Man, why is it that it is only NOW we as Black women are knowing proper hair care????

I don't know why it took so long but I'm so happy that I found hair forums and info that has helped me manage my thick hair! I was ready for a change, I was tired of my hair always breaking!
Re: Man, why is it that it is only NOW we as Black women are knowing proper hair care

alexei said:
It's rare to find women who are willing to share their hair secrets ...
and yet on this site we have 100s of them.

There it is. I have known stylists who wouldn't tell you their hair "secrets", they hide the name of the products they're using on your hair, I have known women with beautiful hair who would never tell you how they care for their hair unless you were their best friend. Yet the women on hair forums are very generous with their knowledge and I am very grateful for that. It is also part of the internet revolution. There is no way this amount of knowledge could have been shared otherwise.
Re: Man, why is it that it is only NOW we as Black women are knowing proper hair care

ekomba said:
You so right Alexei, if i try to ask a lady outside the boards what she uses on her hair , what s her regimen they give me an attitude like they dont wanna talk even relatives or friends they dont like to discuss hair. And i feel that people outside of hair boards love to be in competition and want to be the only one with the long hair and now everybody accuses me of being secretive and not wanting their hair to grow and keeping everything to myself but each time i talk i sound like a broken record people say it s too complicated like damn i have to sleep with a satin scarf oh no i like my hair to breathe i just like to sleep with nothing covering my head:eek: i can talk but people dont listen and just want me to write all my magic lotions down when they see me. but i stopped talking and ellaborating i just send them to the fotki but i dont waste my time if i tell you to cover your ends dont let it brush against your clothes or cotton or hat and they dont want to hear it or still want to perm the whole thing. its sad till this day that if i try to ask someone what she uses even if i know the person its like you asked them for their social security number i m just talking about what grease what poo they really short and straight to the point that s so annoying all the bickering and you want to be the only one with long hair how insecure why not share.:confused:

lol..:lol:OMG this is so true for me, they expect some magic potion bottle, they don't want to listen to all the stuff u have to do. Sometimes when I get deep into explaining regimen and stretching their eyes will start glazing over :yawn::look:then they just say oh well just tell me what product u use.