Mary Mary


Hi everyone! I'm not trying to be overly critical but I just want some other opinions about Mary Mary's reality show. I thought that they would probably promote Christ and Christian values a little more. Not to say that they are doing anything inappropriate like drinking, smoking , etc. If I didn't know they were a gospel group prior to watching the show, I would not have had any idea. What's your opinions about the show?
I think some things that are said are what some would perceive to be not Christ like but I just chalk it up to no ones perfect.

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TrulyBlsd85 ...

I haven't seen the show. Can you share more details about the day/time/station?

Even without viewing the show, they should as Christians be taking this media opportunity to honour and share the wisdom and the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

They should be demonstrating the true lives of Christians who truly love and have no shame of showing the world they are true followers with the heart of Jesus Christ and not blend in with the world.

It appears that they are not doing so in this show / they are not putting Jesus upfront and center.

The same disappointment is with Tia and Tamera Mowry (sp?) the twins who started out making it known that they loved Jesus Christ and followed Him. However, they don't even mention God nor a prayer on their reality show which is a major, major, major disappointment. :nono:
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TrulyBlsd85 ...

I haven't seen the show. Can you share more details about the day/time/station?

Even without viewing the show, they should as Christians be taking this media opportunity to honour and share the wisdom and the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

They should be demonstrating the true lives of Christians who truly love and have no shame of showing the world they are true followers with the heart of Jesus Christ and not blend in with the world.

It appears that they are not doing so in this show / they are not putting Jesus upfront and center.

The same disappointment is with Tia and Tamera Mowry (sp?) the twins who started out making it known that they loved Jesus Christ and followed Him. However, they don't even mention God nor a prayer on their reality show which is a major, major, major disappointment. :nono:

I never knew that. Perhaps the producers discouraged their beliefs on the show.
I think some things that are said are what some would perceive to be not Christ like but I just chalk it up to no ones perfect.

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Hi :wave: sweetcapri...

The problem with the 'no one is perfect' concept is a cop-out. Mary Mary knows better. They've been given an opportunity to show the Light of Jesus to the world via a TV production and have 'fallen short' of doing so.

Anyone who proclaims to be Christian, is responsible for being the Light of Jesus Christ and bringing others to His Light.

There's no excuse for anyone in Christ to live in darkness when they should shine above and beyond it, giving God the glory that He so well deserves.
I never knew that. Perhaps the producers discouraged their beliefs on the show.

amwcah :wave: Hi

Yes, they grew up as Christians and never kept it a secret in their earlier years.

Here's an article from 2001:

The Mowry Twins

Seeing Double: Straight Talk from the Mowry Twins -

Paramount studios in Hollywood has become a second home for twin actresses Tia and Tamara Mowry. Their hit sitcom Sister,Sister is now in its 6th season.

Tia Mowry: We always claimed five years: "It's going to be five years. We claim it right now in Jesus name." And it happened. And then all of a sudden, six years came, and we didn't even know. We were like, We got picked up again Cool. So we're just riding it out and having a lot of fun. But we never expected six years.

Sandy Engel: You girls have grown since we last talked. Tia, in what way do you think you've changed the most over those four years?

Tia: I think the only thing that has changed is my looks. That's the only thing. I'm just a little more mature.

Tamara Mowry: But we have grown. We've grown spiritually. We've grown, I guess you could say, physically. We're women now; we're twenty years old, and by going to college that had a lot to do with it.

Sandy Engel: You are famous now. How has fame changed you?

Tamara: It really hasn't changed us. We're the same as when we first started, but we travel a lot now, and we get to meet a lot of people. And we've become role models. So I think that's the biggest thing.

Tia: And it's really neat because people are willing to talk to us, and it's easy for us to witness to other people.

Tamara: That's the way we use it.

Tia: We talk about God to any individual we come up to, whether they're little, even babies. And when we hug them, we pray for them.

Tamara: And they have no idea we're doing that.

Tamara: We believe that's why we're in this business.

God put us here not to glorify ourselves but to glorify God in it.

So we pray:

Our number one prayer is to help people and talk about our number one love -- and that's Jesus Christ. So definitely in everything we do we try to witness.

Sandy Engel: I see a picture over here of your brother Tahj. He has his own sitcom, Smart Guy, also very successful. It must be wild around your house with three siblings on two sitcoms!

Tia: It is so funny.

Tamara: That is so true.

Tia: When our cousins come over they're like, 'How do you do it! You guys are going everywhere all over the place Washington, NY It's like, 'When can I spend time with you?'

Sandy Engel: I know that you come from a Christian family. But was there a point where you as an individual developed a relationship with Jesus? And I want to ask that to you separately because that is a very individual thing -- Tia?

Tia: Well, I didn't know why I was going to church. I didn't know why I was reading my Bible. I didn't really know why I was praying. But I can remember 14 years old actually 15 years old. I said, You know what? I've made my decision. I'm going to walk with Jesus Christ. It's the only way to go, and I want to know Him for myself."

Tamara: Our grandmother always taught us that. You've got to know Jesus for yourself. You've got to get into that Word for yourself! But I think I was about 15 or 16 when I realized --You know what? I have to be real for Christ! Although we did go to church, we didn't have that personal one-on-one relationship with Jesus Christ. And thats when you grow. I remember when I received the Holy Ghost, and that's when it started. It gave me power, and I really knew that Wow, Jesus is real! I am in the Presence of Him! And since then weve been striving higher and higher and nothing can stop us.

Sandy Engel: You're at an age where there's a lot of temptation just for people who aren't on television.

Tamara: Oh, yes!

Tia: He says that you're going to be tempted, but He will give you the power to overcome that.

Tamara: Sometimes He won't remove the problem, but He'll help you deal with it. Yes, by being twenty, we have to sit here and be real. Sometimes it can be hard, but we always say, We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

Sandy Engel: You now have permanent boyfriends on the show. Do you have real life boyfriends?

Tia and Tamara: Noooo!

Tamara: We're just taking our time. There is a time for everything. We're in a training process right now. We have to know who we are first. We know that God will bless in due time. But the coolest thing about having boyfriends on the show, and by being Christians, is we want to portray to the youth how to have a clean relationship. And I think we're doing a wonderful job. (To Tia) Wouldn't you say so?

Tia: Um-hum.

Sandy Engel: Last time we talked, both of you were planning to become--

Tia and Tamara: criminal lawyers!

Tamara: Oh my gosh!

Sandy Engel: Is that still your plan?

Tamara: Nooo!

Tia: Things change. Tamara and I really love what were doing now. And we believe this is our purpose. So we're going to college now for business, not law, and what we want to do [is] we want to pursue a production company that produces family films.

Sandy Engel: Tia and Tamara also plan to pursue a career in music. They're now in the process of recording a gospel album. You have spent most of your adolescence in front of millions of people. Do you feel like you've missed out on something, or do you have any regrets?

Tia: No regrets! This is a blessing from God.

Tamara: Thank God for our mother.

Tia: I don't regret any of it.

Tamara: She made sure that we stayed normal.

Tia: We had chores and we still have chores! My friend she got a camera and she took a picture of Tamara and I cleaning

Tamara: on the floor, sweeping.

Tia: She said, 'Tia and Tamara they're humble.'

Tamara: 'They're real.' So we thank God for our mom.

Sandy Engel: You have a very busy schedule. You're doing this. You're in college. How do you stay focused and centred on Jesus?

Tia: I'm telling you, He helps us with everything that we do. Everything.

Tamara: And we put Him first. And everything else follows. And we've learned to take everything a day at a time and keep our minds focused on Him.

Tia: We ask for His help, because you can't do anything on your own.

Tamara: And that's what we have learned. We are nothing without Jesus! Nothing!

The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. © 2001

Producers or no producers... Why change? Why compromise? Why leave out Jesus? Whose 'our' real and true God? TV producers cannot get us into Heaven, they are not our Saviour.

God gives folks an opportunity to share Him worldwide and folks fall short and put God aside. :nono:

Tia and Tamara said this out of their own mouths, that God placed them in the media to give Him glory. So....... what happened to the glory?
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TrulyBlsd85 ...

I haven't seen the show. Can you share more details about the day/time/station?

Even without viewing the show, they should as Christians be taking this media opportunity to honour and share the wisdom and the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

They should be demonstrating the true lives of Christians who truly love and have no shame of showing the world they are true followers with the heart of Jesus Christ and not blend in with the world.

It appears that they are not doing so in this show / they are not putting Jesus upfront and center.

The same disappointment is with Tia and Tamera Mowry (sp?) the twins who started out making it known that they loved Jesus Christ and followed Him. However, they don't even mention God nor a prayer on their reality show which is a major, major, major disappointment. :nono:

It comes on Thursday nights at 9pm on WeTv.

I'll admit it...I watch it. Unless I'm missing key elements of the show they don't talk about God a whole lot. To me a Christian is someone who is so in love with God and they share their love of God in such a way that you say to yourself, "Who is this God? Who is this Jesus she keeps talking about and how can I know Him? I want to be saved." I don't get that with them.

As far as Tia and Tamera, I read an interview that Tamera gave not too long. It was about the choice she and her husband made about not living together before they got married. I'm paraphrasing, but she said that they knew that if they wanted their marriage to work it had to be God's way and part of that was the decision to not live together until they got married. Here is a link to the article...
I've seen the Mary Mary show a few times. I was definitely watching with the hope that I would see them speak about the Lord. Unfortunately, I didn't see that any of the times that i watched. I don't see it on the Tia & Tamera show either.
Thanks for the interview with Tia and Tamera. I knew they were Christians, but I didn't realize they were that on fire for the Lord at one point, though I think Tamera at least was in a Christian movie. I've known a couple of sets of twins and something I've seen is that sometimes one twin will attempt to differentiate themselves from the other, even if it means walking away from the faith they were both brought up in. I've only seen brief parts of the Tia and Tamera show, but from their careers more generally, and miscellaneous clips here and there, it seems that Tia has chosen to seek her fate in the world, at least for the time being.

Regarding Mary Mary, I only first saw it last week and had similar thoughts--like, where's the spiritual part? My sister made a good point though that the show is not just about Mary Mary, but is also about their sisters as well, who are not necessarily supposed to be the role models. Also, who knows what the producers edit out. More than anything, I didn't like how "business-y" it was. Yes, you have to manage a lot of aspects of traveling and performing, but above all, shouldn't it be ministry?
I haven't seen the Mary Mary show but I do watch the twins. Funny but I had no idea thy were so open about their Christianity in the past. I also remember Tamera talking about not living with Adam before marriage.
To be honest I watch their show because it's one of the only reality shows I've come across where I see black women being portrayed in a positive light. They may not go on and on about their love I Christ on the show but I believe actions speaks louder than words and I definitely approve. I enjoy being able to watch two women who are married and taking care if their families, enjoy exploring healthy eating, workout and spend time with their families. I love the lack I cursing, the lack of scandalous clothing and the general lack of revolting behavior. I love that they volunteer and do other charitable works on the show.

I'm not sure what is going on with the Mary Mary show but I strongly believe that when a person is living for Christ their belief is reflected in the way that they their very presence. People tend to be attracted to that shining light. I much prefer that to people beating me over the head with the fact that they are Christian but then when you look at their life you can find no shred of evidence to support their claim.
I haven't seen the Mary Mary show but I do watch the twins. Funny but I had no idea thy were so open about their Christianity in the past. I also remember Tamera talking about not living with Adam before marriage.
To be honest I watch their show because it's one of the only reality shows I've come across where I see black women being portrayed in a positive light. They may not go on and on about their love I Christ on the show but I believe actions speaks louder than words and I definitely approve. I enjoy being able to watch two women who are married and taking care if their families, enjoy exploring healthy eating, workout and spend time with their families. I love the lack I cursing, the lack of scandalous clothing and the general lack of revolting behavior. I love that they volunteer and do other charitable works on the show.

I'm not sure what is going on with the Mary Mary show but I strongly believe that when a person is living for Christ their belief is reflected in the way that they their very presence. People tend to be attracted to that shining light. I much prefer that to people beating me over the head with the fact that they are Christian but then when you look at their life you can find no shred of evidence to support their claim.

I appreciate your perspective...

Honestly I hadn't really thought about it in this light. There aren't very many (if any) shows that highlight women striving I balance family and career that an entire family can actually sit down and watch together.
When a person loves the Lord, there's no hiding nor secret of it.

As Christians:

:Rose: We pray before we eat or drink; we give God thanks for it.

:Rose: We pray with our families and loved ones.

:Rose: We go to Church, Bible Studies, Fellowship with other Christians.

:Rose: When we have decisions to make, we talk to the Lord and seek His wisdom and guidance. At my desk at work, I'm talking to God all the time. "Lord, how do I fix this?" Lord, please help me to understand this or Lord, please show me anything I may have missed before hand this contract to my bosses for his/her signatures."

:Rose: When I plan my budget, I invite the Lord to show me what my priorities are. What are the unexpected expenses I need to put aside for so that I am not caught unprepared.

:Rose: I seek God regarding my relationships with my family, loved ones, friends and new acquaintances yet to be known.

Here's my point and it is not directed personally towards anyone in this thread. :Rose:

In their reality show, Tia and Tamera do not mention nor do they acknowledge God... period! It's exactly as one poster shared above that they knew they were Christians but they didn't realize they were that on fire for the Lord at one point. And the truth of the matter is that, unless you followed them from the beginning, you'd never know nor even suspect it.

They don't pray, they don't mentioned God, they don't utter the name of Jesus, let alone say Grace before eating.

They've dropped the 'A' word more than once. Tamera drinks wine and has been labled a lover of wine and shown drinking it to her delight. There's wine with their meals.

There was a male stripper and all of his 'jollies' up in Tamera's face at her Bridal Shower. Of course she cried because she was embarrassed, however Tia and all of the other ladies laughed and enjoyed it.

There was also an attempt to put drama and contention between the two sisters during the preparations for Tamera's wedding and Tia pregnancy which made it difficult for her to be as actively involved in the wedding arrangements. Tia was told that her baby was 'breeched' and that a Cesarian was necessary. Instead of prayer, Tia explores through a bunch of 'who'do' garbage. :nono: Not a prayer nor the name of God was even uttered about something as serious as this. :huh:

There is nothing wholesome about their show, and I don't care how 'polite' it is appears. They do not mention God and it's not acceptable, as it is telling the world that Jesus is not the center of their lives.

We can make excuses for them all day long, but at the end of the day, this scripture rings true about their show: "That if you are ashamed of Me than I will be ashamed of you before My Father (in Heaven)" .

Folks get in the world and become mute about Jesus. I'm not saying that they have to force Jesus down anyone's throat, but can they at least acknowledge that He's in the room with them and not pretend that He is not? These shows are a huge discredit to those in them who claim they love the Lord. It's like the man or woman who only acknowledge they are married at home or in Church, but in public they never speak up and acknowledge they have a husband or wife.

It's just sad and inexcusable. And it's all the more critical that Christians speak up and tell these celebraties that they will not be supported if they refuse to acknowledge Jesus in their shows.

As for blaming the producers, that's a weak excuse as all that is needed is for them to be called out on their biotry against Christians and allow Christians to be showcased loud and strong in all of these shows and without compromise or exploitation.

I'm sick of the foolishness and weak compromises that Christian celebreties are making. We who call ourselves Children of the Most High God and yet we accept junk like this, fully knowing we have all power in Heaven and in earth against all odds and controversy.

Have we forgotten that 'The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof and they and all that dwell therein'? Have we forgotten that Jesus said, 'Occupy til I come'? Have we forgotten that God has placed the 'enemy' under our feet'?

Please ! :nono: Give me another weak excuse. The Word of God is ready and waiting to shoot it down.

Again, none of this is personal towards anyone in this thread. I mean this sincerely. I've simply had it with the media.

When a person loves the Lord, there's no hiding nor secret of it.

As Christians:

:Rose: We pray before we eat or drink; we give God thanks for it.

:Rose: We pray with our families and loved ones.

:Rose: We go to Church, Bible Studies, Fellowship with other Christians.

:Rose: When we have decisions to make, we talk to the Lord and seek His wisdom and guidance. At my desk at work, I'm talking to God all the time. "Lord, how do I fix this?" Lord, please help me to understand this or Lord, please show me anything I may have missed before hand this contract to my bosses for his/her signatures."

:Rose: When I plan my budget, I invite the Lord to show me what my priorities are. What are the unexpected expenses I need to put aside for so that I am not caught unprepared.

:Rose: I seek God regarding my relationships with my family, loved ones, friends and new acquaintances yet to be known.

Here's my point and it is not directed personally towards anyone in this thread. :Rose:

In their reality show, Tia and Tamera do not mention nor do they acknowledge God... period! It's exactly as one poster shared above that they knew they were Christians but they didn't realize they were that on fire for the Lord at one point. And the truth of the matter is that, unless you followed them from the beginning, you'd never know nor even suspect it.

They don't pray, they don't mentioned God, they don't utter the name of Jesus, let alone say Grace before eating.

They've dropped the 'A' word more than once. Tamera drinks wine and has been labled a lover of wine and shown drinking it to her delight. There's wine with their meals.

There was a male stripper and all of his 'jollies' up in Tamera's face at her Bridal Shower. Of course she cried because she was embarrassed, however Tia and all of the other ladies laughed and enjoyed it.

There was also an attempt to put drama and contention between the two sisters during the preparations for Tamera's wedding and Tia pregnancy which made it difficult for her to be as actively involved in the wedding arrangements. Tia was told that her baby was 'breeched' and that a Cesarian was necessary. Instead of prayer, Tia explores through a bunch of 'who'do' garbage. :nono: Not a prayer nor the name of God was even uttered about something as serious as this. :huh:

There is nothing wholesome about their show, and I don't care how 'polite' it is appears. They do not mention God and it's not acceptable, as it is telling the world that Jesus is not the center of their lives.

We can make excuses for them all day long, but at the end of the day, this scripture rings true about their show: "That if you are ashamed of Me than I will be ashamed of you before My Father (in Heaven)" .

Folks get in the world and become mute about Jesus. I'm not saying that they have to force Jesus down anyone's throat, but can they at least acknowledge that He's in the room with them and not pretend that He is not? These shows are a huge discredit to those in them who claim they love the Lord. It's like the man or woman who only acknowledge they are married at home or in Church, but in public they never speak up and acknowledge they have a husband or wife.

It's just sad and inexcusable. And it's all the more critical that Christians speak up and tell these celebraties that they will not be supported if they refuse to acknowledge Jesus in their shows.

As for blaming the producers, that's a weak excuse as all that is needed is for them to be called out on their biotry against Christians and allow Christians to be showcased loud and strong in all of these shows and without compromise or exploitation.

I'm sick of the foolishness and weak compromises that Christian celebreties are making. We who call ourselves Children of the Most High God and yet we accept junk like this, fully knowing we have all power in Heaven and in earth against all odds and controversy.

Have we forgotten that 'The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof and they and all that dwell therein'? Have we forgotten that Jesus said, 'Occupy til I come'? Have we forgotten that God has placed the 'enemy' under our feet'?

Please ! :nono: Give me another weak excuse. The Word of God is ready and waiting to shoot it down.

Again, none of this is personal towards anyone in this thread. I mean this sincerely. I've simply had it with the media.


Thanks was truly not enough. Wow!

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My biggest problem with these shows is that you can't serve 2 masters. Watching the shows clearly tells us who these people are serving, and this goes for Mary Mary and Tia and Tamera. I don't like calling people like that Christians. If a Christian is a follower of Christ and they aren't following Christ, who are they following?

John 8:44 KJV
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.

I know that seems a little harsh but these people are getting paid to do these shows and their getting media publicity which will result in more money. Its not ok to sell God out for selfish desires. That's exactly what Esau did and for that reason, God said He HATED him. We all know what the love of money does to people who love it and will do anything (including deny Jesus) for it. You can't love God and the world. I never considered Mary Mary Christians. They dance on stage and are worldly. Even when I was in the world I felt that way. After that God in me video with all those secular artists who blaspheme God in their music and another video where one of them had broken cross symbols on their clothing I knew they were corrupt. Their music is about self glorification, it does not glorify God and the show only confirms what I've always thought: They aren't Christians..

Sent from my 4G HTC Thunderbolt using LHCF
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I've never watched the Mary Mary show..likely never will. But I've seen a couple of episodes of the twins. They're adorable, and wholesome and are in the minority in presenting black women in a good light...

@the bolded, they could be censored... or maybe it's in their contract :look: I'm hoping not. I can only guess..but, In either scenario, that would be compromise.

The same disappointment is with Tia and Tamera Mowry (sp?) the twins who started out making it known that they loved Jesus Christ and followed Him. However, they don't even mention God nor a prayer on their reality show which is a major, major, major disappointment. :nono:
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Tamera posted a video of her singing a gospel song with a cousin not too far back. And she mentioned how important the song was to her. Her Twitter account also mentions God/Scripture--especially when she was getting flack for her conservative political views. I can't speak for the show though.
I've never watched the Mary Mary show..likely never will. But I've seen a couple of episodes of the twins. They're adorable, and wholesome and are in the minority in presenting black women in a good light...

@the bolded, they could be censored... or maybe it's in their contract :look: I'm hoping not. I can only guess..but, In either scenario, that would be compromise.

Even regarding presenting Black Women in a good ligth, still they're not acknowledging God, Babygirl. :kiss:

The devil is a liar and there is no truth in him. Is God not great enough nor worth being acknowledged? No matter who produces the show, one prayer can slay them and raise up another who will give God honour in the spotlight.

As Christians why do we fear 'living' as a Christian no matter where we are? Since when does the world dictate when we can / cannot be the Light of Jesus?

This presenting Black women in a good light is satan's clever acceptance of the show and not protest that Jesus isn't being spoken of / that they don't demonstrate the life of a true Christian. This show is a perfect vehicle for Ministry and yet not one act is seen nor words uttered about God.

I'm not accepting black woman rin a good light, representation. . . :nono:

It's like being paid to ignore Jesus... ignoring the price that He paid in full for me to have life eternally.

Laela :flowers: My post response isn't against you. I promise you this with all of my heart. :kiss:

I'm just not accepting what Christian celebreties compromise in the Lord, just to be in front of a camera. On my job, err' body knows who God is in my life. Everybody... and they know that I pray and love God and have no shame in it.

I need to start my own reality series... there'll be no guessing who my God is.
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Oh, believe me.. I know.... :yep: There is way too much garbage on TV showing the worst of black women, their show is refreshing in that aspect. But AMEN to the rest of your post!

Even regarding presenting Black Women in a good ligth, still they're not acknowledging God, Babygirl. :kiss:.
Tia tipped the pot when she took the character of 'The Game'; I was so disappointed with her role there. The show was already a mess and she had the messy character who did not believe in God, and she lived outside of marriage with her boyfriend.

I truly believe that God removed her from that show, to prevent her from being exploited further.
Oh, believe me.. I know.... :yep: There is way too much garbage on TV showing the worst of black women, their show is refreshing in that aspect. But AMEN to the rest of your post!

I'm sorry for venting ... I've just had with Christians who get a huge candle and refuse to let it shine for Jesus.

The same mess happened with Terry Crews on his reality show, "The Family Crews". His wife who is an ordained minister for some reason had to display herself in a skimpy bikini in a water park for her son's birthday party and on a magazine cover...

The issue is this:

God has yet to be glorified in these Reality Shows staring Christians.

Since when has Jehovah Jireh stopped being our Provider? How low do 'we' have to see them go to simply please the world and not God?
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I like Mary Mary, but I don't' support Mary Mary because I honestly don't believe that they love the Lord like they proclaim to. Its all about making money. IMHO. Which I have said many times before. Their show is just for entertainment and its really sad. Sorry OP I didn't read all the post yet, I just wanted to comment really quick.
Tia tipped the pot when she took the character of 'The Game'; I was so disappointed with her role there. The show was already a mess and she had the messy character who did not believe in God, and she lived outside of marriage with her boyfriend.

I truly believe that God removed her from that show, to prevent her from being exploited further.

I was surprised when she took that role. I was like Oh boy. Let's see how this goes. Her language, style of dress and the things her character did on that show spiraled downhill as the show progressed. :nono:
I've never watched the Mary Mary show..likely never will. But I've seen a couple of episodes of the twins. They're adorable, and wholesome and are in the minority in presenting black women in a good light...

@the bolded, they could be censored... or maybe it's in their contract :look: I'm hoping not. I can only guess..but, In either scenario, that would be compromise.

I've only seen the first two episodes so I can't really comment on their actions past what I've seen.... what's going on with the show? Ya'll have me feeling like a heathen@ :lol:
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I've only seen the first two episodes so I can't really comment on their actions past what I've seen.... what's going on with the show? Ya'll have me feeling like a heathen@ :lol:


No, you're far, far from that...not even close to being close. You are truly sold out for the Lord.

My biggest fault is that whenever I hear of a celebrity that professes to be a Christian, I look forward to seeing them represent Jesus and the life we are called to live. And so far, it's been a huge disappointment. They're doing the same as the world on these reality shows and Jesus is left out of the picture...literally.

Terry Crews was very open about being a Christian, but his wife just went off the wall with her 'body' antics. It was her 5 year old son's birthday party and she chose to 'show out' in a bikini on the water slide and to make matters worse, she had a wardrobe malfunction, her bikini 'popped' on the water slide. That was inevitable to occur as a bikini is not a secure garment to wear for any type of activity.

I apologize again to everyone here, especially to our OP. I'm just so disappointed with the way we are dismissed and misrepresented in the media. It seems like the more famous most of the Christian celebrities become, the less they honour God in the spotlight. It's almost as if satan placed them there, not God.

We need more folks like T Bow (the football celeb) who has no shame in bowing before God on the field and proclaiming John 3:16. God bless him for being bold and faithful.

Ladies please share some others in the spotlight who honour God. Right now I drawing blanks from the firey darts I've been tossing towards Mary Mary and em' ... :look:

Thanks so much in advance.
I was surprised when she took that role. I was like Oh boy. Let's see how this goes. Her language, style of dress and the things her character did on that show spiraled downhill as the show progressed. :nono:


I know... I was clutching my pearls, in total disbelief. :shocked:

I thought an imposter had taken over her true identity. :sekret:
Ladies please share some others in the spotlight who honour God. Right now I drawing blanks from the firey darts I've been tossing towards Mary Mary and em' ... :look:

Thanks so much in advance.
I love the Duggars' show (and their books). Whether you agree with them having so many kids or not, they honor the Lord in all that they do and that is no secret on their show. Before they even agreed to do the show, they told TLC that they would only do it if their faith was not edited out.