MHM Hangout

I need to mix up my CLCT and my clay but too lazy. It will get done today. I am trying to figure out how to make things in "bulk." I like to make a lot of something and freeze it, or better yet if it can be shelf-stable.

For instance I love the FSG, but I hate that I have to get the ice cubes out of the fridge, melt them and then do my hair. With the clay, I don't like that I have to mix it up fresh as I use it, but I like it warm so. . .

Do you make your clay fresh each time? For those using the FSG, how much do you make at a time. If I wasn't so frugal, it's enough to make me want to just use diluted KCCC since it's shelf stable.
My hair is really loving the modified MHM. I only do a clay rinse 1x a week. I love how I can just water wash inbetween without build up and my hair dries waaay faster. Literally takes no time at all and I have great wash and goes.
I need to mix up my CLCT and my clay but too lazy. It will get done today. I am trying to figure out how to make things in "bulk." I like to make a lot of something and freeze it, or better yet if it can be shelf-stable.

For instance I love the FSG, but I hate that I have to get the ice cubes out of the fridge, melt them and then do my hair. With the clay, I don't like that I have to mix it up fresh as I use it, but I like it warm so. . .

Do you make your clay fresh each time? For those using the FSG, how much do you make at a time. If I wasn't so frugal, it's enough to make me want to just use diluted KCCC since it's shelf stable.

I make my clay fresh everytime because I use milk in my recipe. If I let it sit for a couple of days it will get moldy (I learned this the hard way)
I make my clay fresh everytime because I use milk in my recipe. If I let it sit for a couple of days it will get moldy (I learned this the hard way)
I was wondering today how your MHM is going. I was thinking about preserving my flaxseed gel for longer and remembered that you had bought various ingredients for homemade gel, including preservatives right? You ended up not liking the homemade gel as much of one of your other faves, I think.

What were the preservatives?

Also, are using the calcium bentonite with milk? Full MHM or modified?
I need to mix up my CLCT and my clay but too lazy. It will get done today. I am trying to figure out how to make things in "bulk." I like to make a lot of something and freeze it, or better yet if it can be shelf-stable.

For instance I love the FSG, but I hate that I have to get the ice cubes out of the fridge, melt them and then do my hair. With the clay, I don't like that I have to mix it up fresh as I use it, but I like it warm so. . .

Do you make your clay fresh each time? For those using the FSG, how much do you make at a time. If I wasn't so frugal, it's enough to make me want to just use diluted KCCC since it's shelf stable.

The bulk clay did not work for me if you find a way let me know...I have gotten bad I just eyeball everything now

Now the FSG when I used to make it I used clove oil, orange or lemon EO and citric acid and it would keep for a few weeks or you can throw it in the fridge.
Is anyone else using Calcium Bentonite (Aztec) for the modified method? If so, what's your mix?

I prefer the Aztec to the other brands

My recipe is 1/2 c clay, 1 tbsp EVOO, 1 tbsp JBCO, 1 tsbp coconut oil or avocado oil I mis these together then I add about 1/2-3/4 c ACV or cider vinegar let that bubble for about a minute then I add hot water to get the consistency I need and I let it sit for about 15-30 minutes.

I prefer the Aztec to the other brands

My recipe is 1/2 c clay, 1 tbsp EVOO, 1 tbsp JBCO, 1 tsbp coconut oil or avocado oil I mis these together then I add about 1/2-3/4 c ACV or cider vinegar let that bubble for about a minute then I add hot water to get the consistency I need and I let it sit for about 15-30 minutes.

How often are you doing the clay step? And you are not using conditioner, correct?
I just noticed that Dubaidee4c Cherry Lola Treatment does not have Liquid Aminos in it anymore:

Cherry Lola Caramel Treatment 2 cups ( 500ml) of Yoghurt
1/2 Plaintain
1/2 Banana
1/2 Avocado
1 tablespoon of Honey
1 tablespoon of Molasses
1 tablespoon of ACV
1 tablespoon of Baking Soda

I posted on her page because I'm wondering if it's an oversight? If not, this may be why she can do it every week- it's a very, very mild protein. I'm actually not even sure if Yogurt protein can enter the hair as I remember something about the molecules of certain proteins being too large to actually be effective?

How often are you doing the clay step? And you are not using conditioner, correct?

I am still weaning off of the full regimen but based on my hair's response I think it will work out.

This week I used clay twice because I was testing results with gels hidden in the closet and I had to use a vinegar rinse the first time but that was because I over did it with the baking soda.

My intention is the clay wash only once a week in the middle like Wed or Thursday Anyway this week started with water rinsing my hair well, then the clay, follow up with watered down leave in and add the gel. Then on the weekend when I have more time I plan to do the entire regimin.

Follow your hair though I can now do a WNG that lasts for longer than three days which I could never do before.
...For instance I love the FSG, but I hate that I have to get the ice cubes out of the fridge, melt them and then do my hair. With the clay, I don't like that I have to mix it up fresh as I use it, but I like it warm so. . .

Do you make your clay fresh each time? For those using the FSG, how much do you make at a time. If I wasn't so frugal, it's enough to make me want to just use diluted KCCC since it's shelf stable.

I make my clay fresh each time. It isn't so much of a bother funnelling the clays into a 16oz bottle, adding my water+ ACV+ milk, and shaking.

The flaxseed gel I made was only a small amount but I threw it away in the end (so many seeds I can always try again). For now I'm sticking to diluted KCCC. The amount I dilute always lasts me one or two washes so I also tend to mix that fresh each time.
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Is anyone else using Calcium Bentonite (Aztec) for the modified method? If so, what's your mix?

I mix and match depending on how my hair feels. I do a mix of rhassoul, and either Aztec calcium bentonite or sodium bentonite. Depending on how moisturising or cleansing it needs to be, I'll adjust accordingly. More cleansing- I'll use it with s.bentonite. More moisturising- I'll use more rhassoul with c.bentonite).
I just noticed that Dubaidee4c Cherry Lola Treatment does not have Liquid Aminos in it anymore:

Cherry Lola Caramel Treatment 2 cups ( 500ml) of Yoghurt
1/2 Plaintain
1/2 Banana
1/2 Avocado
1 tablespoon of Honey
1 tablespoon of Molasses
1 tablespoon of ACV
1 tablespoon of Baking Soda

I posted on her page because I'm wondering if it's an oversight? If not, this may be why she can do it every week- it's a very, very mild protein. I'm actually not even sure if Yogurt protein can enter the hair as I remember something about the molecules of certain proteins being too large to actually be effective?

I noticed this too a couple of weeks ago. I still add it to mine. She said somewhere (possibly IG or in a response on her blog) that she doesn't think it matters much/ has any effect. She's done it on a lot of heads and says she hasn't noticed a difference.
Are you all incorporating protein into the MHM? If yes, what protein are you using and what step is it. How often are you using protein or are you all using the cherry lola as your only protein while using the MHM? Thank you.

I've only used CLCT as my 'protein' treatments in 6+months. I used henna in November. I plan to try proper protein on some choice areas soon though.
I was wondering today how your MHM is going. I was thinking about preserving my flaxseed gel for longer and remembered that you had bought various ingredients for homemade gel, including preservatives right? You ended up not liking the homemade gel as much of one of your other faves, I think.

What were the preservatives?

Also, are using the calcium bentonite with milk? Full MHM or modified?

Yeah at the moment I'm using sweet soul magic curl stimulator, I couldn't figure out how to make my homemade gel less crunchy. I will experiment with it later down the road. I used potassium sorbate, citric acid and phenoxyethanol as preservatives.

I am using rhassoul at the moment, but I have tried using milk with calcium bentonite. It works well with that too. I don't have a recipe, I just pour milk and add clay until I like the consistency. Once I like the consistency I add a little honey and olive oil. If it's too thick I'll add water to make it thinner.
I used to do that all the time and I have not since I started this regimen thanks for the reminder I think I may add it back. Are you doing it after the baking soda and before the DC?

(Hooray! We are back online!!!) .....Actually, I"m not doing the MHM everytime I wash so I did it during one of my non-MHM washes.
8 AM on the East Coast and i'm under the dryer with my clay! It's gonna be a beautiful sunny day and I have no intention of spending any of it in doors!
Today's routine is: B/S conditioner wash (Done!) Clay (Doing) rinse, leave in, curl activator, gel and i'm out the door! Easy breezy!
This is my weekend routine sans CLT which I do every 4-6 weeks.
Still rocking strong with my version of MHM. I still haven't done an official length check but my avvie is April 2014 and my siggy is April 2015 and I couldn't be any more pleased with my progress. Not just in the obvious growth but the texture, and health of my hair AND scalp continues to improve with MHM. I can almost put it into a pony puff in it's curly shrunken state! The only "issue" is this colour which I am slowly trimming away on a monthly basis. Folks can't stop putting their hands in my hair...especially lately :) Even my attitude regarding random touching has evolved....go 'head touch it; cause it be calling me too!!

Anywho 10 more mins under this dryer then i'm off to set these curls with Super Wet gel.
Are you all incorporating protein into the MHM? If yes, what protein are you using and what step is it. How often are you using protein or are you all using the cherry lola as your only protein while using the MHM? Thank you.

Protein is a must for my hair in small controlled doses. CLT gives my hair just the right shot of protein every 4-6 weeks (my CLT contains silk aminos) however I also use a keratin conditioner to cowash almost daily. Some people may find a CLT to be too light for their strands and opt for protein in other forms.
I need to mix up my CLCT and my clay but too lazy. It will get done today. I am trying to figure out how to make things in "bulk." I like to make a lot of something and freeze it, or better yet if it can be shelf-stable.

For instance I love the FSG, but I hate that I have to get the ice cubes out of the fridge, melt them and then do my hair. With the clay, I don't like that I have to mix it up fresh as I use it, but I like it warm so. . .

Do you make your clay fresh each time? For those using the FSG, how much do you make at a time. If I wasn't so frugal, it's enough to make me want to just use diluted KCCC since it's shelf stable.

I make it fresh each and every time. But then again i'm only claying 1X per week. Nobody will love and take care of your hair the way you can. Oh and if you like warm clay go under the dryer after your application for 10 mins or so. Heat totally makes a difference in my process!
Found a new clay recipe that is yum. Currently sitting in it now.

Bentonite Clay
Honey Powder
Slippery Elm
Aloe Vera Juice.

You can make a small amount and make it watery enough to go in a spray bottle or make it as pasty as you want it. I think its the slippery elm that makes the clay go on smoother and silky like.
So I tried the modified method this morning and my hair seemed to respond well. My hair did feel alittle dryer though. I think the next time I do the modified method, I will add more shea butter (not approved) to my clay mixture. I'm still experiencing alittle breakage. I think I'm being too rough on my hair. I will admit, I do rush in the morning when I do my hair. I think that's causing my breakage and more SSK's.

We'll see...I'm still keeping a close eye on it. It's hard to tell if my hair is doing well when it is curly. I dont want what happened to me last time to happen to me again. When I was relaxed I went on a 6mth no heat challenge and mainly wore braidouts. When I finally straighten my hair, my whole middle section was chewed up due to me using rubber bands and not having enough protein. I feel like I'm doing well but I really have no way to gage it.

Question: How do you ladies tell if your hair is on the right health track when it is curly?
@Holla4mom how do you make your flaxseed/okra gel?
I make them seperately and then combine at the end.

For the flaxseed gel, I use flaxseeds/ mallow root/ burdock root/ slippery elm.
For the okra gel, I just boil the okra, based on a recipe I saw online. Then I combine them.

The flaxseed has better hold and the okra has good slip.

I also experiment with adding a little honey, agave nectar at the end. I like the results for the most part, because it's a softer set, but it takes longer to dry. With the flaxseed gel, I can do my plaits at night and have a braid out ready the next morning which was unheard of before MHM.