Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2017

My ends are so screwed up from a rough detamgling session back in January. I regret it but I was just so frustrated and tired of my hair. It was a 5 hour detangle session and was just over it. I have so many split ends which I usually don't have. A lot of ssks. Sigh. I should trim but I just trimmed in late December and honestly trimming doesnt do Mich for my hair. I'm tired of trimming constantly
Got a good trim and I think now I know what I need to do in order to keep my ends top knotch for a longer time. And I've incorporated grapeseed oil into my reggie. That stuff really is light! Great for sealing.
Prior to washing my hair last night I trimmed a few split ends and cut out some knots. Ideally, I would like to trim my hair in June 2017. It is easier for me not to trim frequently when bunning. Now that I have braids that I wear in bantu knots, they uneven ends are challenging to manage when I braid and unbraid my hair.
To join, post
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc

I'm natural.

2. Current Hair Length

Scraping Waist Length when straightened/definitely full MId Back Length.

3. Why are you joining this challenge?

I want to keep my ends healthy enough to only need to trim once a year. Less trimming= reaching tailbone length faster.

4. What have you tried to improve your ends?

Deep conditioning twice a week
Hot Oil treatments twice a week

5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends?

More bunning/protective styling and remain consistent with my regimen.
Your notes/ comments on it in the other thread re-sparked my interest. I gotta give those ends some extra attention, other than just snipping at them.

Which notes from which thread?

I just washed and conditioned my hair. My ends are buttery soft. I have to work and look hard to find knots and splits right now. That's a good thing. I put my hair under the facet and saturate with warm water then coat my ends daily with castor oil. I saturate my hair with shea butter and put it on my whole braid after I wash and condition it.

Yes, one really has to have a consistent hair -end routine. Snipping the ends gets rid of splits and knots, but that may be addressing the symptoms. Prevention addresses the core problem or challenge. You'll know you have or are addressing the problem when you start to see the splits and knots decrease and minimize.

Not everyone is the same, but for me, it is about keeping my hair stretched all the way to the ends, keeping the hair moist with water, then coating with castor oil. I only coat with pure castor oil and do not dilute the castor with any other oils. I do shea butter as needed but I uses it a minimum 1x per week after my wash.
@Chicoro I can't remember the name of the thread (I'm terrible with that) but it was the one that contained a couple of YouTubers with beautiful, long, type 4 hair; their routine vids. You noted that they shared a few similarities, also in their use of shea butter.

I plan to use it on/ after wash day only, as my fine strands don't need much. But I'm hoping it will be a protective layer.

I like wearing my wng too much to really ps, but the knots aren't usually bad. My snipping may be one of my core issues lol because it is random and I'm usually just being obessive, thinking about the tiny knot on one strand tangling on other strands. Consistently wearing my hair up this winter is helping with my ends (no rubbing on clothes, less HIH syndrome, less snipping) and I'm experiencing less Ssk.
I don't think I dusted enough when I did my last session. Going to live with it for now. Will evaluate in April whether I will dust then or wait until May. Since my hair stays in flat twist I should be Boe to ride it out.
This morning I used - NG Hibiscus and Honey Leave-in to moisturize after cowashing in the shower with KJ Naturals Rosemary Coconut Conditioner. No oil to seal because my hair felt very moisturized and tonight it still does.