SOOoooo Upset. Major Setback

Lkaysgirl said:
I am feeling angry for you. I cant see why she had to trim so much. I am sure I would have cried if I were you.

From the stories here I guess its best to stick to someone who has given you a satisfactory trim before. Thats the problem Im currently facing. I am the only one who has ever trimmed my own hair. I need my ends trimmed and hubby has offered to do it, but I dont trust him. Now how paranoid am I? Even when he keeps reassuring me that we are on the BSL journey together.

My hair is already causing a bit of conflict between us as it is. He was hurt when I didnt trust him to do my last retouch. He has been asking for while to do my relaxers and I keep saying no. I only trust myself because I have read enough hair horror stories.

How sweet is THAT? :p Bless his heart!
That wench! I hate it when SHS do crap like that! I too have experienced this and wanted to cry and take a bat to her head all at the same time! Don't worry it will grow back better than ever! Then go over there and fling it right in that wench's eye!
That sucks. I say learn to do your own trims and you'll never have that problem again. I can't even remember the last time a stylist came near my head with scissors. I any and all trimming and dusting myself.

It'll grow back in no time...just take good care of it.

Divine Inspiration said:
I know, right? My SO is the same way. I let him dust my hair every 3 or 4 months and he loves it. Now he gets excited over applying conditioner. :lol:

AW! How SWEET! :p
Girl, I feel your pain. I know how it feels to have all the progress you've made taken away by some scissor happy broad. Just keep on your regimen and everything will be ok.
:perplexed I am very sorry to hear that. Unfortunately it is a common thread here for some of us ladies. If you want to laugh at something - At least someone cut your hair and made a mistake. About a month ago I cut my own hair and f'ed it up. One side hella shorter than the other. :lol:
Reading this brought back flashbacks :eek: . The same thing happened to me several years ago, I asked for a trim and instead I received a HAIRCUT!!! I was so upset...I cannot help but feel they do this on purpose!!! :mad:
Im sorry that happened to you. I gave up on stylist a long time ago. The only thing that I go in for now is the base for my interlocks. I do everything else on my own.
FlyyGyrl said:
... Its above shoulder length now!!!! How the hell is that a trim?...

:eek:! that's what i wanna know. how dare she??! i would've been so pissed off at her i would've walked off without paying! Free trim, my ass! I hope you don't go back there for anything.. except maybe showing off your BSL tresses in a couple of years.
I am sorry that happen to you trust me I feel your pain. I just did a 4 month stretch hair was shoulder lenght. Stylist asked could he trim the ends after relaxer I was apprehensive. It was free. In my head I was thinking naw!!! Then he said something that kind of calm me down like some stylist do not know what clipping ends mean. My d*m hair is layered back to neck. I was pissssst yes we know it will grow back. It is frustrating just going to take a little longer that is the only thing that kept me from acting a fool. Lesson learned listen to my first instinct.
Honey, I am sad to hear about this happening to you, as well as the other ladies who've experienced the same. :( And I still have a very hard time understanding how this happens. :confused: Don't ya'll keep your eyes on the stylist's every move? If not, you definitely should. As a stylist myself (NON scissor happy, I might add) there is NO way I could or would fake a BSL trim for a shoulder or neck length cut/trim. At the very least, you should be able to feel where the stylist's hands are on your body at the point of cutting. I addressed this very issue in a previous thread for the express purpose of helping you ladies avoid this very problem. Using a mirror is a great tactic to avoid having too much hair cut. My point is, we are quick to blame the stylists, and wrong is wrong, but we also need to take responsibility for our ourselves and our precious tresses.
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I am so sorry to hear this. I know exactly how you feel right now that's why I am so afraid to get my ends "trimmed"

Sorry about this:(