Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2022

FYI, losing hair by the handfuls during/after Covid is a thing.

My ends are okay-ish, there are just fewer of them now. :rolleyes: It took ALL my strength to sit on a rickety 30 year old shower chair and wash my hair yesterday. I had to take a long nap just to be able to comb the shea mix and oil through it, and put it in a bun. This morning I put it into 10 twists that I hope won’t get tangled if the sack-bonnet-scarf thing cooperates and stays on my head.

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this. You're not the only person that I know (of) who has had them happen. I was actually speaking to someone yesterday about this. They had been taking vitamins before hand (for other reasons) and thinks that helped. Also to see a (black) trichologist if possible. I how that you'll heal from this soon.
FYI, losing hair by the handfuls during/after Covid is a thing.

My ends are okay-ish, there are just fewer of them now. :rolleyes: It took ALL my strength to sit on a rickety 30 year old shower chair and wash my hair yesterday. I had to take a long nap just to be able to comb the shea mix and oil through it, and put it in a bun. This morning I put it into 10 twists that I hope won’t get tangled if the sack-bonnet-scarf thing cooperates and stays on my head.
I hope you feel better soon.
Feelings regarding my hair: I am one second away from shaving it off. if it ends up that my hair looks nice by the end of the summer, then i'll work through this feeling in the future. if not, i will shave it off next time i think i should

This past week: i've started my vitamins back up. I ran out of MSM earlier this month. it is set to be delivered June 1st, so I figured that I may as well wait. my hair is still breaking, so all of my little progress is gone I'm sure. I do not know why it is breaking. It could be anything - nutrition, lack of water intake, not using a silk scarf (although I do use a silk pillow case and it is breaking at the ends all over, not in a section), or anything. I'll just keep trying things.

This week: I'm in a TGIF rose conditioner now. I want to air dry and braid it up later. The braid hair looks too silky, so I'm already upset about that. I may go to a braider if I can coordinate things well.
Feelings regarding my hair: I am one second away from shaving it off. if it ends up that my hair looks nice by the end of the summer, then i'll work through this feeling in the future. if not, i will shave it off next time i think i should

This past week: i've started my vitamins back up. I ran out of MSM earlier this month. it is set to be delivered June 1st, so I figured that I may as well wait. my hair is still breaking, so all of my little progress is gone I'm sure. I do not know why it is breaking. It could be anything - nutrition, lack of water intake, not using a silk scarf (although I do use a silk pillow case and it is breaking at the ends all over, not in a section), or anything. I'll just keep trying things.

This week: I'm in a TGIF rose conditioner now. I want to air dry and braid it up later. The braid hair looks too silky, so I'm already upset about that. I may go to a braider if I can coordinate things well.

Do you mind sharing your routine, products and how you style your hair? Maybe something will jump out at someone.
FYI, losing hair by the handfuls during/after Covid is a thing.

My ends are okay-ish, there are just fewer of them now. :rolleyes: It took ALL my strength to sit on a rickety 30 year old shower chair and wash my hair yesterday. I had to take a long nap just to be able to comb the shea mix and oil through it, and put it in a bun. This morning I put it into 10 twists that I hope won’t get tangled if the sack-bonnet-scarf thing cooperates and stays on my head.
:bighug: Sorry to hear of what you had to go through. I hope you are moving into better times and feeling better soon.
FYI, losing hair by the handfuls during/after Covid is a thing.

My ends are okay-ish, there are just fewer of them now. :rolleyes: It took ALL my strength to sit on a rickety 30 year old shower chair and wash my hair yesterday. I had to take a long nap just to be able to comb the shea mix and oil through it, and put it in a bun. This morning I put it into 10 twists that I hope won’t get tangled if the sack-bonnet-scarf thing cooperates and stays on my head.
Please get better soon.
Do you mind sharing your routine, products and how you style your hair? Maybe something will jump out at someone.
I cant remember what I've been doing with it. It didn't seem like anything new. I haven't been putting on my henna gloss that I was doing about once a month. It was braided for a few weeks. After that, I've had some stressful life changes and I "stress starve," so I'm wondering if that has contributed. My hair doesn't normally chip off as it's been doing recently. It'll split with incomplete type splits and it'll knot, but not keep chipping off.

It's been better since the TGIF conditioner I put on the other day and! today I put on coconut oil before handling it and it feels great. It wasn't chipping off after that either. So, i'll keep putting on oil before handling it. The leave-in helped last week, so I'll be doing that midweek. I'll keep up this Olaplex and rotate that with my TGIF or Olaplex 8 that I have. I was thinking of braiding it again, in which case, I'll keep up tending to it twice a week
I might be doing an Aphogee 2 step today. I have little ends on the front of head that want to keep popping off. That is my rough patch and I think it's either really high porosity or low, but it's definitely different than my sides and back which is a 4a/b texture and it feels more like 4c. I need to baby this area. I have zero breakage on the rest of my head. I am due for a dusting in June as well.
I'm currently sitting with my hair in rollers. I haven't stretched my hair in this way in years and only once before. If my hair is stretched enough, I'll finally trim my ends. (I haven't in 6 months.)

Unfortunately, my hair hadn't fully dried when I took the curlers out so my hair held for a few minute then it started to shrink a little bit. I put my hair in two strand twists. Best twists ever! Unfortunately, they were too large for me to trim in and so now I decided to thread my hair last night and am going to take them out tomorrow just to be sure that my hair has fully dried so that I can trim my ends. My next scheduled trim is Saturday so as long as I get it done by this weekend, I'm good.
Unfortunately, my hair hadn't fully dried when I took the curlers out so my hair held for a few minute then it started to shrink a little bit. I put my hair in two strand twists. Best twists ever! Unfortunately, they were too large for me to trim in and so now I decided to thread my hair last night and am going to take them out tomorrow just to be sure that my hair has fully dried so that I can trim my ends. My next scheduled trim is Saturday so as long as I get it done by this weekend, I'm good.
The whole drying/stretching thing has me contemplating on that RevAir. I air dry by braiding then I twist to stretch further and style, which takes hours, but I'm finding that I need my hair styled more quickly now that I am out and about post pandemic.
The whole drying/stretching thing has me contemplating on that RevAir. I air dry by braiding then I twist to stretch further and style, which takes hours, but I'm finding that I need my hair styled more quickly now that I am out and about post pandemic.

I'd love to try it on my hair, but that suction still has me nervous. Also, I just style on damp hair and let it air dry. I do feel like that RevAir would have me enjoying my hair in a whole other way... :love3:
I might be doing an Aphogee 2 step today. I have little ends on the front of head that want to keep popping off. That is my rough patch and I think it's either really high porosity or low, but it's definitely different than my sides and back which is a 4a/b texture and it feels more like 4c. I need to baby this area. I have zero breakage on the rest of my head. I am due for a dusting in June as well.
I'd love to try it on my hair, but that suction still has me nervous. Also, I just style on damp hair and let it air dry. I do feel like that RevAir would have me enjoying my hair in a whole other way... :love3:
I have a Revair and I love the way it works on my hair. My hair tends to be in the drier side so blow drying is too much and a regular dryer is too much for my scalp.

But I can use the Revair and get a nice blow dry in about 20 minutes. It is heavy and loud. I just sit on the bed and watch YouTube videos.

I can control the heat and the suction. It stretches my roots nicely. And my hair isn't dry and brittle when I finish.

I found I can use it on really wet hair or damp hair with the same results. And in damp hair I get the stretch but it cuts the time by a good percentage.

I plan to use it more when my hair gets longer so I can enjoy it out.
I have a Revair and I love the way it works on my hair. My hair tends to be in the drier side so blow drying is too much and a regular dryer is too much for my scalp.

But I can use the Revair and get a nice blow dry in about 20 minutes. It is heavy and loud. I just sit on the bed and watch YouTube videos.

I can control the heat and the suction. It stretches my roots nicely. And my hair isn't dry and brittle when I finish.

I found I can use it on really wet hair or damp hair with the same results. And in damp hair I get the stretch but it cuts the time by a good percentage.

I plan to use it more when my hair gets longer so I can enjoy it out.
I'm sold. I will be a stretched natural for the rest of my life. I have no desire to attempt WNGs with my shrinkage. If I am to keep hair on my head, it must be stretched. The RevAir will give me so many styling options! The two most attractive aspects for me is drying /stretch time will be combined and complete in less than 30 munities and it doesn't dry the hair out!
I'd love to try it on my hair, but that suction still has me nervous. Also, I just style on damp hair and let it air dry. I do feel like that RevAir would have me enjoying my hair in a whole other way... :love3:
My hair is soft and lovely when it's stretched. I get the best results with a two step stretch, then style. But ain't nobody got time for alladat :lol: That's why I wigged it all of 2021! :lol: I don't want to do that again, I think the RevAir will be a very good thing for me as long as it doesn't dry my hair out.
I'm sold. I will be a stretched natural for the rest of my life. I have no desire to attempt WNGs with my shrinkage. If I am to keep hair on my head, it must be stretched. The RevAir will give me so many styling options! The two most attractive aspects for me is drying /stretch time will be combined and complete in less than 30 munities and it doesn't dry the hair out!
Right now I'm wearing a wng but I think at the end of June I will blow dry and stretch to see if my hair is bun ready. I don't have any idea how I want to wear my hair when I grow up :sad: :lol:
My hair is dry and crunchy.:antlers:

I searched for Aphogee 2 Step in the black hair care beauty supply stores in Lyon. After store #5 I released the goal.

I found some Aphogee 2 Step in my stash. I have no energy to do my hair. The longer I leave it though, the greater chances I have to damage it even more. Sigh.
Right now I'm wearing a wng but I think at the end of June I will blow dry and stretch to see if my hair is bun ready. I don't have any idea how I want to wear my hair when I grow up :sad: :lol:
I'm in the same boat, I'm growing out my crown from damage. I can wear a very nice high bun now, with a little help of some braiding hair added to my smallish bun. I have my protein moisture balance working well now and no more chipped ends after my medium protein treatment this past wash day so there is hope! I am moving into the length retention zone. This thread is helping me remember and baby my ends! I love it!
The threading worked and so I finally trimmed my ends and I am so happy. I hadn't since the beginning of the month and I think the satisfaction is more psychological than physical. This was also my first time tending to my ends myself on stretched hair. For the last 8 years I've trimmed in twists and so I felt like I'd learned a new skill or something. This might be my new go-to trimming method.
The threading worked and so I finally trimmed my ends and I am so happy. I hadn't since the beginning of the month and I think the satisfaction is more psychological than physical. This was also my first time tending to my ends myself on stretched hair. For the last 8 years I've trimmed in twists and so I felt like I'd learned a new skill or something. This might be my new go-to trimming method.
how to video on insta, please!