MegaTek is the freakin TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!


WHo knew that me just posting my experience would bring all of this??LOL :) But, anyways, to anyone who is contemplating getting MegaTek... I would definitely do the research. Check the websites, see all of the testimonies and just go for it. I love it. It is one of the best purchases I have ever made. My hair is continuing to grow and get thicker. I just wanna thank all of the people who helped me when I was questioning getting it. And I am always down to tell people my experiences.

Thanks Ladies,
I love the smell. Coconuts and a tropical island.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....refreshing....i cannot wait til it comes in the mail i ordered 3 bottles the wait is driving me nuts!!!!!

im feeling like a Mega-Tek "groupie"...i cant wait to use it:drunk:
My MT Rebuilder pkg apparently got lost in the mail. I happenstanced upon checking on the order the other day. Thank goodness the operator offered to send out another bottle. I promised if the lost one arrives subsequently I will pay them for it 'cause I heard the product is the ONE. Eagerly I await. Hopefully it'll go out today and I'll have by Wed. She is sending Fed-Ex this time. :yep:

I'd like to do a You Tube 4-week challenge for the fun of it. Stay tuned.

Hmmm....good article. But...I dont' know...I was kind of put off by the fact that the writer said that her grandmother would use this stuff on her hair every day, and then later on developed cancer!! :shocked: I know that she could have gotten cancer regardless, but still... :look:

Also, while looking at the ingredients, I saw that this product contains "parabens". Now, I'm not a doctor, but if I remember correctly, there is a link between parabens and cancer!! :( I'm not our regular conditioners/shampoos/deodorants have parabens in them?? I've heard a lot about the link between breast cancer and parabens supposedly found in women's deodorants. :look:

Just curious!!

I may still buy the product and try it out, but I just want to make sure it's safe. I may not use it 24/7 until I find out more about parabens and the cancer link. :ohwell:
Almost all hair products have parabens in them.... I think a couple of the more natural/organic lines don't, though.
Wow I am going to order it today, your post has made a beliver out of me! Is it the black bottle with the blue and white writing or the black bottle with the purple and white writing? Aw heck, can somebody just tell me exactly what to order :-)
:grin:Day 1
Hi, I just got the small version of MT(Coat rebuilder) black/pink delivered to my office today. Couldn't wait so I close myself in the ladies took my wig off and apply it on my scalp and put the wig back. I am all exited, going the gym later on so I will wash it off there and deep condition it. I will put progress on my fotki album once the jar is finished. Until then fingers cross, for more growth.
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Hi, I just got the small version of MT delivered to my office today. Couldn't wait went to the ladies, took my wig off, and apply it on my scalp and put the wig back. I am all exited, going the gym later on so I will wash it off there. I will put progress on my fotki album once the jar is finished. Until then fingers cross, for more growth.
Day 1

Thats so funny, the fed ex guy just stopped by my job with my first bottle today - lol. wish me luck! i will try to use it tonight or tomorrow. I had ovation b/f but shed too much. Maybe im dumb for thinking MT will be better, but i have to try! those progress pics are just too tempting! Let us know how u do - happy hair growing!
oh ok, i thought it had an mtg-ish smell since it was for horses. Are there any negative effects to it, that people are experiencing?
oh ok, i thought it had an mtg-ish smell since it was for horses. Are there any negative effects to it, that people are experiencing?

Some people are seeing shedding - I'd say about 10%? Some people have itching - which usually resolves if they either use less/wash more often/give themselves scalp massages.

Otherwise, that's all I've heard.
hey ladies im on week 2 of my MT.. i didnt measure my hair last week but ima messure it today.. i have noticed i've been getting the tingles in my scalp. and its a growing signal.. i dont have dandruff at all so hmmm.. is it the Mega tek knocking on my scalps welp stay tuned for my pics if i ever get em done.. oh and i have noticed another lady on this site used MT for 3 months and she got about 5 inch growth.. ima go look for her sn.. brb
I think I am going to purchase this. Hmm... I was wondering if I would be able to put the product in an applicator bottle like WGO and apply it that way. Or is it to thick? Whats the texture. I guess I could mix it with some oil if thats the case.
I think I am going to purchase this. Hmm... I was wondering if I would be able to put the product in an applicator bottle like WGO and apply it that way. Or is it to thick? Whats the texture. I guess I could mix it with some oil if thats the case.

It's the consistency of a thick conditioner. I think several ladies are using application bottles.
Good luck! How are you going to be using it, Eisani?

Thank you! MT on my scalp for about an hour or so before cowashing 2-3 x's wk. I plan on alternating between the Premier Rinse and one of my other conditioners for cowashes and DC'ing 1/wk. Using the Rehydrant and hair cream on the off days for moisture. Sealing w/meadowfoam seed oil and bunning.
I haven't really posted about it, but I have been having a terrible time with MT shedding. I really want to use it because you all have been getting such great results, but I've taken garlic supps, done garlic shampoo, etc and there would be a temporary abatement of the shedding, then it was back on. :sad: I haven't stopped with the garlic supplements, but I can tell my hair doesn't look as thick as usual and people keep asking me if I cut it :blush: I suspect because it is not as big as it usually is, so I think I'm going to give it up for a while.
Yum, sounds good, Eisani!!

:( So sorry to hear that Glam- the shedding does seem to be the thing that pushes people away. :ohwell:
I haven't really posted about it, but I have been having a terrible time with MT shedding. I really want to use it because you all have been getting such great results, but I've taken garlic supps, done garlic shampoo, etc and there would be a temporary abatement of the shedding, then it was back on. :sad: I haven't stopped with the garlic supplements, but I can tell my hair doesn't look as thick as usual and people keep asking me if I cut it :blush: I suspect because it is not as big as it usually is, so I think I'm going to give it up for a while.

I think that this is why i'ma just stick to trying the MTG instead. I don't know about that shedding and i am sorry that it happened.
Ladies that are having problems with shedding... maybe you should try MN (Miconozole Nitrate) instead.
Ladies that are having problems with shedding... maybe you should try MN (Miconozole Nitrate) instead.

Good point, I have used MN and had good results- I don't know why I just always have to try the next big thing (I've done MTG, Lenzi's Request, MN, and now MT) But, good point. I did not have these issues with MN- I still have some Lenzi's & MTG at home, too. But, I'm not going back to MTG (I was always paranoid that I smelled like bacon :lol:)
I haven't really posted about it, but I have been having a terrible time with MT shedding. I really want to use it because you all have been getting such great results, but I've taken garlic supps, done garlic shampoo, etc and there would be a temporary abatement of the shedding, then it was back on. :sad: I haven't stopped with the garlic supplements, but I can tell my hair doesn't look as thick as usual and people keep asking me if I cut it :blush: I suspect because it is not as big as it usually is, so I think I'm going to give it up for a while.

Ok, I'm a regular user of MT since August. Not long but I have had some shedding but not a huge amount if any attributed to MT. I am starting to get concerned. Let's go over your regimen to see if something may be effecting the product and creating more shed than normal. I just have a few questions:

How long are you keeping MT on your hair/scalp?

Do you mix your MT? If so with what?

How often do you use MT?

Since the shedding began have you stopped using it for any length of time?

How much hair is coming out? In hair strands or hand fulls?

Have you develped a rash on your skin/scalp?

Are you itching or burning on the scalp?

Tell me about your diet and vitamins.

Have no fear, Inspector Curly is on the case. :detective:
Thanks for bringing up the issue of shedding. I have HORRIBLE shedding and was wondering if this would be a product I could use. :ohwell: