Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2017

Last night gave my hair some much needed moisture using mainly QB products. I did the LCOB method using Neutrogena Triple Moisture(L), QB Burdock Root Butter Cream(C), QB Castor and Moringa oil softening serum(O), and QB Aethiopika Butter(B). On the ends I used Xcel 21 and then added some extra butter on top. I rebraided and will leave them in till Wednesday. On Wednesday I will be back in my bun for the week.
Last night used Neutrogena Triple Moisture (L), QB BRBC (C), QB Moringa Serum (O), QB Aethiopika Butter (B) on hair and ends and this morning put hair into a high bun. Will leave the bun in for the next 3 days and refresh and repeat on Sunday or Monday.
To join, post
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc
2. Current Hair Length
3. Why are you joining this challenge?
4. What have you tried to improve your ends?
5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends?

Retention is an ongoing thing so if you join please be committed to updating at least 1x a month.

1. Relaxed
2. Just cut my hair to a blunt APL
3. I got hair lazy and my hair suffered, hence my decision to cut it to APL
4. Nothing - I got hair lazy. I'm committed to changing this though.
5. I will be moisturizing and sealing at least every other day and go back to my weekly DC's.

This is my hair now. I just came from the salon.


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I will be using a mixture of moisture and protein for my conditioner tomorrow for my demarcation line, down to my ends. I decided I won't be doing any serious trimming until April. I have S&D a few ends that were brittle from bleach. I feel I got rid of all of the damage for the most part. I know I will stick to using a rinse for now on.