Man wants to date mistress after wife dies


Well-Known Member
I received a phone call from my father asking me how I would feel if he asked my mother out on a date. It took me by surprise and it kind of infuriated me. Here's the background.

My dad at 19 married my stepmother because she was pregnant and their families made them marry. My father at that time was mad at my stepmother and had to grow to love her. Time goes on they have 2 kids. Later on my father meets my mother and they have me. My stepmother takes me in as her own and introduces me as her daughter to everyone. Throughout my childhood my dad continues to creep and my stepmother stays.

Two years ago my stepmother passes away. My dad has done really good the last two years and recently he keeps inquiring about my mother. And I just respond she's okay. The other day my son's school had a grandparents day. Both of my parents show up. Of course, my mother shows up fly because her and my son took pictures. I figure this is where this all stems from.

Today when my father called and asked if he could ask my mother out on a date I kind of dismissed it because I know my mother would say no. But, as he's saying it to me I'm just thinking how messy he sounds. And to me I feel as though this is a total disrespect to my stepmother. She loved him, she took me in and she stayed with him for 40+ years until her last day. It really makes me look at him in a different light.

Do you think I should be upset over this? Or, is he just lonely and my mother is familiarity? Please respond.

I understand how you feel. I was raised in somewhat of a similar situation. My dad was forced to marry at 19 after he got someone pregnant. But he didn't stay. Fast forward he met and married my mom and then had me.

That said, my two cents is this:

1. Sounds like your dad Loved your mom but responsibility kept him from her.

2. He did right by your step siblings and your step mom. That's respectable! And no small feat. But now she's gone.

3. Men can't be alone.

4. Imagine being unable to be with the person of your choice for 40 years.

I think some compassion is in order. He's not cheating on your step mom now. If your mom says no then that's that. But you know marriage is only until death. Life is short. Leave him the grace to pursue happiness. Times are different now. If he were in our generation he probably would never have married the step mom. Men generally remarry after the death of a spouse. Women are the ones who don't always.

Anyway just my opinion.

I understand how you feel. I was raised in somewhat of a similar situation. My dad was forced to marry at 19 after he got someone pregnant. But he didn't stay. Fast forward he met and married my mom and then had me.

That said, my two cents is this:

1. Sounds like your dad Loved your mom but responsibility kept him from her.

2. He did right by your step siblings and your step mom. That's respectable! And no small feat. But now she's gone.

3. Men can't be alone.

4. Imagine being unable to be with the person of your choice for 40 years.

I think some compassion is in order. He's not cheating on your step mom now. If your mom says no then that's that. But you know marriage is only until death. Life is short. Leave him the grace to pursue happiness. Times are different now. If he were in our generation he probably would never have married the step mom. Men generally remarry after the death of a spouse. Women are the ones who don't always.

Anyway just my opinion.

Thank you. I'm glad he didn't answer the phone when I called .Because I would've made him feel guilty. But, if he did good by his wife before she died he would have stopped messing with other women.
I have no advice just to say you seem very understanding and bitter free from an obviously difficult family situation to grow up in. It's very commendable
Two thoughts:

If he didn't do right by his wife when she was alive, he's not going to do right by her memory after she passes away.

It's up to your mom but she already decided years ago to be with him when she got pregnant for him with you. So for them to go out NOW is not a big deal IMO.
Two thoughts:

If he didn't do right by his wife when she was alive, he's not going to do right by her memory after she passes away.

It's up to your mom but she already decided years ago to be with him when she got pregnant for him with you. So for them to go out NOW is not a big deal IMO.

Yes, I get that too. I guess I feel for my stepmother, although she's no longer here, that she wasn't good enough for my dad. And I have to let them be grown ups. I understand why he asked me. But It really made me feel uncomfortable. Ultimately, they made their choice. And if they want to be together they will.
Thank you for the responses. I just needed to here others unbiased opinions. Much appreciated!
He needs to be happy like everyone else. I would not play the "man in the middle" but I wouldn't care either. It's hard for people to find love and happiness, especially at their age, so I would let them be......if it's meant to be.
Yes, I get that too. I guess I feel for my stepmother, although she's no longer here, that she wasn't good enough for my dad. And I have to let them be grown ups. I understand why he asked me. But It really made me feel uncomfortable. Ultimately, they made their choice. And if they want to be together they will.

It is uncomfortable especially since you already know that your mom would say no if he asked her out. Maybe he is turning to her because of familiarity and she would turn away because she is quite familiar with his ways. Should she change her mind, I'd remind mommy that a man who'll cheat WITH you, will cheat ON you.
Thank you. I'm glad he didn't answer the phone when I called .Because I would've made him feel guilty. But, if he did good by his wife before she died he would have stopped messing with other women.

Oooh I totally missed the point about the cheating somehow. Yeah ... No...
Oh yea, I remember these parents. Weren't they "dating" off and on for years? I think most men have a Plan B lined up when the wife dies. Or remarry quickly.

ETA: Two years is quite respectable to me. It seems like he put thought into it, and didn't just jump into another relationship.
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Meh, let the be. If she says yes, let them be happy. Step-mom is gone to glory and not coming back. 2 years is a respectable mourning period. Let them be.
How would your siblings feel?

My brother no longer has a relationship with my dad, since my stepmother died. If he found out, it would not be good. My brother was a father and married when my father had me. So, he never forgave my father. He basically signed my step mother's policies over to him so my father couldn't have the money.
Your dad was a serial cheater. He disrespected his wife throughout your childhood by creeping with other women.

Are you angry because it's your mom or because he's dating again after 2 years? His wife died, he is single. I think 2 years is a sufficient amount of time where people should expect him to date again.
Your dad was a serial cheater. He disrespected his wife throughout your childhood by creeping with other women.

Are you angry because it's your mom or because he's dating again after 2 years? His wife died, he is single. I think 2 years is a sufficient amount of time where people should expect him to date again.

I think I was more upset then mad because I feel although she's gone, I think it's disrespectful to revisit that chapter in his life. But, if that's what he wants I don't like it but it's not my life.
I understand why it feels messy. He may have cheated, but he was supposed to be repentant and regretful of having done it. He was supposed to go back to his wife grateful for her forgiveness and willingness to raise you as her own, while doing his all to put your mother behind him. Maybe he did and maybe he didn't. But he is a widower now, and whatever respect he owed your stepmother with respect to who he's involved with should have been paid when she was alive. But now, it is what it is.