Mary Mary's new video-GOD IN ME. Too worldly?

Is this song too WORLDLY?

  • It's lifting up God with an upbeat sound. All good to me!

    Votes: 49 56.3%
  • No. We aren't to follow this world. Throwing "God" in it doesn't make it right!

    Votes: 28 32.2%
  • I don't care either way.

    Votes: 10 11.5%

  • Total voters
I honestly dont see what's wrong with the song or video.

I love the song and the video matched the song.

If people are so obsessed with Hollywood and celebrities now, why not use that to try and reach and teach them about the goodness of God?

Everyone is not the same. I don't think God would be shaking His finger at MaryMary for trying to reach those people who we have failed to reach and doing it in such a way that they understand but still get the message.

If we constanly shun and judge people, how do you think we are gonna reach them?

I'll keep MaryMary in my prayers. I'm excited about what this and other songs like it can do and who they can reach!
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The whole album had to "grow" on me. During Lent I could not listen to it for some reason. There are a few songs like "Get Up" and "Seattle" I like, but as a whole, I don't like it as much as the previous work.
I asked WHAT IS secular music.... not what it promotes. What are "worldly" things?

I'm not nit-picking. I'm asking for specificity. I am asking for definitions in order to generate parameters for conversation. This thread has been all over the place about WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and HOW people and music and dress should be examined (notice I didn't say judged) in order to deem it gospel or secular, holy or profane, etc.

If such a definition is based on WHO, we (general use of we) get in trouble right away in terms of putting labels on people.

If such a definition is based on LYRICS, the book of Esther is in the Bible and NEVER MENTIONS "GOD" in the entire book.

If it is based on RECORD LABELS, it's clear that record labels have a financial agenda. Gospel music is the fourth-highest selling genre in music. That's huge.

There are some songs that would be defined as "secular" (meaning never played on a gospel station) that capture holiness SO MUCH MORE than a song placed in a gospel category (e.g., "Jesus Is Love" by the Commodores--on a R&B album!)

There are some songs that would be defined as "gospel" that are so theologically inaccurate it's RIDICULOUS, e.g., "I'm Climbing Up the Rough Side of the Mountain" YIKES!

Here's the better answer (for me): ANY SONG, MOVIE, POEM, SPOKEN WORD, SERMON, (gospel, secular, uncategorized, etc.), that points me and leads me to seek and serve and obey the LORD JESUS CHRIST is (spiritually) healthy for me to listen to.... Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17).

With that in mind, I no longer imprison myself to somebody's dress, somebody's associations (holy or otherwise), their conduct on or off the stage, etc. to determine if I should listen to their music.

Secular music promotes fleshly desires: Galatians 5: 19

Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness,

idolatry, socery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissentions, heresies,

envy, murders, drunkenness, revelieries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Now we have secular artist like R.Kelly who sing about adultery, fornication and other things. Rap artist who promote fornication, sorcery ( drug use ), selfish ambitions ( getting money by any means necessary), Jamie Foxx has a song blame it on the alcohol. There are many songs that promote worldly things, which are of the flesh. This can also be called being carnally minded.

Songs that do not mention God but are positive in nature are inspirational.

Gospel music should promote the good news of Jesus Christ.

I did not question their lyrics, but their clothing can be questionable. Which can give off mixed signals. Hope that helps.
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I did not question their lyrics, but their clothing can be questionable. Which can give off mixed signals. Hope that helps.

I do. My daughter is very impressionable and thinks that God is going to bless her with diamonds and gold and a big car and house and so forth when those things are the things that the world runs after. No I don't believe this promotes the spirit of God nor at any time do I feel bless hearing it. Nor do I want to lift my hands and praise.

Secular music promotes fleshly desires: Galatians 5: 19

Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness,

idolatry, socery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissentions, heresies,

envy, murders, drunkenness, revelieries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Now we have secular artist like R.Kelly who sing about adultery, fornication and other things. Rap artist who promote fornication, sorcery ( drug use ), selfish ambitions ( getting money by any means necessary), Jamie Foxx has a song blame it on the alcohol. There are many songs that promote worldly things, which are of the flesh. This can also be called being carnally minded.

Songs that do not mention God but are positive in nature are inspirational.

Gospel music should promote the good news of Jesus Christ.

I did not question their lyrics, but their clothing can be questionable. Which can give off mixed signals. Hope that helps.
I did not go through each page, but I hope someone posted the lyrics so we can discuss intelligently on what the lyrics are, not what we think we heard.

I actually used the lyrics to the song to talk to the youth at my church. My title was "It's the God in Me: Redefining Swagger"

Based on some of these responses here I'm sure some of you would disagree with what I said, but I broke down swagger as

S Smart (or scholarly)
W Well Rounded
A Anointed
G Gracious
G Gifted
E Eager
R Righteous

I told them it's up to us as Christians to redefine swagger and to know who and whose we are.

In my opinion, the song elicited the exact response Mary Mary was warning against in the song. People look at who's in the video, what they are wearing, how much many they spent rather than listening to the lyrics. Like KiKi says in the song "What is it you THINK you see?"

And honestly, I can understand these lyrics a lot better than some other gospel artists who holler and yell and do nothing but a bunch of runs in their songs.

I will never forget Yolanda Adams on the Stellar Awards one year saying to please pray for gospel artists like her, Kirk, Donnie, etc. because there is a lot of ministry that happens at the "secular" or "worldly" events that they participate in (the same ones church folk criticize them for attending). She said you have no idea how many times before she goes out on stage she is praying for people and leading them to Christ.

So once again like the lyrics say, "What is it you THINK you see? You don't know how much I prayed...don't know how much I gave, don't know how much I changed..."
Here's my heart on stuff like this...

It frustrates me that we jump, holler and shout about the Great Commission, going into all the world and preach the gospel, but never want to go out in the world to do it.

Do we honestly expect for those living in darkness to come to us? I mean look at the posts in this forum about the hypocrisy and corruption going on in the church? Like the saying goes, "you (and your life) may be the only sermon some people hear."

I hear stories every day of people getting saved on the tennis courts, at work, at the gym. How crazy would we look if we said to them, "Well you need to wait until Sunday morning and come to my church and get saved."

What if someone in this Mary Mary video gave their life to the Lord? What if they looked at Mary Mary and realized that they could still have fun, dress nice (even if it's not your personal style) and love the Lord too?

The thing most people don't take into consideration is that if someone sees this video and decides to download it on iTunes, guess what happens? All these other gospel songs pop up that are similar...and guess what artists pop up? Fred Hammond, Marvin Sapp all of the people who some posters claim are more true to gospel music than Mary Mary. So that one song that people don't like could lead people to listen to other artists.

I don't propose to dictate how God saves people or uses others to lead people to Christ. I have enough to worry with keeping myself straight and doing those things God requires of me.
Here's my heart on stuff like this...

It frustrates me that we jump, holler and shout about the Great Commission, going into all the world and preach the gospel, but never want to go out in the world to do it.

Do we honestly expect for those living in darkness to come to us? I mean look at the posts in this forum about the hypocrisy and corruption going on in the church? Like the saying goes, "you (and your life) may be the only sermon some people hear."

I hear stories every day of people getting saved on the tennis courts, at work, at the gym. How crazy would we look if we said to them, "Well you need to wait until Sunday morning and come to my church and get saved."

What if someone in this Mary Mary video gave their life to the Lord? What if they looked at Mary Mary and realized that they could still have fun, dress nice (even if it's not your personal style) and love the Lord too?

The thing most people don't take into consideration is that if someone sees this video and decides to download it on iTunes, guess what happens? All these other gospel songs pop up that are similar...and guess what artists pop up? Fred Hammond, Marvin Sapp all of the people who some posters claim are more true to gospel music than Mary Mary. So that one song that people don't like could lead people to listen to other artists.

I don't propose to dictate how God saves people or uses others to lead people to Christ. I have enough to worry with keeping myself straight and doing those things God requires of me.

We are to go out into the world and reach the lost yes - but while we are out there we are not to conform to their ways. Have you noticed, the more popularity a gospel singer gains the more they begin the look like "the world", when in fact the opposite should happen. The closer we draw to Christ the more we should be willing to give up for him if necessary.
The gospel is - take up our cross and follow him. That means we will have to leave some things behind. IMHO - songs like this give folks the impression that they can come to Christ and bring all of their ways with them. This is not the case and probably the reason that the church lacks power.
I agree with Steve Harvey on this one.. lol We're supposed to be a peculiar people, but not that kind of peculiar -- like half the artists in that video.
Here's my heart on stuff like this...

It frustrates me that we jump, holler and shout about the Great Commission, going into all the world and preach the gospel, but never want to go out in the world to do it.

Do we honestly expect for those living in darkness to come to us? I mean look at the posts in this forum about the hypocrisy and corruption going on in the church? Like the saying goes, "you (and your life) may be the only sermon some people hear."

I hear stories every day of people getting saved on the tennis courts, at work, at the gym. How crazy would we look if we said to them, "Well you need to wait until Sunday morning and come to my church and get saved."

What if someone in this Mary Mary video gave their life to the Lord? What if they looked at Mary Mary and realized that they could still have fun, dress nice (even if it's not your personal style) and love the Lord too?

The thing most people don't take into consideration is that if someone sees this video and decides to download it on iTunes, guess what happens? All these other gospel songs pop up that are similar...and guess what artists pop up? Fred Hammond, Marvin Sapp all of the people who some posters claim are more true to gospel music than Mary Mary. So that one song that people don't like could lead people to listen to other artists.

I don't propose to dictate how God saves people or uses others to lead people to Christ. I have enough to worry with keeping myself straight and doing those things God requires of me.

I agree with your perspective, sound logic.:yep:
I feel ya! AMEN!!!

Here's my heart on stuff like this...

It frustrates me that we jump, holler and shout about the Great Commission, going into all the world and preach the gospel, but never want to go out in the world to do it.

Do we honestly expect for those living in darkness to come to us? I mean look at the posts in this forum about the hypocrisy and corruption going on in the church? Like the saying goes, "you (and your life) may be the only sermon some people hear."

I hear stories every day of people getting saved on the tennis courts, at work, at the gym. How crazy would we look if we said to them, "Well you need to wait until Sunday morning and come to my church and get saved."

What if someone in this Mary Mary video gave their life to the Lord? What if they looked at Mary Mary and realized that they could still have fun, dress nice (even if it's not your personal style) and love the Lord too?

The thing most people don't take into consideration is that if someone sees this video and decides to download it on iTunes, guess what happens? All these other gospel songs pop up that are similar...and guess what artists pop up? Fred Hammond, Marvin Sapp all of the people who some posters claim are more true to gospel music than Mary Mary. So that one song that people don't like could lead people to listen to other artists.

I don't propose to dictate how God saves people or uses others to lead people to Christ. I have enough to worry with keeping myself straight and doing those things God requires of me.
We are to go out into the world and reach the lost yes - but while we are out there we are not to conform to their ways. Have you noticed, the more popularity a gospel singer gains the more they begin the look like "the world", when in fact the opposite should happen. The closer we draw to Christ the more we should be willing to give up for him if necessary.
The gospel is - take up our cross and follow him. That means we will have to leave some things behind. IMHO - songs like this give folks the impression that they can come to Christ and bring all of their ways with them. This is not the case and probably the reason that the church lacks power.

Exactly. :yep:

1 John 2:15-17 (KJV) - Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

Matthew 6:24 - No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Here's my heart on stuff like this...

It frustrates me that we jump, holler and shout about the Great Commission, going into all the world and preach the gospel, but never want to go out in the world to do it.

Do we honestly expect for those living in darkness to come to us? I mean look at the posts in this forum about the hypocrisy and corruption going on in the church? Like the saying goes, "you (and your life) may be the only sermon some people hear."

I hear stories every day of people getting saved on the tennis courts, at work, at the gym. How crazy would we look if we said to them, "Well you need to wait until Sunday morning and come to my church and get saved."

What if someone in this Mary Mary video gave their life to the Lord? What if they looked at Mary Mary and realized that they could still have fun, dress nice (even if it's not your personal style) and love the Lord too?

The thing most people don't take into consideration is that if someone sees this video and decides to download it on iTunes, guess what happens? All these other gospel songs pop up that are similar...and guess what artists pop up? Fred Hammond, Marvin Sapp all of the people who some posters claim are more true to gospel music than Mary Mary. So that one song that people don't like could lead people to listen to other artists.

I don't propose to dictate how God saves people or uses others to lead people to Christ. I have enough to worry with keeping myself straight and doing those things God requires of me.

Well said....:yep:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the root of the problem is that some people, including myself, feel that people are being judgmental. Do you guys understand that to struggling believers and non believers out there this is a huge turn-off? Who wants to be a Christian when there are so many doggone rules. And let's just keep it real, most of these rules are man-made and personal preferences.
We as believers are to present ourselves in a Godly manner, and whether people on this forum realize it or not, it has more to do with the inside than the outside. No matter where I go, who I'm with, people always notice there is something different about me, and that is simply because God lives within me and he shines. I think Christians should be more concerned about what is coming out of our mouths than the fashion choices we make. JMHO.
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Here's my heart on stuff like this...

It frustrates me that we jump, holler and shout about the Great Commission, going into all the world and preach the gospel, but never want to go out in the world to do it.

Do we honestly expect for those living in darkness to come to us? I mean look at the posts in this forum about the hypocrisy and corruption going on in the church? Like the saying goes, "you (and your life) may be the only sermon some people hear."

I hear stories every day of people getting saved on the tennis courts, at work, at the gym. How crazy would we look if we said to them, "Well you need to wait until Sunday morning and come to my church and get saved."

What if someone in this Mary Mary video gave their life to the Lord? What if they looked at Mary Mary and realized that they could still have fun, dress nice (even if it's not your personal style) and love the Lord too?

The thing most people don't take into consideration is that if someone sees this video and decides to download it on iTunes, guess what happens? All these other gospel songs pop up that are similar...and guess what artists pop up? Fred Hammond, Marvin Sapp all of the people who some posters claim are more true to gospel music than Mary Mary. So that one song that people don't like could lead people to listen to other artists.

I don't propose to dictate how God saves people or uses others to lead people to Christ. I have enough to worry with keeping myself straight and doing those things God requires of me.

ITA. Man , can't wait until that thanks button gets here.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the root of the problem is that some people, including myself, feel that people are being judgmental. Do you guys understand that to struggling believers and non believers out there this is a huge turn-off? Who wants to be a Christian when there are so many doggone rules. And let's just keep it real, most of these rules are man-made and personal preferences.
We as believers are to present ourselves in a Godly manner, and whether people on this forum realize it or not, it has more to do with the inside than the outside. No matter where I go, who I'm with, people always notice there is something different about me, and that is simply because God lives within me and he shines. I think Christians should be more concerned about what is coming out of our mouths than the fashion choices we make. JMHO.

But why do many people automatically assume that others are being judgmental when the Holy Scriptures gives us guidance about our appearance? Doesn't what is inside reflect on the outside? When God lives within us, it affects everything we do.

1 Timothy 2:9-10 - In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

1 Peter 3:3-5 - Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:

God gives us counsel or rules for our own good...because He loves us. I am not perfect, so I appreciate the loving encouragement given by my sisters in Christ, that helps me to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord.

Just offering another perspective...
We are to go out into the world and reach the lost yes - but while we are out there we are not to conform to their ways. Have you noticed, the more popularity a gospel singer gains the more they begin the look like "the world", when in fact the opposite should happen. The closer we draw to Christ the more we should be willing to give up for him if necessary.

The gospel is - take up our cross and follow him. That means we will have to leave some things behind. IMHO - songs like this give folks the impression that they can come to Christ and bring all of their ways with them. This is not the case and probably the reason that the church lacks power.

thanks Momi. :yep: Exactly! 'We are not to conform to this world.' It takes more than 'confessing' Jesus is Lord. We have to 'show' it. And if it means not showing your cleavage than so be it.

This picture below speaks volumes. And if folks don't agree with me, I could care less. If I were dressed like this, trying to talk Jesus to someone, they would NOT take me seriously. :lol:

This is Mary Mary's trademark and it's simply inappropriate as a Christian when ministering or talking Christianity. This is a very recent photo; they are not babes in Christ and it's not about bringing in the lost to dress like this way. Christians do not show out like this. Would anyone go to Church like this? :nono:

It's giving the wrong message to women about modesty. If they want to dress this way privately and at home with family and close friends, that's their private business. But to put out there for the entire world to see is something all together wrong.


Even the world has 'dress codes' and if I were to walk into my office with a low cut blouse or dress or a garment that was too fitting, I'd be sent home with a reprimand and to change my garments for something more appropriate.

What's the sacrifice and also how does dressing appropriately stop someone in the world from coming to Jesus?
But why do many people automatically assume that others are being judgmental when the Holy Scriptures gives us guidance about our appearance? Doesn't what is inside reflect on the outside? When God lives within us, it affects everything we do.

1 Timothy 2:9-10 - In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

1 Peter 3:3-5 - Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:

God gives us counsel or rules for our own good...because He loves us. I am not perfect, so I appreciate the loving encouragement given by my sisters in Christ, that helps me to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord.

Just offering another perspective...
Excellent perspective... :up:

I get that persepective,however, 1 Samuel 16:7 says " The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

Since we are Christians we are to strive to see things through the eyes of Christ. Instead of focusing on what they are wearing, pay more attention to the message they are trying to convey. Anything otherwise, imo, is judging and being condemning.
This is Mary Mary's trademark and it's simply inappropriate as a Christian when ministering or talking Christianity. This is a very recent photo; they are not babes in Christ and it's not about bringing in the lost to dress like this way. Christians do not show out like this. Would anyone go to Church like this? QUOTE]


Yes if that's all they had to wear.

Furthermore, do you think that this falls more into a personal opinion or biblical teachings? What you view as sexy and inappropriate I do not. I have inspired people regardless of what I wear, and let me say while I do dress appropriately, I am still trendy. And people follow me and are inspired because: 1) I don't judge. That's not my place and 2) they see the fruit I bear.

I have never seen a person look at me and go "Wow that skirt is a little too tight for you to be claiming God". The clothes don't make the man, man makes the clothes.
Here's my heart on stuff like this...

It frustrates me that we jump, holler and shout about the Great Commission, going into all the world and preach the gospel, but never want to go out in the world to do it.

Do we honestly expect for those living in darkness to come to us? I mean look at the posts in this forum about the hypocrisy and corruption going on in the church? Like the saying goes, "you (and your life) may be the only sermon some people hear."

I hear stories every day of people getting saved on the tennis courts, at work, at the gym. How crazy would we look if we said to them, "Well you need to wait until Sunday morning and come to my church and get saved."

What if someone in this Mary Mary video gave their life to the Lord? What if they looked at Mary Mary and realized that they could still have fun, dress nice (even if it's not your personal style) and love the Lord too?

The thing most people don't take into consideration is that if someone sees this video and decides to download it on iTunes, guess what happens? All these other gospel songs pop up that are similar...and guess what artists pop up? Fred Hammond, Marvin Sapp all of the people who some posters claim are more true to gospel music than Mary Mary. So that one song that people don't like could lead people to listen to other artists.

I don't propose to dictate how God saves people or uses others to lead people to Christ. I have enough to worry with keeping myself straight and doing those things God requires of me.
One of the saddest things which has happened in Christianity is the watering down, the pollution, the disarming compromise of our faith.

There is a 'difference' in the way we as Christians are to dress or rather present ourselves to the world.

Muslims don't have a problem getting 'recruits' and they do not show cleavage and wear tight jeans. As a matter of fact they are covered / draped from head to toe.

Mormons don't have a problem getting 'recruits' and their dress code is quite modest. They don't dare not wear a tie and shirt and/or suit when coming to witness their faith. The women are dressed up to date, but yet in modesty. No cleavage.

Jehovah's Witnesses don't have a problem getting 'recruits' and they too go out into the world, do not sit home on their bottoms, and yet they dress in modern day, yet modest apparel.

NOW... what's the problem with Christians who think they are not just as effective if not even more?

Do we not have the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead, dwelling within us?

Do we not have the power of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truth and to speak through us the right message at the right time to the right individual seeking for Christ?

Is it not the Holy Spirit who draws men in and not the spirit of the world?

What are we weakening our witness to Christ? Since when do we bow down to Baal and use his draw and not the draw of God Himself?

I'm making a very clear point here. Since when have we lost our power and effectiveness to draw those to Christ whom we have been sent to?

It is mentioned in another post about those who struggle and they blame it on strick rules and regulations of the Church.

Since when is it a struggle to give up what one knows is wrong, unless they choose not to give it up? They love what they struggle with more than Jesus.

We need rules. In this life and in this world of corruption, we need rules. How we present ourselves in public is among them, Christianity or not Christianity, there is a dress code for it denotes conduct and who/what we represent. Be it a company, corporation, or Church, the way we dress speaks volumes and judgment is automatic, period.

One of the most destructive things in Christianity is allowing the 'world' or those who 'still' maintain the world's mindset to represent the Church.

If folks want Jesus, they will surrender 'all.' Even the way they dress in public.

Yes if that's all they had to wear.

Furthermore, do you think that this falls more into a personal opinion or biblical teachings? What you view as sexy and inappropriate I do not. I have inspired people regardless of what I wear, and let me say while I do dress appropriately, I am still trendy. And people follow me and are inspired because: 1) I don't judge. That's not my place and 2) they see the fruit I bear.

I have never seen a person look at me and go "Wow that skirt is a little too tight for you to be claiming God". The clothes don't make the man, man makes the clothes.

Anyone can inspire, but does it bring about total change and total surrender to God?

What else are you compromising and calling it inspiring? This mode of dress is not Biblical. If they want to do this privately, than fine. But to represent Christ, it doesn't.
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Anyone can inspire, but does it bring about total change and total surrender to God.

What else are you compromising and calling it inspiring? This mode of dress is not Biblical. If they want to do this privately, than fine. But to represent Christ, it doesn't.

Wowwwwww!!!! Number one when you talk about Muslims and Jehovah Witnesses that is part of their religion. It is a personal preference.

Now to answer your question, I'm not comprising anything. I have completely surrendered to God, and if he had an issue with the way I dressed he would have convicted me. Just because you have an issue with something, doesn't make it wrong. Once again 1 Samuel 16:7 says "The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

So if God almighty can ignore a man's outward appearance, why can't you?
The reason why I don't check for people's clothes is because God did not call man to that. Yes he called us to hold each other accountable, but not to judge. Furthermore, you seem to not understand that what you deem as too sexy, is a personal preference, or maybe even an issue related to age. If it bothers, then it bothers you. But the way that they dress to me is fine.
It is mentioned in another post about those who struggle and they blame it on strick rules and regulations of the Church.

Since when is it a struggle to give up what one knows is wrong, unless they choose not to give it up? They love what they struggle with more than Jesus. [/QUOTE]

Not necessarily true. I'm not for sure how long you have been a Christian, but I am 100% sure that there is still a sin that you struggle with. And we all know that sin, know matter what the sin is, is hard to overcome. But through the love of Christ and the support of our brothers and sisters in Christ we can overcome it. Notice I said support and not judgment.

Matthew 7:2-5 declares, "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."
Wowwwwww!!!! Number one when you talk about Muslims and Jehovah Witnesses that is part of their religion. It is a personal preference.
Now to answer your question, I'm not comprising anything. I have completely surrendered to God, and if he had an issue with the way I dressed he would have convicted me. Just because you have an issue with something, doesn't make it wrong. Once again 1 Samuel 16:7 says "The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

So if God almighty can ignore a man's outward appearance, why can't you?

The reason why I don't check for people's clothes is because God did not call man to that. Yes he called us to hold each other accountable, but not to judge. Furthermore, you seem to not understand that what you deem as too sexy, is a personal preference, or maybe even an issue related to age. If it bothers, then it bothers you. But the way that they dress to me is fine.
It is also an integeral part of our 'Faith' as Christians to dress in modest apparel.

When God spoke of the outter appearance, He was speaking of David's size and being the younger brother. Out of all of Jesse's older sons to be annointed as the next King of Israel, David the younger and smaller was chosen. His clothing wasn't the issue and I can guarantee you that David was properly clothed.

God has always made it perfectly clear about our apparel. Therefore that scripture is not a free pass to show cleavage...publicly and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You know as well as I do that if the dress code that Mary Mary presents were to be upon the Altar of God ministering God's word, that it would be totally and completely out of order. How we dress and where we wear certain garments does indeed matter.

Jesus made it plain that if the world finds nothing wrong with you, than there's a serious problem. Now why wouldn't the world applaude you for telling them it's okay to stay where they are? That they have no need of change, but to conform Jesus to them, rather than to conform to Him?

I don't have a problem with trendy, but cover your boobs and your butt. It's totally inappropriate to show out and be a distraction to men who truly need to keep their focus on being Holy. Why distract their total surrender of their flesh to the Lord, by having flesh all up in their faces? What kind of Godly witness is that? It judges itsself. People aren't fools, they know Godly from UnGodly appearances. Something in this clock (worldly mindset) is ticking in the wrong direction and denoting the wrong time.

Here's the problem and it's not judgment. The problem is the lax and lazy attitudes of those not making the ultimate sacrifice of being what we are called to. Godly means looking Godly and wearing Godly apparel. The Church should be a lot stronger than it is. But it's weak and stupid. Weak and stupid in the sense where any and all is allowed. We have Chrisitians claiming to be Christians yet they have set their minds to agree with the world's view and not God's ordained view.

We can still be trendy and not look like we've giving it up to the highest bidder. There are things that a woman should only wear for her husband and in the privacy of her life, not the public and especially in the world's view and preaching Jesus is their Lord. The same goes for men. They too, have gone to extremes in the dress codes and it's not necessary.

If you really and truly are out to reach those for Jesus Christ, you don't have to expose yourself. It's unnecessary. When folks dress like this, it's about 'them' and their 'flesh', it has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus or the Holy Spirit.

There is a 'place' for dressing this way and it's not in the Church. :nono: It is not a good representation of it. It's out of order. They know better and so do you and everyone else. When we Minister, cover it up.
Not necessarily true. I'm not for sure how long you have been a Christian, but I am 100% sure that there is still a sin that you struggle with. And we all know that sin, know matter what the sin is, is hard to overcome. But through the love of Christ and the support of our brothers and sisters in Christ we can overcome it. Notice I said support and not judgment.

Matthew 7:2-5 declares, "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."

Sounds like you've made a judgement...too. :yep:

I get that persepective,however, 1 Samuel 16:7 says " The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

Since we are Christians we are to strive to see things through the eyes of Christ. Instead of focusing on what they are wearing, pay more attention to the message they are trying to convey. Anything otherwise, imo, is judging and being condemning.

The Scriptures do speak directly to this issue. :yep: However, we also have to make sure that all verses are understood in context. The verse in 1 Samuel 16 is dealing with a separate issue. The whole chapter was dealing with the type of person God looked upon to be a king, not on modest dress. Modest dress is specifically addressed in the Scriptures mentioned earlier - 1 Timothy 2:9-10 and 1 Peter 3:3-5.

As Christians, we are supposed to reflect Christ and be a witness to others. Others see the way we dress, talk, and walk. If we want to be like Jesus, we should strive to make sure that all we do is acceptable in His sight.

Wowwwwww!!!! Number one when you talk about Muslims and Jehovah Witnesses that is part of their religion. It is a personal preference.

Now to answer your question, I'm not comprising anything. I have completely surrendered to God, and if he had an issue with the way I dressed he would have convicted me. Just because you have an issue with something, doesn't make it wrong. Once again 1 Samuel 16:7 says "The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

So if God almighty can ignore a man's outward appearance, why can't you?

The reason why I don't check for people's clothes is because God did not call man to that. Yes he called us to hold each other accountable, but not to judge. Furthermore, you seem to not understand that what you deem as too sexy, is a personal preference, or maybe even an issue related to age. If it bothers, then it bothers you. But the way that they dress to me is fine.

With love qt pie...

God does put emphasis on modesty. Further, we all have to be very careful in application of Scriptures to different issues. Again, 1 Samuel 16 deals with who God uses for His purposes. Not because we think by looking at someone, that they may better/worse for a certain job does not mean God cannot use them in their position. This is definitely true.

BUT that is not an issue of modest dress. Verses in the Bible do not contradict each other. It's so important to make sure that we don't apply verses in one way, so that they fall in contradiction with other parts of the Word. If one states that this verse means that God is not concerned with the way we dress as Christians, then that one is in essence saying that 1 Samuel 16 contradicts with 1 Timothy 2:9-10 and 1 Peter 3:3-5. These verses are certainly not in contradiction with each other at all.

Now I'm not accusing you of doing so intentionally at all, but just want to make sure that we are understanding the Scriptures.
It is also an integeral part of our 'Faith' as Christians to dress in modest apparel.

When God spoke of the outter appearance, He was speaking of David's size and being the younger brother. Out of all of Jesse's older sons to be annointed as the next King of Israel, David the younger and smaller was chosen. His clothing wasn't the issue and I can guarantee you that David was properly clothed.

God has always made it perfectly clear about our apparel.
Therefore that scripture is not a free pass to show cleavage...publicly and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You know as well as I do that if the dress code that Mary Mary presents were to be upon the Altar of God ministering God's word, that it would be totally and completely out of order. How we dress and where we wear certain garments does indeed matter.

Jesus made it plain that if the world finds nothing wrong with you, than there's a serious problem. Now why wouldn't the world applaude you for telling them it's okay to stay where they are? That they have no need of change, but to conform Jesus to them, rather than to conform to Him?

I don't have a problem with trendy, but cover your boobs and your butt. It's totally inappropriate to show out and be a distraction to men who truly need to keep their focus on being Holy. Why distract their total surrender of their flesh to the Lord, by having flesh all up in their faces? What kind of Godly witness is that? It judges itsself. People aren't fools, they know Godly from UnGodly appearances. Something in this clock (worldly mindset) is ticking in the wrong direction and denoting the wrong time.

Here's the problem and it's not judgment. The problem is the lax and lazy attitudes of those not making the ultimate sacrifice of being what we are called to. Godly means looking Godly and wearing Godly apparel. The Church should be a lot stronger than it is. But it's weak and stupid. Weak and stupid in the sense where any and all is allowed. We have Chrisitians claiming to be Christians yet they have set their minds to agree with the world's view and not God's ordained view.

We can still be trendy and not look like we've giving it up to the highest bidder. There are things that a woman should only wear for her husband and in the privacy of her life, not the public and especially in the world's view and preaching Jesus is their Lord. The same goes for men. They too, have gone to extremes in the dress codes and it's not necessary.

If you really and truly are out to reach those for Jesus Christ, you don't have to expose yourself. It's unnecessary. When folks dress like this, it's about 'them' and their 'flesh', it has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus or the Holy Spirit.

There is a 'place' for dressing this way and it's not in the Church. :nono: It is not a good representation of it. It's out of order. They know better and so do you and everyone else. When we Minister, cover it up.

Amen! Well said.