Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2022

Congratulations on the purchase of your new home! Are you putting a scarf between your hair and your beanie? Winter time can produce some of the BEST prices for the buyer. That right there is a blessing! It's better to keep those ends safe and tucked away until you have time to focus on them and treat them gently.
Thank you!!!!! Yes, I wear a bonnet under my beanie. It has helped tremendously in this winter weather.
I moisturized my hair this evening and placed my hair in two flat twists. It will stay this way until I can wash it. I wanted to wash it this evening, but I’m too tired.
Thank you!!!!! Yes, I wear a bonnet under my beanie. It has helped tremendously in this winter weather.
I moisturized my hair this evening and placed my hair in two flat twists. It will stay this way until I can wash it. I wanted to wash it this evening, but I’m too tired.
That's right. Leave the hair be when you are too tired. Good decision.
Finally used Olaplex 3,4 and 5. Left 3 on for about 30 minutes but I hear people say it works best overnight. so I'll try that next week.
I noticed more shine and my curls and kinks popped but I'm doing it more to prevent breakage so we'll see.
I still plan to use the 2 step ApHogee every 6 weeks though so on the week that I do, I will leave out Olaplex.

Bonding treatment vs. protein treatment = there's a difference correct?
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I’m fairly pleased with my progress. Hair feels like it’s coming on.

I’m going to do a light trim in April I think. I always say ‘light’ but I end up taking off more, never mind, it always comes back so fast after I've trimmed it off.


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I have been MIA so the only way to make up is with pictures. It’s my birthday so I got a silk press and trim. I am the type to not get trims, before October I hadn’t had a trim in 5 years. New trim Oct 21 and now March 22. Ends weren’t as bad as I thought, only needed a dusting.


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I didn’t wash my hair last weekend so I didn’t do an olaplex treatment last weekend.

Right now I’ve got my olaplex in. I’ll have to be super patient when I detangle because after 2 weeks the amount of tangles and shed hair is going to be a lot to deal with.
I have been MIA so the only way to make up is with pictures. It’s my birthday so I got a silk press and trim. I am the type to not get trims, before October I hadn’t had a trim in 5 years. New trim Oct 21 and now March 22. Ends weren’t as bad as I thought, only needed a dusting.
Your hair is hanging heavy and straight. Both of those characteristics are the hallmark of healthy hair. Your hair looks really beautiful. Thank you for sharing your photo with us!
I have been MIA so the only way to make up is with pictures. It’s my birthday so I got a silk press and trim. I am the type to not get trims, before October I hadn’t had a trim in 5 years. New trim Oct 21 and now March 22. Ends weren’t as bad as I thought, only needed a dusting.
Happy Belated Birthday to you!!!
I didn’t wash my hair last weekend so I didn’t do an olaplex treatment last weekend.

Right now I’ve got my olaplex in. I’ll have to be super patient when I detangle because after 2 weeks the amount of tangles and shed hair is going to be a lot to deal with.
Do you finger detangle? How did your hair turn out for you?
Hi all! I’ve been creepin in your thread getting really good information. I wish I hadn’t trimmed my hair this last time after reading the messages here.

You think so?

I got eyes everywhere. You in now. No escapin' this thread for you now. We got you!

You are right on time! You've got freshly trimmed, million dollar hair ends. Those are priceless. All you have to do is care for them and the way to do that is in this thread. Or, just ask a question! You lucky Lady!
Life has been gnawing on my ankle with its canine incisor teeth,

so I've been away for a bit. Now, I'm back. So get ready for the standard annoying gifs in this thread to get you to stay on track during this 2022 Hair Ends Challenge.

When caring for your Hair Ends, the journey may not be exciting or eventful, but the destination is absolutely mesmerizing.
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My Olaplex 3 supply is down to mere drops. I have to cover at work for a colleague who was hospitalized and who is now out of commission and not working. So, I haven't been able to make time to see if Olaplex is back in stock here in France. I know about 12 stores carry it in my immediate area. But, the stock and shelves were dry the last time I looked, prior to my work schedule change about 3 weeks ago.
I undid my braids for prepping to re-braid for the week. I noticed some length gains in my two braids that are at the back of my nape. There is a section of hair in both braids, comprised of no more than 50 hairs, that has dropped down to be about an inches longer than the rest of the braid.

I only clip my hair when my hair gets knotted up. I don't have any plans to straighten my hair and trim until December 2022. I may change my mind, though. As of for now, straightening and trimming my hair in December 2022 is my tentative plan.


The year is just zooming by. We've only got 11 days left in the month of March. Then, it's April and Easter time. Beautiful Ends are made a day at a time. I hope a lot of you are just a silent majority, yet are still on board caring for your precious hair ends!
I hope everyone is doing well! I currently have Olaplex 0/3 on my hair and under a shower cap. It's been sitting for about 30 minutes. I'm prepping for a WNG, which I haven't worn since I moved (roughly 3 weeks).

Due to my horrible diet these last 30 days, I have been experiencing excessive shedding. I'm getting back on track health wise, but the shedding hasn't slowed just yet. I can't visibly see any bald spots, so I think my shedding is pretty even. I'm hoping it slows down in the next 30 days.
I hope everyone is doing well! I currently have Olaplex 0/3 on my hair and under a shower cap. It's been sitting for about 30 minutes. I'm prepping for a WNG, which I haven't worn since I moved (roughly 3 weeks).

Due to my horrible diet these last 30 days, I have been experiencing excessive shedding. I'm getting back on track health wise, but the shedding hasn't slowed just yet. I can't visibly see any bald spots, so I think my shedding is pretty even. I'm hoping it slows down in the next 30 days.

If you have any garlic powder in the house, not garlic salt, but the pure powder, you can put that in your shampoo or pre-poo. I saw that on an old thread here at LHCF. Garlic powder stops shedding for some people.