"Mamma why do men down here be wearing weaves?"


Well-Known Member
We just came out of Taco Bell and DD sees this man with cornrows by the door. When we get into the car and are safely out of earshot thats what she asks me. :blush: I think the girl is seeing things so I look. It doesn't look to me like he's wearing any weave in his cornrows. They are real short like normal guy braids are but she insists that he has weave in there and that she can see the little ball at the beginning.

So now we are debating on whether he is wearing weave in there. Personally it doesn't make any sense to me that a man would wear weave at all. Second if you're going to get weave why would you get them done so short so they look like any regular guy's hair? He did have a receeding hairline but he's a middle aged guy so thats no big surprise.

Then she starts talking about how we saw another guy at walmart one time with weave in his hair too. I do not remember this incident. She says he looked scary had weave in his head, glasses and boobs. :lachen:After I stopped laughing I told her I didn't remember that guy or his weave. Then she reminds me about what was happening and I remember the guy but do not remember any weaves, long hair or braids. So I think she's just crazy.

Anyway what do you guys think. Did she really see TWO men wearing weaves? :spinning:
Haha! Your daughter sounds hilarious!

As to the question, men do wear "weaves" in their hair to plump up otherwise thinning toothpick stranded braids (especially if they are of the over 35 age group...think R Kelly with his add-on corn rows).

There is a man who lives on my block who wears braids with hair added in with his old self, your daughter would probably spot the weave in his hair if she saw him.
Your dd is so smart and observant and probably is right!

When I used to go to Harlem for my hair braiding, I would see men and young dudes getting their cornrows and yup the braiders would add synthetic hair to make the braids thicker :yep:. Nothing unusual at all.
i always assumed this was a weave

and a bad one at that:lachen:
Yes, men are adding the hair to their braids too. I saw a hair book at the braid shop showing male photos with the 'obvious' knot at the braid start.
LOL I wouldn't bet on it if she's right!!:lachen:

Down here in Louisiana, way back when Mystikal was the bomb diggity, you had guys wanting sistahs to hook them up with the same individual braids that he was sporting. And to think they'd talk about females wearing fake ish in their hair, welp there they be wanting the same darn thang!

Then as of late, Omarion comes to mind here........ Homeboy sees another brotha with some phat *** braids, "Hey can ya gimme some O braids?" Goood Lawd! And yep they come in tow with a bag or 2 of weave too LOL:lachen::lachen::lachen:(some even got some 8 ball beads to go on ends of 'em)

Now seriously I don't mind the braids, but when they wanna run they darn mouth about how females be faking the funk, they needa take a double-look in the mirror too!
I second this - my friend who does braids and dreds use to do this all the time for guys. Like u said nothing unusual about it at all.

Your dd is so smart and observant and probably is right!

When I used to go to Harlem for my hair braiding, I would see men and young dudes getting their cornrows and yup the braiders would add synthetic hair to make the braids thicker :yep:. Nothing unusual at all.
The older cashier at the grocery store had jet black weave in his gray braids. He wasn't even trying to blend it. :nono:
I"ve seen it several times. ANd she is right, you usually can tell because you see that little rounded part at the top where the hair is fed in.
Not to corrupt the thread...

but, why are men over 30, no make that over 25, wearing braids or cornrows ANYWAY??? WTF

...end corruption
The other day I saw a guy getting cornrow extensions at the salon :perplexed !
(That's all I'm going to say on that matter)
My husband's co-worker (approximately 26 years old) wears dread lock extensions..... all down his back. Does that count? :look: