Megatek Challenge 2011-2012

MT traumatized me! I began using the new formula last month. I mixed it with grape seed oil and eucalyptus oil. Sprayed it on my wack patch a couple of times a week for two weeks. My hair was shedding so much I was frightened. I started taking garlic pills but, it didn't help. By the end of two weeks I had a shiny bald spot where there once had been thin fuzz. I was upset and scared. I stopped using MT and switched to Boundless Tresses. At least it's not shiny anymore.
I want to join, but is there an alternative to using garlic pills for shedding, pills give me chest pain.

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You can use a garlic based conditioner. There are several really good ones out there. I use Alter Ego.

The shedding that you experience should be temporary. As with any growth aid, it should balance out within 4-6 weeks. If you stick with the product, the results tend to worth the initial symptoms.

I Agree with the Other Posters. Keeping your Moisture in tact should help ward off any issues with potential Shedding, along with Black Tea or Coffee Rinses and Garlic Conditioner.

I have both Alter Ego and Nutrine. Nutrine is cheaper. They also have: Queen Helene Garlic and some other cheaper Garlic alternatives.:yep:
Has anyone found a vendor with the original formula? I have the new one didn't know it until someone posted here but my growth is definately not the same, no shedding but i use lots of oils.
I'm not really understanding how putting garlics ontop of your hair externally is stopping your hair from shedding, but im gon' trust yall and look for garlic conditioner in the BSS.
Checking in: haven't noticed any miraculous growth, but the overall condition of my hair has improved greatly! I'm seeing a lot less shedding with this new formula, but that may also be due to my Ayurvedic regimen as well....not mad at all! My front is looking better as well, and the thinning has stopped. Really just trying to get to a super thick head of healthy hair, and let length follow.
Has anyone found a vendor with the original formula? I have the new one didn't know it until someone posted here but my growth is definately not the same, no shedding but i use lots of oils.

Ltown I have not L!:ohwell:

The last bottle I bought had a Pic of the Old Bottle, when it arrived it was the new Bottle (Formula). :blush: SMH.

I contacted the Seller and they said something Lame like: "Whoops, our web-master forgot to change the picture":nono:
Ltown I have not L!:ohwell:

The last bottle I bought had a Pic of the Old Bottle, when it arrived it was the new Bottle (Formula). :blush: SMH.

I contacted the Seller and they said something Lame like: "Whoops, our web-master forgot to change the picture":nono:

IDareT'sHair, that sad, i should have known something was wrong when i didn't get any growth. I went out on ebay and like you said phots have old but i'm sure the forumla is new. Oh well, i will try other things.
@IDareT'sHair, that sad, i should have known something was wrong when i didn't get any growth. I went out on ebay and like you said phots have old but i'm sure the forumla is new. Oh well, i will try other things.

Ltown I got mine from Amazon.:sad: I started to contact Horse Lovers via Phone, but it's just not that serious. (As, like you, I can use other stuff)

They claim this new formula is still just as effective. It looks, smells, feels the same to me, so I don't know?

I'll use up the 2 bottles of the 'new' formula and re-evaluate.
And I may contact Horse Lovers.:look:
I need to check my bottle and see if it's the old or new formula....

I got the old formula!!!!:yep:

Bump: So has anyone contemplated mixing their Mega Tek with aloe vera or have already done so?

what does aloe vera do??

You can use a garlic based conditioner. There are several really good ones out there. I use Alter Ego.

The shedding that you experience should be temporary. As with any growth aid, it should balance out within 4-6 weeks. If you stick with the product, the results tend to worth the initial symptoms.

Can you name some other brands?? I can't find alter ego or queen helene..
I'm not really understanding how putting garlics ontop of your hair externally is stopping your hair from shedding, but im gon' trust yall and look for garlic conditioner in the BSS.

Its more for your SCALP not hair. Any shedding is scalp based. Besides any topical treatment has similar efficacy as many topical ointments for your skin.

The other thing to remember is...temporary shedding isn't the horrible thing we all make it out to be. Your hair sheds anyway in order to push in (hopefully) a healthier new strand anyway.
I will be using MT once I get some applicator bottles and garlic conditioner.

Will be using primarily on left side mixed with JCBO every 2-3x a week.
(when there is even thickness and growth and I nurse and trim left side to be equivocal then I will use on full head same thing)

Will wash hair cornrows with diluted shampoo and garlic conditioner every 2 wks.

Hair will be in wigs... Once I get some. And will never be used whilst I have no direct access to scalp.

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I have been taking garlic pills and noticed a decrease in my shedding that I had prior to using MT so I am a firm believer that garlic helps. I'm not sure about a garlic conditioner since I have not used it before. I've added a mid-week co-wash to my hair with MT and also a weekly pre-poo with it. I've learned that my hair LOVES protein! I have not noticed any miraculous growth like an inch in a month or anything, but I will be doing a length check this after too see what I have experienced. I have noticed growth. Retention, more like it. Which is exactly what I need! Right now I am sitting with my thermal heat wrap on pre-pooing my hair. I detangled, parted in 4 sections, dampened with a little water, applied MT and then Hydratherma Naturals Protein DC treatment, combed through, and applied warm EVOO, covered with a baggie and plan to leave it on for about an 1 1/2hrs. I normally use a moisturizing DC with MT but I've noticed some extra shedding so that's why the double protein. After I shampoo I will be using a moisturizing DC and sitting under my steamer for about an hr to counteract any possible dryness from the protein. But so far I am in LOVE with MT. I hope to hit APL by the end of this challenge so I need to step it up! I slacked all last week!
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My hair loved the pre-poo and steaming yesterday! It was super soft and strong feeling. I am having a hard time uploading pics. It keeps saying upload failed. Does anyone know how I can upload pics?
Here are my starting pics taken on freshly washed hair. I am keeping it in 2 strand twists for 2 weeks (HOPEFULLY!) and then going to take them out and redo after a good wash and DC for another 2 weeks and see how my retention is at the end of the month. The last pic there is a black mark on the back of my shirt. That is where my hair was in October but it was just a funky part of my hair that was about 1" longer than the rest so I had it cut off and now my hair has grown past that mark now! That's about 1 1/2" in a little over 2 months maybe even closer to 2" because the very ends of my hair are sticking out a little at the bottom of my hubby's fingers. That's awesome retention and growth for me! YAY MT!! The bra pic is just to show where my armpits are to see how close I am to APL.




Just got my megatek in the mail yesterday!!!! I mixed it with Profectiv Megagrowth Growth Oil in an applicator bottle using primarily MT, and the oil just to take some of the thickness out. I tried this before about 2 years ago and got fantabulous results so now that I just BC'd I will be back on this bandwagon. I may start taking garlic pills just to be sure I don't have any excess shedding, but we'll see. Can't wait to be able to share pics of progress!

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I was searching through my phone pics because I knew I had taken a pic of my hair not too long ago and I wanted to see how much it grew. When I found it I was shocked. I took it in the same shirt as the pic above. Like I previously stated the black line on my shirt represents where my hair was in October but then I had to trim an inch off. The pic on my phone is dated 11/12/11 and it is approx 1" above the black line. The pic posted below is from a few days ago and it's approx 1" PAST the line! (My hubby's fingers are blocking the ends of my hair but it is at the bottom of his fingers). That's way more growth than I thought I had and only in a month and a half! I am just going to keep doing what I've been doing because it's obviously working for me. If my hair keeps this up I'll be APL by March! I can't figure out how to get my pic off my phone but when I do I'll come back and edit this post.
I realized I am almost to the end of my Megatek. When it ends I will switch to Joico Deep Penetrating Reconstructor since its far easier to purchase...not to mention the reformulated Megatek. :-(
I don't know if anyone has ever posted this question before but did any of you guys ever purchase the other eqyss products like the shampoo and conditioner etc...

I haven't but I was wondering the same thing! Also, does anyone know if the old MT formula is sold anywhere? I will need to reorder soon and I want to make sure I purchase the right product!
I still have not reordered yet but will very soon. My friend let me get some of hers since I put her on to it. So far so good for 2012
I realized I am almost to the end of my Megatek. When it ends I will switch to Joico Deep Penetrating Reconstructor since its far easier to purchase...not to mention the reformulated Megatek. :-(

mzteaze,I was thinking about using Megatek again, it's been so long, but a new formula? Wow, I'm somewhat surprised, but I guess I shouldn't be.

When did all of this take place? The old formula is completely off the market? Has anyone had success with the new formula?
mzteaze,I was thinking about using Megatek again, it's been so long, but a new formula? Wow, I'm somewhat surprised, but I guess I shouldn't be.

When did all of this take place? The old formula is completely off the market? Has anyone had success with the new formula?

I'm not sure when but a few pages back, several people tried the new formula and were not as happy with it. I know it was discussed at length in 2011 thread so I guess it's much harder to find the original formula. Since I am nearing the end, it's sad but time.
My thoughts on the new formula, are its not all bad since there is a lot less shedding, but not all good, since it's not growing my hair right in front of my eyes like the old formula did. My hair is growing quicker, and it's definitely improving the texture of my hair. I give new formula a B.
I'm not sure when but a few pages back, several people tried the new formula and were not as happy with it. I know it was discussed at length in 2011 thread so I guess it's much harder to find the original formula. Since I am nearing the end, it's sad but time.

mzteaze, Thanks, I'll check out the 2011 thread & start from the beginning of this thread. Companies are forever changing a great formula, geez, nothing is sacred anymore. :ohwell:
I just ordered another bottle of MT. My current bottle is about 1/3 full so I decided to reorder before I really NEEDED another bottle. I order through Amazon again so I hope I get the same bottle I have. I'm not sure if I have the new or old version but whatever it is it's working for me!
If anyone is interested in the old formula, I've been making my own. Click here for details. I'm waiting on the ingredients to make more.

I also caught wind that the Ovation ingredients changed as well. Greedy scoundrels.