

Well-Known Member
Has anyone done any online dating using websites like Match, EHarmony, OKCupid, PlentyofFish, YahooPersonals, LavaLife, PerfectMatch, Blacksingles? I've been off the dating scene for a while and now well... I'm back. Any one have any positive experiences with these web sites or if the site is not listed please share. I recently joined after hearing 2 real life success stories and upon joining I noticed that there are a lot of good looking and successful men on the site but they don't really show any love to the sista's. On the Brotha's profile pages they list Asian, Latino and Caucasian. SMH :nono: Basically older men and young guys try to make contact :perplexed Feels like it's easier to meet men in public places than it is online.
I have been on for almost 3 months. I havn't had any luck. I do see sucessful guy up there, but Im not sure whats going on the ones that i have been contacted by are not serious. Its frustrating cause you see these guys and its like eye candy I cant have. I have also had young men and men old enought to be my dad contatct me. Its discouraging at times. But on that note i know someone who meet his with on plenty of fish. So i guess the experieces are different for everybody. But I havn't had any luck yet.
Good luck out there we need.
I've been on POF and OKCupid for a couple of months now. I've met a few cool guys on there. Nothing serious so far. We'll see.
when i was dating, at one point or another i was on pof, blackpeoplemeet, match, okcupid, eharmony, chemistry, blackplanet (they have a love channel), and a few others....

the key to a lot of those is just taking the time to communicate with people... sometimes you meet great people on day one... sometimes it's day 301... it's not a just add water situation...
I've been on Match on and off since September. Yes, there seems to be a good number of good looking, successful men on the site. However, can be deceiving in that you can't tell whether or not a member is paid (i.e. able to message and correspond) just by looking at their page. Many people log on everyday (so it seems like they're an active member) but they don't have a paid subscription.
I too primarily get attention from men that are either 15+ years older than me, halfway across the country (if not the world), or who clearly have none of the things I state I'm looking for (i.e. height, education, some command of the English language). I don't know why I don't receive more winks and messages from men who appear to match me perfectly (i.e. age, height, interests, education levels, etc). I don't necessarily want to blame it on race but it has made me wonder.
I used OKCupid in the past. It took me a year and a half of casual using until I found my SO (who lives in TX). It will be two and a half years together in August :drunk:.
I've been on OKCupid on/off since January. It's OK, but I've not really found anyone that interesting. I've also now disabled my account, since I'm not finding the idea of online dating very comfortable to be honest. I am only 18 though, so maybe I should just wait?
I am only 18 though, so maybe I should just wait?

If I was 18 again, I would have socialized a lot more than I did.

What I would do if I were you would be to just socialize a lot with folks. Join different clubs and events and have fun. Don't necessarily worry about getting a boyfriend, although there's certainly nothing wrong with dating when the opportunity comes.

So I wouldn't say "wait," but I would say not to stress over it either... just make sure that you're getting out and meeting people! Are you in school? If you are, your school should have a lot of opportunities! :)
If I was 18 again, I would have socialized a lot more than I did.

What I would do if I were you would be to just socialize a lot with folks. Join different clubs and events and have fun. Don't necessarily worry about getting a boyfriend, although there's certainly nothing wrong with dating when the opportunity comes.

So I wouldn't say "wait," but I would say not to stress over it either... just make sure that you're getting out and meeting people! Are you in school? If you are, your school should have a lot of opportunities! :)

I'm finishing high school now. Throughout my time here, I've been really unsuccessful in the relationship department :ohwell:. Well, I might come back though, to retake exams, or I might go to a college, or even start work in Abu Dhabi instead; I have a big decision to make this summer over what to do :spinning:.

I probably don't socialise as much as I should, true. I'm gonna make more of an effort to now, with school and exams getting out of the way. thanks for the advice :D
I met my Man online. Actually it was set up as a dare by two of my girlfriends to activate an online profile upon reading an article about online dating in Essence. I was dating casually at the time and definitely not too pressed about finding anyone special online...but lo and behold, I found the love of my life and have not been happier :grin:. He has all the qualities that I want in a Man plus some. We will be celebrating our one year anniversary this thursday (although at this point we've known each other almost two years-we took our time getting to know each other before jumping into a relationship). So, I say go for it! But don't limit yourself, let online dating be an option among other social activities to meet your Mr. Right :yawn:.
I haven't had much luck.Been on okcupid, pof, blackplanet for almost 2 years now, and I've only gotten 1 date from it. And I don't get that many messages or views from people my age that I find attractive who live in my area. I don't know if it's my age (22), race, my face, or location, but I guess I need to focus on socializing because online dating is not for me. I'll still keep a page, but not going to depend on it to get me anywhere. But goodluck! It might be for you!
I've been on match for almost 2 months now. The guys i've met on there have been successful (one owned a lucrative business, the others were attaining their masters degress or had already earned one and working good jobs) and attractive... just no sparks, nothing serious. I'm currently casually dating a guy on there. As far as folks not showing love to the sista's...i can't relate, i get messages/winks from all flava's of the rainbow, lol. I do notice that guys'll put their preferences (age, body type, education, etc.) and for race will sometimes list every race/ethnicity under the sun but not "Black/African Descent" :/
I met my DH on in 2005. I made a profile, but didn't take it very seriously so I never paid to subscribe to the system. I didn't even put my picture up, but I received an email from DH and decided to sign up for a trial subscription so I could reply. We'll be married 3 years next week :grin:. I'll admit that I never imagined I'd be married to someone I met online, but it worked for us. It's ironic in that we lived less than 10 minutes apart, but never ran into one another.
I was in a hurry when I replied last night, but I wanted to add that I met some losers, liars, cheats the "old fashioned way" before I was savvy enough to know to thoroughly check out ANY man I met. My last serious relationship I had before getting married I met through mutual acquaitance and he turned out to be abusive and crazy. I take some of the blame because I didn't look into his background. Regardless of where you meet him I think it's wise to google his name, ask to see ID, get a background check, etc.
I've been on match for almost 2 months now. The guys i've met on there have been successful (one owned a lucrative business, the others were attaining their masters degress or had already earned one and working good jobs) and attractive... just no sparks, nothing serious. I'm currently casually dating a guy on there. As far as folks not showing love to the sista's...i can't relate, i get messages/winks from all flava's of the rainbow, lol. I do notice that guys'll put their preferences (age, body type, education, etc.) and for race will sometimes list every race/ethnicity under the sun but not "Black/African Descent" :/

I'm glad your having success on When I originally posted my problem with Match was that the black men seemed to shy away from black woman. Sure I get winks here an there and a message every now and then but not so much from black men. About 80% of the time the men winking are White, Indian, Asian, younger and older. I was pretty surprised by how many Black men did not list African Descent/Black as at least one of their ethnicity choices. I am open to dating all races.
Also Congratulations to the ladies who found true love through online dating. I know it works for some and others not so much. I suppose it just takes time and patience.