Married ladies with single girlfriends....


New Member
I have a lot of single girlfriends who are searching so hard for a mate and it makes me feel a little down for them.

**Disclaimer: I don't feel bad for single women who are happy being single. I feel for the ones like my friends who are tired of being single and are consumed with meeting someone.

I received an email from my friend yesterday asking me if I knew someone I could hook her up with. She was feeling particularly down because of Valentine's day. All of our "decent" male friends are married so I told her no.

I have like 8 single girlfriends and when I go out with them, the conversation usually turns into a male bashing session. I wish I knew more available men or I wish I had something new to say to them during these sessions.

I feel out of place sometimes, but these are my girls, and I wouldn't consider not hanging with them. I just wish men weren't always the highlight of the evening.
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I have a single friend who is ALWAYS looking for a man. If we're not goign anywhere that gives her the potential to meet a man, she doesn't want to go. Every outing has got to get her one step closer to a man! She is one of those women who actually defines herself through a man! It is crazy sometimes. I told her.
I'm single but I understand how you feel. I'm sure it's awkward to have your friends bash men when you're married.

How old are your friends if you don't mind me asking?
I have one single girlfriend, my bff and I am very lucky that she is secure in being single. The flip side is she attracts loosers so I am always on the look out for a good man for her. I can't put my finger on what she is putting out into the universe to get back trash, but I keep my eyes open.

If I am out in a group and male bashing begins I try to gently change the subject because I have never been that one. I only bash when it is totally deserved. :yep:
It becomes annoying to me.. personally.
Because with my girls, as soon as I try to defend a nice guy they know.. but don't want to bother with... I become the 'married'woman that can't put in .02 on the convo...:lachen::lachen:

Sometimes I think they like to just rant.