:lol:

Girl I made jerk chicken last night with corn and rice and all I ate was a piece of chicken
I have experienced a bit of decrease in appetite. I get full easily. I have no appetite for a few hours after taking the MR. I have to force myself to eat. Unfortunately, my appetite is back in full force in the evening. Right now it is hard to know if what I am experiencing is from the MR or the bad PMS symptoms I experience. I will say, I am still not feeling as bad as I usually do.
I have not experienced the lost of appetite yet. I am going to try the regular dosage tomorrow since things are better than the first day now.
ok, i just watch the video. I am in! Please add me! my head is spinning with excited to start this challenge and see some results.

Where are you ladies getting your mineral rich? I want to get started with this tonight!!!!!!!!!! how long till i get to see the growth side effects? HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAa!!!!!
I am not experiencing a loss of appetite. I never really have one to begin with. Why not take it at night, before bed?
:look:I am interested in joining this challenge. I received my bottle of Mineral Rich today and I am on auto delivery so every 30 days I automatically receive another bottle. Let's do it!
I am not experiencing a loss of appetite. I never really have one to begin with. Why not take it at night, before bed?

@cuteness, with the energy boost it's supposed to give you, you would probably be unable to sleep if you took it at night.