Mary Mary's new video-GOD IN ME. Too worldly?

Is this song too WORLDLY?

  • It's lifting up God with an upbeat sound. All good to me!

    Votes: 49 56.3%
  • No. We aren't to follow this world. Throwing "God" in it doesn't make it right!

    Votes: 28 32.2%
  • I don't care either way.

    Votes: 10 11.5%

  • Total voters
Sigh...There are so many discrepancies between the Bible, how people actually live, Western ideology, lifestyle and interpretation.
Where do you really begin ?
The Pagan Holidays ( i.e Easter)
The unclean diet ( i.e non vegetarian, pork, etc...)
Wearing Jewelry vs. not wearing Jewelry
Women covering their heads vs. not covering thier heads
Both men and women being fully covered vs. revealing clothes
Women wearing pants vs. not being allowed to wear pants
Adultery, out of wedlock children.....
etc.... etc.... etc....

We are to live as the Word has called us how to live.

If you know the Sabbath to be on Saturday, then why don't you observe it. I just started myself. I try not to buy or sell anything. I rest on that day and spend time with my family.

If you know pork to be bad don't eat it. In Acts 11: 6-9

When I observed it intently and considered, I saw four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things, and birds of the air.

And I heard a voice saying to me, ' Rise, Peter; kill and eat.'

But I said, ' Not so Lord! For nothing common or unclean has at any time entered my mouth.'

But the voice answered me again from heaven, ' what God has cleansed you must not call common.'
I wasn't directing my questions to anyone specifically, those are questions that I wonder. The point that I was trying to make, is that I notice Christians have a tendency to be very judgmental at times and have tunnel vision, when there are things that they themselves, may be in the grey area about. From what I have read, there are areas of the bible that can be contradictory and open for interpretation and I feel like we should judge and criticize others LESS and be more focused on strengthening faith and clarity.
I wasn't directing my questions to anyone specifically, those are questions that I wonder. The point that I was trying to make, is that I notice Christians have a tendency to be very judgmental at times and have tunnel vision, when there are things that they themselves, may be in the grey area about. From what I have read, there are areas of the bible that can be contradictory and open for interpretation and I feel like we should judge and criticize others LESS and be more focused on strengthening faith and clarity.

I know that you were not directing it to anyone. Jesus told us to take the plank out of our eye then we will see clearly. I always hear Christians don't do this or they don't do that. This is a weapon that is constantly used against the body of Christ. I do believe that there are more Christians living right than lukewarm and wrong.

God will not be out done.

Elijiah thought that he was the only one living right but God told him I have 300 prophets who have not bowed down to baal.

Elijiah thought that he was the only one living right but God told him I have 300 prophets who have not bowed down to baal.

I'm not really interested in this latest tangent re. the parallels of the Bible to contemporary society but had to salute this portion of the post.... The Lord ALWAYS... ALWAYS has a remnant....

and I think it's a futile conversation to be (overly) concerned about who else is or ain't doing or not doing this or that.... When we stand before the Lord on Judgement Day, we each stand before Him ALONE.

Now I said overly concerned but as the salt of the earth, the saints of God are to be careful to UPHOLD and DEFEND the faith and when there is an obvious violation, that needs to be called out (in love and wisdom)...meaning the goal is not to embarrass, but to sharpen as iron and win that person over to Christ in love and lifestyle (conversation).
I'm not really interested in this latest tangent re. the parallels of the Bible to contemporary society but had to salute this portion of the post.... The Lord ALWAYS... ALWAYS has a remnant....

and I think it's a futile conversation to be (overly) concerned about who else is or ain't doing or not doing this or that.... When we stand before the Lord on Judgement Day, we each stand before Him ALONE.

Now I said overly concerned but as the salt of the earth, the saints of God are to be careful to UPHOLD and DEFEND the faith and when there is an obvious violation, that needs to be called out (in love and wisdom)...meaning the goal is not to embarrass, but to sharpen as iron and win that person over to Christ in love and lifestyle (conversation).

Love all of ya'll. If I didn't I would be silent.

This type of person would be classified as a lukewarm christian according to scripture. Jesus says, because you are neither hot nor cold I will spew you out of my mouth. This is found in the Book of Revalation.

Abraham came from of family of idol worshippers. He was called out and the Father gave his descendents Laws on how to live. The chlidren of Israel were not to live as the other peoples of the world. This is our down fall as christians. We are the light of the world but we keep polluting this light because we want to be like everyone else.

Jesus says, if you love me you will follow my commandments, which include the old and new testament. He did not come to destroy the law but fulfill it.

I don't care for Steve Harvey either.:nono:

Point that Scripture out to me b/c I don't recall ever reading anything like that. I believe there are some verses/passages you can interpret that way if you wish, but it's not clear or explicably stated. I don't believe making secular music or going to certain places is against any Jesus-given Commandment. It's what you do in said environments that show your true Christianity. In fact, Scripturally, Jesus was where the sinners were.

I do respect your opinion but I take it as that and not a Biblical fact unless I am mistaken and it is explicitly stated there somewhere.
I wasn't directing my questions to anyone specifically, those are questions that I wonder. The point that I was trying to make, is that I notice Christians have a tendency to be very judgmental at times and have tunnel vision, when there are things that they themselves, may be in the grey area about. From what I have read, there are areas of the bible that can be contradictory and open for interpretation and I feel like we should judge and criticize others LESS and be more focused on strengthening faith and clarity.

I agree we should be less critical and more loving but we should say something if someone says they are a christian and not living like they should if we love our brothers and sisters we won't stand by and let it continue if we can help it.
Many Christians do not know their history thats why they observe traditions of man and not search futher in the scriptures and even other books ( these other books explain exactly what happened and when and how many people died because they refuse to worship on Sunday) to find out why people go to service on Sunday. Its not biblical I searched for weeks before I made up my mind to go to service on Saturday. Whenever we read the bible we must pray and ask God to help us understand what is in the passages and how do they apply to us. If we have a willing heart, God will see this and open your eyes to whats in the scriptures.
Point that Scripture out to me b/c I don't recall ever reading anything like that. I believe there are some verses/passages you can interpret that way if you wish, but it's not clear or explicably stated. I don't believe making secular music or going to certain places is against any Jesus-given Commandment. It's what you do in said environments that show your true Christianity. In fact, Scripturally, Jesus was where the sinners were.

I do respect your opinion but I take it as that and not a Biblical fact unless I am mistaken and it is explicitly stated there somewhere.

Here is the verse.

Revelation 3:16 - So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Here is the verse.

Revelation 3:16 - So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.


Hey, thanks for trying to help, but that's not what I was referring to.

That just explains that being lukewarm is not acceptable. . .however, we could easily debate what would be considered "lukewarm" in a denominational context vs. a Biblical context. I was looking for a verse much more specific to what Hurricane was referring to - one that would be more difficult to claim subjectivity.

Hope that makes sense :)
I agree we should be less critical and more loving but we should say something if someone says they are a christian and not living like they should if we love our brothers and sisters we won't stand by and let it continue if we can help it.
Many Christians do not know their history thats why they observe traditions of man and not search futher in the scriptures and even other books ( these other books explain exactly what happened and when and how many people died because they refuse to worship on Sunday) to find out why people go to service on Sunday. Its not biblical I searched for weeks before I made up my mind to go to service on Saturday. Whenever we read the bible we must pray and ask God to help us understand what is in the passages and how do they apply to us. If we have a willing heart, God will see this and open your eyes to whats in the scriptures.

I agree with this and some other things you said in your post. However, I do feel like we should realize that when we say certain things that blatantly depend on personal interpretation of Scripture or denominational view, that we need to take into account that is just our perspective. Sometimes things are said or instructions are implied, and it is not Biblically solid.

I feel like issues with where you can or cannot go, who you can or cannot talk to, what you can listen to or what you can't are HIGHLY personal decisions based on an individual's relationship with God. It's not fair of me to place the way I view matters like that on other ppl - esp those ppl who are not under the same pastoral leadership or are nondenom. There are some things in The Bible that are explicitly stated and are much harder to debate. For instance, I still to this day don't understand how some ppl try to say Christianity should condone a homosexual lifestyle when The Bible explicitly states it is against it. But there are many things that are the opposite. Knowing the historical context of certain verses is critical to understanding them. I find that sometimes ppl quote verses by themselves but totally missed the context that verse was said in. And then. . .still. . .everyone doesn't view Scripture the same way.

I don't feel posts like this are beneficial. They seem very condescending and are not seeking to provide guidance nor understand. I haven't seen anything in the last page or so that would warrant it. Just difference of opinion. But maybe you don't mean it the way it looks.

ETA: I'm sorry if that sounds accusatory. . .I don't mean it to be. Truly.
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Hey, thanks for trying to help, but that's not what I was referring to.

That just explains that being lukewarm is not acceptable. . .however, we could easily debate what would be considered "lukewarm" in a denominational context vs. a Biblical context. I was looking for a verse much more specific to what Hurricane was referring to - one that would be more difficult to claim subjectivity.

Hope that makes sense :)

Oh, I thought you were wondering what verse was being referenced. Guess I am not completely following. Lo siento.
I don't feel posts like this are beneficial. They seem very condescending and are not seeking to provide guidance nor understand. I haven't seen anything in the last page or so that would warrant it. Just difference of opinion. But maybe you don't mean it the way it looks.

ETA: I'm sorry if that sounds accusatory. . .I don't mean it to be. Truly.
It's fine. :giveheart: Accusations don't bother me. :nono:

Whether I verbalize, symbolize, or draw a blank, for whatever reason, someone may or may not take offense to it. That's 'thread' life.

For 'clarity' :deadhorse:

:Rose: Blessings... :yep:
It's fine. :giveheart: Accusations don't bother me. :nono:

Whether I verbalize, symbolize, or draw a blank, for whatever reason, someone may or may not take offense to it. That's 'thread' life.

For 'clarity' :deadhorse:

:Rose: Blessings... :yep:

Understood. And I hope you understand how it can come off as if there was a negative intent, even if there was none. But I do understand.

Thanks for explaining, hun :)
Point that Scripture out to me b/c I don't recall ever reading anything like that. I believe there are some verses/passages you can interpret that way if you wish, but it's not clear or explicably stated. I don't believe making secular music or going to certain places is against any Jesus-given Commandment. It's what you do in said environments that show your true Christianity. In fact, Scripturally, Jesus was where the sinners were.

I do respect your opinion but I take it as that and not a Biblical fact unless I am mistaken and it is explicitly stated there somewhere.

Joshua 24: 2-3

And Joshua said to all the people, Thus says the Lord God of Israel: Your fathers, including Terah, the father of Abraham and the father of Nahor, dwelt on the other side of the River in old times; and they served other gods.

Then I took your father Abraham from the other side of the River, led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multipled his descendants and gave him Isaac.

Hey, thanks for trying to help, but that's not what I was referring to.

That just explains that being lukewarm is not acceptable. . .however, we could easily debate what would be considered "lukewarm" in a denominational context vs. a Biblical context. I was looking for a verse much more specific to what Hurricane was referring to - one that would be more difficult to claim subjectivity.

Hope that makes sense :)

Hope this can clear things up. I read this Monday night. I'm trying not to get on this internet everyday. I have housework that needs tending too.:grin:

Leviticus 10:1-3 Then Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it, put incense on it, and offered profane fire before the Lord, which He had not commanded them.

So fire went out from the Lord and devored them, and they died before the Lord,

And Moses said to Aaron, " This is what the Lord spoke, saying:
By those who come near Me
I must be regarded as holy;
And before all the people
I must be glorified
So Aaron held his peace.

We must be respectful to God and his word if we are to minister before him.

2 Timothy 4:3-4

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers, and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.
I agree with this and some other things you said in your post. However, I do feel like we should realize that when we say certain things that blatantly depend on personal interpretation of Scripture or denominational view, that we need to take into account that is just our perspective. Sometimes things are said or instructions are implied, and it is not Biblically solid.

I feel like issues with where you can or cannot go, who you can or cannot talk to, what you can listen to or what you can't are HIGHLY personal decisions based on an individual's relationship with God. It's not fair of me to place the way I view matters like that on other ppl - esp those ppl who are not under the same pastoral leadership or are nondenom.

But how do we know if it’s someone’s personal interpretation unless we go back over the scriptures and examine it ourselves. Scripture backs up scripture over and over again. So if someone takes a line and then run with it would be easy to find out what it really meant, for example. Most Christians take Act 10 as if God was saying they can eat pork and seafood and just stopping there. When God wasn’t talking about food at all. 10 Then he ( peter) became very hungry and wanted to eat; but while they made ready, he fell into a trance 11 and saw heaven opened and an object like a great sheet bound at the four corners, descending to him and let down to the earth. 12 In it were all kinds of four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things, and birds of the air. 13 And a voice came to him, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.” 14 But Peter said, “Not so, Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean.” ( this also is important because this is years after Jesus has passed and he still is keeping the law and observing the Sabbath). 15 And a voice spoke to him again the second time, “What God has cleansed you must not call common.” 16 This was done three times. And the object was taken up into heaven again. Then we skip down to verse 24 and we have the clear meaning of what this vision is. 24 And the following day they entered Caesarea. Now Cornelius was waiting for them, and had called together his relatives and close friends. 25 As Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet and worshiped him. 26 But Peter lifted him up, saying, “Stand up; I myself am also a man.” 27 And as he talked with him, he went in and found many who had come together. 28 Then he said to them, “You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean.

I feel like issues with where you can or cannot go, who you can or cannot talk to, what you can listen to or what you can't are HIGHLY personal decisions based on an individual's relationship with God. It's not fair of me to place the way I view matters like that on other ppl - esp those ppl who are not under the same pastoral leadership or are nondenom. There are some things in The Bible that are explicitly stated and are much harder to debate. For instance, I still to this day don't understand how some ppl try to say Christianity should condone a homosexual lifestyle when The Bible explicitly states it is against it. But there are many things that are the opposite. Knowing the historical context of certain verses is critical to understanding them. I find that sometimes ppl quote verses by themselves but totally missed the context that verse was said in. And then. . .still. . .everyone doesn't view Scripture the same way.

We as Christians should be like minded we all have the word of God and when other take it to another level that is between them and the lord. We have the word of God that gives instructions to follow that are not a burden to us. We are to love one another teaching one another if that person wants to continue sinning well as far as I am concern I would think no more of it as long as I have tried to advise them of the truth and they refuse because to them its not this or that its whatever they want it to be, when the bible clearly states with studying and looking with a clear mind these things lead to this path. But I will share my experience, I never mind doing that because I hope that someone else can learn from my mistakes, clubbing when your in the club your dancing and shaking your body. I don’t care if you do the two steps your body is moving this way and that and its sexually exciting to other woman and man. Also I look cute I like to look in the mirror to make sure when I do this or that it looks good and I don’t look crazy on the floor not so much for the men but the woman who is looking at your cute shoes or the sexy tight dress or pants you brought for tonight Sex is at the top of the chart whether your thinking it or not it is on someones mind that night and you encouraged it with your actions knowingly or not. If your dancing with a certain person that sometimes leads to a sexual experience for yourself and others watching you. Now I will be real on this one I had a boyfriend so to me it was all in fun (I wasn’t having sex with anyone but him) but I still thought all these things and I always went with a huge number of people we had regulars going the same three clubs in philly and one in New Jerseys and one on the Military base. I always had a crowd and we all thought pretty much the same while we were getting ready to go to the club. It wasn’t about the Lord. There was no thought about Jesus coming with us. Not none of us and had he came none of us wanted to be up on there so you can see where my mind was. The environment the vibe is not conducive to thinking about the lord or anything spiritual for that matter it more of a dark spiritual thing going on in there to take each time you are there down a different path and sooner or later you can’t relate to anyone going to church and reading their bible because you can’t compare it to the “fun” you thought you were having at the club. It will take years before you wake up and you think why in the world did I think that was fun. For some it never happens, Only God can wake you up from the madness. I was worried all the time about someone grabbing this or that snatching my purse, my earrings, robbing me, shooting, fighting, drunkenness, throwing up. Drugs everywhere what is the world was fun about that. Music has been largely captured by Satan, I mean isn’t music his thing anyway. He is the master of all music so of course he would have great power in it. The music often glorifies vice (satan acting in a place of another) and destroys a desire for spiritual matters. Music can have great power, spiritual music for me brings me to tears sometimes. I often have to lift my arms in praise, I have to pause and thank God for getting me through something. I forget this terrible moment in my life that God brought me through and when I hear this song, You have made me glad and I say to the Lord you are my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer, my shelter, strong tower, My very present help In time of need. It hits me because at that darkest moment, he comes and rescues you at that last moment in time. Here he is to save you from whatever you are going through. How can I want to listen to anything else. This is my feelings spiritually, Imagine not spiritual. This is what music does to you. It enters the brain through the emotions, thus bypassing reasoning powers, It affects every function of the body, it can alter pulse, breath rates, and reflexes without the person realizing it, Syncopated dance rhythms alter moods and create a mild hypnosis in the listener, I got this from a pamphlet that I just so happen to be reading when I came across this response to my post. Wow. Without lyrics the music has the power to debase person’s feelings. Did you hear about those two Asian men who listen to hard metal and jumped out the window. Well one fell out and the other jumped out behind him. Besides the bible tells you what is good and pure and holy think on these things, mediate on these things. Phillippians 4:8 Meditate on These Things -- 8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. 9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you

There are some things in The Bible that are explicitly stated and are much harder to debate. For instance, I still to this day don't understand how some ppl try to say Christianity should condone a homosexual lifestyle when The Bible explicitly states it is against it. But there are many things that are the opposite. Knowing the historical context of certain verses is critical to understanding them. I find that sometimes ppl quote verses by themselves but totally missed the context that verse was said in. And then. . .still. . .everyone doesn't view Scripture the same way.

This is true many people will view the bible in the way that makes it most acceptable to them. To their own shame. You have to keep fighting for the goal without worry about what they are doing. I mean its different if they are in the church with you. I would say something about it several times and then I will remove myself from that church and pray and ask God to find me a church that is truly trying to worship you. I have been to many, many, many churches my entire life. I found emptiness in all of them until now. I am learning now. I have not committed myself to any church or its teachings. I have not done that. I just go and sit in the pew for a few hours and go home. I do my own studies. I intend to study at the church but first I have to make sure they are teaching the truth by studying it myself. Whatever they teach me from the point where I decide to join I will measure it against the word of God and if its not correct then I say so.
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Hope this can clear things up. I read this Monday night. I'm trying not to get on this internet everyday. I have housework that needs tending too.:grin:

Leviticus 10:1-3 Then Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in it, put incense on it, and offered profane fire before the Lord, which He had not commanded them.

So fire went out from the Lord and devored them, and they died before the Lord,

And Moses said to Aaron, " This is what the Lord spoke, saying:
By those who come near Me
I must be regarded as holy;
And before all the people
I must be glorified
So Aaron held his peace.

We must be respectful to God and his word if we are to minister before him.

2 Timothy 4:3-4

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers, and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.


Joshua 24: 2-3

And Joshua said to all the people, Thus says the Lord God of Israel: Your fathers, including Terah, the father of Abraham and the father of Nahor, dwelt on the other side of the River in old times; and they served other gods.

Then I took your father Abraham from the other side of the River, led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multipled his descendants and gave him Isaac.

I agree with the underlined. I still don't see how this passage says that you can't listen to secular music nor go to particular places. . .or that God is exclusive to anyone. I don't see the meaning which you inferred. . .but thanks for pointing them out to me. I appreciate you trying to help me understand where you're coming from even if we don't agree on certain things :)
We as Christians should be like minded we all have the word of God and when other take it to another level that is between them and the lord. We have the word of God that gives instructions to follow that are not a burden to us. We are to love one another teaching one another if that person wants to continue sinning well as far as I am concern I would think no more of it as long as I have tried to advise them of the truth and they refuse because to them its not this or that its whatever they want it to be, when the bible clearly states with studying and looking with a clear mind these things lead to this path. But I will share my experience, I never mind doing that because I hope that someone else can learn from my mistakes, clubbing when your in the club your dancing and shaking your body. I don’t care if you do the two steps your body is moving this way and that and its sexually exciting to other woman and man. Also I look cute I like to look in the mirror to make sure when I do this or that it looks good and I don’t look crazy on the floor not so much for the men but the woman who is looking at your cute shoes or the sexy tight dress or pants you brought for tonight Sex is at the top of the chart whether your thinking it or not it is on someones mind that night and you encouraged it with your actions knowingly or not. If your dancing with a certain person that sometimes leads to a sexual experience for yourself and others watching you. Now I will be real on this one I had a boyfriend so to me it was all in fun (I wasn’t having sex with anyone but him) but I still thought all these things and I always went with a huge number of people we had regulars going the same three clubs in philly and one in New Jerseys and one on the Military base. I always had a crowd and we all thought pretty much the same while we were getting ready to go to the club. It wasn’t about the Lord. There was no thought about Jesus coming with us. Not none of us and had he came none of us wanted to be up on there so you can see where my mind was. The environment the vibe is not conducive to thinking about the lord or anything spiritual for that matter it more of a dark spiritual thing going on in there to take each time you are there down a different path and sooner or later you can’t relate to anyone going to church and reading their bible because you can’t compare it to the “fun” you thought you were having at the club. It will take years before you wake up and you think why in the world did I think that was fun. For some it never happens, Only God can wake you up from the madness. I was worried all the time about someone grabbing this or that snatching my purse, my earrings, robbing me, shooting, fighting, drunkenness, throwing up. Drugs everywhere what is the world was fun about that. Music has been largely captured by Satan, I mean isn’t music his thing anyway. He is the master of all music so of course he would have great power in it. The music often glorifies vice (satan acting in a place of another) and destroys a desire for spiritual matters. Music can have great power, spiritual music for me brings me to tears sometimes. I often have to lift my arms in praise, I have to pause and thank God for getting me through something. I forget this terrible moment in my life that God brought me through and when I hear this song, You have made me glad and I say to the Lord you are my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer, my shelter, strong tower, My very present help In time of need. It hits me because at that darkest moment, he comes and rescues you at that last moment in time. Here he is to save you from whatever you are going through. How can I want to listen to anything else. This is my feelings spiritually, Imagine not spiritual. This is what music does to you. It enters the brain through the emotions, thus bypassing reasoning powers, It affects every function of the body, it can alter pulse, breath rates, and reflexes without the person realizing it, Syncopated dance rhythms alter moods and create a mild hypnosis in the listener, I got this from a pamphlet that I just so happen to be reading when I came across this response to my post. Wow. Without lyrics the music has the power to debase person’s feelings. Did you hear about those two Asian men who listen to hard metal and jumped out the window. Well one fell out and the other jumped out behind him. Besides the bible tells you what is good and pure and holy think on these things, mediate on these things. Phillippians 4:8 Meditate on These Things -- 8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. 9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you

There are some things in The Bible that are explicitly stated and are much harder to debate. For instance, I still to this day don't understand how some ppl try to say Christianity should condone a homosexual lifestyle when The Bible explicitly states it is against it. But there are many things that are the opposite. Knowing the historical context of certain verses is critical to understanding them. I find that sometimes ppl quote verses by themselves but totally missed the context that verse was said in. And then. . .still. . .everyone doesn't view Scripture the same way.

This is true many people will view the bible in the way that makes it most acceptable to them. To their own shame. You have to keep fighting for the goal without worry about what they are doing. I mean its different if they are in the church with you. I would say something about it several times and then I will remove myself from that church and pray and ask God to find me a church that is truly trying to worship you. I have been to many, many, many churches my entire life. I found emptiness in all of them until now. I am learning now. I have not committed myself to any church or its teachings. I have not done that. I just go and sit in the pew for a few hours and go home. I do my own studies. I intend to study at the church but first I have to make sure they are teaching the truth by studying it myself. Whatever they teach me from the point where I decide to join I will measure it against the word of God and if its not correct then I say so.

But how do we know if it’s someone’s personal interpretation unless we go back over the scriptures and examine it ourselves. Scripture backs up scripture over and over again. So if someone takes a line and then run with it would be easy to find out what it really meant, for example. Most Christians take Act 10 as if God was saying they can eat pork and seafood and just stopping there. When God wasn’t talking about food at all. 10 Then he ( peter) became very hungry and wanted to eat; but while they made ready, he fell into a trance 11 and saw heaven opened and an object like a great sheet bound at the four corners, descending to him and let down to the earth. 12 In it were all kinds of four-footed animals of the earth, wild beasts, creeping things, and birds of the air. 13 And a voice came to him, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.” 14 But Peter said, “Not so, Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean.” ( this also is important because this is years after Jesus has passed and he still is keeping the law and observing the Sabbath). 15 And a voice spoke to him again the second time, “What God has cleansed you must not call common.” 16 This was done three times. And the object was taken up into heaven again. Then we skip down to verse 24 and we have the clear meaning of what this vision is. 24 And the following day they entered Caesarea. Now Cornelius was waiting for them, and had called together his relatives and close friends. 25 As Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him and fell down at his feet and worshiped him. 26 But Peter lifted him up, saying, “Stand up; I myself am also a man.” 27 And as he talked with him, he went in and found many who had come together. 28 Then he said to them, “You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean.

Wow girl. . .this is a lot :lachen:

I'm making this a placeholder. . .I'm gonna try to read and respond (maybe a lil later but I'll come back I PROMISE lol :) )
I haven't seen the video, but from what some of you all are saying that certain folks are in it..than yes I can agree it is probably a bad video.

I love the song God in me. I am not going to watch the video so it doesn't mess up the song for me.

My friends and I love this song and rock out to it all types of crazy. What they are saying to me is...

You see I have a nice car, live in a big house, able to give to whatever I want to support...of course you see me or know of me being at church or as a "Christian" and you think that all of this stuff has just come to me from what you've seen. But, trust when I get home and at church I am on my knees praying, I'm reading and studying my word. I'm singing etc... No I'm not on MLK and 35th preaching to the masses that's not my calling, but I have a deep relationship with God and these things are all blessings from him..NOT LUCK.

You see this is what the song meant to me...about the world looking at you like you are lucky or just have it made naturally, but not understanding that they think you have it made ONLY because of God and not luck. That it is all because of the God in me.

I hope they and Kiki continue to make music like this with Godly and word based messages. It's truly a blessing. I love to know I can rock out to these songs and not need the worldly songs to get "crunk" lol. I can skip the radio when I am tired of listening to Chris Tomlin or Byron Cage or Norman Hutchins..and turn this on just to have so hyped fun and still know that only those "good" things are permeating my windows.
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I agree with the underlined. I still don't see how this passage says that you can't listen to secular music nor go to particular places. . .or that God is exclusive to anyone. I don't see the meaning which you inferred. . .but thanks for pointing them out to me. I appreciate you trying to help me understand where you're coming from even if we don't agree on certain things :)

Oh, I didn't understand what you where saying. The scriptures refer to not mixing what is Holy with that of the world. My point was secular music has no place in worship. Sorry about the misunderstanding.

1 Cor 15: 33, Do not be decieved: evil company corrupts good habits.

I think we need our own thread. :lachen:
dont be so uptight and why are people sitting here juudging who should and shouldnt be in a video becase of what they do in their personal life??? God is the one to judge
My point was secular music has no place in worship. Sorry about the misunderstanding.

The underlined begs the question: exactly what is secular music?

Further, exactly what is GOSPEL music?

What makes a song secular or gospel?

Artist: Who sings it?
Lyrics: What the song says?
Record label?

The anointing? Seriously? People have different interpretations/levels of discernment of what/who the anointing (really) is....
I've been jammin to the song but never peeped the vid. I thought it was a great vid sans those black glasses Tina had on...ugh! What is the hoop ha all about....I thinking they are proclaiming God's name. It's a message: "It's the God in me...why I may possess material things or things of this world...God has caused it all to happen, not me." That is the message...they weren't tryna say "OH I got this n I got how it is in hiphop
The underlined begs the question: exactly what is secular music?

Further, exactly what is GOSPEL music?

What makes a song secular or gospel?

Artist: Who sings it?
Lyrics: What the song says?
Record label?

The anointing? Seriously? People have different interpretations/levels of discernment of what/who the anointing (really) is....

Secular music promotes worldy things. I did not question their lyrics just the way they dress. It can give mixed signals. That is why I stated that you can not mix what is Holy with the world.


Secular music promotes worldy things. I did not question their lyrics just the way they dress. It can give mixed signals. That is why I stated that you can not mix what is Holy with the world.

I asked WHAT IS secular music.... not what it promotes. What are "worldly" things?

I'm not nit-picking. I'm asking for specificity. I am asking for definitions in order to generate parameters for conversation. This thread has been all over the place about WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, and HOW people and music and dress should be examined (notice I didn't say judged) in order to deem it gospel or secular, holy or profane, etc.

If such a definition is based on WHO, we (general use of we) get in trouble right away in terms of putting labels on people.

If such a definition is based on LYRICS, the book of Esther is in the Bible and NEVER MENTIONS "GOD" in the entire book.

If it is based on RECORD LABELS, it's clear that record labels have a financial agenda. Gospel music is the fourth-highest selling genre in music. That's huge.

There are some songs that would be defined as "secular" (meaning never played on a gospel station) that capture holiness SO MUCH MORE than a song placed in a gospel category (e.g., "Jesus Is Love" by the Commodores--on a R&B album!)

There are some songs that would be defined as "gospel" that are so theologically inaccurate it's RIDICULOUS, e.g., "I'm Climbing Up the Rough Side of the Mountain" YIKES!

Here's the better answer (for me): ANY SONG, MOVIE, POEM, SPOKEN WORD, SERMON, (gospel, secular, uncategorized, etc.), that points me and leads me to seek and serve and obey the LORD JESUS CHRIST is (spiritually) healthy for me to listen to.... Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17).

With that in mind, I no longer imprison myself to somebody's dress, somebody's associations (holy or otherwise), their conduct on or off the stage, etc. to determine if I should listen to their music.
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