Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

really could use the energy boost this morning. I've been working 12 hour days for the past month, I haven't slept all night for more than 2 consecutive days since 1996. I feel like I am moving in slow motion.
When I told my hubby about my burst of energy yesterday and he saw all that I accomplished; he wanted to know what happened. I told him about the MR and will be ordering his own bottle. He did use some of mine this am and called from work saying how great he was feeling this. I'll be ordering 3 more bottles today.

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Still taking mine. Don't have as much
energy but still a plus. When i PMS I feel so drained. I actally feel average which is good!
I just ordered a bottle on Amazon, the version w/ Aloe. I'm hoping for better energy and any help I get at all for my nails. Ohhh, if I get help w/ my regularity, that would be great :look: :yep:.
Its $33! $10 (or $5 after shipping) more than Amazon but at least I can get it today. I need the energy boost now. Hair growth is a welcome bonus.
I'd like to join. I could really use the energy boost, and I'm sure I'm lacking some of those vitamins as I don't take anything regulary. Today is my second day taking it, and I haven't noticed any burst in energy. I take mine around 6 pm too, and don't have any problems sleeping. I take 2 tbsp and then drink water. I think I will start taking it in the morning to see if it makes a difference during the day. HOWEVER, DH took it for the first time today, and within 10 minutes he was running to the bathroom! He always says I have a stomach of steel. I did notice a little tinge of discomfort but nothing too bad. I guess we'll see what happens...
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I called 5 of my Health Food stores and only 1 carried it!

I'm glad to say I got my bottle and will start up tomorrow! WoHo!
I think its better to mix it in water than drink it directly. I've noticed an irritation in the back of my throat and realized that it must be the Mineral Rich, so when I decided to just add it to the water, no problems.

ETA: Oh, and I do have an energy boost from it...felt great today!
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I'm taking it straight everyday as recommended and definitely notice and increase in energy and alertness. So far so good i'm loving it!
I didn't get to try it this morning because we ran out of bottled water, so I will do it tomorrow morning. Just wanted to follow up to say DH was in the bathroom off and on for a good 4 hours after taking it, so I don't know what was going on with him. He also said he couldn't get to sleep until 1 am and he took it at 6 pm. I was knocked out by 10:30, so I guess the side effects depend on what's already going on with your system.
Hey ladies I'm in. Day 3 for me, I take my dose in the evening as I work nights..it's helping my energy level..