Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2022

My hair was feeling funny yesterday. So, decided to put on some cheap conditioner and left it in BEFORE I did my Aphogee 2 Step. I think that was a good decision. I also did not braid my hair as my hair was also STICKING. I tried to sit under the dryer but it was too hot. The roots got crispy and hard.So I put my hair in bantus and put on a cap and went to sleep. I have yet to rinse and deep condition.

I swear I feel like I'm getting my summer coat of fur because this hair does not seem like mine. I don't know her. Onward and upward: rinse, deep conditioner, hair butter slather and style. Wish me luck.
I was in Sephora in San Fran and they had all of high end products and all of the Olaplex products line up. It was so tempting to just start shopping. But my suitcase was heavy enough so I figured I would wait until I get home :lol: I may treat my hair to a Sephora binge at the end of the summer :yep:
I just got a trim yesterday. This was my first time seeing this stylist and she raved over how healthy my hair is. She said the entire length except the very ends were super healthy.
I’m still slowly getting rid of the hair I had when I used to wash with baking soda. I stopped over 3 years ago and it’s almost gone, but that stuff really did a number on my hair.
6 treatments of K18 done! I can’t really see any major changes in my hair. That’s a good thing. It means my hair didn’t really need it because it was pretty healthy already. My heat damaged ends caused by my yearly salon silk presses do curl more now. I’m glad I got the small $30 bottle instead of the giant one. I didn’t deep condition at all during this trial.
6 treatments of K18 done! I can’t really see any major changes in my hair. That’s a good thing. It means my hair didn’t really need it because it was pretty healthy already. My heat damaged ends caused by my yearly salon silk presses do curl more now. I’m glad I got the small $30 bottle instead of the giant one. I didn’t deep condition at all during this trial.
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Your hair looks so much thicker in the after!
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I just got a trim yesterday. This was my first time seeing this stylist and she raved over how healthy my hair is. She said the entire length except the very ends were super healthy.
I’m still slowly getting rid of the hair I had when I used to wash with baking soda. I stopped over 3 years ago and it’s almost gone, but that stuff really did a number on my hair.
What is your overall hair process, please?
TLDR: My hair thinned when I switched to natural family planning last year. The issue was exacerbated by 2 matting sessions towards the end of 2021. I have been gradually cutting the thin ends off instead of the one 12 inch haircut that I actually needed in 2021. My hair was a little past TBL before the shedding started. Now it is hovering over hip length with several inches of ends that still need to go(probably to MBL). Now I am cutting the thin ends off gradually until the hemline is thick again. My posts may unique as my hair will stay he same length or at times be shorter than the picture preceding it as I thicken my hemline.

Long version:

My hair hurdle in 2021. It was a combination of:

  1. Hormonal changes: I switched to more natural family planing during COVID which yielded shedding reminiscent to postpartum shedding without the pregnancy growth boost to buffer it. Alter/Ever ego and vitamins helped but did not stop it altogether. I had shedding from May 2021-January 2022. It was most severe between August and December 2021
  2. Matting. While hiding my hair to offset the shedding, I had two severe matting sessions where my roots matted severely with shedded hair trapped in there (@Chicoro I felt your matting post to my heart lol) . I should have detangled every week instead of trying to push to two weeks both times that happened. The severe matting yielded some breakage during those detangle sessions.

I am growing out last year’s hair issues now. If I would have cut off around 12 inches of length between September and December of 2021 the damage would be gone and I would probably be around MBL now but I decided against that. Since I rarely wear my hair “Aaliyah straight”, where perfect ends are necessary, I have some leeway to grow my hair while gradually cutting the thin ends off. I personally prefer thick hair that looks just as good natural as it does straightened. So I alternate between natural and straight styles while also balancing my haircare efforts with styling practices. While I am getting my hair back on track, I am doing low manipulation styles while keeping my hair heavily moisturized. I straighten my hair once a season to once every other season and cut off more of the thinned ends every time I straighten. I am cutting all my thin ends off, just not all at once. In the meantime, I put curls or waves into my straightened hair for volume while I am growing this hurdle out. Once my style falls flat, I either wear a slicked ponytail or bun. After 3-4 weeks of straight hair, I return to low manipulation and heavily moisturized hair via activator and shea butter or deep conditioner left in all week and wash and repeat the next week. Every now and then I will throw in a natural rollerset. I may Revair here and there.

Here is my timeline of this hair hurdle:

  • Early 2021(probably January or February): Switched to natural family planning
  • May 2021: Noticed increase in shedding. Whipped out my garlic shampoos and Alter/Ever ego serums. I did cut the v off my hair but did not measure it. My hair was still between hip and TBL when I cut off the “V” for more of a “U” shape.
  • August 2021: My Shedding peaked, reminiscent to post partum shedding.
  • September 2021: Cut off 5 inches then hid my hair for 6 months. The 5 inches I cut off was pitiful. Super thin but it was the start to getting my hair back in order. I had two severe matting session between that cut and December 2021.
  • March 2022: Straightened my hair again. Cut off another 2 inches
  • June 2022: Straightened my hair again cut off another 2 inches.
When I cut my hair, I will do the little trick where you intertwine a section of hair between three fingers and slide down the length snipping off the split ends, then pull sections of hair “off base” to cut in sections then I cut the hemline. It is not always even when I am done but I will be even by the time I finish cutting out my setback. I am checking for my hemline to thicken up with each cut and that is happening right now. When I completed the 5 inch cut in September 2021, I cut off 2-3 inches in sections then 4 inches off the hemline. You may think that should have been closer to 6-7 inches cut off but my overall length landed at 5 inches shorter because the longest thinnest sections went and the shorter sections stayed. In March I landed at 2 inches shorter but dusted each section, then cut 2 inches off the "off base" sections and out finishing by cutting 2 more inches off the hemline. That cut didn’t equal 4 inches shorter. Instead, it landed right around 2 inches shorter, overall. This month I took off 2-3 inches when I pulled my hair "off base" in sections then took off around an inch and a half from the hemline but is is only around 2 inches shorter than when I started cutting. I hope that makes sense. I want the volume of cut hair to be more impactful than the length because that will indicate my hair is thickening back up to return to uniformity.

Photos. They did not attach in chronological order so the descriptions are as follows:

  • The photos with the blue dress is from May 2021 when I first noticed my hair thinned some from shedding. One photo is Revaired hair the other is pressed hair with Sabino. Even with a “hard press” with Sabino Moisture block and the Deep V, and the shedding that already started my hair was thick and long. The month after this photo was taken, I cut the tip of the “V” off for a “U” shape but have no photo of that. That trim is not included as part of the 12 inches I needed to get rid off by the end of the year once my shedding and matting set me back. I included this photo for view of what my hair was before my setback got bad.
  • Now, I wish I had pictures from September 2021 or December 2021 during the severe shedding and matting but didn’t photograph it. That was when my hair looked the worst.
  • The wet hair photo is from March 2022. It just shows how my hair draws up on wash day when saturated with conditioner and braided.
  • The photo of the Pink vest is from March of 2022 ( I apologize, the black band is a tucked in tank top not underwear) is soft pressed hair right before my March of 2022 cut. This photo is a pretty good gauge of where I landed after the shedding and breakage completed. You can still see quite a bit of space between my ends there, despite the 5 inch cut that occurred 6 months prior. I used Olapex 7 oil as my head protectant.
  • The photo with straightened hair and the tan tank top is also from March of 22 after I cut my hair.
  • The first photo of me in the yellow jumpsuit is June 2022 before my June cut. The one with the bad ends is the before photo.
    • Note: Applying Sabino Moisture Block and hard pressing my hair didn’t not make my hair any thinner but I do myself no favors with a hard press and heavy serum while growing out this set back. Heavy serums take a few days for the residue to wear off and the thickness to show accurately. So on my progress pictures moving forward I plan to use a watery protectants like Aveda Brilliant Thermal protectant, Suavacita Heat protectant, Keracare Thermal wonder or the Wow Raincoat spay. I expect those will will help my hair stay fuller while straightened. Once my hair is back to its full glory my preference is creams and serums to help me debulk but while my ends are “less than luscious” lol imma need the water based protectants to get me over this hump gracefully haha. I want you ladies to see it though because there ware ways to camouflage thin ends while you are getting your hair together and gradually cutting damage off.
  • The photo of me in the olive tunic is still June 2022. It is a few days after I pressed and cut my hair (2-3 inches from each section and 1 and a half inch of the hair about 2 inches shorter overall) and the curls fell. This just demonstrates with darker shirts I can camouflage my ends as I gradually cut the thin ones off.
  • The second photo of me in the yellow jumpsuit is after my hair was cut, and the curls fell. I wanted you all to have a better gauge of how the hair gets more fullness to it when its not weighed down with product and where the hair cut landed. You can differentiate the "before" and "after" cut photos between the yellow jumpsuits by looking at the steam on the jumpsuit. On the "before "photo my hair is below the seam on the after it is above it. Also the "after" photo shows a hint of dropped curls, thicker ends and is fuller overall.
Sorry for the long post but this should catch me up on this thread.

***Little one's updates will be in the children's challenge thread in a week or so. I update my hair at the turn of the season and hers at the turn of the quarter.


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What is your overall hair process, please?
Once a week I do the following:

- rinse my hair in the sink and apply olaplex 3 to the lower half of my hair- I let it sit from 10min to an hour before I wash my hair

- shampoo my hair 2x. The first wash is with an “all purpose shampoo” that does a good job of removing all the dirt/sweat/product on my hair. The second wash is with a moisture shampoo

- condition my hair with a generous amount of conditioner and squish in water to make sure my hair is fully saturated with conditioner

- detangle my hair while it is soaked with conditioner. I use the Felicia Leatherwood brush to make sure I get out all of the shed hair

- rinse out the conditioner

- apply a botanical gel (almost always Uncle Funky’s Daughter Curly Magic) I squish it into my hair to make sure all my strands are coated.

- apply a second gel with good hold (almost always Ecoslay Jello Shot)

- dry with a diffuser for ~10 minutes

- every 4-6 weeks I clarify my hair with Kinky Curl Come Clean

I’ve been following this routine for a little over 3 years now.
Once a week I do the following:

- rinse my hair in the sink and apply olaplex 3 to the lower half of my hair- I let it sit from 10min to an hour before I wash my hair

- shampoo my hair 2x. The first wash is with an “all purpose shampoo” that does a good job of removing all the dirt/sweat/product on my hair. The second wash is with a moisture shampoo

- condition my hair with a generous amount of conditioner and squish in water to make sure my hair is fully saturated with conditioner

- detangle my hair while it is soaked with conditioner. I use the Felicia Leatherwood brush to make sure I get out all of the shed hair

- rinse out the conditioner

- apply a botanical gel (almost always Uncle Funky’s Daughter Curly Magic) I squish it into my hair to make sure all my strands are coated.

- apply a second gel with good hold (almost always Ecoslay Jello Shot)

- dry with a diffuser for ~10 minutes

- every 4-6 weeks I clarify my hair with Kinky Curl Come Clean

I’ve been following this routine for a little over 3 years now.
Thank you for responding. I appreciate the detailed information.

It seems to me that your process is to keep your hair ‘bathed’ or ‘saturated’ in moisture.
I'm tempted to go to the salon and get a bob hair cut but I like that I can easily put my hair into a ponytail with my current length.
So I cut my hair on my own. I cut off as much thin ends as I could, probably around 3 inches. I used a hair trimmer to cut my hair instead of scissors in order to get a cleaner hair cut. My ends weren't really bad but I have been craving an even cut for a while. I still have some parts of my hair in the front that are still short but I will gradually grow them out. I'm doing no direct heat and no more trims until December/January. Hopefully I can retain some length

Hair_cut_6-26-22_2_50 (2).jpg
Thank you for responding. I appreciate the detailed information.

It seems to me that your process is to keep your hair ‘bathed’ or ‘saturated’ in moisture.
The botanical gel helps keep it moisturized, but by day 4-5 it’s starting to dry out. The key is to wash weekly to replenish the moisture again. And I never try to comb/brush/detangle my hair except when it’s wet
Since my last post, I have added two products to my holy grail. They are Uncle Funky’s Daughter Curly Magic and EcoSlay Jello Shot. I get a moisturizing hold using both products. EcoSlay creates a strong enough cast to protect my ends. I’m really happy!
My holy grail list as of 27 June 2022:
-Annabelle’s Perfect Blends Blueberry Cheesecake DC
-Annabelle’s Perfect Blends Fenugreek DC
-Uncle Funky’s Daughter Curly Magic
-EcoSlay Jello Shot
-Olaplex #0
-Olaplex #3
-Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap (Peppermint, eucalyptus, rose)
Since my last post, I have added two products to my holy grail. They are Uncle Funky’s Daughter Curly Magic and EcoSlay Jello Shot. I get a moisturizing hold using both products. EcoSlay creates a strong enough cast to protect my ends. I’m really happy!
My holy grail list as of 27 June 2022:
-Annabelle’s Perfect Blends Blueberry Cheesecake DC
-Annabelle’s Perfect Blends Fenugreek DC
-Uncle Funky’s Daughter Curly Magic
-EcoSlay Jello Shot
-Olaplex #0
-Olaplex #3
-Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap (Peppermint, eucalyptus, rose)
Curly Magic + Jellow shot have been my holy grail for a little over a year now. I love this combo. I will only use something different to use up the stray products I have in my stash (kinky curly and I Create Hold) once those are gone, I will never stray again.
So I cut my hair on my own. I cut off as much thin ends as I could, probably around 3 inches. I used a hair trimmer to cut my hair instead of scissors in order to get a cleaner hair cut. My ends weren't really bad but I have been craving an even cut for a while. I still have some parts of my hair in the front that are still short but I will gradually grow them out. I'm doing no direct heat and no more trims until December/January. Hopefully I can retain some length

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Ends look thick and full! What a beautiful, healthy, gorgeous shine on your hair!!
6 treatments of K18 done! I can’t really see any major changes in my hair. That’s a good thing. It means my hair didn’t really need it because it was pretty healthy already. My heat damaged ends caused by my yearly salon silk presses do curl more now. I’m glad I got the small $30 bottle instead of the giant one. I didn’t deep condition at all during this trial.
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Wow! So pretty.
TLDR: My hair thinned when I switched to natural family planning last year. The issue was exacerbated by 2 matting sessions towards the end of 2021. I have been gradually cutting the thin ends off instead of the one 12 inch haircut that I actually needed in 2021. My hair was a little past TBL before the shedding started. Now it is hovering over hip length with several inches of ends that still need to go(probably to MBL). Now I am cutting the thin ends off gradually until the hemline is thick again. My posts may unique as my hair will stay he same length or at times be shorter than the picture preceding it as I thicken my hemline.

Long version:

My hair hurdle in 2021. It was a combination of:

  1. Hormonal changes: I switched to more natural family planing during COVID which yielded shedding reminiscent to postpartum shedding without the pregnancy growth boost to buffer it. Alter/Ever ego and vitamins helped but did not stop it altogether. I had shedding from May 2021-January 2022. It was most severe between August and December 2021
  2. Matting. While hiding my hair to offset the shedding, I had two severe matting sessions where my roots matted severely with shedded hair trapped in there (@Chicoro I felt your matting post to my heart lol) . I should have detangled every week instead of trying to push to two weeks both times that happened. The severe matting yielded some breakage during those detangle sessions.

I am growing out last year’s hair issues now. If I would have cut off around 12 inches of length between September and December of 2021 the damage would be gone and I would probably be around MBL now but I decided against that. Since I rarely wear my hair “Aaliyah straight”, where perfect ends are necessary, I have some leeway to grow my hair while gradually cutting the thin ends off. I personally prefer thick hair that looks just as good natural as it does straightened. So I alternate between natural and straight styles while also balancing my haircare efforts with styling practices. While I am getting my hair back on track, I am doing low manipulation styles while keeping my hair heavily moisturized. I straighten my hair once a season to once every other season and cut off more of the thinned ends every time I straighten. I am cutting all my thin ends off, just not all at once. In the meantime, I put curls or waves into my straightened hair for volume while I am growing this hurdle out. Once my style falls flat, I either wear a slicked ponytail or bun. After 3-4 weeks of straight hair, I return to low manipulation and heavily moisturized hair via activator and shea butter or deep conditioner left in all week and wash and repeat the next week. Every now and then I will throw in a natural rollerset. I may Revair here and there.

Here is my timeline of this hair hurdle:

  • Early 2021(probably January or February): Switched to natural family planning
  • May 2021: Noticed increase in shedding. Whipped out my garlic shampoos and Alter/Ever ego serums. I did cut the v off my hair but did not measure it. My hair was still between hip and TBL when I cut off the “V” for more of a “U” shape.
  • August 2021: My Shedding peaked, reminiscent to post partum shedding.
  • September 2021: Cut off 5 inches then hid my hair for 6 months. The 5 inches I cut off was pitiful. Super thin but it was the start to getting my hair back in order. I had two severe matting session between that cut and December 2021.
  • March 2022: Straightened my hair again. Cut off another 2 inches
  • June 2022: Straightened my hair again cut off another 2 inches.
When I cut my hair, I will do the little trick where you intertwine a section of hair between three fingers and slide down the length snipping off the split ends, then pull sections of hair “off base” to cut in sections then I cut the hemline. It is not always even when I am done but I will be even by the time I finish cutting out my setback. I am checking for my hemline to thicken up with each cut and that is happening right now. When I completed the 5 inch cut in September 2021, I cut off 2-3 inches in sections then 4 inches off the hemline. You may think that should have been closer to 6-7 inches cut off but my overall length landed at 5 inches shorter because the longest thinnest sections went and the shorter sections stayed. In March I landed at 2 inches shorter but dusted each section, then cut 2 inches off the "off base" sections and out finishing by cutting 2 more inches off the hemline. That cut didn’t equal 4 inches shorter. Instead, it landed right around 2 inches shorter, overall. This month I took off 2-3 inches when I pulled my hair "off base" in sections then took off around an inch and a half from the hemline but is is only around 2 inches shorter than when I started cutting. I hope that makes sense. I want the volume of cut hair to be more impactful than the length because that will indicate my hair is thickening back up to return to uniformity.

Photos. They did not attach in chronological order so the descriptions are as follows:

  • The photos with the blue dress is from May 2021 when I first noticed my hair thinned some from shedding. One photo is Revaired hair the other is pressed hair with Sabino. Even with a “hard press” with Sabino Moisture block and the Deep V, and the shedding that already started my hair was thick and long. The month after this photo was taken, I cut the tip of the “V” off for a “U” shape but have no photo of that. That trim is not included as part of the 12 inches I needed to get rid off by the end of the year once my shedding and matting set me back. I included this photo for view of what my hair was before my setback got bad.
  • Now, I wish I had pictures from September 2021 or December 2021 during the severe shedding and matting but didn’t photograph it. That was when my hair looked the worst.
  • The wet hair photo is from March 2022. It just shows how my hair draws up on wash day when saturated with conditioner and braided.
  • The photo of the Pink vest is from March of 2022 ( I apologize, the black band is a tucked in tank top not underwear) is soft pressed hair right before my March of 2022 cut. This photo is a pretty good gauge of where I landed after the shedding and breakage completed. You can still see quite a bit of space between my ends there, despite the 5 inch cut that occurred 6 months prior. I used Olapex 7 oil as my head protectant.
  • The photo with straightened hair and the tan tank top is also from March of 22 after I cut my hair.
  • The first photo of me in the yellow jumpsuit is June 2022 before my June cut. The one with the bad ends is the before photo.
    • Note: Applying Sabino Moisture Block and hard pressing my hair didn’t not make my hair any thinner but I do myself no favors with a hard press and heavy serum while growing out this set back. Heavy serums take a few days for the residue to wear off and the thickness to show accurately. So on my progress pictures moving forward I plan to use a watery protectants like Aveda Brilliant Thermal protectant, Suavacita Heat protectant, Keracare Thermal wonder or the Wow Raincoat spay. I expect those will will help my hair stay fuller while straightened. Once my hair is back to its full glory my preference is creams and serums to help me debulk but while my ends are “less than luscious” lol imma need the water based protectants to get me over this hump gracefully haha. I want you ladies to see it though because there ware ways to camouflage thin ends while you are getting your hair together and gradually cutting damage off.
  • The photo of me in the olive tunic is still June 2022. It is a few days after I pressed and cut my hair (2-3 inches from each section and 1 and a half inch of the hair about 2 inches shorter overall) and the curls fell. This just demonstrates with darker shirts I can camouflage my ends as I gradually cut the thin ones off.
  • The second photo of me in the yellow jumpsuit is after my hair was cut, and the curls fell. I wanted you all to have a better gauge of how the hair gets more fullness to it when its not weighed down with product and where the hair cut landed. You can differentiate the "before" and "after" cut photos between the yellow jumpsuits by looking at the steam on the jumpsuit. On the "before "photo my hair is below the seam on the after it is above it. Also the "after" photo shows a hint of dropped curls, thicker ends and is fuller overall.
Sorry for the long post but this should catch me up on this thread.

***Little one's updates will be in the children's challenge thread in a week or so. I update my hair at the turn of the season and hers at the turn of the quarter.
I loved this post. This hair is magnificent. Set-backs are part of life. But comebacks are the set-ups for the come ups! Girl, you and that hair and coming to SLAY! Keep going!
My and my hair are hanging in there. I've got breakage and have lost some length. The texture of my hair seems to be changing. This happens in 7 year cycles. It goes back and forth between silky and wiry. I'm headed into the wiry stage. It breaks off more readily because it is firmer and more fragile when it is wiry. It's all good.

How are you all doing with your Luscious Healthy Ends?
My and my hair are hanging in there. I've got breakage and have lost some length. The texture of my hair seems to be changing. This happens in 7 year cycles. It goes back and forth between silky and wiry. I'm headed into the wiry stage. It breaks off more readily because it is firmer and more fragile when it is wiry. It's all good.
I could have written this, word for word. Except the “all good” part; it sucks! :lol:

I think for me this particular wiry phase is exacerbated by getting close to the endpoint of being menopausal, among other things. The one thing I almost never have is breakage, but I noticed a ton of broken hair pieces of all lengths the last time I washed. :cry3: Combined with the Covid shedding, I think buns and updos will be the extent of my hairstyling for a while.
I could have written this, word for word. Except the “all good” part; it sucks! :lol:

I think for me this particular wiry phase is exacerbated by getting close to the endpoint of being menopausal, among other things. The one thing I almost never have is breakage, but I noticed a ton of broken hair pieces of all lengths the last time I washed. :cry3: Combined with the Covid shedding, I think buns and updos will be the extent of my hairstyling for a while.
It all really is cyclic, whether we want it to be or not. It's good you recognize and understand what is happening with you, your body and your hair. And, you have a plan to address the needs of your hair. I'd say that you are winning!
So I cut my hair on my own. I cut off as much thin ends as I could, probably around 3 inches. I used a hair trimmer to cut my hair instead of scissors in order to get a cleaner hair cut. My ends weren't really bad but I have been craving an even cut for a while. I still have some parts of my hair in the front that are still short but I will gradually grow them out. I'm doing no direct heat and no more trims until December/January. Hopefully I can retain some length

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I didn't realize you cut it yourself. You did a great job.
I haven't watched the video, but I thought no.2 was the salon potency, and no.3 was the weaker take-home option, for maintenance out of the salon?
I watched practically all of his videos. He mentions in other vids that regular consumers shouldn’t concern themselves with No 1 and No 2 because those are professional.

In this vid, he does say number 3 is the strongest. However, for the consumer it is. Technically, No 1 and No 2 can’t be acquired without a license. I guess it is implied if you have watched his other videos.

I do want to point out that he notes that he doesn’t work with curly hair (wearing it naturally curly). He mentions it in responses in the comments. As it relates to wearing hair straight in blowouts and flat irons, he knows what he is talking about.

I wish he did work with curly hair. I like his method of teaching.