Mineral Rich Challenge 11/01 2012 through 4/30 2013

MonaRae said:
This hsppened to me in the beginning. Thankfully it stop after a few days cuz it was not going to be good. What worked for me was cleaning up my diet. Sounds like you are already doing that so I hope it works out for you.

I was like that too. I ate a small stash of fun sized candy bars, but chalked it up to pms. Now I find I'm not as hungry anymore. I started mine last Tuesday.
Okay has anyone had any changes in their cycle? I'm on the pill, but it came early. Started cramping the day I took it and had breakthrough after that. The entire week. Anyone else?
@MonaRae I'm eating 90% clean right now & I'm always thirsty. Pineapples, apples, sweet potato, half muffin & cheese, eggs, chicken, lots of water.

I was like that too. I ate a small stash of fun sized candy bars, but chalked it up to pms. Now I find I'm not as hungry anymore. I started mine last Tuesday.

For the most part I was eating pretty clean already but I allowed for a few treats and it was the treats that took me over. Once I got rid of the treats the hungry went away. I'm sure I allowed too many treats. :look:
Hi everyone:hiya2:

I just wanted to drop in and let those who was worried know that I am doing a lot better since I stop taking MR.
I had a wacky dream last night that's related to the storm we're having. Usually if I wake up I can't get back to the dream I was having, but last night I could. At one point, I dreamed so hard, I got a headache! it was a pretty interesting dream, so I wasn't mad. :lol:
Ok count me in....day 3

Very airy (no stink thank God)
No energy increases yet....
Weird dreams
No dry mouth

I'm not taking any other supplements right now
If I take this vitamin, do I need to eliminate my current multivitamin and B12 supplement?

Its more mineral rich, but imo if you already take something good your body will only use what it needs. I'm going to stop taking others so i can see what benefits i get from this. I'm looking for liquid vitamins anyway and this is on time for me.
I just ordered 3 bottles. I am going to get my 15 year old son, who is growing like a weed, to take some also. It might help him with his focus in school! :yay:
Got mine and took first dose and downed it with water. :grin: I'm going to start running and I know I am going to need some energy to keep me going.
My kids laugh at me and say I look like I am drinking whiskey. I drink it all at once and then shiver when I swallow in one gulp. Then I chase it with juice and water.
count me in, i just stared taking mine this morning...i bought it from the natural food store for $28. my hair is currently 24" or bsl on me....good-luck everyone
So today I really noticed I can't do sugar.:nono: At least not the way I use to. Tomorrow will be 7 days and I have no taste for it.

I took my kids to Party City today to pick out their costumes and decided I'd just try some of those tiny fruit flavored tootsie roll candies and after I ate one, I could not believe how sweet it tasted to me. I could not eat another one. I bought some graham crackers and will eat those instead.

I can say I'm very regular, continue to drink at least a gallon of water, and don't have much of an appetite. I did take my weave down, or at least my husband did, and I'm going to wear it in a ponytail. I will condition wash it on the weekends and put it up for the week. I will post pictures at the end of 30 days of taking MR.
I can't wait until my MR arrives. I'm glad I'll be starting at the beginning of November. I am looking for a good energy boost in the short term and some good hair growth by spring 2013.
Checking in: Daily intake for 19 days straight... Ordering my 2nd bottle sometime this week. What I have noticed thus far:

Energy (especially when I take it in the am)
Clearer Skin (that Biotin has been making my skin a lil rocky)
Growth (haven't measured, but eyeballing)
Better Mood

*peace sign* ✌
Cosigning on the above ^^^

Energy - yes definitely but too much of a good thing I think, because I'm waking up at 3:30 every morning raring to go. I long for the days when I would sleep in and be up at 6:30ish.:nono:

Clear skin - winning. Very dewy, youthful complexion. Before MR my skin tended towards dryness.

Growth -- in a protective style currently and its only a week but have noticed that my edges have started to sprout and its never done that before.:yay:

Better Mood - not according to my SO :lol:

Other observations: appetite is suppressed. I'm eating less and that's a good thing. No gas, no headache, no weird dreams and no dry mouth. Although I'm sleeping less, I seem more sharp...better on recalling details.

I've ordered a 3rd bottle of MR (this time with Aloe) plus 2 bottles of the Maximum Living children vitamins for my dd.
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Still hanging in. I've gotten used to my 'new normal' energy level. Been going to bed on time with no problem.

Dry mouth... but need to drink more water throughout the day

2 weeks post relaxer... just starting to get new growth

All is good.
10 days (more or less) in and this energy is something else. My mind keeps wanting to collapse in a heap come nap time, but my body says GO GO GO! So I decided to paint my nails since god knows how long. If this keeps up I might just paint my apartment like I thought about doing a year ago.