Men who ONLY communicate through text


Well-Known Member
I'm not opposed to texting, but when it's the only form of our communication, it's a problem. I've been talking to this guy via text for two weeks, not once has he ever called me. It annoys me to no end! A couple of days ago I became fed up and texted him "i'm not big on texting". He replied "you're into the old school way, talking on the phonel" :perplexed My reply to that was basically, I'm not into long conversations either because normally I'm busy but speaking on the phone is important, people rarely do that anymore. His reply was: "I agree" followed by "so how was your day" :lachen::nono: I never responded.

I was hinting for him to call and he clearly won't and neither will I. If you want me, YOU must call me. I doubt he'll be texting me again, which is fine 'cause I think he's hiding something anyway.

How would you ladies have dealt with this? Is texting a deal breaker for you?
i have dated guys that i only communicated with through text, but not anyone i was having a serious relationship with.
Serial texter here and use to/still kind of deal with someone that I exchange hundreds if messages with every month. The difference is that we talk on the phone quite a bit. Text only is definitely a deal breaker. You can't get to know someone like that. There has to be other forms of communication, mainly phone and in person.
...A couple of days ago I became fed up and texted him "i'm not big on texting". He replied "you're into the old school way, talking on the phonel" :perplexed My reply to that was basically, I'm not into long conversations either because normally I'm busy but speaking on the phone is important, people rarely do that anymore. His reply was: "I agree" followed by "so how was your day" :lachen::nono: I never responded...
I would have called him and told him this. I don't mind it for quick messages, but it takes too much time and effort to have a long conversation and the potential for misunderstanding (since it's difficult to communicate your tone) is too high to have an important discussion.
I don't care how modern communication has become people still need to pick up the phone. Texting only is a deal breaker and if you allow a man to utilize it too often they could try all kinds of bs. He will be sitting right next to a another or his other woman talkin bout I'm in a late meeting. LOL

What ya'll gon do when you are face to face? text each other cuz you never really talk....
Meh... Doesn't bother me. I never liked talking on the phone anyway.

If we're not able to be in eachother's presence... A phone call is no better than a text for me.

Face to face communication trumps all.

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Long/ real conversations shouldn't happen over text. And I am chronic texter.

The primary reasons to text are:

You are somewhere where speaking on the phone is inappropriate (ie work)

You have a QUICK NON URGENT question.

You are sharing some quick pointless tidbit of your day that will most likely be forgotten by the time you see the person again ( ie. I am disapointed there was no spinach for my omelet today)

None of these replace real conversation ( but as a chatty chatty boom boom they still give me plenty to text about!-- in addition to phone and in person)

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I'm not big on rules but this is one of them for a guy I am just getting to know. A few texts here & there are fine when we first meet, but NO conversations via text. I don't think you can REALLY get to know people that way. I have also straight up told dudes that I meet that I won't accept asking me on a date through texts. Really?! I feel like if you can't even put in the work and effort to call then you don't really want to go out that bad. If I've known the guy for awhile, and we are already comfortable with each other, then I don't have a problem with serial texters-but we gotta be on that level first.

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I would have called him and told him this. I don't mind it for quick messages, but it takes too much time and effort to have a long conversation and the potential for misunderstanding (since it's difficult to communicate your tone) is too high to have an important discussion.

I tried that with this other guy I was "talking" to a few weeks ago. I called him and explained this very thing and he continued to text me, I no longer communicate with him. Now with this new guy I decided I won't go into explanations about texting and why I prefer a mix. Clearly he's not THAT interested in me (with the exception of trying to get me in bed). And that's fine because I am not into casual sex, therefore I have to let him go....but he's soooo fine :lick:....:sad:
Long/ real conversations shouldn't happen over text. And I am chronic texter.

The primary reasons to text are:

You are somewhere where speaking on the phone is inappropriate (ie work)

You have a QUICK NON URGENT question.

You are sharing some quick pointless tidbit of your day that will most likely be forgotten by the time you see the person again ( ie. I am disapointed there was no spinach for my omelet today)

None of these replace real conversation ( but as a chatty chatty boom boom they still give me plenty to text about!-- in addition to phone and in person)

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That's exactly the way I see it too. I don't mind texting, it's just that I have never spoken to this man on the phone and the last time I seen him was months ago. Something is seriously wrong with that! I will say he has made a few late night attempts to see me but I don't want to go that route...

I don't care how modern communication has become people still need to pick up the phone. Texting only is a deal breaker and if you allow a man to utilize it too often they could try all kinds of bs. He will be sitting right next to a another or his other woman talkin bout I'm in a late meeting. LOL

What ya'll gon do when you are face to face? text each other cuz you never really talk....

Yup, great way to cheat! :nono:

I'm not big on rules but this is one of them for a guy I am just getting to know. A few texts here & there are fine when we first meet, but NO conversations via text. I don't think you can REALLY get to know people that way. I have also straight up told dudes that I meet that I won't accept asking me on a date through texts. Really?! I feel like if you can't even put in the work and effort to call then you don't really want to go out that bad. If I've known the guy for awhile, and we are already comfortable with each other, then I don't have a problem with serial texters-but we gotta be on that level first.

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I agree with your entire post but the bolded is the reason why I can't accept all this texting. :yep:
Meh... Doesn't bother me. I never liked talking on the phone anyway.

If we're not able to be in eachother's presence... A phone call is no better than a text for me.

Face to face communication trumps all.

Sent from my iPhone.

Face to face communication does trump all, yet, if the ONLY form of communication is texting I have nothing else to base it on.
The way I deal with it is to ignore the texts. If he has something to say or ask, is worried, etc..he will call.
I can't stand it when a guy ALWAYS texts me as his only form of communication. :hand:

I will deal with it for a week if he's someone I don't really know. Or, I'll deal w/it if he's my guy friend and we're strictly FRIENDS and we're not dating.

But if it's a guy who is trying to "get to know me" in a romantic way?? Oh no....eventually he's going to have to pick up the phone and CALL me...or else it is "sayanora!" for me. :wave:

I never take guys seriously if they ONLY text. I have yet to have a good serious relationship come out of a guy who ONLY uses text as his main form of communication. I mean, come ON.... What did people do BEFORE texting was invented? :confused: How did people date or get married and get to know each other? They did it the "old fashioned way" that's how! Phone calls or face to face contact.

I swear, some men have gotten so lazy these days, and it hurts me when I see women (especially YOUNG girls) just accepting anything these young guys dish out these days. :nono: Poor things...most of them don't even know how it feels to have a guy actually PURSUE them and risk not knowing what to say on the phone when he actually picks up the PHONE to CALL her. :ohwell:
I can't stand this and I let them know I don't converse via text. Yes or no answers-sure. My whole life story-not a chance.
basically i only have phone conversations when i know the discussion is going to be too long for texting. sometimes i will call my boyfriend to keep me company if i am having a long transit somewhere. but other than that i dont like talking on the phone, honestly. its the one thing you can't do multitasking - i'm usually reading or doing something else and it has to stop if i'm talking on the phone. (well you could multitask while on the phone but i think its rude)
Yeah I knew a guy who only did texting....I thought it was weird and I forgot about him after a fact now that I think about it, I never had a conversation on the phone with him....hmm.

Anyways, if you can't see each other, a conversation on the phone is the next best thing.

You can't have a serious talk through texting.
I have a little diffrent stance on this.. as I am Deaf.. Text Only is the way I communicate.. calling through relaay (where one person interprets what each other is saying/signing/typing).. so that is the only way I CAN communicate... on the phone wise.. so You learn how to have diffrent communications..
I ended up running into him and told him about why I don't like texting only, he smiled and said he will call. At this point I could careless, I have bigger fish to fry. I need a Man, not a boy.
I need yall to explain what's so wrong with texting ,as long as there is some face to face interaction involved.
I NEVER called anyone really (apart from my hubby),I actually hate talking on the phone and it often takes too much of my time and leave that unsatisfied akward feeling afterwards ,with texts you can formulate your thoughts better and can read the sweet words of your man over and over :lol:
Serial texter here and use to/still kind of deal with someone that I exchange hundreds if messages with every month. The difference is that we talk on the phone quite a bit. Text only is definitely a deal breaker. You can't get to know someone like that. There has to be other forms of communication, mainly phone and in person.
I disagree ,perhaps cuz i ve been around forums so long ,I give much more worth to written words ,for some people is easier to express themselves through writing /texting .You have more time to formulate your thoughts and they often come across as "stronger " than spoken words.If i think about all the romantic stuff i ve been told in the past ,i hardly remember any ,but i do remember those loong texts or chats ,letters ,cuz i ve read them more than once.
Talking on the phone from time to time can be good but not everyone is comfortable with that and you end up having "empty " conversations about how your day went blabla ,with texting its easier to get to the emotional core of conversations quicker and sex talk is not so akward :spinning::blush: