mean girls messed up my nieces hair!!!!


New Member
my niece plays college sports. i won't give a lot of details on here because she asked me not to.

anyway...after the sport she plays the girls all shower in the locker room. apparently someone played a joke and put some type of depillatory in with her nair or something but she said she didn't notice a smell. she usually washes her hair she says and puts a cap on with conditioner and then finishes washing up before she rinses conditioner out so maybe stays on her hair for 10 minutes.

her hair is about midback on her.

or it was.

she has big bald spots all over her hair now.

this is assault to me and i am going to see that her school investigates because she also has burns on her scalp.

her hair has never been processed and she takes more after my dad's side of the family so she has straighter hair that doesn't even really require flat ironing. she's been trying to grow her hair out and then this happens.

she's in complete distress and i don't know what to say to her!

i think she's going to have to start over!

i haven't seen it yet but she describes it as massive bald spots all over her head!

what do we do!

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Well Karma has a good way of keeping tabs on all of us...TRUST.

ETA: I'm sure it'll eventually grow back, and be just as beuatiful as before, and those haters will still have messed up hair.
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Oh no!!! That's beyond horrible, and this is definitely assault. Does she know who was responsible. People are capable of anything when their is jelousy and envy in their heart. My heart goes out to your niece.
I am so sorry this happened to your niece. I do hope that a full investigation will be done, and charges will be brought against the responsible parties - that is definitely assault! I wish both of you the best.
She says she has an idea of who did it because of the reactions she got when she realized her hair was falling out. She said at first she didn't know what happened. It just kept coming out and out and out...

She's told the school administration but she doesn't know how it will be handled yet and apparently this was after some practice since their season hasn't started yet.

She's talking about quitting the team now, she's so upset. :(
Oh wow! The SAME thing happened to my brother. :look:

All she can really do is try to mask the damage somehow and wait for the hair to start filling back in again. There's nothing she can really do differently since her hair care was obviously pretty much on point before this incident and her hair is still pretty healthy otherwise. I probably would do a protein treatment of some kind to help restore broken protein bonds and repair any hair that might have come in contact with the Nair solution. That'll help temporarily rebuild any damaged cuticle and maintain whatever she does have left.

I'm really sorry to hear this. :ohwell: I hope she finds the culprits. I'm sure they aren't offering up any information.:ohwell:
Wow....that made me tear up....:eek:

Its a shame how hateful people can be....:(

I would definitely consider legal action as this is assault! What if she was blinded or hurt worse? (not to say bald patches dont hurt) Take it as far as it needs to go and dont let anyone talk you out of it!

I am so sorry this happened to your niece. I do hope that a full investigation will be done, and charges will be brought against the responsible parties - that is definitely assault! I wish both of you the best.
I agree Tiffchelle, charges should be brought up againts those girls, all of them should be charged until one confess or they all confess either way the responsible parties should be held accountable and your neices should lock up her things from this moment on.
AWW, HELL NO!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad:

That IS assault, the police should be called in to investigate, and every person that was in the locker room should be questioned until someone cracks and confesses. Not only is her hair gone but your niece could have been seriously injured. What if some of that depilatory had gotten into her eyes?

Then after the deviant confesses, they should be taken straight to court and SUED!!!:mad:
Wow....that made me tear up....:eek:

Its a shame how hateful people can be....:(

I would definitely consider legal action as this is assault! What if she was blinded or hurt worse? (not to say bald patches dont hurt) Take it as far as it needs to go and dont let anyone talk you out of it!


I agree that she should treat this seriously as an assault. There is no excuse for anyone to do this, but it's not like these people were kids who didn't really know what depilatory creams might do. These were college students who are grown enough to know better and to be tried as adults on assault charges.

I'm so sorry that this happened to your niece. I will pray for her that the damage is only temporary. She should see a dermatologist and keep records of what they say (for future proof in a court case).
:( jealous girls can be so cruel.... I hope your niece is able to get this resolved...reading this made me kinda sad...I'm sure her hair will grow back even more beautiful than before!
Oh no!!! That's beyond horrible, and this is definitely assault. Does she know who was responsible. People are capable of anything when their is jelousy and envy in their heart. My heart goes out to your niece.

ITA, I am really speechless. I can't imagine what she must be feeling:(. I would definitely press for an investigation. This is not a simple schoolgirl prank.
no! - where they at!!!!????? :mad: mm-mm-:nono: them jokers wouldn't even be able to sleep at night!! It would be so on!!! -

ok - that's the angry worldly part of me coming out. ok really I hope that those individuals get EXACtly what they deserve including JAIL time! in the mean while, my heart goes out to your niece, because college is such an impressionable, delicate time in a young adults life. I pray she will be just fine.
Jealousy is something else:mad:, I hope she is ok... I hope something will be done to whoever done such a mean a$$ act... Please keep us posted on this cruel act...:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:... That pi$$es me off:mad:...
I am sorry to hear this and sadden also...:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Whoever did that to your niece has some serious mental problems. I hope they are caught and punished. I wish your niece a speedy recovery, but I know she will have a hard time trusting other people after this episode.
That is so hateful and mean. I know that your nieces hair wqill eventually recover, but I hope that she doesn't let those evil girls run her off the team. She should press charges, stand up for herself and keep playing. If anyone should be leaving, it's the ones who assaulted her. If she had gotten the conditioner in her eyes then she could have been blinded or soemthing.
I hope your niece is doing ok. That crap pisses me off. Whoever did this, it will come back to haunt them.:mad:
Please encourage her and her parents to press charges. They may also be able to sue in a civil case. Her civil rights were probably violated. She also needs to sue for pain and suffering...

So, so sorry this happened.
my niece plays college sports. i won't give a lot of details on here because she asked me not to.

anyway...after the sport she plays the girls all shower in the locker room. apparently someone played a joke and put some type of depillatory in with her nair or something but she said she didn't notice a smell. she usually washes her hair she says and puts a cap on with conditioner and then finishes washing up before she rinses conditioner out so maybe stays on her hair for 10 minutes.

her hair is about midback on her.

or it was.

she has big bald spots all over her hair now.

this is assault to me and i am going to see that her school investigates because she also has burns on her scalp.

her hair has never been processed and she takes more after my dad's side of the family so she has straighter hair that doesn't even really require flat ironing. she's been trying to grow her hair out and then this happens.

she's in complete distress and i don't know what to say to her!

i think she's going to have to start over!

i haven't seen it yet but she describes it as massive bald spots all over her head!

what do we do!


Omg! I truly feel for her, I'm sorry that she is going through this pain, all because of hateful little green eyed women! Your niece is beautiful and let her know that this will not take away from her beauty! I hope that she doesn't have any burns in her scalp, because that may stunt the follicles. Hopefully she can hurry and get to a trichologist to see about all of this :(

I'm sorry girl!
Wow. I hope you can sucessfully press charges. This reminds me of the post a while back where one member (or a friend of hers) had someone putting bleach in their hair products. Folx are evil. I know my brothers (now) ex is so evil I used to clear my products out the bathroom when I knew she was coming over. Also if I even thought the consistency or smell of my products had changed in the least, I threw them out. She couldnt stand me, and she used to look at my hair with this far away look in her eyes, talking about how pretty it was. It was the same look she had when she took issue with my brother fixing something on my car right before I ended up with a potato in my tail pipe. Seriously. I wasnt taking any chances. Bring your niece on board LHCF. We will rally around her and have her tresses swinging and looking even better than before! I know she's hurting now, but when shes ready, get a subscription for her. :)
Please encourage her and her parents to press charges. They may also be able to sue in a civil case. Her civil rights were probably violated. She also needs to sue for pain and suffering...

So, so sorry this happened.

Oh, wow, I'm so sorry this happened, OP. There's absolutely no excuse for this. I agree with ShiShi, the person responsible should be held financially accountable as well as jail time AND expulsion. Punitive damages.

On the angry tip, tho... Those girls wouldn't be the only ones getting assault charges filed. I'd be getting some assault charges my d*** self. :mad:
What if that stuff got into her eyes and she didn't know it was nair?:eek::eek:
I would sue big time, it for nothing else, the principle of the situation. Have her do some reconstrutive treatments like Sistaslick recommended. Maybe keraphix, aphogee reconstructor, or even duo tex.
Wow. I didn't realize people do that in real life. Make sure she holds onto the conditioner bottle and definitely sue/press charges.

Maybe she should start taking some vitamins to help jump start the regrowth and help with the healing of her scalp from the inside?
Wow....that made me tear up....:eek:

Its a shame how hateful people can be....:(

I would definitely consider legal action as this is assault! What if she was blinded or hurt worse? (not to say bald patches dont hurt) Take it as far as it needs to go and dont let anyone talk you out of it!

ITA! That was beyond mean!