Make the next move?


My cousin introduced me to a guy over the weekend. We work in the same field. He asked for my biz card, we chatted a bit, hung out together, and I gave him a hug at the end of the night. After the hug, he gave me his card. For most of the evening I thought he was interested in a family member, but he let me know they were just good friends. I know he's single and looking. I thought he would have e-mailed by now since he asked when i would be returning to work. Did he give me his card because he wasn't sure if I was interested? Did he just put the ball in my court? Should I just e-mail him? I FEAR rejection!!!!
Just do it! No harm will come from it. Just think he may think that you aren't him if you are a little apprehensive to calling him. :)
I'll do it before I leave work at noon tomorrow. I would just hate to have the wrong idea about him.
Ok...I did it and it didn't work. He's not interested. I'm never putting myself out there like that again.
I sent him a friendly message letting him know I had a nice time hanging out with him at my cousin's wedding. I also told him I was feeling better after a bout with a sinus infection and that I was taking a moment to say hello.

He responded thirty minutes letter and said the following:

"It was a treat meeting you, too. Sinus deals are horrible; I know too well. I'm glad you're better now. I'm better reached through my AOL address (which I'm copying). Catch up with you later!"

All the best!
That doesn't sound like rejection... he responded to you quickly and courteously and gave you another address to contact him. It would have been different if he hadn't contacted you at all...

Keep it casual, you never know what may happen...
I know for sure I wouldn't be contacting him again unless he contacts you first. I don't know I am just a firm believer that If a man really wants to see you, be with you etc nothing is going to stop him. I have experienced that first hand. I wish you the best. If he doesn't contact you move on to the next one. No sense wasting your time.
Not sure about this one chiika. It seems to be that he's not really putting too much effort forward. He could be the type of guy who wants a girl to chase him. I had one guy like that, and I actually follow through and he would call back but it seemed like I was always following through. I stopped contacts and he had the nerve to text me wanting me to follow through again. Yeah ok :rolleyes:

No harm in trying if you want to contact him again,but I would not suggest it.
Girl let this man chase you if it's his desire. Why are women always trying to do all the work to try to get a relationship started. Plz it's always the woman who gets screwed over anyway. Let him prove to you that he is worthwhile. I don't know I am just trying to be a little more smarter when it comes to relationships.
That didn't sound like a rejection per se, but if there is a next move to be made, let it be his. If he's interested, he'll write back to you, if not, he's not the last man on earth. There will be somebody who will express his interest and you won't be the least bit unsure about what his intentions are. That's who you want, not somebody that has you guessing.
I don't plan on contacting him anymore, unless it is in response to contact made by him. He had a lot going for him and all, but I am not up for chasing him. His e-mail was just so generic to me. I'll just take it as a polite reply and keep it moving. The single life is so difficult for me at times. Thanks for all of the advice!
Update: I might be a helpless/hopeless case. The guy e-mailed me today and we went back and forth the whole work day. I guess the world has not come to an end for me. I'm too through with myself! I feel like the biggest worry wart!:spinning:
Update: I might be a helpless/hopeless case. The guy e-mailed me today and we went back and forth the whole work day. I guess the world has not come to an end for me. I'm too through with myself! I feel like the biggest worry wart!:spinning:

That's great! Just go with the flow.
i would still let him pursue me though!! dont put yourself too much out there. dont let him get the upper hand girl, ok? let him wonder, think, ponder...
leave a little mystery. he'll be more interested if you're not as reachable as you may really be. :yep:
i knew it--- his reply email didnt seem like he was uninterested he gave you his personal email so it appeared like he wanted you to reach him that way and also he used an exclamation point at the end of his last statement- to me his reply = here is my person email lets chat more on that email since we can be more candid and im using the exclamation point since im lookign forward to communicating with you at a later time...

thats hwat his reply conveyed to me..

glad you guys r starting to get to know each other....good luck:grin:
I will take is sloooowww. I would rather talk to him on the phone, but I want him to ask me for my number. I am all about letting him pursue me at this point. I've done what I need to do to let him know I'm approachable. Whatever else happens is on him.