Major Setback

oh and i forgot to say -
go on girl and rock that ear length haircut - buy yourself some new earrings, a new alfit or two for the new look. maybe some lipstick if you wear it, and make it an all around new look. rock it till it grows back! remember, whenever a door closes a better one opens!
Now that made me laugh!

Aw sweetie! :o We understand! Regardless of what you did, we still love you. Want to laugh?

In March, when I was high on the Ayurveda Powders Wagon, I relaxed my hair and I was mad that large strands of my hair were shedding/coming out upon rinsing the relaxer out. Well, my dumb behind decided to mix henna and promptly spread it on my hair and scalp. Big mistake! :wallbash:

My scalp on the right front and back sides were on fire. I promptly washed it out and when I raised my head up from that sink, I was baby-bald on the front right side of my head and was left with 1/2 an inch of hair on the back right side! Can you say hair gangsta-lean!! :burning::bangdesk:

I panicked cause I did not want my husband or my kids to see this. But too late. Those 3 walked into the room (I am sick and tired of telling my sons they are too old to walk in and see Mama with her "goodness and mercy" all out in the open!) and they (my husband) said, "Damn!". :poke::dighole:You sure you gonna be okay? Baby I saw your Mama the other day when she took of her wig and she damn near looked bald! (my mother used to have bra-strap length jet black hair once upon a time). I mean, will it and can it grow back?":blah:

Needless to say that is when I decided okay, lets keep it K.I.S.S. No more powders, no more Henna, just the oils. So five months later, I my hair has grown back inthe front, sides and back thanks to Gro Aut Oils and OCT & MT. Plus, I don't have to wear that damn "John McCain" comb-over hair style I was trying to rock to hide my bald mistake!!

There, I got it out. All better! You'll be alright girl! The ladies on this forum are tough, supportive, sweet, funny and best of all, BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT!! Happy Hair Growing!! (off to order more MT and Gro Aut oils) :driver::cycle::auto:
oh and i forgot to say -
go on girl and rock that ear length haircut - buy yourself some new earrings, a new alfit or two for the new look. maybe some lipstick if you wear it, and make it an all around new look. rock it till it grows back! remember, whenever a door closes a better one opens!

I was going to say the same thing. I went from a BC to APL length and I enjoyed it because every length can be cool if you work it your own way. Not trying to belittle your experience. I cried at the salon the other day because the beautician brushed my hair while it was wet so I feel your pain. But if you see the good side in having short hair again maybe you will feel better. At least your prep time will go down. And I'm sure your annoying friend was honest when she said you could so rock a short do. At any rate we're here for you :bighug:
I'm sorry that happend to you girl :bighug:

Please tell us what happend, im sure there are more embarresing stories than yours..

I had a set back to, dont worry your hair will grow out again in no time.
Aw sweetie! :o We understand! Regardless of what you did, we still love you. Want to laugh?

In March, when I was high on the Ayurveda Powders Wagon, I relaxed my hair and I was mad that large strands of my hair were shedding/coming out upon rinsing the relaxer out. Well, my dumb behind decided to mix henna and promptly spread it on my hair and scalp. Big mistake! :wallbash:

My scalp on the right front and back sides were on fire. I promptly washed it out and when I raised my head up from that sink, I was baby-bald on the front right side of my head and was left with 1/2 an inch of hair on the back right side! Can you say hair gangsta-lean!! :burning::bangdesk:

I panicked cause I did not want my husband or my kids to see this. But too late. Those 3 walked into the room (I am sick and tired of telling my sons they are too old to walk in and see Mama with her "goodness and mercy" all out in the open!) and they (my husband) said, "Damn!". :poke::dighole:You sure you gonna be okay? Baby I saw your Mama the other day when she took of her wig and she damn near looked bald! (my mother used to have bra-strap length jet black hair once upon a time). I mean, will it and can it grow back?":blah:

Needless to say that is when I decided okay, lets keep it K.I.S.S. No more powders, no more Henna, just the oils. So five months later, I my hair has grown back inthe front, sides and back thanks to Gro Aut Oils and OCT & MT. Plus, I don't have to wear that damn "John McCain" comb-over hair style I was trying to rock to hide my bald mistake!!

There, I got it out. All better! You'll be alright girl! The ladies on this forum are tough, supportive, sweet, funny and best of all, BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT!! Happy Hair Growing!! (off to order more MT and Gro Aut oils) :driver::cycle::auto:

I know that was for the OP, but I got a good laugh out of this one. It reminds me of my many hair tricks. Thanks:lachen::lachen:
Thank you. I am trying. Usually when I have something happen I just think of past times where I have felt like this or worse and how I eventually felt better. I think right now I am up and down since it is still so raw for me. With everyones words though I either laugh or cry but that all a part of healing.

Went to the BSS got all excited when I saw that familiar Surge logo...but it was only the Surge whojee cream.
Diamonddollfla, no need to mention what went down. This is not necessary. We just need to get you back to the length you had and then some. If you cant get the Surge 14 spray, let me know and I will go into my personal stash and hook you up. PM me okay.

It will be okay. Let's just focus on getting the hair back and remember, no regrets just results. :yep:

Let's get to work Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!:grin:
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope you will be able to move on soon and realize that you can grow your hair back. It will take time but it will grow back.
Aw sweetie! :o We understand! Regardless of what you did, we still love you. Want to laugh?

In March, when I was high on the Ayurveda Powders Wagon, I relaxed my hair and I was mad that large strands of my hair were shedding/coming out upon rinsing the relaxer out. Well, my dumb behind decided to mix henna and promptly spread it on my hair and scalp. Big mistake! :wallbash:

My scalp on the right front and back sides were on fire. I promptly washed it out and when I raised my head up from that sink, I was baby-bald on the front right side of my head and was left with 1/2 an inch of hair on the back right side! Can you say hair gangsta-lean!! :burning::bangdesk:

I panicked cause I did not want my husband or my kids to see this. But too late. Those 3 walked into the room (I am sick and tired of telling my sons they are too old to walk in and see Mama with her "goodness and mercy" all out in the open!) and they (my husband) said, "Damn!". :poke::dighole:You sure you gonna be okay? Baby I saw your Mama the other day when she took of her wig and she damn near looked bald! (my mother used to have bra-strap length jet black hair once upon a time). I mean, will it and can it grow back?":blah:

Needless to say that is when I decided okay, lets keep it K.I.S.S. No more powders, no more Henna, just the oils. So five months later, I my hair has grown back inthe front, sides and back thanks to Gro Aut Oils and OCT & MT. Plus, I don't have to wear that damn "John McCain" comb-over hair style I was trying to rock to hide my bald mistake!!

There, I got it out. All better! You'll be alright girl! The ladies on this forum are tough, supportive, sweet, funny and best of all, BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT!! Happy Hair Growing!! (off to order more MT and Gro Aut oils) :driver::cycle::auto:


If you can honestly tell this can tell ANYTHING!! I have NEVER laughed so hard reading posts on this forum. Awesome way to make a girl feel better MadameLaTigresse. If it didn't work for her, it surely worked for me!!
I can honestly say with your stories and comments I am definitely feeling a little better than I did when I first posted. You ladies are wonderful! Thank you for helping me to see the possibilities of the future. Geesh I'm about to cry again. :) lol

Sorry for your setback.

And you don't have to tell us what happened, we know it was probably sex related. :spinning: Let me guess, monkey bars, a bottle of cognac, a water gun, elmers glue and a plastic fork were involved huh? You can just keep that to yourself girl, we understand.

Ya'll are so crazy I swear!

Sorry for your setback.

And you don't have to tell us what happened, we know it was probably sex related. :spinning: Let me guess, monkey bars, a bottle of cognac, a water gun, elmers glue and a plastic fork were involved huh? You can just keep that to yourself girl, we understand.
You will get through this and be back in no time

I cut my hair to mid back and then had the nerve to miss it, I just got my hair off my mind the best I could and within 6 months it was back , even better than before :kiss:
I can honestly say with your stories and comments I am definitely feeling a little better than I did when I first posted. You ladies are wonderful! Thank you for helping me to see the possibilities of the future. Geesh I'm about to cry again. :) lol
And you don't have to tell us what happened, we know it was probably sex related.

roflmbao....y'all are crazy one moment I am crying then ya put something out there like that.:lachen:

I swear my brain is probably like WTH! how can she have a tears welling up in her eyes because she is sad, because of the overwhelming support and be laughing out loud at the same time.

I am already looking forward to the day that I look up this thread and remember with a smile my lowest point when I first posted and remember how the expressions/stories and laughs from all of you helped me feel so much better and i hope to be able to do the same for someone else.:hug3:
Bawling now but after this no more! :) That is what I am feeling totally. I did use the Surge 14, wild growth oil and vitamins when I was growing. I think they all did their part of it especially the Surge. I will go to the BSS today to see if they have some. Thank you!

I am embarrassed by the cause of this setback but I keep telling myself now it is what it is and I can only move forward from this point. I am absolutely sure it is not something someone else would do to themselves on purpose unless you were me carrying my baggage.

Thank you everyone for the kind words you will never know HOW MUCH they have and will help me in the future when I look back at this point in my new journey.

There's no reason to be embarrassed...we've even had a member lose a huge patch of hair (bald spot) due to a "freak" accident..if you catch my drift :look:

But know you know healthy hair practices and you'll be back where you left off in no time :yep:
Aw sweetie! :o We understand! Regardless of what you did, we still love you. Want to laugh?

In March, when I was high on the Ayurveda Powders Wagon, I relaxed my hair and I was mad that large strands of my hair were shedding/coming out upon rinsing the relaxer out. Well, my dumb behind decided to mix henna and promptly spread it on my hair and scalp. Big mistake! :wallbash:

My scalp on the right front and back sides were on fire. I promptly washed it out and when I raised my head up from that sink, I was baby-bald on the front right side of my head and was left with 1/2 an inch of hair on the back right side! Can you say hair gangsta-lean!! :burning::bangdesk:

I panicked cause I did not want my husband or my kids to see this. But too late. Those 3 walked into the room (I am sick and tired of telling my sons they are too old to walk in and see Mama with her "goodness and mercy" all out in the open!) and they (my husband) said, "Damn!". :poke::dighole:You sure you gonna be okay? Baby I saw your Mama the other day when she took of her wig and she damn near looked bald! (my mother used to have bra-strap length jet black hair once upon a time). I mean, will it and can it grow back?":blah:

Needless to say that is when I decided okay, lets keep it K.I.S.S. No more powders, no more Henna, just the oils. So five months later, I my hair has grown back inthe front, sides and back thanks to Gro Aut Oils and OCT & MT. Plus, I don't have to wear that damn "John McCain" comb-over hair style I was trying to rock to hide my bald mistake!!

There, I got it out. All better! You'll be alright girl! The ladies on this forum are tough, supportive, sweet, funny and best of all, BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT!! Happy Hair Growing!! (off to order more MT and Gro Aut oils) :driver::cycle::auto:


Oh lord.....
But I'm laughing with you because I can relate.

Sorry for your setback.

And you don't have to tell us what happened, we know it was probably sex related. :spinning: Let me guess, monkey bars, a bottle of cognac, a water gun, elmers glue and a plastic fork were involved huh? You can just keep that to yourself girl, we understand.


That made me spit out my soda!
QT ain't got no sense....
roflmbao....y'all are crazy one moment I am crying then ya put something out there like that.:lachen:

I swear my brain is probably like WTH! how can she have a tears welling up in her eyes because she is sad, because of the overwhelming support and be laughing out loud at the same time.

I am already looking forward to the day that I look up this thread and remember with a smile my lowest point when I first posted and remember how the expressions/stories and laughs from all of you helped me feel so much better and i hope to be able to do the same for someone else.:hug3:

I'm glad you are laughing about this. :lachen: And isn't it good when we can look back on what we thought was our worst day, and laugh about it.

Best of luck to you w/ your hair & depression. You will be alright. things happen. You don't have to feel pressured to say anything.
As I've said before I can relate. I'm sure most of us can.

I once had an incident with a curling iron. You know the kind they use in the beauty shop. The one that comes with the stove and you stick the irons in them to get them heated?
Well my cousin gave hers to me.

And she said, "Be careful, you know you can't set the heat..." and blah blahm blah....

I waved her off, Like, "Ugh....I know! 'There's no dial to select heat.' 'I have to let it cool'....I know. I know how to tell if an iron is too hot. Whaddya think I am some kinda idiot...."

So I ended up burning about 4 inches off my head (in the section behind my rt ear) before it was all over with.

It was in that moment I realized why the the use of these heat styling tools is discouraged to everyone except licensed beauticians.

After that I started using regular flat-irons like everyone else.
I'm so sorry you are going thru this...just know that I too have suffered a major setback...i was fooling myself by wearing my hair curly, but during a recent wedding this past weekend I decided to wear my hair straight and the truth came to light... I couldn't wear it straight it was severely shorter on one side and I had to pin it up... I was in husband tried to be very i think I may get some braids too... hang in there... take it one day at a time and we will grow some healthy hair together!