Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

Yes and I started it on October 13th.

October 13th.

It's been a total of 19 days. Gosh, time goes by fast!

Wow 19 days....keeps fingers crossed. To think my original intent was energy (eyes glaze over as I see myself getting to my next goal super fast...then snaps out of it because a watched pot never boils....still....:grin:)
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I ordered from Valley Naturals on the 26th and it still hasn't arrived. Darn! Hope it gets here tomorrow and somehow transforms my hair into a thick, longer mass by summer 2013.
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It's 3:30 and some change and I'm wide awake.:spinning:

No complaints though, because hopefully I'll fall back asleep soon.

I'll scroll back through for any potential new Challengers.

This is Our 1st official Day!

Come On Let's make this Happen Ladies

reeko43 Thank you so much for recommending Valley Naturals. I received my 3 bottles in 2 days!! I am so excited to be starting the challenge right on time! November 1, 2012.

I took my first dose, 2 tablespoons, this morning. I took it straight and then chased with water. I didn't think it tasted bad at all, but I'm a tough cookie when it comes to taking nasty stuff for my health. :lol:

I'm sure MR will help me in many ways because I'm 50 yo and I know that as we get older we really need to make sure we are getting good nutrients via supplementation. This is my first time taking a liquid mineral supplement, to be realistic, I'm not going to judge my results until early spring 2013. It usually takes some time for the body to get the full benefits of a good supplement.

I need to take some starting pictures today, or this weekend during wash day.
Those of us that are getting energy boosts. Do you think it is because we are deficient in certain minerals?

I had slacked off taking my vits. I know I am anemic. Now I have sustained energy all day.

If I wake up at 3:17 am I am awake for at least 2 hours. Wide awake, awake. I could get up and start the day. Bright eyed and bushy tailed, awake.
Well today is Day 1 for me. I usually get up at 4:30am every moring so I can workout for an hour or so before work. This morning when I got up, I measured 2 TBSP (1 oz.) of Mineral Rich into 8oz. of water and drank it right before the workout!!

Let the races begin!!:spinning:
Though I've been here awhile, I do believe this is my first challenge EVER! This is day 6. I'm really bad at taking pics (see profile pic) but right now my longest layer is apl.

I'm not as gassy
Energy is s-l-o-w-l-y changing for the better
sleeping better
Day 12, and definitely feeling the energy boost. Just a regular nights sleep, and I'm not feeling ready to pass out like I usually do after running after these boys all morning. Just a heads up, i went to see my Doctor yesterday for an anual, and my BP was lower than normal 107/76 I think...it's usually around 112-113. I'm taking other things, so I don't want to say its the M-R that's causing it, but I do hope everyone is keeping an eye on their health.
Other than the weird dreams, no other negs for me. I'm still sleeping at least 8 -10 hours. I wake up and feel great.
I love this vitamin. It gives me soo much energy.

I think it has increased my hair growth as well. I definetly got more growth than ussal. However, I want to take it another month before I confirm. This way I can rule out a growth spurt.
I know this is the first day, but I feel really good. I stood in an early voting line today for 1.5 hours and it was a piece of cake!

I don't have afternoon weariness. I had afternoon weariness yesterday but not today. I have been feeling a little drained in the afternoons for a while now, so I was really hoping for a boost. It could be all in my head but I don't care, I feel great today! :lol:
My order just came and I immediately took one tbsp. Doesn't taste bad at all. I'd love the energy burst and praying to see results with my hair.

Are most of you ladies taking 1 or 2 tbsps?
My order just came and I immediately took one tbsp. Doesn't taste bad at all. I'd love the energy burst and praying to see results with my hair.

Are most of you ladies taking 1 or 2 tbsps?

This is my first day, I took 2 tablespoons this morning at 6:00 am. I figured it would wear off by bedtime if I got too much energy :lol:

I'll be taking mine between 5:00 am and 6:00 am every day.
My order just came and I immediately took one tbsp. Doesn't taste bad at all. I'd love the energy burst and praying to see results with my hair.

Are most of you ladies taking 1 or 2 tbsps?

for best results take the recommended 2tbsp.
I can't take it anymore! So, I ordered a bottle. :-D

It should be here in a couple of days. The extra hair growth and energy would be nice ... hell, I'd settle for just being regular (TMI ... sorry).
Hi ladies, I think I mentioned that I had placed an order a while back. But I just wanted to update with my experience with Mineral Rich. I'm on day 10 and so far so good. I don't necessarily feel mor energy but I do feel more alert. I think I experienced the energy more during the first few days.

One definite change was that i started my cycle on this product and I barely had any symptoms. I may have had one cramp lol. My skin looks much better which is wonderful because I'm acne prone. I'm not sure what's going on with my hair because I'm in a weave but i am very satisfied with my benefits so far. I do feel a little extra thirsty so I have to remind myself to drink more water.

I take my mineral rich in a shot glass every morning so I'm taking an ounce a day.
My order just came and I immediately took one tbsp. Doesn't taste bad at all. I'd love the energy burst and praying to see results with my hair.

Are most of you ladies taking 1 or 2 tbsps?

I believe the majority of us are taking 2. I don't think we'd get the best results otherwise.
Hi ladies, I think I mentioned that I had placed an order a while back. But I just wanted to update with my experience with Mineral Rich. I'm on day 10 and so far so good. I don't necessarily feel mor energy but I do feel more alert. I think I experienced the energy more during the first few days.

One definite change was that i started my cycle on this product and I barely had any symptoms. I may have had one cramp lol. My skin looks much better which is wonderful because I'm acne prone. I'm not sure what's going on with my hair because I'm in a weave but i am very satisfied with my benefits so far. I do feel a little extra thirsty so I have to remind myself to drink more water.

I take my mineral rich in a shot glass every morning so I'm taking an ounce a day.

This is my experience with it being on my cycle as well. I usually don't have bad cramps the first few days, but there is a bit of uncomfortableness to let me know its coming. Didn't have that at all this time. Also, usually on the fourth day, I get pretty bad cramps. I usually pop some pills in the morning on the fourth day as a preemptive measure. This time...nothing...nada... zip zero, stingy with dinero. :yep:

I just got back from the gym a few minutes ago and I've been up since 5:04am this morning. I feel a bit tired, but good tired, like I've accomplished. Today was the 10th day on MR.
Still on it and I feel great. I don't feel the scalp tingle on my front right side anymore or maybe I just don't notice it. Oh well. I'm starting a business soon and was wondering where I'd find the energy since it involves a lot of sewing. Well MR has given me all the energy I need and more. I've been so productive during these hurricane sandy days. I sleep 7 to 8 hours & wake up feeling so refreshed. No tired sore wake up eyes at all like before. I can concentrate more on my sewing and haven't been making any mistakes like before that used to drive me nuts when I was tired and still sewing to get something finished. I'm wondering now if I can throw this in as a business expense. :lol: :look:

Um...That's not necessary to participate in this Challenge.:yep:

Nope. Not necessary.

Ok! Well sign me up! I will still try to take some though. I have been taking it for about 2 weeks now and I feel I have had some decent growth. I wish I had taken the pics in the beginning. I mainly wanted to take MR because of all the other good benefits. I haven't felt a burst of energy or anything but I have noticed I feel "better." Not exhausted at the end of the day, if you know what I mean. I bought the one with aloe because I was hoping it would have my digestive system "work better" but it's about the same. I did start taking Iron too, so that could be the problem too. :blush: