Messianic Hebrews/Yisra'el/Nazarenes???

classimami713 said:
Not sure why this thread is being rated poorly. It is simply giving us information and not argumentative. SMH

Put it this way to you, some people are not ready to hear the information and will therefore react in such a way, especially if it goes against principles and ways of thinking that are contrary to theirs.

But for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear- this is for them.

I am not so worried about how it is rated, only that the sheep who need Truth receive Truth.:rosebud:
I think what I may do is start a forum for those who are curious and want to know more. I have just recently thought about this. For those who are interested, let me know. You can PM me if you'd like.
I PM'd you as well. It is exciting and refreshing to read your posts. Thank you for taking the time for sharing the truth and backing it up with the Word.
tsiporah said:
Shimmie, Todah means Thanks in hebrew.:) Todah Rabah is Thank you very much.

About the Adam and Eve, yes they were black by geography. I don't express them being black because it is simply something other than white.
Scientist will even say they were 'African'.

Let me add,

In Gen. 10 you have the table of nations.

It lists the descendents of all three sons of Noah-- Ham, Shem, Japhet.

Now this is how we must think critically and carefully.

1. If Adam were black
then Eve was black because a rib was taken (DNA material) and used to form wo-man. First evidence of Genetic work being done outside of Adam.

2.Since both were black then the people in Pre-Flood times were black.
This included Noah.

3. Now get this: If Noah and his wife were black, then Ham is not the only black child!! Ham has two full-blooded brothers. Shem and Japhet. They were black.

Things did not change until AFTER the tower of Babel, Gen. tells you where they went. Japhet went north and became more separated from his brethren. Japhet remained black for a while until some later period. Meanwhile the Hamites and Shemites continued to mingle-mangle and for the most part through out history remain the same. This is evident with the Roman pic of an Israelite(the black and white one) and that same pic could also be representative of Yahusha's(Jesus) looks. They wore afros at that time and no kippas (the Yarmulke ).

My question is this though and I am just asking this because I have been thinking this for years. If everyone is black from Adam and Eve on up, then who was there to "mix and mingle with"? God knows I have been trying to figure this thing out. I did an experiement with the colors one day and as we know we have primary and secondary colors. And when you mix all the colors together it is all black but what gets black to white? (I am not asking you per se but it is just a question I have had for years at the back of my mind). I know I have some complex questions (I've been like that for years as well :p .

BTW, I wear a Messianic Jew emblem on my necklace. I identify myself as a Christian. But I feel as a Christian and a reader and believer of the Bible I can't deny either testaments over the other. Believe me as an African American woman, I get alot stares on this. Some question and some stare. At first I thought people were staring at my chest but it turned out to be the emblem. And they just stare like they don't get it. The emblem on my necklace is a star of David (six point star and the cross). On some you will see the star and a fish.
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tsiporah, I'm PM'ing you PUBLICLY! ;) I couldn't log back into the forum fast enough. :lol:

As for the 'one-star'... you've already reached far beyond the stars, the sun and the moon with this education. Double - Two Thumbs Up! ;)

While I cannot speak for all, I can say that this information is 'grounding' for many of us. I know that it surely is for me. I know I've shared this before, but all my life has been White oriented. I'm okay with that for I am loved in the White world.

But what you are sharing, the White world cannot give me. It's not theirs to give. It's truly a gift from God our Father. One that I do not mind sharing with others who are 'open' to know...undisputed "Truth."

Of course I have MORE questions....

Ismael... do we have a lineage with him? I'm sure of Issac via Abraham, but I've often wondered about Ismael?

The Middle East wars: Are they "The decendents of Jacob and Esau" fighting? Or, the decendents of Issac and Ismael?

I can see 2007 as the year of our Jewish awakening. And I say this most respectfully. I'm not here to offend anyone, with all of my heart, I mean this. I just have a 'hunger' for knowledge.

BTW: My great-grandfather (maternal) was/is Jewish. He was of the fairer skin. I don't know much more about him.

Another reason why your information is so vital to me.

My family always leaned upon the Native American bloodline of our family on both my parents sides. They spoke more of the Indian blood in us than they did of the African blood.

But I see this in 'our' race quite a bit. Many African Americans will ask are you 'Indian', or Hispanic or mixed? Actually, the question I grew up around was "What are you 'mixed' with?

This is my perpective: "Being Black" has too long, been something to be ashamed of. Hey, it comes out in too many ways. Our hair desires; our dress; where we patron; whom we support; even where we live... (I say 'we' very loosely). However, the self-image of our race seems to be getting lower as opposed to higher as it should be.

Note: I say this from life's observation. There is still too much low self-image within our race. Hence the need for what you are sharing with us.

So please if you will, accept this as my PM sent to you as high priority. ;)
Are there any other books or sites to reference. I would like to continue to read. While some of this is not new to me much of it it is and I would like to know more.
czyfaith77 said:
My question is this though and I am just asking this because I have been thinking this for years. If everyone is black from Adam and Eve on up, then who was there to "mix and mingle with"? (Themselves!! LOL...they were one people the Scritpure says, It is as if for example you have the Brown family clan that grew, then grew to become populous, they mingles with each other. When nations form in remote times, it is like if Jamaican married a Ghanian or if and Ethiopian married and American Black. Sometimes we think it too incredible to see the earth filled with---earthy looking people.)God knows I have been trying to figure this thing out. I did an experiement with the colors one day and as we know we have primary and secondary colors. And when you mix all the colors together it is all black but what gets black to white? (White is recessive and the geneticists will state that some..including so-called black people.. may be angry for that Truth but it is Truth.)(I am not asking you per se but it is just a question I have had for years at the back of my mind). I know I have some complex questions (I've been like that for years as well :p .

BTW, I wear a Messianic Jew emblem on my necklace. I identify myself as a Christian. But I feel as a Christian and a reader and believer of the Bible I can't deny either testaments over the other. (That is good, neither do I :) All Scripture is Profitable II Tim. 3:16)Believe me as an African American woman, I get alot stares on this. Some question and some stare. At first I thought people were staring at my chest but it turned out to be the emblem. And they just stare like they don't get it. The emblem on my necklace is a star of David (six point star and the cross). On some you will see the star and a fish.[/quote](Yes I have seen it.)
For those who are interested in continuing this discussion else where, here is the listing of the web address.

[email protected]

It is for those who are trully thirsty for knowledge and have a hunger for Truth.

It is not intended for those to come in with strife!!

This is for sheep who are seeking.

*******They MUST be a believer in the one Messiah that came 2000 years ago out of Miryam (Mary). I call Him by His Hebrew name Yahusha and others know Him by the name of Jesus.*******

I will be continuing the dialogue there...

shalom and see you on the other side.

Tsiporah Ona Neshera Teru'ah

Shimmie said:
tsiporah, I'm PM'ing you PUBLICLY! ;) I couldn't log back into the forum fast enough. :lol:

As for the 'one-star'... you've already reached far beyond the stars, the sun and the moon with this education. Double - Two Thumbs Up! ;)

While I cannot speak for all, I can say that this information is 'grounding' for many of us. I know that it surely is for me. I know I've shared this before, but all my life has been White oriented. I'm okay with that for I am loved in the White world.

But what you are sharing, the White world cannot give me. It's not theirs to give. It's truly a gift from God our Father. One that I do not mind sharing with others who are 'open' to know...undisputed "Truth."

Of course I have MORE questions....

Ismael... do we have a lineage with him? I'm sure of Issac via Abraham, but I've often wondered about Ismael?

The Middle East wars: Are they "The decendents of Jacob and Esau" fighting? Or, the decendents of Issac and Ismael?

I can see 2007 as the year of our Jewish awakening. And I say this most respectfully. I'm not here to offend anyone, with all of my heart, I mean this. I just have a 'hunger' for knowledge.

BTW: My great-grandfather (maternal) was/is Jewish. He was of the fairer skin. I don't know much more about him.

Another reason why your information is so vital to me.

My family always leaned upon the Native American bloodline of our family on both my parents sides. They spoke more of the Indian blood in us than they did of the African blood.

But I see this in 'our' race quite a bit. Many African Americans will ask are you 'Indian', or Hispanic or mixed? Actually, the question I grew up around was "What are you 'mixed' with?

This is my perpective: "Being Black" has too long, been something to be ashamed of. Hey, it comes out in too many ways. Our hair desires; our dress; where we patron; whom we support; even where we live... (I say 'we' very loosely). However, the self-image of our race seems to be getting lower as opposed to higher as it should be.

Note: I say this from life's observation. There is still too much low self-image within our race. Hence the need for what you are sharing with us.

So please if you will, accept this as my PM sent to you as high priority. ;)

Hey sis, I will answer your questions on the forum.....Please remind me when you get there!! I will gladly anwer them.
czyfaith77 said:
Are there any other books or sites to reference. I would like to continue to read. While some of this is not new to me much of it it is and I would like to know more.

This web site takes you directly to the media page where books and DVD's are sold. Israelite Heritage Happy hunting!!
This is on the same media page:



The purpose of this DVD is to educate, alert, and motivate the children of Yah to see and perceive, to hear and understand, and understand and then apply His most powerful and redeeming word.

<SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 13.5pt"><B>I have put together a tremendous amount of information that will challenge and hopefully motivate you to seek the Almighty Yah so that He can transform you into whom you really are in Him.
tsiporah said:
Hey sis, I will answer your questions on the forum.....Please remind me when you get there!! I will gladly anwer them.

Thank you. You are a very smart woman. Preparation and foresight. Your website is another answer to prayer. I didn't want this thread to become blocked or cause offense to anyone. I am surely the ring leader with questions. See you on the forum...;)

God bless you....
A list of Books

You will have to google these out.

This is my last post to this 'eat' some more, join the forum. Regathering Sheep (for the seriously hungry sheep only!!! and for those who hold the Testimony of Messiah!!)

Shalom and shalom!!

[SIZE=+3]Reading List [/SIZE]

"Then he said unto me, son of man, these are the whole house of Israel; behold, they say, our bones are dried, and our hope is lost; we are cut off from our parts. Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus says the Lord GOD; Behold; O my people, I will open your graves, and
cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel." (Ezekiel 37:11-12)

[FONT=HELVETICA, ARIAL, MS SANS SERIF, SANS SERIF]The Original African Heritage Study Bible - by James C. Winston Publishing Company
Hebrewisms of West Africa - by Joseph J. Williams
Black Athena - by Martin Bernal
The African Origins of Modern Judaism - Jose V. Malcioln
Civilizations of the Near East vol. 1& 4 - by Jack M. Sasson
The Palestine Plot - by B. Jensen
The Thirteenth Tribe - by Arthur Koestler*** (Tsipy's comment: an Important read)
From Babylon to Timbuktu - by Rudolph R. Windsor
Valley of the Dry Bones - by Rudolph R. Windsor
The History of Edom the Imposter Jew - by Nabi Moshe Y. Lewis
A light to the Nations - by Norman K. Gottwald
The Hebrew Bible (a socio-literary introduction) - by Norman K. Gottwald
The Hebrew Heritage of Black Africa - by Steven Jacobs
The Deceiving of the Black Race - by Moses Farrar
The Truth about Black Biblic Hebrew-Israelite - by Ella J. Hughley
God, The Black Man and Truth - by Ben Ammi Ben-Israel
Israelites and Jews, The Significant Difference - by Cohen Michael Ben-Levi (Tsipy's comment: Excellent!!!!)
African Presence in Early Asia - by Runoko Rashidi/Ivan Van Sertima
The Passover Plot - by Hugh J. Schonfield
The Classic Slave Narratives - by Henry Louis Gates Jr. (read the narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano)
Discovering Eve, Anicent Israelite Women in Context - Carol Meyers
The Mythmaker - by Hyam Maccoby
Wars of the Jews - by Rosenthal & Mozeson
Canaan's Curse - by Wesley B. Webster
Biblical Israelites, Black or White? - by Wesley B. Webster
100 Amazing Facts on the African Presence in the Bible - by Winston-Derek Publishers, Inc.
tsiporah said:
That is a dangerous question :grin: and the answer will vary.

I will say this ( and you are thinking ):

There is a reason for the State of Israel's conversion factor and Mother being Jewish factor. It is a modern invention to limit who comes in.

This is false. Please don't speak of what you don't know. What determines who is and is not a Jew is not a "modern invention".

These factors are NOT Scripture. But it is the Father who decides what is what, not a society that is 70-75% secular!!!

Lineage is decided by the father. That is to say, your line of ancestors. But a person born to a Gentile mother is not Jewish unless they have a halachic conversion. Do you know the reasons for this? Yes, the reasons are directly related to "scripture". And it isn't a modern invention to control the immigrant population in the State of Israel.

There are *some* who do acknowledge black jews--albeit certain groups. There is an author who admits the Black Americans are Israel. Unfortunately I do not have the book.

The color of the skin is not a part of determining who is and is not Jewish. You are not Jewish, but that is not determined by your race.

They may embrace the Ethiopian jews as Israel's 'black darlings' but when an American black comes to visit or return home----big problem.

Who is "they" exactly? Please define. Also please define what "black darlings" are.

Americans white, black or purple cannot just go into other countries and say "hey I'm returning home". There are laws in every country regarding immigration. American blacks can visit Israel with as little or as much problem as anyone else. So what are you talking about?

There are some messianic black people who are Israelite aware who have relayed their experiences. I have heard them speak personally. They say that they STARE you down and when they know you are from the US and they know that you KNOW who you are and you say that you are returning home, they drop their gaze and begin moving out of your way.

How would they know these things about these "messianic black people"? Were they standing on the street corner claiming to be "returning home" or claiming that they are the real Israelis? Yes, that would explain the stares, as in general, people stare at people ranting on the street.

If they weren't making such declarations, how would the Israelis know anything about them...or care?

Sometimes they get an angry disgusted look as if his time were up.

What does this mean "as if his time were up". Again, was this guy shouting out on the street that he is a true Israeli and the Israelis or not? Was he trying to proselytize? What was he saying? Once we know that, it might explain the alleged angry disgusted looks he got.

This guy said they expect you to move out of their way...

Why? Was he blocking the sidewalk or street and they told him to move? If not, how does he know what "they" expected?

...but when they realize that you know about yourself it is like parting the Red Sea in the crowd! The children stare even the Ethiopian Jews stare. According to him, as well as others, Ethiopian jews are a "yes-man" people to the Israelis.

A crowd parting like the Red Sea, figuratively or literally, for a messianic American walking down the street or ranting on the street corner is a highly unlikely scenario. (Btw, are you fluent in modern and biblical Hebrew? Are the messianic people who allegedly had these experiences in Israel fluent in the language?) The staring very well had something to do with the behavior of the individual relating this story to you.

If you go to Israel and try to proselytize, then yes you could very well have a big problem, both legal and social. If you go to Israel and stand on the street claiming it is your home then you shouldn't be surprised when people look at you like you have a few screws lose. Try it in other countries as well. See if they stare.

But there is much more to learn as many who call themselves 'jews' are not. Yet these are the same ones who want to define others and say who can come and who can't.:blush:

This is anti-semetic and racist.
I think tsiporah said she wasn't going to respond to this thread anymore, so you may want to ask her your questions directly through pm.
Cichelle said:
This is false. Please don't speak of what you don't know. What determines who is and is not a Jew is not a "modern invention".

Lineage is decided by the father. That is to say, your line of ancestors. But a person born to a Gentile mother is not Jewish unless they have a halachic conversion. Do you know the reasons for this? Yes, the reasons are directly related to "scripture". And it isn't a modern invention to control the immigrant population in the State of Israel.

The color of the skin is not a part of determining who is and is not Jewish. You are not Jewish, but that is not determined by your race.

Who is "they" exactly? Please define. Also please define what "black darlings" are.

Americans white, black or purple cannot just go into other countries and say "hey I'm returning home". There are laws in every country regarding immigration. American blacks can visit Israel with as little or as much problem as anyone else. So what are you talking about?

How would they know these things about these "messianic black people"? Were they standing on the street corner claiming to be "returning home" or claiming that they are the real Israelis? Yes, that would explain the stares, as in general, people stare at people ranting on the street.

If they weren't making such declarations, how would the Israelis know anything about them...or care?

What does this mean "as if his time were up". Again, was this guy shouting out on the street that he is a true Israeli and the Israelis or not? Was he trying to proselytize? What was he saying? Once we know that, it might explain the alleged angry disgusted looks he got.

Why? Was he blocking the sidewalk or street and they told him to move? If not, how does he know what "they" expected?

A crowd parting like the Red Sea, figuratively or literally, for a messianic American walking down the street or ranting on the street corner is a highly unlikely scenario. (Btw, are you fluent in modern and biblical Hebrew? Are the messianic people who allegedly had these experiences in Israel fluent in the language?) The staring very well had something to do with the behavior of the individual relating this story to you.

If you go to Israel and try to proselytize, then yes you could very well have a big problem, both legal and social. If you go to Israel and stand on the street claiming it is your home then you shouldn't be surprised when people look at you like you have a few screws lose. Try it in other countries as well. See if they stare.

This is anti-semetic and racist.

Says who? Read the info again and this time without the arrongant worldly Presuppositions. Please use scripture to justify your points and not what so-called Khazar Jews (Japhetic and non Israelite, aka,fake Jews---they know this themselves read The Thirteenth Tribe By ASHKENAZI JEW Author Koestler who says that 85-90% of Jews today are NOT Israelites and have no Israelite blood.) people decide.

I did this for US! Truth reigns. Not to entertain those who side with Talmudism. I originally came on here to search for other Messianics (as Hebrew as one can be!!) But people had questions and I was honest with them.

I just love the anti-semetic card. You sound so cliche my dear. I am semetic myself, so I'm self-anti-semetic??? All through scripture one is defined by their father there is no tribe of Deborah or Dinah. i.e. Father Abraham--- and when lineage was listed it was always the father. When Judah and others married CANAANITE women, they were Judah and other tribes by THEIR FATHER!! Read scriptures, you see no requirement to list by mother. Even Joseph whose wife was Egyptian- Jacob accepted them as his descendents and as Israel. Btw, there was no formal conversion ceremony.

There is more evidence than ever before.

This is truly my last post and I will not be looking at it again.

If you want to debate any issues please PM me and I will get my scriptures out and give you more acheological evidence. As well as evidence that Yahusha Messiah already came. (He is the Prphet like unto Moshe.) I am not trying to disrespect you or come across rude, but you have opened a can of worms dear heart.:eek:

Do not argue by your emotions. Use facts and information. You are angry because this is information that is quite contrary to what you may know.

The Land of Israel is simply the State!! Most of whom are 70-75% secular. Yahuah says, the LAND will be inhabated by those who are righteous!! The Messiah is coming back to bring a KINGDOM and not a STATE.

ONLY YAH decides who goes and it is those who accept Him! Not those who just want somewhere to live and pretend to be israelites and continue receiving billions of dollars from over zealous Christians who worship so-called jewish people and televangelists with secrete society plans.

Ahava and Shalom Cichelle!!!!:wave:
(No more posts, PM me, that's it. :grin: Posting on here to me would be a waster of your time.)
pebbles said:
Excellent information! I joined the group. :)
Pebs, I am so excited about this. God has truly answered prayer.

My history and 'White' experience is not a big secret here. This information from tsiporah (who is truly sent to us of God) is so important to me on a personal level that no White person could ever give me. This is a beautiful gift to have...knowing the Truth about our Heritage...Biblically! Wooo Hoo! ;)

The interesting personal applications with me are my great grandfather...Jewish and I've lived most of my Adult life in Jewish communities as well as worked for them. It was always 'assumed' that Jews were all 'white.' I needed this wake-up call...big time. :lol:

I'm so glad that I didn't leave the forum when I started to...God kept me here so that I wouldn't miss this and a few other important reasons. One of the reasons is Darlin' ;)

I only wish peace for everyone here and the very best that God and life can give them. I want everyone to be happy and blessed. :yep:

Praise God! From whom ALL Truth and Blessings flow. ;)
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classimami713 said:
I would love to learn more about Messianic Judiasm. I was aware that there were some who believed Christ is the Messiah.

There is a Jewish comminity about 15 minutes a way from me. There is a Synagogue actoss the street from the health food store. It is called Beth Yeshua. I was invited there in 99 by a Rabbi. They believe in Jesus.

Here is my story of how I met the Rabbi . I was in Bible class. I was saying how much wanted to meet a Jew for Jesus. Because it has to be awsome. The whole history thing, they speak hebrew and they love Jesus. An older woman (seasoned saint) said to me, well you know what to do ask your Father and she looked up!

So i did. This was on a Tuesday night. The following Sunday, i atteneded an annual gospel concert. There was standing room only. I had a seat. I looked up towards the the end of my pew. Oh my there was a Jewish guy standing there. After the concert i tlked to him. i told him my prayer. he was like, well here I am. When he told me he was a Rabbi I almost passsed the heck out. When God answers, he answers. he invited me the the service. I have not made it there yet, but I will.
Zeal said:
There is a Jewish comminity about 15 minutes a way from me. There is a Synagogue actoss the street from the health food store. It is called Beth Yeshua. I was invited there in 99 by a Rabbi. They believe in Jesus.

Here is my story of how I met the Rabbi . I was in Bible class. I was saying how much wanted to meet a Jew for Jesus. Because it has to be awsome. The whole history thing, they speak hebrew and they love Jesus. An older woman (seasoned saint) said to me, well you know what to do ask your Father and she looked up!

So i did. This was on a Tuesday night. The following Sunday, i atteneded an annual gospel concert. There was standing room only. I had a seat. I looked up towards the the end of my pew. Oh my there was a Jewish guy standing there. After the concert i tlked to him. i told him my prayer. he was like, well here I am. When he told me he was a Rabbi I almost passsed the heck out. When God answers, he answers. he invited me the the service. I have not made it there yet, but I will.

Tell me about it...God surely does answer. ;)
I had this explained to me years ago when I was very young the man was a muslim. He showed it to me in scriptures and he abided by the Lev 11 rules of eating. He just absolutely hate "the man" who was hiding all of this info.

Love the name of her yahoo group. However I didn't join. I heard in my spirit the scripture about being lead away (maybe it was the devil) I'll pray about it.
I always wondered if the Jews (as we know them) were the chosen people, how could the NOT know the Messiah? It was always a mystery to me. Maybe the real issue is the people are displaced and don't know who THEY are. I would say that the majority of black were raised Christian and are practicing Christians. It gives me a chill to think that God found a way to keep us believing in His Son through all the toils we have been through.
classimami713 said:
I always wondered if the Jews (as we know them) were the chosen people, how could the NOT know the Messiah? It was always a mystery to me. Maybe the real issue is the people are displaced and don't know who THEY are. I would say that the majority of black were raised Christian and are practicing Christians. It gives me a chill to think that God found a way to keep us believing in His Son through all the toils we have been through.

He promised that He would never leave us nor forsake us. God has never rescinded His word. Not one word of His precious promises have failed and they never will.

Loving the undisputed Truth....
tsiporah said:
No more posts, PM me, that's it. :grin:

Fair enough. I'll make sure your wishes are respected. This is a great thread, and I don't want to see it ruined by any disagreement that can be discussed via pm. :)
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Shimmie said:
Pebs, I am so excited about this. God has truly answered prayer.

My history and 'White' experience is not a big secret here. This information from tsiporah (who is truly sent to us of God) is so important to me on a personal level that no White person could ever give me. This is a beautiful gift to have...knowing the Truth about our Heritage...Biblically! Wooo Hoo! ;)

The interesting personal applications with me are my great grandfather...Jewish and I've lived most of my Adult life in Jewish communities as well as worked for them. It was always 'assumed' that Jews were all 'white.' I needed this wake-up call...big time. :lol:

I'm so glad that I didn't leave the forum when I started to...God kept me here so that I wouldn't miss this and a few other important reasons. One of the reasons is Darlin' ;)

I only wish peace for everyone here and the very best that God and life can give them. I want everyone to be happy and blessed. :yep:

Praise God! From whom ALL Truth and Blessings flow. ;)

Hey sweetie! :wave: How's the vacation going?

I have sooooo much reading to do! But I'm glad. There's a lot I didn't know. :)
pebbles said:
Hey sweetie! :wave: How's the vacation going?

I have sooooo much reading to do! But I'm glad. There's a lot I didn't know. :)

My "Home" visit and vacation is wonderful. I have a secret...don't fuss at me. I've been shopping like C...R...A...Z...Y :spinning: But I've gotten $100's of worth of items for 25 cents on the dollar...75% off. :yep: Hint: CVS, Bath and Body Works, JC Penny's and a host of other stores. I'll fill you in via PM.

On Topic... Pebs I love this history lesson.... Gee Whiz, it is so rich and it's all TRUTH ... undisputed and scriptually based. Ummmm, I've been reading.

But I'm glad. There's a lot I didn't know. There are just too many gaps in our history. What a wonderful way to start the New Year... learning Truth.

I'm getting the emails from the "Regathering Sheep" forum each time there is a post there and it comes directly to me in my 'home' email address. This way, I won't miss anything. This information is too rich to lose.

FYI: Pebs, on the yahoo group site, my screen name is 'Blessedx8...'. I just wanted you to 'recognize' me, that's all. I'm not trying to hide. :sekret: :lol: I've had Yahoo for quite some time. So it was very easy for me to join Tsiporah's group.
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