Messianic Hebrews/Yisra'el/Nazarenes???


New Member
Shabbat shalom (Sabbath peace)

I was wondering if there are any Nazarene/Messianic Hebrews on the forum?

Shalom ha shem Yahusha!!!! (Peace in the name of Yahusha):)
CaramelMiss is a Messianic Jew. I don't know if there are any others besides the two of you, but I'd love to know them! :)
Cichelle is Jewish as well. There is another lady but her name escapes me, it begins with a K but she doen't post as much anymore
DSylla said:
Cichelle is Jewish as well. There is another lady but her name escapes me, it begins with a K but she doen't post as much anymore

Messianic Jews believe Jesus is the Messiah/savior. Cichelle doesn't. I am not sure what type of Jew she calls herself.
What references are available that provide insightful information about Messianiac Judaism? I'd like to know more....

Thank you in advance!
Bublnbrnsuga said:
Messianic Jews believe Jesus is the Messiah/savior. Cichelle doesn't. I am not sure what type of Jew she calls herself.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Too funny.


B'H, I'm the type of Jew who is recognized as a Jew by the State of Israel and by Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jews worldwide. IOW, I am Jewish according to halacha AND I practice the religion known as Judaism, the general beliefs of which can be found here:

What Jews Believe

It is correct that I am not a messianic or any other kind of Christian/believer in JC. Such beliefs are not compatible with my type of Judaism.

To each his or her own, blessings and find your bliss and all of that. But I hope this clears up the mystery about what type of Jew Cichelle calls herself. ;)
Cichelle said:
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Too funny.


B'H, I'm the type of Jew who is recognized as a Jew by the State of Israel and by Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jews worldwide. IOW, I am Jewish according to halacha AND I practice the religion known as Judaism, the general beliefs of which can be found here:

What Jews Believe

It is correct that I am not a messianic or any other kind of Christian/believer in JC. Such beliefs are not compatible with my type of Judaism.

To each his or her own, blessings and find your bliss and all of that. But I hope this clears up the mystery about what type of Jew Cichelle calls herself. ;)

Cichelle: I have a couple of questions if you wouldn't mind obliging me. I did go to the "What Jews Believe" link you included in your post and these two questions immediately came to mind:

1. If Jews do not believe that one person cannot die for the sins of another person, then whom are the Jews "waiting" for in terms of a savior--if there is a need to have a savior--and,

2. How will Jews know what this savior will look like?
RelaxerRehab said:
Cichelle: I have a couple of questions if you wouldn't mind obliging me. I did go to the "What Jews Believe" link you included in your post and these two questions immediately came to mind:

1. If Jews do not believe that one person cannot die for the sins of another person, then whom are the Jews "waiting" for in terms of a savior--if there is a need to have a savior--and,

2. How will Jews know what this savior will look like?

I'm not sure I'm allowed to go into detail about this on the Christianity forum. I have to go out, but I will be glad to send you a pm with answers later on this evening. Fair enough?
Cichelle said:
I'm not sure I'm allowed to go into detail about this on the Christianity forum. I have to go out, but I will be glad to send you a pm with answers later on this evening. Fair enough?

I'd like to know this too, Cichelle...please, do share.
Cichelle said:
I'm not sure I'm allowed to go into detail about this on the Christianity forum. I have to go out, but I will be glad to send you a pm with answers later on this evening. Fair enough?

More than enough. I thank you for taking the time!:)
I am an Israelite by the lineage of my fathers side...which is Scriptural,many of us are and if anyone wants further knowledge on that please PM me;)... there is history that is hidden from us.

Some Messianics may make reference to Talmud and others don't but I personally don't since it is outside of Torah (OT)and the Messianic writings(NT).

Many of those in Traditional Judaism would not recognise me as a "Jew". And I don't seek their approval by people who don't want to recognize me. I do not need papers..
But for the most part I consider myself an Israelite, we are those who are like the Original faith of the Apostles, of the First Century.
Most of us don't rely on man to say what is what but we rely on the Scriptures to say what the definition is.:)

Light of Mashiach This web site will give basic understanding. Not all Messianic hebrews are the same but this will give those who want to know an idea.

Messianic Hebraism is not much different than the true traditional Hebraism except that there is belief in Messiah who was crucified, died and rose on the third day--> (the seventh day on Saturday, because He died on a Wednesday, a requirement of understanding the Feasts of Yahuah will show this and it is the sign of Jonah) to return. ALL Appointed Times of Yah in Lev. 23 point to Messiah. And many people are beginning to see this.

I will say more later....

Hey sisters....while I am on here....

here is a PDF file IgboBeniYisrael

It will take time to Download and it has pictures. But this is only a GLIMPSE into our true heritage that was hidden by many(ps.38). These are the same people who were taken and brought here.... I speak Truth.

let no one tell you who you are or aren't because you don't have a piece of paper.;)

I have emailed them myself and discussed the whole thing with them.
tsiporah said:
I am an Israelite by the lineage of my fathers side...which is Scriptural,many of us are and if anyone wants further knowledge on that please PM me;)... there is history that is hidden from us.

Some Messianics may make reference to Talmud and others don't but I personally don't since it is outside of Torah (OT)and the Messianic writings(NT).

Many of those in Traditional Judaism would not recognise me as a "Jew". And I don't seek their approval by people who don't want to recognize me. I do not need papers..
But for the most part I consider myself an Israelite, we are those who are like the Original faith of the Apostles, of the First Century.
Most of us don't rely on man to say what is what but we rely on the Scriptures to say what the definition is.:)

Light of Mashiach This web site will give basic understanding. Not all Messianic hebrews are the same but this will give those who want to know an idea.

Messianic Hebraism is not much different than the true traditional Hebraism except that there is belief in Messiah who was crucified, died and rose on the third day--> (the seventh day on Saturday, because He died on a Wednesday, a requirement of understanding the Feasts of Yahuah will show this and it is the sign of Jonah) to return. ALL Appointed Times of Yah in Lev. 23 point to Messiah. And many people are beginning to see this.

I will say more later....

I know you said to PM you, but in the spirit of enlightening us all, can you explain what I highlighted in red?
Okie dokie Stawberry,

I will explain but I must get my scriptures together. Generally when I want to explain things on this level--I needs my Scripts!!:lol: I believe in using the Scriptures and letting them explain themselves. :)

Will be back soon ladies.....


First of all, let me explain that people outside of Israel were accepted simply by learning the Ways of the Messiah/Nazarenes. There is no complicate conversion ceremony or paper work--except that your name goes in the Lambs Book of Life in Heaven. Only that one is immersed in a body of water to show that one has changed. ANYONE can become Messianic/Nazarene right in their own living room- nothing complicated.

Let me first show Acts 15:17-23

15:17 That the residue of men might seek after
,(Yahuah) and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, saith
,(Yahuah) who doeth all these things.
15:18 Known unto
are all his works from the beginning of the world.
15:19 Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to
15:20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.
15:21 For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.
15:22 Then pleased it the apostles and elders, with the whole assembly, to send chosen men of their own company to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas; namely, Judas surnamed Barsabas, and Silas, chief men among the brethren:
15:23 And they wrote letters by them after this manner; The apostles and elders and brethren send greeting unto the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia:

According original Hebrew thinking, this is the beginners package into Torah lifestyle. It is currently assumed by many that these are the only things the gentiles are to obey. But in order for the gentile to be "kosherly" accepted into a synagogue this is what they had to do. THEN on each Sabbath (Saturday) they would come in and learn bit by bit how to live by Torah and Messiah, the entire book, so to speak, was not thrown at them in one sitting. (Nazarenes composed of both Israelites as well as gentiles being one in the same Ways.)

More to Come...
tsiporah said:
I am an Israelite by the lineage of my fathers side...which is Scriptural,many of us are and if anyone wants further knowledge on that please PM me;)... there is history that is hidden from us.

Some Messianics may make reference to Talmud and others don't but I personally don't since it is outside of Torah (OT)and the Messianic writings(NT).

Many of those in Traditional Judaism would not recognise me as a "Jew". And I don't seek their approval by people who don't want to recognize me. I do not need papers..
But for the most part I consider myself an Israelite, we are those who are like the Original faith of the Apostles, of the First Century.
Most of us don't rely on man to say what is what but we rely on the Scriptures to say what the definition is.:)

Light of Mashiach This web site will give basic understanding. Not all Messianic hebrews are the same but this will give those who want to know an idea.

Messianic Hebraism is not much different than the true traditional Hebraism except that there is belief in Messiah who was crucified, died and rose on the third day--> (the seventh day on Saturday, because He died on a Wednesday, a requirement of understanding the Feasts of Yahuah will show this and it is the sign of Jonah) to return. ALL Appointed Times of Yah in Lev. 23 point to Messiah. And many people are beginning to see this.

I will say more later....


Wow!:) I'm browsing the website now and it is very intriguing! This sounds similar to the content of a Messianic(?) rabbi spoke when he came to my Pentacostal/Charismatic church!

Tsiporah, I have lots of questions but I don't know where to start! Hopefully it's ok for me to ask my first question here since (I think) it's not necessarily about scripture. It's a two-parter: :grin:

Have you always been a Messianic or did you "convert" from another religion/spiritual walk, and if so, do you now see/experience a deeper level of spiritual, how can I say reward/promise/blessing of life as a Messianic?

If you desire to PM the answer, I understand. Thank you in advance for responding!
tsiporah said:

First of all, let me explain that people outside of Israel were accepted simply by learning the Ways of the Messiah/Nazarenes. There is no complicate conversion ceremony or paper work--except that your name goes in the Lambs Book of Life in Heaven. Only that one is immersed in a body of water to show that one has changed. ANYONE can become Messianic/Nazarene right in their own living room- nothing complicated.

Let me first show Acts 15:17-23

15:17 That the residue of men might seek after,(Yahuah) and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, saith,(Yahuah) who doeth all these things.
15:18 Known unto are all his works from the beginning of the world.
15:19 Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to
15:20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.
15:21 For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.
15:22 Then pleased it the apostles and elders, with the whole assembly, to send chosen men of their own company to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas; namely, Judas surnamed Barsabas, and Silas, chief men among the brethren:
15:23 And they wrote letters by them after this manner; The apostles and elders and brethren send greeting unto the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia:

According original Hebrew thinking, this is the beginners package into Torah lifestyle. It is currently assumed by many that these are the only things the gentiles are to obey. But in order for the gentile to be "kosherly" accepted into a synagogue this is what they had to do. THEN on each Sabbath (Saturday) they would come in and learn bit by bit how to live by Torah and Messiah, the entire book, so to speak, was not thrown at them in one sitting. (Nazarenes composed of both Israelites as well as gentiles being one in the same Ways.)

More to Come...

Thank you for posting this information. It's needed and it's long overdue. ;). Please keep sharing.
All those who accept Messiah and His Ways become Israel, in other words one becomes a part of Israel in Messiah!!
(There is scripture on this, I will find them.)

I wanted to present what I previously stated to show that ALL (black, white, asian, etc.) are accepted by those who want to live. Messiah is equal opportunity.

Nextly ladies, at some point physical Israel was dispersed to the four corners of the globe by General Titus during the Jerusalem siege around AD 70'ish. I am very much an ancient historian of sorts with concentrated concerned over the ancient parts of Africa. Many of Israel did go into Africa. ( I will post ancient depictions later, since many were mistaken for an Egyptian---please take a look at the computer reconstruction of RamesesII. Paul(Sha'ul) was mistaken for an Egyptian.
Acts 21:38 "Art not thou that Egyptian, which before these days madest an uproar, and leddest out into the wilderness four thousand men that were murderers?" Think of Moses(Moshe) too and the rest of the people. As well as Abraham.)

I posted earlier a link to the Igbo Benei Yisrael, they are physical descendents of Israel. Many over the hundreds of years had become muslim and Christian(not Nazarene) and lost who they were but there were pockets who maintained who they were.

I have a friend who is American black and part Igbo- they get called "Hebrews" by non-hebrew peoples in Nigeria. The term Igbo or Ibo is a corruption of the word.. Hebrew(Ibri)

Igbos, Ashanti, and Many other WEST African tribes are also Israel. (I will get a more extensive list later) Many of your infamous West African empires including Timbuktu, were once Israelite. The term Ashanti is not a Hamitic term. It is purely Aramaic/Hebrew. Ashan means smoke and ti means people of.
Therefore you have People of Ashan (Please read Josh 15:42, you will see the town of Ashan, the Ashanti are probably from Yahudah (Judah).

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out once we know this, that many of us are the same physical descendents as the Igbo, Ashantis and others. This was prophesied before the time of Messiah to occur that we would be dispersed and our heritage forgotten. This is why many do not accept us, as "jews". There is an entire population of people who are currently at the bottom of the totem pole who are the same as Igbos and thus the same as Paul and Moses. There is more than just the Ethiopian east African contingent. There is the Central African, Southern African (black) as well as WEST African. The Lemba people who reside in Central to southern Africa are the TRUE Priests of Aaronic lineage. (Think Aaron the brother of Moses, I sat an watched a show where the PEOPLE THEMSELVES said, "WE are the TRUE African HEBREWS!!!!" They showed them saying that more than once. I have it on tape and they said so themselves!!!! They are not my words.

I will be back later...this is YOUR story ladies!!!
Here are some Elamites/Persians

The "balls" of hair are kinky hairs depictions. Be happy with your hair!!!!!
tsiporah said:

First of all, let me explain that people outside of Israel were accepted simply by learning the Ways of the Messiah/Nazarenes. There is no complicate conversion ceremony or paper work--except that your name goes in the Lambs Book of Life in Heaven. Only that one is immersed in a body of water to show that one has changed. ANYONE can become Messianic/Nazarene right in their own living room- nothing complicated.

Let me first show Acts 15:17-23

15:17 That the residue of men might seek after
,(Yahuah) and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, saith
,(Yahuah) who doeth all these things.
15:18 Known unto
are all his works from the beginning of the world.
15:19 Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to
15:20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.
15:21 For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every sabbath day.
15:22 Then pleased it the apostles and elders, with the whole assembly, to send chosen men of their own company to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas; namely, Judas surnamed Barsabas, and Silas, chief men among the brethren:
15:23 And they wrote letters by them after this manner; The apostles and elders and brethren send greeting unto the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia:

According original Hebrew thinking, this is the beginners package into Torah lifestyle. It is currently assumed by many that these are the only things the gentiles are to obey. But in order for the gentile to be "kosherly" accepted into a synagogue this is what they had to do. THEN on each Sabbath (Saturday) they would come in and learn bit by bit how to live by Torah and Messiah, the entire book, so to speak, was not thrown at them in one sitting. (Nazarenes composed of both Israelites as well as gentiles being one in the same Ways.)

More to Come...
What are "strangled" things?
Here is a picture of a Physical ISRAELITE during ROMAN TIMES!!!!! Look at the 'fro. (Let the Truth be told)
Ancient Semites, check out the proud of your hair ladies!!!

Modern African Hebrews


More to come....I have one more picture...
Strangled means that the animal was literally strangled and not killed properly. The animal must be killed in a way that the blood is drained out as much as possible. When an animal is strangled certain hormones are unleashed in the body that aren't good and in turn you eat it.

Our Creator when He created the Instructions for eating is wise. There are bio-chemical reasons as well as spiritual for eating certain foods and killing them a certain way. It is not because He simply said so and was being a harsh diety. There are scientific reasons that many are unaware of.
tsiporah said:
Strangled means that the animal was literally strangled and not killed properly. The animal must be killed in a way that the blood is drained out as much as possible. When an animal is strangled certain hormones are unleashed in the body that aren't good and in turn you eat it.

Our Creator when He created the Instructions for eating is wise. There are bio-chemical reasons as well as spiritual for eating certain foods and killing them a certain way. It is not because He simply said so and was being a harsh diety. There are scientific reasons that many are unaware of.

interesting :)

thanks for sharing...

i'm thinking i should eat only halal or kosher meats...
DSylla said:
i'm thinking i should eat only halal or kosher meats...

I was thinking the same thing... like a New Year's resolution.... but how to begin to do this? How to ask for this in a restaurant?