Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2022

I absolutely love it. I have the original one that came out in 2018 and the new digital one. I consider it worth every dollar and for as long as it is in existence I plan to keep it in my hair arsenal. It used to take me hours to blow dry my hair. I can stretch and dry my hair in under 30 minutes even when my hair is super thick TBL. I rarely loose a ball of hair bigger than a cherry. It is a must have for me and I have tried a lot of high end blow dryers over the years. It is the best tool that I use to stretch and dry my hair.
Man, everyone I ask about that thing loves it to death. Yt reviews, here, reviews online all say it’s worth it. Might have to try the revair one day. I know on the revair site they have a listing of salons that use the dryer, so you can try it in person.
Here is my update. I finally got a trim in late June. Didn't take off more than 1/4inch. My hair is not perfectly manicured in shape because I didn't get a curly cut when trimmed. The sides and back may not look as precise but the front looks a whole lot better without the hard angular curly cut.

My routine is super simple. I shampoo or cleansing co wash every few days. I try to be gentle when I detangle my hair. I either use gel or foam/mousse to style a wash and go. I stopped letting my hair get undefined or go longer than a week without cleansing and detangling my hair. I no longer air dry. I also bought elastic bands for thick hair to use for puffs. Regular scrunchies were too tight.

I do see length retention. My day 1 hair no longer looks so wonky even with the heaviest of products. I feel I need another 2 good years to see some real length and a shape that I want.
How do you dry your hair now?
Here are the final results! My flatironed hair:
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I can see the length you’ve gained. It looks super thick, too. To get straight hair, it is necessary to remove any oils and butters. It takes me a couple of days of washing and air drying to do that. You literally have to strip the hair of those lubricating products. I think if you do that your hair will get straighter and stay straighter longer even if there might be humidity.

Also, straightening in the evening at night allows for two things that straightening in the day does not:

1. In theory it’s cooler than the day and one can control and limit the humidity in the straightening environment.

2. You can straighten then immediately wrap up the warm hair and help it to retain the straightness and make it even straighter with a scarf. The hair is more pliable when it’s warm. As it cools, the hair becomes less pliable and more rigid and more able to accept and hold a straighter style.

Blessed you, you’ve got a gifted Revair which you can use to continue to use and for free.

Great progress on the health, length and thickness of your hair!
I’m going to attempt to wash my hair in the next week. I traveled in Sicily, Italy for about 30 days with no comb and no brush. I would do that again. I also ran out of Scurl on day 3! I did not take hair butter either. There was no way I was going to wash my Afro textured hair without my products. I kept my hair braided but I believe I have lost length and thickness suffered due to breakage. I’ve been having set backs most of 2022, as it relates to my hair and length retention.
I can see the length you’ve gained. It looks super thick, too. To get straight hair, it is necessary to remove any oils and butters. It takes me a couple of days of washing and air drying to do that. You literally have to strip the hair of those lubricating products. I think if you do that your hair will get straighter and stay straighter longer even if there might be humidity.

Also, straightening in the evening at night allows for two things that straightening in the day does not:

1. In theory it’s cooler than the day and one can control and limit the humidity in the straightening environment.

2. You can straighten then immediately wrap up the warm hair and help it to retain the straightness and make it even straighter with a scarf. The hair is more pliable when it’s warm. As it cools, the hair becomes less pliable and more rigid and more able to accept and hold a straighter style.

Blessed you, you’ve got a gifted Revair which you can use to continue to use and for free.

Great progress on the health, length and thickness of your hair!
Thank you! I did make progress! I’m almost back at APL! I will keep your tips in mind next time I straighten my hair. I’ve been natural for 13 years and rarely wore my hair straight. When I did I went to the salon. So it makes sense that I need to practice and refine my process. I’ll take a picture of the back of my hair next time I straighten it. :yep:
I’m going to attempt to wash my hair in the next week. I traveled in Sicily, Italy for about 30 days with no comb and no brush. I would do that again. I also ran out of Scurl on day 3! I did not take hair butter either. There was no way I was going to wash my Afro textured hair without my products. I kept my hair braided but I believe I have lost length and thickness suffered due to breakage. I’ve been having set backs most of 2022, as it relates to my hair and length retention.
That’s one of the reasons I wanna become a straight hair natural. I’m traveling more now. It’s much easier for me when my hair is straight. I just took a trip to the west coast last month. I had to pack so many more products to moisturize and twist my hair almost every night. My twists and twist outs looked awesome but tiring to do every day. Then I was hiding my hair in between to avoid having to style it! :lol: I was like: there has got to be an easier way! As for your hair, it sucks that you’ve been having setbacks all year long. 2022 ain’t playing! Hopefully you’ll be able to get your hair back on track once you wash it next. *fingers crossed*
I’m going to attempt to wash my hair in the next week. I traveled in Sicily, Italy for about 30 days with no comb and no brush. I would do that again. I also ran out of Scurl on day 3! I did not take hair butter either. There was no way I was going to wash my Afro textured hair without my products. I kept my hair braided but I believe I have lost length and thickness suffered due to breakage. I’ve been having set backs most of 2022, as it relates to my hair and length retention.
I sure hate to hear this but I can admit feeling the same way in 2021, when I went through my hormonal shedding. What always works for me is what I believe you are already doing: continuing to baby my hair through the setbacks. By the time I peek at where my setback caused me to land, there is no doubt that at least it better than where my hair was when my setback peeked. You will be back in effect soon.
I'm getting bored with my hair. While I have a good shape since my last hair cut, I'm over it. I'm tired of looking at it. I want braids, but don't want to pay for them. My right hand is still jacked up, so I can't braid my own hair. Le sigh.
I blowdried and trimmed roughly 1/4" off my ends last week since they were feeling a little rough. My hair is so fine, that it doesn't look good at neck length. I have too many layers, so my hair looks extra fine.
I thought my curls would have more hangtime by now, but it seems my hair is curling up tighter now that my hair is more moisturized. Overall, my hair is healthy, my edges still need TLC, and I'm bored.
I sure hate to hear this but I can admit feeling the same way in 2021, when I went through my hormonal shedding. What always works for me is what I believe you are already doing: continuing to baby my hair through the setbacks. By the time I peek at where my setback caused me to land, there is no doubt that at least it better than where my hair was when my setback peeked. You will be back in effect soon.
Thank you, how sweet of you! I appreciate the support and encouragement!

Alright ya'll. I think I figured out my issue with my hair breakage and loss of length and thickness.

The major culprit: Stress and lack of self care due to physical exhaustion mostly, and from some positive excitement, too.

  • I fasted, as in zero food and water, for three days, every other day, every week from February to June. (Had to stop doing this.)
  • I worked from March to July, six (6) days per week, Monday through Saturday. That's five (5) months of only 1 day of rest per week.. A co-worker had an emergency and was hospitalized for about 4 weeks. So, I took over some of that person's work. But still...too much.
  • My commute was 2 hours per day, every day, six (6) days per week.
  • In March, I started my apartment search after living in 'student residence' for the last ten (10) years. Money and paper work needed.
  • In early April, there was an issue with my administrative processes in France. I had to scramble to get documents, including an affidavit copy and translate documents into French. I remember reaching out to my favorite translator by email, as usual, and receiving back an AUTOMATED email from her family to all her clients indicating that she had passed away. That really, really bothered me.
  • In late April, a new company recruited me and I went back and forth with them until end of May to early June negotiating and finalizing the position.
  • In mid May, I moved to a new apartment. More money and paperwork and turning off and on services.
  • In mid June, I received the news that I became a French citizen. More money and paperwork for the final steps (passport and ID card)
  • From mid July to mid August I travelled for thirty (30) days straight for the first time ever (positive excitement but still stress) in Sicily, and I did not have my usual hair tools or products. I rinsed my hair during this time but I did not wash and condition it.
  • I have no family in France. Thus, I was managing on my own and with lots of prayer.

So, I can't fault my hair. I did the best that I could during this period of time for the health of my hair and my 'luscious ends'. I am learning to give myself grace. Thus, I grant myself grace.

As I put this in writing, this is absolutely ridiculous in terms of the amount of stress and duress under which I was under. The current state of my hair is a reflection of all this. I had to just push through, though. Thank God I had seven (7) weeks off, before starting my new position in September. That was a tremendous blessing.

The next time you are considering berating yourself for some transgression or for something you may deem a failure, please take a good hard look at what you have been doing for yourself and for others. Appreciate yourself and GET SOME REST.

I've got four (4) months left in the year of 2022. I think that's enough to get my hair back on track and have my hair flourishing and getting me some luscious, healthy ends again by the last week of December 2022.