Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offended)


Genius never dies!
O.K., ladies, I've heard it said that women in their mid-30's start to experience an increased libido and want to have sex all the time. The sex drive increases dramatically during this period in a woman's life. I beginning to believe this saying because all of the sudden I've been thinking about sex ALL the time!! My toys are worn out. I mean, I can stop thinking about it and wanting to do it. I couldn't sleep at all last night. This has been happening suddenly for the past several nights and I've been doing something about it. I can't concentrate at work, either. :naughtycouch:

Sadly, there are no real prospects in human form. Apparently not only am I long overdue for the human touch, it's getting desperately serious!! :badgirl:

I'm just wondering: am I the only one??!??!??!

:SP off to buy some new toys...:
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

Well, I'm not in my mid-30s yet, but I feel you my sister. :look:
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

Only in your mid-30s and going through this, eh?

Wait until you turn 40...hehehehe!
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

I'm 29...please don't tell me it gets worse than this (or better if you ask me).

I say, think of it as a gift. A lot of women have no libido at all so enjoy it while it lasts.

Not sure what to tell you about the "no real prospects in human form" except that he'll come along in due time. If you're like me, it's a self-imposed abstinence so you'll be ok. I'm just bottling up all this thunder and letting it marinate for a spell but somebody's son (my future husband) is gonna be in TROUBLE!

Girl, be proud of that "hot box". Just tell her to simmer down a little.
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

It's true, I'm 31 and I've never been more uhhh randy:look:
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

yes i have noticed a change myself, i am getting ready to hit 35 in several days but i have noticed in the last month or so sex has really been on the brain in a strong way.
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

I hope I don't go through that.:nono:
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

i'm 31 and you aint neva lie. :look:
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

And ya'll wonder why I always talk about sex see, its always on my mind now. I was NOT that bad when I was in my 20's.:grin:
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

And ya'll wonder why I always talk about sex see, its always on my mind now. I was NOT that bad when I was in my 20's.:grin:

OK, I'm not the only one. I'm ALWAYS talking about sex, thinking about sex, dreaming about sex, reminiscing about good sex. Just not having sex...right now.

Day 138...
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

Girls...it's BAD...I mean, REALLLLLL BAD!!! :drunk: I'm sitting here at work and all of the sudden Idris Elba just popped in my head! I'm serious...he just popped in there!!!! :wasntme:

I feel like I need to go to the bathroom...this is ridiculous!!!!!!!!:lick::lick:

:Thank God SP has a shower paraphenalia, change of underwear, gym clothes...: :sekret:
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

I am 35 and my libido went into to overdrive in late summer (after getting off of birth control pills). DH was very happy, b/c prior to this I had a very low drive. B/c of the constant 'relations', baby #2 is due in June and I again have no drive (pregnancy kills my drive). Poor hubby.
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

I noticed a change around 28. Its funny b/c I thought dh would start slowing down as he gets older (38) but he's like the energizer bunny:lick:

I'll be 32 in two weeks, so its all goood........
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

SO asked if I was nympho. I said, "well what's wrong with that?"


I am just glad to see i am not the only one.
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

yup, i went through that too. But I have ALWAYS had a very high sex drive.
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend


I didn't scream...

I yelled!! Who does that??

....by herself??!!???!:spinning:
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

I'm 35 and I am going thru it!!:yep:
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

O.K., ladies, I've heard it said that women in their mid-30's start to experience an increased libido and want to have sex all the time. The sex drive increases dramatically during this period in a woman's life. I beginning to believe this saying because all of the sudden I've been thinking about sex ALL the time!! My toys are worn out. I mean, I can stop thinking about it and wanting to do it. I couldn't sleep at all last night. This has been happening suddenly for the past several nights and I've been doing something about it. I can't concentrate at work, either. :naughtycouch:

Sadly, there are no real prospects in human form. Apparently not only am I long overdue for the human touch, it's getting desperately serious!! :badgirl:

I'm just wondering: am I the only one??!??!??!

:SP off to buy some new toys...:

No your not alone. I have notice a MAJOR increase in my sex drive since I turned 30 last year..I welcome the increased libido. Helps to have a boyfriend thought. When it first hit I didnt, but now Im not complaining:grin:
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

Pregnancy and mid-30's.... brings the porno dreams :lachen:
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

It. Gets. Worse?


Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

Yes! :yep:
That's all I'm gonna say about that :D
I'm in charge now! :whip:
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

This thread is cracking me up.

Glad I'm not alone...lol
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

Your are not alone. I just turned 30 last Oct and got off bc. I am right with you I couldn't sleep either last night and was like what the heck is wrong with me. At least I know I am not alone!!!
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

It truly sucks that I don't have someone in my life right now. I'm the kinda gal that can't just do the booty with anyone. I have to at least be physically attracted to the person...

Oh, well. 2008 is my year to FINALLY get laid!!!:look:
Re: Mid-30's Libido: Lawd I've been going through it! (Not suitable for easily offend

It truly sucks that I don't have someone in my life right now. I'm the kinda gal that can't just do the booty with anyone. I have to at least be physically attracted to the person...

Oh, well. 2008 is my year to FINALLY get laid!!!:look:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: @ your new years resolution.

But once again, I feel where you're coming from. :look: