I wouldn't necessarily conclude that they "have issues". They aren't saying anything that isn't said or hinted at a million times in every day conversation, wedding toasts / jokes, the fact that the Spanish word for wife and handcuffs are the same, etc etc.
I know that at 26 marriage was not even a thread of an objective for me. It didn't even feature. I remember around that age I was saving to go to study in a foreign country, and when an older guy I knew found out that I was saving he asked if I was saving to get married, and my response was "Married?!
erplexed ... Married?!
", like "What kind of crazy idea is that?" But in retrospect it was a perfectly ordinary question - just shows how the very idea of marriage was alien and shocking as applied *me* personally (despite having grown up in a close two-parent family, where the expectation was marriage or nothing, etc.)
However, even at that time, I would NEVER have told a young friend who wanted to get married, "You shouldn't do it, it will prevent you from living your life... blah blah blah." The main problem is people assuming others have their own preferences and trying to tell them what they want or should want and how they should live their lives. Like a poster said earlier, know yourself, do what makes you happy, and that's that.
Again, as was said earlier, it all depends on who you marry and your relationship with that person. I do know a few men who think that their wives' lives should revolve around them, and that their wives' *main* (or only) purpose is to be their cheerleader and "helpmeet". So I know a few women who have been "held back" by their marriages - not being able to move geographically for their own careers, sacrificing their own career progress for their husband's, not travelling as they would like for personal development / fun etc. However, that is mainly in the previous generation, and there are many men out there who do not have this mindset. So choose wisely.