Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

Tuesday will be 30 days of MR. So today I straightened my hair to take starting pictures for the next 30 days. I thought my hair was much longer. Sad. I know I need to trim my ends but will not until the next 30 days are over. I plan on wearing my hair straight until Wednesday when I go to Zumba and sweat it out. Then back to bunning until the middle of December.





OK, so what had happen was...

I got on Facebook right and I had seen that Swanson's Vitamin's was having a 20% off sale on Monday (They're officially announcing it on Monday morning on their FB page, if any of you are interested). SOOOOOO, I made my cart, like any PJ would :yep:...AND (*in my you know I'm lyin' voice) some kind of way I ended up with Mineral Max in my cart and not the Mineral Rich like I promised. SMH! I have NO idea how that happen :nono:.

Now I can't seem to remember...... (:look:).......how to take the MM out of my cart and put the MR in. SO, ermmmm......thats what happen :perplexed.

EnExitStageLeft said:
OK, so what had happen was...

I got on Facebook right and I had seen that Swanson's Vitamin's was having a 20% off sale on Monday (They're officially announcing it on Monday morning on their FB page, if any of you are interested). SOOOOOO, I made my cart, like any PJ would :yep:...AND (*in my you know I'm lyin' voice) some kind of way I ended up with Mineral Max in my cart and not the Mineral Rich like I promised. SMH! I have NO idea how that happen :nono:.

Now I can't seem to remember...... (:look:).......how to take the MM out of my cart and put the MR in. SO, ermmmm......thats what happen :perplexed.


That's just what I needed to hear! I will be ordering 3 bottles. My goal is to get a year's supply. I had 6, took 1 and have 5 left. Yep, I'm getting these puppies!
OK, so what had happen was...

I got on Facebook right and I had seen that Swanson's Vitamin's was having a 20% off sale on Monday (They're officially announcing it on Monday morning on their FB page, if any of you are interested). SOOOOOO, I made my cart, like any PJ would :yep:...AND (*in my you know I'm lyin' voice) some kind of way I ended up with Mineral Max in my cart and not the Mineral Rich like I promised. SMH! I have NO idea how that happen :nono:.

Now I can't seem to remember...... (:look:).......how to take the MM out of my cart and put the MR in. SO, ermmmm......thats what happen :perplexed.

Thanks for that coupon heads up.
OK, so what had happen was...

I got on Facebook right and I had seen that Swanson's Vitamin's was having a 20% off sale on Monday (They're officially announcing it on Monday morning on their FB page, if any of you are interested). SOOOOOO, I made my cart, like any PJ would :yep:...AND (*in my you know I'm lyin' voice) some kind of way I ended up with Mineral Max in my cart and not the Mineral Rich like I promised. SMH! I have NO idea how that happen :nono:.

Now I can't seem to remember...... (:look:).......how to take the MM out of my cart and put the MR in. SO, ermmmm......thats what happen :perplexed.


lol...I am in that Diamateceous Earth thread and the effects were great. My mother is still using it -..I would still take it on occasion - it is very grainy and does not dissolve..

I was very intrigued with Mineral Max and I will definitely be trying it out as well as sending some to my mother as she is mixing her DE with orange juice.
Took my dose this morning, poured an oz in 8 oz of water. Since its been refridgerated, it seemed to pour out much darker!

I had vivid dreams. All I remember is something to do with Jeremy Renner (yummy but he was on snl, so...) and another one about helping a pig escape from the slaughter house and looking for a forest in Brooklyn where he could go.

I woke up at 8:30. Didn't feel tired but my eyes felt super puffy. I lay in bed another hour and started to feel sleepy so up I am.

I have the farts! :o
Started a new bottle today, MR w/ aloe. I notice no taste difference.
Thanks for this. I wondered about the diff in taste. On the label, the ingredients and trace mineral were identical except for Aloe. Since there's no difference in taste ( important to me if I want to be consistent), I'll get the Aloe on my next order.
A little over 3 weeks....

Last week I could finally put my hair up in a messy bun (I couldn't catch the ends for nothing since I cut it in may) :yay:

I had to cut my nails down after one broke (banged it into the fridge for the umpteenth time) but they're still long :yay:

Feeling good over all...and my skin looks great :)
I just finished my first "official" bottle of MR :yay: I just put the second bottle in the frig, to be chilled by morning :lick: So here is my mini assessment:

LONG, HARD nails with healthy pink beds and white tips :up:
Increased hair growth (see pics upthread) :up:
No known energy increase :down:
No glow to skin :down:

I will start my second bottle tomorrow. I will see if the things that I did not experience, will manifest over the next 30 days. And I hope that the good things will continue to increase and improve :yep:
Checking in! Just got my 2nd bottle of M-R, so I'm good to go. Also, I had my follow up exam with my Dr. My BP was normal...actually it was a bit elevated for me, but I suspect that had more to do with my boys driving me nuts at the time. I had to bring them with me, and they were having a ball kicking, and stomping on the scale...:rolleyes: M-R continues to give me the strength, and patience to handle my hooligans every day, so I'll be on this stuff forever! :lol:

My vitamin D levels were low, even though I'm taking M-R & a liquid multivitamin...so, I'm adding Calcium & D to the mix as well.
Haven't updated in some time, but I'm still taking MR faithfully. It'll be 6 week in this coming Thursday. Great energy, amazing skin and beautiful shine for my hair. Not sure if I'll continue after finishing my second bottle as even though I'm in my fifth week, I am somehow still on my first bottle. I've only missed one day so far :shrugs: Hope you ladies are getting the same benefits as I. *Toodles*
I'm late to the game but still want to take this challenge. 1st challenge-relatively new member. I ordered MR late last week. It should be at my doorstep on Tuesday.
FYI Mchlife.com sells it for $ 20.10 a bottle
1-3bottles 8.00 shipping
4bottles 10.00 shipping

I found this info this morning although I ordered from Swanson.
I think it's been about a month and my nails (talons!!:lol:) are still going strong. I have a feeling when i break one it's going to hurt like the dickens.

I have (finally!!) had some noticeable growth and retention, BUT I'm not going to credit MR with it just yet. I take other vitamins and have cleaned up my diet and exercise too.

So I henna'ed my hair yesterday. In 30 days time I'm going to measure the new gray growth and determine if it's spectacular or the usual stuff.

I do notice when I don't get sufficient sleep, my energy remains in the toilet, but my temper gets hot. However when I do get enough sleep, the energy is off the chain and my mood improves, but moreso now that I'm drinking MR.

Bon (hair) Voyage, ya'll! :yay:
I just did a henna today too. It took very well at the roots and around my edges so I'll know what's up in about 30 days. :yep:

JJ what Hair Supplement are you thinking of trying?:grin:

MonaRae I think I'll get about 33 days or so too.:yep: I'll probably start my next bottle towards the end of this week.

ReserveAge Organics Keratin Booster

Biotin 3 mg 1,000%
Cynatine® HNS (Solubilized Keratin) 500 mg *
Pro-Longevity Factors Proprietary Blend
Organic French red grape and vine (vitis vinifera) full spectrum polyphenol profile, USDA certified organic muscadine red grape, seed and grape pomace ((Vitis rotundifolia) and natural wild Japanese Knotweed (Polgonum cuspidatum) standardized to contain a minimum of 20mg of the trans-Resveratrol isomer.

Good for the hair, skin and joints! Right up my alley :grin:

I will stop taking my separate biotin supp when I get this, I think I've been O.D.ing on biotin recently. (my fault)
@MeechUK I think you are confusing 1 oz with 1 cap. We learned upthread that 4 cap fulls equals 1 oz. itismehmmkay chose to work her way up to a full serving.
Ok....So Mini 3 or 4 day update (I can't remember :perplexed) on the Mineral Max.

I have been taking it consistently since receiving it. I take it exactly as the directions say to, 2 Tbs(which equals an ounce) with water or juice ; I generally take it with water. As for the results, I COULDN'T BE HAPPIER! I went to sleep at 6:30 this morning, woke at 12:30 this afternoon, and took the MM at 1:30 p.m and have been on the go since. I was able to get some much needed shopping done and I was also able to come home and complete my Wash Day Routine: Pre-poo, Shampoo and DC (I'm currently under my steamer now). I seriously HAVE to order another bottle of this stuff because I'm loving all this energy.

Also, I know I said I would give the Mineral Rich a try, but with all benefits I'm reaping for half the price with the MM, I'll think I'll pass. I'm so glad I decided to peak into this thread that day because had I not I would have never found this product. I'm only a couple days in, but I think this is a keeper, but we will see :).

OH, and its taste really good. I know it was said previously that the Mineral Rich taste like Cherry ACV, well the MM is reminiscent of a Mixed Berry Juice IMO. Its actually hard to believe that its so jam packed with all that B-Vitamin/Silica/Diatomaceous Earth goodness :lick:.

That's it for now ladies. Be back with more updates soon :yep:
ReserveAge Organics Keratin Booster

Biotin 3 mg 1,000%
Cynatine® HNS (Solubilized Keratin) 500 mg *
Pro-Longevity Factors Proprietary Blend
Organic French red grape and vine (vitis vinifera) full spectrum polyphenol profile, USDA certified organic muscadine red grape, seed and grape pomace ((Vitis rotundifolia) and natural wild Japanese Knotweed (Polgonum cuspidatum) standardized to contain a minimum of 20mg of the trans-Resveratrol isomer.

Good for the hair, skin and joints! Right up my alley :grin:

I will stop taking my separate biotin supp when I get this, I think I've been O.D.ing on biotin recently. (my fault)

Hi AJJ...You will really like this...I have been taking it for a couple of months now (recommended by my stylist) and I really like it. This brand also has a Collagen Booster that I am thinking about purchasing. I purchased mine from Vitacost
@Nice & Wavy, welcome back and thanks for the info! @EnExitStageLeft I am excited for your results as well. I am a MR baby now but it is good to know that there is an alternative if my budget can't always handle MR. Please keep us posted!
Thanks, reeko43 :love3:

My hair is growing...yup, I'm a believer!!! DH asked me earlier when are we going to get another bottle of MR? I'm like "whatchutalkinbout WE?":lol:He said that the benefits are so great with me, that he's going to take it too. Well, WE will be getting TWO bottles...one for me, one for him....I want my own bottle:lol:.

This is one challenge that I will stick to for the long haul! Definately worth it!
I really would love to try this product. I'm a little nervous about the change in your cycle and not being able to fall asleep, but your posts have peeked my interest.:grin: