Married ladies...Question about pornography


Well-Known Member
How do you feel about pornography in your marriage? I was discussing this with a friend, who thinks that if the husband and wife both agree and enjoy it, there's nothing wrong with watching porn together (marriage bed is undefiled).

I kind of have an issue with that. I've never liked watching others have sex. I understand why people do, and I'm not judging them if they enjoy it, but I just don't. I know the Bible doesn't specifically mention pornography, but it does mention lusting after others in your heart. I think that's why I've never been able to enjoy it.

So, do you think married couple watching together constitutes lusting after others in your heart? If you're specifically watching it to get in the mood?

This question came up in my premarital counseling class, and our counselor didn't have a specific answer either. I just wanted to get some opinions.
lauren450 said:
How do you feel about pornography in your marriage? I was discussing this with a friend, who thinks that if the husband and wife both agree and enjoy it, there's nothing wrong with watching porn together (marriage bed is undefiled).

I kind of have an issue with that. I've never liked watching others have sex. I understand why people do, and I'm not judging them if they enjoy it, but I just don't. I know the Bible doesn't specifically mention pornography, but it does mention lusting after others in your heart. I think that's why I've never been able to enjoy it.

So, do you think married couple watching together constitutes lusting after others in your heart? If you're specifically watching it to get in the mood?

This question came up in my premarital counseling class, and our counselor didn't have a specific answer either. I just wanted to get some opinions.

Hello Angel: Congratulations on your upcoming marriage and I wish you all of God's blessings.

I am very dissapointed that your pre-marital couselor did not have a specific answer for this. What I am about to share is about the topic, not you or anyone personally. Okay? Here's a {{{ Hug }}} first. For this is not about you. ;)

I also compliment you for you are in tune to the Holy Spirit, which is why this does not sit well with you. And neither will it sit well with your future husband, for the devil would like nothing more than to have him caught up in this destructive deception.

You know I'm about to tear this up! Up one side and down the other with God's two-edged sword. This question is not for 'married couples', only. Instead it is for the Holy Spirit to answer, for from Him you will get only one thing...The truth!

This is also needed for singles for they too have become affected by this issue.

Now, aside from the obvious, here's something to consider:

Why would we as Christians support such a sinful industry with the money God blesses us with to sustain our lives? Is this showing good stewartship in what He gives us finances for? NO!

As Chriistians we would be supporting and helping to sustain this industry. We would be giving life to the damage that it has caused so many lives.

Even if they (the tapes/DVD's/ cable network, etc.,) were borrowed, given as a gift or copied or stolen, it's still giving this industry support, just by watching them. For we are 'seeding' our time and imaginations, to it.

Back to the obvious, it is and always will be in the word of God that to look at another woman or man in lust is sin. Looking at a naked body (let alone viewing another have sex) to get into the mood, is a willful intent, a willful decision, made by one to lust. There is no justification. None!

To look upon sexual acts to 'get into the mood', is no different than having an orgy or a threesome, foursome, etc., for one is allowing oneself to become in 'one accord' with the spirit behind the sexual partners being viewed.

To view these movies is to 'agree' that what they are doing. There are multiple partners, having sex outside of marriage. Sin! Are we as Christians in agreement and do we support their sin? NO!

As for the spirit behind the persons being viewed in the tape/DVD ... whatever, it is a demonic spirit totally against the true and pure meaning of marriage. This is not an act which God intended. None --- not one of these persons are having sex within the original intent of God's order. It is totally against the natural of what God so wonderfully created.

God tells us plainly to 'guard' our hearts. We are to watch what we allow into our spirits. No unclean thing is to dwell among or within us; for it corrupts the soul.

Pornography, is especially dangerous to the soulish realm, as it attaches itsself in one form or another to one's thought life and enters in to their lives in an unholy manner. Especially to the 'acceptance', the lax attitude that it is harmful. It doesn't matter, if that's what people want to each its own, etc. As I said above, there is no justification...None.

Homosexuality takes place in these movies...women on women. And ungodly spirit.

Does a Christian woman or husband, want this spirit filtering into the pure mindset of their husband or wife?

Do you know that pornography is more harmful to marriages, than one can imagine? It gives an exaggerated and a distorted view and expectation of what sex is.

Men are being revealed each day who have an abnormal addiction to this industry. It's becoming more of a financial burden in marriages as would an addiction to alcohol, drugs, and gambling.

I will say it over and over and no one can prove it wrong. Belief in or no belief in God and His word, there will never be any justification for pornography. Never!

God warns us over and over again, 'Be not deceived."

A married couple does not need the help of the devil to enhance their sex life. Please...give me a descent break! Christians aren't stupid! Even sinners know it's wrong. They are just 'free' to enjoy it because they've shut the truth of God from out of their hearts. Period.

There isn't a Holy Spirit filled and lead person, who will justify pornography; for it is carnal and a will to sin, not an accident. No one can be forced to view this. The Holy Spirit is pure, wholesome, and He leads and guides us into all truth. There is no truth in justifying pornography. None!

Not my opinion...God's truth.


I'm far from through on this topic. But I'm leaving for class soon. But I will be back... :lol: I hate the devil and his mess. The lies that he uses to destroy people's lives. Anything to get a 'foothold' into one's life only to destroy it with his mess.

This topic is nothing to play with. Opinions and justifications of this do not count for a dime. It's the pure word of God that needs full reign in this and nothing less which will only serve to have someone on the 'fence' which is a dangerous place to be when it comes to being a Christian.

I've only yet begun to rip this lie into shreds..
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I agree with you Lauren. It isn't for me. My husband has a different oppinion and I feel like I am being uptight about it but I really think it is lame and I feel sorry for the people involved.

Shimmie you make a great deal of wonderful points but how do you convince your partner of these things. I don't want to come across as fanatic. I will pray on it, I don't think it is a major issue but it seems like people feel like well it is normal and everyone else is doing it so it really can't be that bad.

I disagree
Shimmie said:
Hello Angel: Congratulations on your upcoming marriage and I wish you all of God's blessings.

I am very dissapointed that your pre-marital couselor did not have a specific answer for this. What I am about to share is about the topic, not you or anyone personally. Okay? Here's a {{{ Hug }}} first. For this is not about you. ;)

I also compliment you for you are in tune to the Holy Spirit, which is why this does not sit well with you. And neither will it sit well with your future husband, for the devil would like nothing more than to have him caught up in this destructive deception.

You know I'm about to tear this up! Up one side and down the other with God's two-edged sword. This question is not for 'married couples', only. Instead it is for the Holy Spirit to answer, for from Him you will get only one thing...The truth!

This is also needed for singles for they too have become affected by this issue.

Now, aside from the obvious, here's something to consider:

Why would we as Christians support such a sinful industry with the money God blesses us with to sustain our lives? Is this showing good stewartship in what He gives us finances for? NO!

As Chriistians we would be supporting and helping to sustain this industry. We would be giving life to the damage that it has caused so many lives.

Even if they (the tapes/DVD's/ cable network, etc.,) were borrowed, given as a gift or copied or stolen, it's still giving this industry support, just by watching them. For we are 'seeding' our time and imaginations, to it.

Back to the obvious, it is and always will be in the word of God that to look at another woman or man in lust is sin. Looking at a naked body (let alone viewing another have sex) to get into the mood, is a willful intent, a willful decision, made by one to lust. There is no justification. None!

To look upon sexual acts to 'get into the mood', is no different than having an orgy or a threesome, foursome, etc., for one is allowing oneself to become in 'one accord' with the spirit behind the sexual partners being viewed.

To view these movies is to 'agree' that what they are doing. There are multiple partners, having sex outside of marriage. Sin! Are we as Christians in agreement and do we support their sin? NO!

As for the spirit behind the persons being viewed in the tape/DVD ... whatever, it is a demonic spirit totally against the true and pure meaning of marriage. This is not an act which God intended. None --- not one of these persons are having sex within the original intent of God's order. It is totally against the natural of what God so wonderfully created.

God tells us plainly to 'guard' our hearts. We are to watch what we allow into our spirits. No unclean thing is to dwell among or within us; for it corrupts the soul.

Pornography, is especially dangerous to the soulish realm, as it attaches itsself in one form or another to one's thought life and enters in to their lives in an unholy manner. Especially to the 'acceptance', the lax attitude that it is harmful. It doesn't matter, if that's what people want to each its own, etc. As I said above, there is no justification...None.

Homosexuality takes place in these movies...women on women. And ungodly spirit.

Does a Christian woman or husband, want this spirit filtering into the pure mindset of their husband or wife?

Do you know that pornography is more harmful to marriages, than one can imagine? It gives an exaggerated and a distorted view and expectation of what sex is.

Men are being revealed each day who have an abnormal addiction to this industry. It's becoming more of a financial burden in marriages as would an addiction to alcohol, drugs, and gambling.

I will say it over and over and no one can prove it wrong. Belief in or no belief in God and His word, there will never be any justification for pornography. Never!

God warns us over and over again, 'Be not deceived."

A married couple does not need the help of the devil to enhance their sex life. Please...give me a descent break! Christians aren't stupid! Even sinners know it's wrong. They are just 'free' to enjoy it because they've shut the truth of God from out of their hearts. Period.

There isn't a Holy Spirit filled and lead person, who will justify pornography; for it is carnal and a will to sin, not an accident. No one can be forced to view this. The Holy Spirit is pure, wholesome, and He leads and guides us into all truth. There is no truth in justifying pornography. None!

Not my opinion...God's truth.


I'm far from through on this topic. But I'm leaving for class soon. But I will be back... :lol: I hate the devil and his mess. The lies that he uses to destroy people's lives. Anything to get a 'foothold' into one's life only to destroy it with his mess.

This topic is nothing to play with. Opinions and justifications of this do not count for a dime. It's the pure word of God that needs full reign in this and nothing less which will only serve to have someone on the 'fence' which is a dangerous place to be when it comes to being a Christian.

I've only yet begun to rip this lie into shreds..

Shimmie, I'm already married! :lol: I wasn't clear on that. I took premarital counseling about 4 years ago, and they didn't have an answer then. They may very well have one now, because I imagine this topic has to have come up a lot more since then, but all of us in the class were left without guidance on that one. The counselor basically said to pray about it and see what God tells you and your mate.

I agree with a lot of your points. I consider myself somewhat of a liberal, pragmatic Chistian, but there are lots of things I personally get covicted on. This is one of them.

I've had people tell me I'm a prude, or that I'm missing out on adding spice and whatnot...but I still can't get with it.

I agree with you Lauren. It isn't for me. My husband has a different oppinion and I feel like I am being uptight about it but I really think it is lame and I feel sorry for the people involved.

Shimmie you make a great deal of wonderful points but how do you convince your partner of these things. I don't want to come across as fanatic. I will pray on it, I don't think it is a major issue but it seems like people feel like well it is normal and everyone else is doing it so it really can't be that bad.

Unfortunately, I'm in the same boat you are. My dh has never asked me to watch or anything like that, but I know he sees nothing wrong with it. Like you, I think most people feel it's normal and that I'm the one with the issue.

It is very annoying for me, I feel like DH avoids it, but only because he knows that I am not crazy about it. I feel like if I were into it he wouldn't avoid it, I hate to hold him back or feel like I am not letting him be "free"

He doesn't make me feel this way I just do because I know he has more interest than I do.

I hate feeling like a prude too:confused:
trimbride said:
I agree with you Lauren. It isn't for me. My husband has a different oppinion and I feel like I am being uptight about it but I really think it is lame and I feel sorry for the people involved.

Shimmie you make a great deal of wonderful points but how do you convince your partner of these things. I don't want to come across as fanatic. I will pray on it, I don't think it is a major issue but it seems like people feel like well it is normal and everyone else is doing it so it really can't be that bad. I disagree

"What shall we say to these things? If God be for us, who dare be against us? In all these things we are more than Conquerors through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 8

From this moment on, ask yourself one question? Is this the will of God?

The answer...'No.' That's all you need. It doesn't matter what everyone thinks or what anyone else does. If it's not the will of God it shall not stand. That's the only weapon you need. Just knowing that it is not God's will is your backup and your strong foundation.

Say nothing more to your husband. No matter what he does or does not do, say nothing more to your husband. Only love him. And talk to God about him.

Now, I think you're going to love this. Are you ready?

Most of this you already know, but here goes.

Get a fresh bottle of olive oil and consecrate it unto the Lord. Ask your husband if you can bless him each day with the oil. No lectures; just blessings. Just annoint his head each day with oil. He has the mind of Christ and the heart of God the Father, the heart of wisdom.

At night when your husband is sleeping, annoint his head and just pray as the foot of the bed. Pray in his car; annoint his car with God's protection. Annoint your husband's wallet. Nothing big and dramatic, just the annointing.

And always, tell the truth to him, when he asks what you are doing. Be lead of the Holy Spirit. But annoint him. Annoint his body, just to bless him and to dedicate him to the Lord. And yes, annoint, his anatomy. For it is holy unto the Lord. His anatomy is ordained for you and the Lord. No one or nothing else.

But again, always be lead of the Holy Spirit and to if and when and where to annoint your husband. This is simply an act of consecration of your husband and marriage to the Lord. He will apprciate you for this. If not now, he will later.

Now annoint your TV, and curse the tapes/DVD's. Just curse them in Jesus' name. They do not have rule in your home, so curse them. Apply a small dot of oil to the containers and curse them. Don't do anything to destroy the tapes, allow God to work on that. Let your husband throw them away. But all you have to do is 'curse' them in Jesus' name.

In the same manner that Jesus cursed the fig tree. "In Jesus name, you foul, unclean lust spirit, you no longer bear fruit in my home or in the mind of my husband. I curse you in Jesus' name.

Not get blessed, for God specializes in things that seem impossible.

In Jesus' name, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, dwells (lives) in my husband.

One more time..." In Jesus' name, the same Spirit, that raised Jesus' from the dead dwells (lives) in my husband."

This is powerful! And it's true! It took much power to raise Jesus from the dead. Afterall, he not only died, but he also went to hell for us, so that we didn't have to. Jesus was in hell in the flesh, just like you and I. There no return from hell, for anyone.

It's a one-way ticket on a banana peel. There's is no coming back. Knowing this, that same power that DID bring Jesus back from the dead, from hell, is also the same power that dwells within us. The Holy Spirit of God!

Look how much power you have going for you, not only against pornography, but anything else that would try to come against your marriage. No other god can live in him. He is no longer tempted to the things of evil nor of this world.

So if this is so, why is he in sin? Hmmm, we have to activate the power of the Holy Spirit through prayer and the word of God. AND we have the power and permission of God to do just that. So, let's start with a prayer, based on God's word.

I'm going to 'flow' with can add in and on as the Holy Spirit leads you. Just keep reading and adding God's word as it is given to you. Watch God move.

"My husband is a blessed man, after God's own heart. That he sits not in the counsel of the unGodly. That my husband is a tree planted by the rivers of waters. (Psalm 1)

But that he hungers and thirsts after righteousness. That as the hart (the deer) pants after the water brook, so shall his soul pant after you, Father God. (Psalm 42)

Holy Spirit of God, I thank you that my husband can no longer resist you nor can he reject your sweet, yet strong counsel. Even while he sleeps, you are speaking to my husband's heart and the path of the wicked, he shall not follow.

I thank you Lord, that you will lead him not into temptation, but deliver him from ALL evil.

I thank you that you will continue to lead and guide my husband into all truth and that no unclean thing can attach itsself to my husband's soul, the ways of the wicked are not in him, therefore he rejects all that is unclean and not of you.

Father, this is your son among your sons. He is fully chosen to be one with you. No other god can dwell in him, and no other god can have his heart except you , the one true God and only God of both Heaven and earth.

Father, you say in your word that marriage is honorable in all. Let this be so in our marriage. Without a word of condemnation from me, clean out my husband's temple from all that's unclean. Fill him to overflowing with your Holy, Holy, Spirit and with your presence, allowing no other god to enter in.

Father God, with all of my heart, I dedicate my husband unto you. Do what you have to do, for he is your, created for your good pleasure and no other. For this I thank you, for a peaceful transformation of my husband, our marriage and me, all to give you glory. In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.

These prayers are just a start. For God's word is unending. There is so much in God's word for us to stand upon nad believe.

Our options is this. Do we choose to deal with this issue in the flesh or by the Spirit of God? The flesh will accomplish nothing but fear and frustration and we will give up. BUT the Holy Spirit will accomplish all and He will strengthen us continually the more we stay in God's word.

We can keep this thread with more of God's word. I know that others' have this same issue, for the world has just slipped into our homes and marriages in so many ways. But we still have the power to cast it out, in Jesus' name. Oh yes we do!

Just don't give up. Okay? I've lived this with my son and there are other persons who have lived this with their husbands. But God always wins. Always...

Your husband is no longer under the stronghold of the enemy.
lauren450 said:
Shimmie, I'm already married! :lol: I wasn't clear on that. I took premarital counseling about 4 years ago, and they didn't have an answer then. They may very well have one now, because I imagine this topic has to have come up a lot more since then, but all of us in the class were left without guidance on that one. The counselor basically said to pray about it and see what God tells you and your mate.

I agree with a lot of your points. I consider myself somewhat of a liberal, pragmatic Chistian, but there are lots of things I personally get covicted on. This is one of them.

I've had people tell me I'm a prude, or that I'm missing out on adding spice and whatnot...but I still can't get with it.
Stand your ground. For you are on the Lord's side. This is where you 'protect' your husbands. Both of you Lauren and Trimbride.

Dont' let the devil 'shame' you for being righteous. God says, who is he who will harm you, for choosing righteousness? (I Peter 3)

I love this scripture, for I can just see God saying, "Show him to me. Show me the one who can harm you for seeking after me."

If the devil can taunt us for being virgins, living celibate, being a holy vessel unto God, than he's won, if we give in. I've been called a prude all my saved life, and I could care less. Who's on the Lord's side? If only we three in this thread, then that's a good start. For others will follow.

If I say this, please do not allow it to alarm you. But any married man or woman who looks at pornography, is committing 'adultery'. That's what God says. That's the man has already commited adultery in his (her) heart just by looking upon a person in this way. It's a spirit of lust that has taken over this age. Internet porn, cable porn, heaven only knows what else.

I'm leaving you with Isaiah 7:7, 8. "This shall not stand, neither shall it come to pass; neither shall it expand its boundaries." This is not going any further....

Sweet sleep angels. Congratulations on being married. Congratulations more with staying happily married. Amen.
firecracker said:
Great information and you covered bases I have always been mystified about. Thanks so much Shimmie. :kisses:

I haven't gotten started yet... :lol: "Marriage" is part of the ministry that God is calling me too. There's so much to learn, but our foundation is God first.

Hugs to you too, pretty lady. {{{ Hugs }}} ;)
crlsweetie912 said:
The reason people think "its OK" is because our societies' values have disappeared.

They been denying the Holy Spirit of God and yielding instead to the Spirit of God's word says 'lavciviousness'.

But where sin abounds, God's grace does much more abound...Always.
I truly enjoyed your posts. I agree with what you are saying.
Pornography is nothing to play with. I know because I was at one point, addicted to it. Movies, Literature, etc. I could not stop my self from watching it.
BUT THE POWER OF THE BLOOD OF JESUS HAS SET ME FREE! I have not touched any of that stuff since I was saved, and that was 5 years ago!
I was dating someone who watched it and told me that he wanted to add spice to the relationship. After that, I watched more and more.

Ladies, please do not believe this lie of the enemy. Pornography destroys. It may start off seeming good at first, but as time passes on, it will become more and more peverse, and it can open the door to other things.

Sex is a gift from God for marriage. Nothing pleases God more when he sees a husband and wife share that gift. If you want to spice up your marriage, seek God in prayer and ask him. I know that may sound unusual, but God wants to be involved in every part of our lives because of his love for us. God has a plan for your marriages and it is my prayer that He shows you how to spice things up.

I was a little hesitant about posting this, but I truly hope that my testimony helps someone. I praise God for keeping me free, and I did not want to see anyone fall into that trap. God Bless you ladies.
Great posts ladies. This is something I tried to explain to my husband. I did it very gingerly because I didn't want to come across as self righteous. He was very receptive:D

I will continue to pray that God helps to keep our relationship strong.
Well said to many of you ladies. I am married and agree that porn in or out of marriage is sinful. It will eventually become addictive and destructive. If your mate is who you are meant to be with, everything needed is already in you both.
Miz Jackson said:
I truly enjoyed your posts. I agree with what you are saying.
Pornography is nothing to play with. I know because I was at one point, addicted to it. Movies, Literature, etc. I could not stop my self from watching it.
BUT THE POWER OF THE BLOOD OF JESUS HAS SET ME FREE! I have not touched any of that stuff since I was saved, and that was 5 years ago!
I was dating someone who watched it and told me that he wanted to add spice to the relationship. After that, I watched more and more.

Ladies, please do not believe this lie of the enemy. Pornography destroys. It may start off seeming good at first, but as time passes on, it will become more and more peverse, and it can open the door to other things.

Sex is a gift from God for marriage. Nothing pleases God more when he sees a husband and wife share that gift. If you want to spice up your marriage, seek God in prayer and ask him. I know that may sound unusual, but God wants to be involved in every part of our lives because of his love for us. God has a plan for your marriages and it is my prayer that He shows you how to spice things up.

I was a little hesitant about posting this, but I truly hope that my testimony helps someone. I praise God for keeping me free, and I did not want to see anyone fall into that trap. God Bless you ladies.

Great post. Thank you for sharing. I'm sure it will help many.
Miz Jackson said:
I truly enjoyed your posts. I agree with what you are saying.
Pornography is nothing to play with. I know because I was at one point, addicted to it. Movies, Literature, etc. I could not stop my self from watching it.
BUT THE POWER OF THE BLOOD OF JESUS HAS SET ME FREE! I have not touched any of that stuff since I was saved, and that was 5 years ago!
I was dating someone who watched it and told me that he wanted to add spice to the relationship. After that, I watched more and more.

Ladies, please do not believe this lie of the enemy. Pornography destroys. It may start off seeming good at first, but as time passes on, it will become more and more peverse, and it can open the door to other things.

Sex is a gift from God for marriage. Nothing pleases God more when he sees a husband and wife share that gift. If you want to spice up your marriage, seek God in prayer and ask him. I know that may sound unusual, but God wants to be involved in every part of our lives because of his love for us. God has a plan for your marriages and it is my prayer that He shows you how to spice things up.

I was a little hesitant about posting this, but I truly hope that my testimony helps someone. I praise God for keeping me free, and I did not want to see anyone fall into that trap. God Bless you ladies.

Miz Jackson, I admire you so much. What a woman of heart and God's love you are. ;)

Aren't we blessed to be loved so much by God? We've all been delivered from something. I've shared about my life here as well. To God be the glory, we are set completely free. That's one reason why I talk so much about Him. How can I not, for all that He has done for me.

My ex-husband was the same. He also wanted pornography in our marriage. I was just a 'kid' in my teens, and I was very afraid of it, but I loved him and attempted to view them. That's why I know what's in them. He would talk about the movies and it scared me so bad, that I couldn't be with him sometimes. I was afraid of what he wanted to do. But God protected me from that too. Even in our lack of knowledge, we still know when some things are just not right. Fear can be a very good thing sometimes.

I love the way you speak of marriage; it's truly from your heart. God bless you and your husband...for always. ;)

To every woman reading, stay strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Remember the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, dwells in us and in our husbands too.

Our men, all of them in our hearts, lives and families (husbands, fiances, sons, brothers, friends, etc.), are hereby, dedicated to the Lord...for what and whom belongs to God cannot be taken/snatched from His hands. Amen.
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Thanks so much Miz Jackson for sharing your experience and Gods abundant everlasting love. You ladies are so on point. I likey I likey. :grin:
Such a powerful annointing on that message SHIMMIE. :):):)

MizJackson - I hear what you're saying loud and clear.:):):)

I've copied and paste. I'm not married yet, but I think I'm going to start holding this prayer up before the Lord for my future husband NOW!!!

I agree pornography is destructive. God have mercy and forgiveness on me, this is for my past. AMEN
shalom said:
Such a powerful annointing on that message SHIMMIE. :):):)

MizJackson - I hear what you're saying loud and clear.:):):)

I've copied and paste. I'm not married yet, but I think I'm going to start holding this prayer up before the Lord for my future husband NOW!!!

I agree pornography is destructive. God have mercy and forgiveness on me, this is for my past. AMEN

Yes!!! :yay: This is what we are supposed to do. Pray for our husbands in every area of their lives. The Holy Spirit will lead us in prayer, just as He is doing now.

Shalom, you are truly living up to your name..."Peace". For great peace you are allowing into your heart and into the heart and life of your future husband as you pray for him NOW. Not when the issue arises, but now so that it does not stand a chance to take rule.

You have allowed the Holy Spirit to show you how to pray for your future husband NOW. For then this issue will be dealt with ahead of time.

When God sent Jesus to die for us, it wasn't for the present generations only at the time Jesus was upon this earth. He died for the future generations, those of us who were yet to be born; Jesus headed off in His prayers for us any opposition to our salvation. It worked! We're each reaping the fruits of His prayers...that He prayed for us in His 'now' back then. And so we are and so it continues...'now'.

Go head' girl. Shalom, you've got it ... praying for your husband's needs 'now.' :yay:

You know, a man is drawn to the woman who prays for him. :yep: As you are led by God to pray, he is drawn by the Holy Spirit who has drawn you together as one. Continue to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you into all truth...'now.' ;)

You are very wise indeed, Shalom. {{{ Hugs }}}
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KhandiB said:
Luckily my husband finds it disgusting and considers it adultery

Praise God :yay: What a blessing; especially in this day and time.

All the more reason to keep him covered in constant prayer as he is a PRIME target for the enemy. satan watches -- seeking whom he may devour. Men of God are his favorite targets; anything to tear down his testimony or to come between a man's relationship with God.

It happened to Adam, first. Did Jesus not tell Peter that satan desired to have him and sift him as wheat? Man of God, in right standing with God, prime targets.

Rejoice and still be aware in constant prayer. Be as Nehemiah, a tool in one hand and a weapon in the other.

Negative thinking? ...No! Smart wife? Yes indeed! :lol:
KhandiB said:
Luckily my husband finds it disgusting and considers it adultery

That's wonderful. He is definitely in the minority among men.

I read a stat online that said 50% of Christian men struggle with this issue. I know it's even more among the rest.

I know this is always a topic on my baby boards. It's really sad. There are really only a few choices for these women...join him, leave him, or pretend like it's not happening.
lauren450 said:
That's wonderful. He is definitely in the minority among men.

I read a stat online that said 50% of Christian men struggle with this issue. I know it's even more among the rest.

I know this is always a topic on my baby boards. It's really sad. There are really only a few choices for these women...join him, leave him, or pretend like it's not happening.

But thank God not for those women who know the Authority and the Power of the Blood of Jesus. Defeat of any unclean spirit is not an option for us in Christ. For we have been given His word which rules and reigns over ALL.

No devil or unbeliever or doubter can change this. For God has made it more than crystal clear,

"Heaven and earth may pass away, but my Word shall remain forever."

"Thy word O' God is forever settled in Heaven."

As the snow cometh down and returns not thither, so shall my word be, it shall accomplish that whereto I send it and shall not return unto me void... God watches over His word to perform it."

It is settled...God's word is settled. Those who know their God shall do exploits.

Case never closed...on God's word! Just settled!
crlsweetie912 said:
The reason people think "its OK" is because our societies' values have disappeared.

This is sooooo true. It feels right to these people (and the men would like it) because they have allowed Satan to sear their hearts. That happens when you're so use to sin that if doesn't effect you anymore. Satan is destroying the hearts of men and women with porn.

I can't understand why someone would want to "invite" others into their marriage. Also, I feel the women who allow it are just trying to please their husband or keep down confusion in their marriage. It's really sad. I would be too afraid to do it because a man might start to like it better than being with his wife or want someone else who does things like the woman in those movies.
This is what I've found on What does the Bible say about Pornography

What does the Bible say about Pornography?

The answer to your question is an unqualified “YES.” The Bible condemns Pornography in many ways. First let me see if I can unravel the details in your question.

It is true that a 1970 commission, called the Presidential Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, declared pornography "therapeutic" and recommended the repeal of obscenity laws. What these guys were thinking, no one knows. Most scholars on this subject simply think they were influence by the pornographic lobby. Pornography is a $3 billion dollar industry (FBI statistic).

In 1985 President Regan ordered Attorney General Edwin Meese to appoint a commission to investigate the issues concerning pornography. They were ordered to "determine the nature, extent, and impact on society of pornography in the United States,and to make specific recommendations to the Attorney General concerning more effective ways in which the spread of pornography could be contained, consistent with Constitutional guarantees." Their findings linked pornography with organized crime, sexual violence and degradation, civil injustice, and other societal harms. The commission strongly recommended that laws against pornography and obscenity should be strengthened and enforced.

The truth is that Pornography is not a victimless crime. It is destructive to the core unit of the country, the family. It is a fact that today internet pornography is increasingly being cited as a cause for increasing divorce rates ( Edwin Feulner, The Naked Truth - Heritage Commentary 2002, The Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C.)

I have here a picture of what many scholars believe to be the oldest example of pornographic material, this is a picture of the “Venus of willendorf.” This figurine is dated to several thousand years old (24,000 by some scholars) found in 1908 by the archaeologist Josef Szombathy near the town of Willendorf in Austria. This demonstrates that the problem of Pornography has been with us for a long time.

The word “Pornography” comes into English directly from the Greek word “pornographous” which meant writings about prostitutes (from the root words prone, “harlot,” and graphos, “writing.” The English word has come to have a broader definition to include all writings, photographs, or works of art that depict sexual activity, particularly illicit sexual acts or perversions.

Let me give you a Biblical perspective on this. There are a number of words in the Greek New Testament that condemn Pornography. If a sincere person were to consider just context here is what they would find:

Galatians 5:19-21
19* Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality,
20* idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions,
21* envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

In verse 19 above, the first word that we will look at is the Greek word:

1) PORNEIA (fornication, immorality, sexual vice) (porneia)
This is a generic word in Greek that covers all forms of sexual impurity. Originally, it meant "to act the harlot" and then "to indulge unlawful lust"

As used in the New Testament, we find it having at least four different meanings...
a. Pre-marital sex - 1 Cor. 7:1-2
b. A synonym for adultery - Matt 19:9
c. A generic sense referring to all forms of unchastity -
1 Cor 6:13,18
d. A specific sense referring to harlotry and prostitution - Rev. 2:20-21

2) AKATHARSIA (impurity, uncleanness, ) (akayarsia) ak-ath-ar-see'-ah
This word originally had reference to dirt or dirtiness in a physical sense. In the Greek Old Testament, it is used to denote ritual and ceremonial impurity which made it impossible for the worshipper to approach God (cf. Lev 22:3-9).

It then came to be used in a moral sense, of that moral depravity which disgusts the person who sees it.

There are at least two ides included in this word:

1. The quality of that which is soiled and dirty. Some people have a “dirty mind.”
2. An impurity where there is a repulsive quality that awakens disgust in those persons who are decent.

This word indicates a general defilement of personality which taints every sphere of life.

3) ASELGIA (lasciviousness, licentiousness, (aselgeia) sensuality) -as-elg'-i-a

In the NT it seems to be linked with sexual excess in a public way
2. Barclay distinguishes three characteristics of this sin:
a. It is wanton and undisciplined action
b. It has no respect for the persons or rights of anyone else
c. It is completely indifferent to public opinion and to public decency

The general idea is that this word describes the kind of shameless behavior exhibited by those with no moral restraints who are completely indifferent to public opinion of what is acceptable behavior.

The Greek scholar Thayer defines this word by giving these examples:
1. Unbridled lust
2. Excessive wantonness
3. Shamelessness
4. Outrageousness
5. indecent bodily movements
6. Unchaste handling of males and females.

The Greek scholars Lindell & Scott give a similar listing of meanings, adding the idea of “lewdness and/or vulgarity.”

Chamber’s Etymological English Dictionary says of the English words used to translate this idea that of “tending to produce lustful emotions.”

This word can certainly be used to describe what is commonly called Pornography today.

Here are the words of Jesus:

Matt 5:28
28* but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Jesus demands purity of mind for his disciples. This concept is so prevalent in Christ’s teaching that he carries impurity back beyond the act to the lustful heart. In the parable of the soils Jesus says those that are sown among the thorns are those:

Mark 4:18-19
18* “And others are the ones on whom seed was sown among the thorns; these are the ones who have heard the word,
19* but the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires (lusts- KJV) for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.

Paul says that God gave the Gentiles over:

Rom. 1:24
“in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.”

Paul commanded:

Rom. 6:12-14
12* Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its lusts,
13* and do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness; but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.
14* For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace.

He Said:

Gal. 5:16
“Walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh.”

He wrote to the Colossians:

Col 3:5
Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry.

Christians are to put away the lusts of deceit:

Eph. 4:22-24
22* that, in reference to your former manner of life, you lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit,
23* and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind,
24* and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.

Timothy was told to:

2 Tim. 2:22
22* ¶ Now flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.

Titus wrote

Titus 2:11-12
11* ¶ For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men,
12* instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age,

Peter said:

1 Pet 2:11
11* Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts which wage war against the soul.

John said

1 John 2:16
16* For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world.
17* The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever.
Now this part is Really Deep:

No thinking person can ignore the devastation wrought by the animalistic lust produced by those who indulge in Pornography.

Dr. Victor B. Cline is a psychologist at the University of Utah with a private practice as a psychotherapist specializing in family marital counseling and sexual addiction. He has counseled numerous couples where one of the partners has a sexual addiction to pornography. He is the author of the booklet "Pornography's Effects on Adults and Children," published by Morality in Media, 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 239, New York, NY 10115.

In this work, Dr. Cline says:

"As a clinical psychologist, I have treated, over many years, approximately 300 sex addicts, sex offenders, or other individuals (96% male) with sexual illnesses. This includes many types of unwanted compulsive sexual acting out plus such things as child molestation, voyeurism, sadomasochism, fetishism, and rape. With only several exceptions, pornography has been a major or minor contributor or facilitator in the acquisition of their deviation or sexual addiction…"

Studies by social scientist Dr. W.L. Marshall found that almost half of rapists used pornography depicting consenting sex to arouse themselves preparatory to seeking out a victim to rape.1

Other investigators have reported that rapists and child molesters use pornography both immediately prior to their crimes and during the actual assault.2

Empirical research by Dr. Zillman and Dr. Bryant suggests that where experimental subjects are exposed to repeated presentations of hard-core non-violent pornography over a six-week period they develop an increased callousness toward women and trivialize rape as a criminal offense and to some it was no longer a crime and view non-monogamous relationships are normal and natural behavior."3

It is now empirical fact that:

Serial Murderers Fueled by Pornography:

Gary Bishop, Serial Killer
Ted Bundy, Serial Killer
Jeffrey Dahmer, Serial Killer
Klebold and Harris, Columbine Murders

Columbine High School murders Klebold and Harris were regular viewers of violent and pornographic videos. “Klebold and Harris were completely soaked in violence: in movies like Reservoir Dogs; in gory video games that they tailored to their imaginations.” (Time Reported (December 20, 1999 Vol. 154 no. 25).

Resource books on Pornography:

Victor B. Cline: "Pornography's Effects on Adults and Children," Morality in Media, 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 239, New York, NY 10115.

Frederick S. Lane Obscene Profits: The Entrepreneurs of Pornography in the Cyber Age

Richard F. Hixson Pornography and the Justices: The Supreme Court and the Intractable Obscenity Problem

Ilene Raymond A Parent's Guide to The Internet

Jay A. Gertzman Booklegger and Smuthound: The Trade in Erotica, 1920-1940

Andrew Careaga, Leonard Sweet eMinistry: Connecting with the Net Generation

John Gallagher, Chris Bull Perfect Enemies: The Religious Right, the Gay Movement, and the Politics of the 1990's
For all those ladies who do have husbands thinking its O.K. to watch porn, pick up the book 'Every Man's Battle' by Steve Arteburn and Fred Stoeker. What a great book that talks about Gods standard for his men and women. God created marriage before sin. It was perfect without porn, and by God's grace and mercy alone it is perfect and santified after sin also.

The book goes into how God gave us all a sexual drive (as big as the man that owns it), but this society pushes "sexual food" in our faces and we CHOOSE to suck it all in, increasing the drive until its as big as a sumo wrestler. In this society it is "cool" or at least normal to have sumo wrestler size sexual drive. But it will beat you down for sure. Wrestle you into porn every time. The solution, God and God's grace and power to starve the sumo wrestler down to the normal God-given appetite...

Its a great read for this day and age.

Also women... God didn't leave us powerless in these situations. God promises:

Likewise ye wives, be in subjection to your own hubands; tha, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversations of the wives (1 Peter 3:1)

I know "subjection" is a very touchy subject, but I know that God's word is true, and when ever God commands He empowers. God is NOT saying submit to pornography.

ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine (teaching), for reproof, for coreection, for instruction in righteousness: That the man (or woman) of God may be PERFECT, thoroughly furnished unto ALL good works. 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

For extras... look up 2 Corinthians 9:8
MrsHouston said:
Now this part is Really Deep:

No thinking person can ignore the devastation wrought by the animalistic lust produced by those who indulge in Pornography.

Dr. Victor B. Cline is a psychologist at the University of Utah with a private practice as a psychotherapist specializing in family marital counseling and sexual addiction. He has counseled numerous couples where one of the partners has a sexual addiction to pornography. He is the author of the booklet "Pornography's Effects on Adults and Children," published by Morality in Media, 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 239, New York, NY 10115.

In this work, Dr. Cline says:

"As a clinical psychologist, I have treated, over many years, approximately 300 sex addicts, sex offenders, or other individuals (96% male) with sexual illnesses. This includes many types of unwanted compulsive sexual acting out plus such things as child molestation, voyeurism, sadomasochism, fetishism, and rape. With only several exceptions, pornography has been a major or minor contributor or facilitator in the acquisition of their deviation or sexual addiction…"

Studies by social scientist Dr. W.L. Marshall found that almost half of rapists used pornography depicting consenting sex to arouse themselves preparatory to seeking out a victim to rape.1

Other investigators have reported that rapists and child molesters use pornography both immediately prior to their crimes and during the actual assault.2

Empirical research by Dr. Zillman and Dr. Bryant suggests that where experimental subjects are exposed to repeated presentations of hard-core non-violent pornography over a six-week period they develop an increased callousness toward women and trivialize rape as a criminal offense and to some it was no longer a crime and view non-monogamous relationships are normal and natural behavior."3

It is now empirical fact that:

Serial Murderers Fueled by Pornography:

Gary Bishop, Serial Killer
Ted Bundy, Serial Killer
Jeffrey Dahmer, Serial Killer
Klebold and Harris, Columbine Murders

Columbine High School murders Klebold and Harris were regular viewers of violent and pornographic videos. “Klebold and Harris were completely soaked in violence: in movies like Reservoir Dogs; in gory video games that they tailored to their imaginations.” (Time Reported (December 20, 1999 Vol. 154 no. 25).

Resource books on Pornography:

Victor B. Cline: "Pornography's Effects on Adults and Children," Morality in Media, 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 239, New York, NY 10115.

Frederick S. Lane Obscene Profits: The Entrepreneurs of Pornography in the Cyber Age

Richard F. Hixson Pornography and the Justices: The Supreme Court and the Intractable Obscenity Problem

Ilene Raymond A Parent's Guide to The Internet

Jay A. Gertzman Booklegger and Smuthound: The Trade in Erotica, 1920-1940

Andrew Careaga, Leonard Sweet eMinistry: Connecting with the Net Generation

John Gallagher, Chris Bull Perfect Enemies: The Religious Right, the Gay Movement, and the Politics of the 1990's

Whew! Tell me God is not up in here. This is powerful information Mrs. Houston...Powerful!

Here's something else that blesses me. God didn't allow me to be the only one to crack down on this issue. He says in His word, 'from the mouth of two or three witnesses, a thing shall be established." With your post, it's surely been established. Not that it never was, but God always comes in with his back-up...always.

As I said, God is up in this place and up in this place He shall remain.

God bless you, Mrs. Houston. God bless you.
Shimmie: God Bless you too:)

ritzbitz78: That book sounds awesome, I'm sure to look it up girl. Might be a good gift for husbands:D
ritzbitz78 said:
For all those ladies who do have husbands thinking its O.K. to watch porn, pick up the book 'Every Man's Battle' by Steve Arteburn and Fred Stoeker. What a great book that talks about Gods standard for his men and women. God created marriage before sin. It was perfect without porn, and by God's grace and mercy alone it is perfect and santified after sin also.

The book goes into how God gave us all a sexual drive (as big as the man that owns it), but this society pushes "sexual food" in our faces and we CHOOSE to suck it all in, increasing the drive until its as big as a sumo wrestler. In this society it is "cool" or at least normal to have sumo wrestler size sexual drive. But it will beat you down for sure. Wrestle you into porn every time. The solution, God and God's grace and power to starve the sumo wrestler down to the normal God-given appetite...

Its a great read for this day and age.

Also women... God didn't leave us powerless in these situations. God promises:

Likewise ye wives, be in subjection to your own hubands; tha, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversations of the wives (1 Peter 3:1)

I know "subjection" is a very touchy subject, but I know that God's word is true, and when ever God commands He empowers. God is NOT saying submit to pornography.

ALL scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine (teaching), for reproof, for coreection, for instruction in righteousness: That the man (or woman) of God may be PERFECT, thoroughly furnished unto ALL good works. 2 Timothy 3:16, 17.

For extras... look up 2 Corinthians 9:8

Hi ritzbitz78. :wave: Welcome! I guess you're God's third witness here. He's reinforcing this issue to get HIS message across, leaving no room for any doubt about the dangers of pornography.

Keep sharing, angel. It's so needed.

God bless you and welcome to the Family. We love you all ready. Oh yes we do...;)

{{{ Hugs }}}