Married ladies...Question about pornography

MrsHouston said:
Shimmie: God Bless you too:)

ritzbitz78: That book sounds awesome, I'm sure to look it up girl. Might be a good gift for husbands:D

This is so true!

Do you see how God is movng with this? He's bringing in more support and artillary for marriages. Marriages now and marriages to be.

Don't you love what "ritzbitz78" said, "God created marriage before sin came in." That statement is powerful and should be proclaimed as a Hallmark. I'm printing this and putting it in a frame to give as gifts. I love it! Praise God!

Okay, I know I'm hyped right now. But a wonderful thing is happening here and it's not being disputed. God is having His way; helping and saving marriages and also setting people free.

Praise Him...Praise Jesus...Our Lord God All Mighty!!!
This is great information. I just don't know how to feel about other stuff now. I hate to say it but I ride the fence on a lot of things that I should stand firm on. I really should read my bible and stop believing in the back of my head that if I try my best to be a "good person" that this will be enough for God.

I know it is not enough...he wants me to be better.

Thanks for the inspiration ladies.

God Bless!
ritzbitz78 said:
For all those ladies who do have husbands thinking its O.K. to watch porn, pick up the book 'Every Man's Battle' by Steve Arteburn and Fred Stoeker. What a great book that talks about Gods standard for his men and women. God created marriage before sin. It was perfect without porn, and by God's grace and mercy alone it is perfect and santified after sin also.

The book goes into how God gave us all a sexual drive (as big as the man that owns it), but this society pushes "sexual food" in our faces and we CHOOSE to suck it all in, increasing the drive until its as big as a sumo wrestler. In this society it is "cool" or at least normal to have sumo wrestler size sexual drive. But it will beat you down for sure. Wrestle you into porn every time. The solution, God and God's grace and power to starve the sumo wrestler down to the normal God-given appetite...

Its a great read for this day and age.

Also women... God didn't leave us powerless in these situations. God promises:

Likewise ye wives, be in subjection to your own hubands; tha, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversations of the wives (1 Peter 3:1)

I know "subjection" is a very touchy subject, but I know that God's word is true, and when ever God commands He empowers. God is NOT saying submit to pornography.

ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine (teaching), for reproof, for coreection, for instruction in righteousness: That the man (or woman) of God may be PERFECT, thoroughly furnished unto ALL good works. 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

For extras... look up 2 Corinthians 9:8

I was going to post this book and see you did already. Yes this is serious and my husband struggled and had a lot of shame over this issue. I got him this book and he told me that was the best gift he ever got. He could not put it down and read it straight through. Because of it, he was delivered!!! It is important to talk openly to your spouse and help them deal with the shame. Also understand that it is not about you but about the devil attacking because that is what he does. In the beginning of my walk, I knew it was wrong but did not truly understand until I grew in GOD's wisdom, and watched my husband struggle. I understand that as little boys our husbands are introduced to porn as a way to make them "men". What they don't realize is a seed is planted that sometimes doesn't sprout until the devil feels you are a threat to him and his work. Just like any tree that is firmly planted, until you get to the roots, the problem will always be there ready to sprout again. It blessed my husband when I told him that we all have struggles and was able to share with him mine. We were able to keep each other accountable, encourage each other, love stronger, pray harder, and not judge. We are stronger than ever because of it. Be blessed!!! Q
Ooooh, some Chrisitian friends and I were just discussing this. The marriage bed should not be defiled--and if virtual people enter in it is being defiled. Not only are the actors being debased and degraded (even if they don't think so) and are not doing "it" according to God's guidelines, the married couple now has others( and other's body parts) to VISUALIZE and FANTASIZE about. And Christ says in Matthew 37:27-29

You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not committ adultery". But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman (or a man, I'm sure Jesus speaks to the ladies too) to lust for her has already comitted adultery with her in his heart.

To me that is plain and simple. And I know I cannot look at another man's privates without having some problems with adultery. So I know it's A NONO.

Jesus continues in verse 29: If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you for it is more profitable your you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.

I know I'm saved by grace, but if my Savior made a point to say that I would rather poke out my eye than lust, than rather to avoid having him put out my eye I should stay away from any bad images.

Concerning other acts, as long as the two marrieds are in agreement--to me it's okay. But it should be an act of love that involves two people--not more even if it's virtual.:)
Ladies thanks for sharing. You are so awesome!

For those of you wanting a thrill in your marriage:

In place of watching a porno......

Pray together at night when all is quiet in the house. Do it in the bedroom, on the marriage bed. It is quite the turn on. When you are closer to GOD, you will be closer to each other!!!!

P.S. Read the Song of Solomon together, you read the Shulemite and ladies parts, and he should read her lover's lines. It will turn him on to know that God approves of this stuff.;) :D
trimbride said:
This is great information. I just don't know how to feel about other stuff now. I hate to say it but I ride the fence on a lot of things that I should stand firm on. I really should read my bible and stop believing in the back of my head that if I try my best to be a "good person" that this will be enough for God.

I know it is not enough...he wants me to be better.

Thanks for the inspiration ladies.

God Bless! are a sweet soul!!! Please realize that we are all imperfect in the struggle. But congrats for taking a step to get closer to Jesus and stand firm on his word. Our goodness is never enough, in fact it's like filthy stained rags to our perfect God. I will pray that you will be encouraged to do what's right. Pray and seek God's will for you--you are on the high road now and I'm excited for you!!!!!

In the works of K. Franklin:
Be encouraged boo!
trimbride said:
This is great information. I just don't know how to feel about other stuff now. I hate to say it but I ride the fence on a lot of things that I should stand firm on. I really should read my bible and stop believing in the back of my head that if I try my best to be a "good person" that this will be enough for God.

I know it is not enough...he wants me to be better.

Thanks for the inspiration ladies.

God Bless!

Pretty Lady, it's not just you, it's ALL of us. That's why we do not 'walk' this 'walk' alone. We have and we NEED each other.

That's why God says in His word, "Iron sharpens Iron." We keep each other strong. We all have something to share and to keep each other on point with God's word.

And let me point this out. No one in this forum should EVER feel bad about posting a 'struggle.' We ALL have struggles in our walk. Just because one may 'appear' strong in one area, doesn't make them strong in other areas of their lives or their walk in the Lord. The same applies to those who feel they are weak. They also have strengths where others lack.

Topics like this HELP all of us. This is what God wants us to do...bring this subjects and issues out into the open and allow Him to flow with His loving deliverance.

Do you know that each and everyone of us on 'on the fence' with our walk in God. Oh yes we are indeed!!! All of us. I don't care if it's preacher, teacher, or what. All of us are on the fence with one issue or another.

But it's when wonderful and humble hearts such as yours comes forth to confess it, that it brings the rest of us to repentance as well.

We need to open up and so that we can be healed. God says for us to "...'confess' our faults to one another so that we can be healed." We can't do this on our own. That's why so much sin is in the body because it's being hidden, mostly because of fear or pride. It's one or the other.

You've come off your fence, now I'm coming off my high fence, because I have a whole lot of mess that I've been sitting on.

Thank you, Trimbride, for being humble enough and Jesus enough to lead the way for each of us to continue to grown in Him. ;)

All in love,
This is a good suggestion Melodee:grin:

melodee said:
Ladies thanks for sharing. You are so awesome!

For those of you wanting a thrill in your marriage:

In place of watching a porno......

Pray together at night when all is quiet in the house. Do it in the bedroom, on the marriage bed. It is quite the turn on. When you are closer to GOD, you will be closer to each other!!!!

P.S. Read the Song of Solomon together, you read the Shulemite and ladies parts, and he should read her lover's lines. It will turn him on to know that God approves of this stuff.;) :D
Oooooooo, the Holy Spirit has this thread on Fire!

Miz Jackson, Mrs. Houston, Ritzbitz78, Melodee, Queenie20, you just gone and ran the devil on out of here! Can you just see all of Heaven doing a 'shout' and dancing all over the place, rejoicing in the glory being given to God.

Lauren, Trimbride, Crlsweettie, KhandiB, Shalom, Firecracker, Queenspence, God bless you for upholding this be self-evident.

Praise God for all of you...;)

I'm dancing over here...I love it. Love all of you. ;)
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trimbride said:
This is great information. I just don't know how to feel about other stuff now. I hate to say it but I ride the fence on a lot of things that I should stand firm on. I really should read my bible and stop believing in the back of my head that if I try my best to be a "good person" that this will be enough for God.

I know it is not enough...he wants me to be better.

Thanks for the inspiration ladies.

God Bless!

I understand the bolded line wholeheartedly.
Thanks for all the inspiration ladies...I know that so much of the stress and worry in my life is self inflicted because I do not live my life the way I should.

I always thought people sounded crazy when they would say that they felt that the "devil was at work" but truly I sometimes feel this way. I will continue to pray for you all.

Thanks so much for helping me in my journey to be a better person, Spiritually, physically, emotionally. You ladies are Awesome!!!
So as a Christian, besides pornography, what are materials you can read or watch to spice up your sex life with your husband?
NIK said:
So as a Christian, besides pornography, what are materials you can read or watch to spice up your sex life with your husband?

Ohhhh, I'm so glad you asked. :lol:

Number One: It's in you. Everything your marriage needs to be Romantic and exciting, is already in you. Yes! :yep: It really is. God placed it there and what's happened to us as Christians, is that we have fallen out of 'balance' with sex and God's intent for it.

Did not God say, "...I will make for him a helpmeet suitable.." speaking of creating Eve for Adam.

Did not God say, "...her desire will be unto her husband."

Did not God say, "...withhold not yourselves from one another."

Did not God say, "...the marriage bed is undefiled"

Did He not say, "...I am my 'Beloved's and my Beloved is mine."

Ask God to free your imagintion. Don't you think He'd rather give you the spices for your marriage, than allowing the devil to do so. Well of course He does. ;)

Give me until tomorrow afternoon. I have a Romance series that I started a few months ago on the forum. I will look it up and post a whole new thread here in this forum, just for you. ;)
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NIK said:
So as a Christian, besides pornography, what are materials you can read or watch to spice up your sex life with your husband?

I don't think you need to read or watch anything. Dress up, do a dance, talk dirty (but not vulgar), check into a hotel, have phone sex while you're at work. There are lots of things that can be done between the two of you.
NIK said:
So as a Christian, besides pornography, what are materials you can read or watch to spice up your sex life with your husband?

Umm, have you checked out the Songs of Solomon. I think you can grab a few tips from there, cause him and the Shulamite woman were very creative in how they described their love.
Thank you ladies. Thought I'd find out Christian alternatives as a single woman who desires an exciting marriage life with a future husband.

This is good education!