Magnetic Water?


New Member
I recently started drinking 1 to 2 glasses of magnetized water each day in addition to my 10 glasses + of water everyday. I may work up to drinking more of the magnetized but I'm working up to it, just like taking supplements.

According to what I've read, there are numerous health benefits to drinking this water as well as using it in other ways. A friend of mine gave me a magnetic device to magnetize pitchers of water at a time. So far, I feel a lot more energetic. My plants are really thriving on it, growing like crazy. Today, I wondered what effects it would have on my hair...

Have any of you used magnetized water directly on your hair? Have you noticed any hair results from drinking it?

For those of you who are interested, here are just a few links about magnetized water.
What does the Magnetic devise do to the water? Does it add something or take something away from the water?
I've learned that magnetics has been used for healing for many centuries going as far back as ancient Egypt (and earlier). The healing effects of magnetics is very well known, mainly in other countries (in Europe, China and Japan, for instance) where they use it all of the time to treat diseases like cancer and to draw pain from the body. It's still kind of new in this country.


Magnetized water is similar to clustered water where the molecules of the water are changed. Nothing is added to it or taken away. It becomes even more healing to the body and the water tastes much better.

I used it on my plants for some time now, experimenting first with the most pitiful looking plants I had. They are really growing lush and beautifully.
And they responded very quickly, like the first day! That is why I was wondering about my hair and what it would do to it if I applied it on my hair or drank it (I'm sipping some right now).