Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2017

Im in this challenge!
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc: Im Natural
2. Current Hair Length: I am currently BSL
3. Why are you joining this challenge? My ends need to be better taken care of to retain my growth
4. What have you tried to improve your ends? I tried to stay in protective style and minimize singlensttand knots
5. What are you going to try to get thosehealthy ends? I will stay in protective styles and keep my ends moisturized and sealed.
To join, post
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc

2. Current Hair Length
Between BSL and MBL

3. Why are you joining this challenge?
I want thicker ends. Naturally my hair wants to taper, but I'm determined to gain thick blunt ends. I hope consistency will help with that.

4. What have you tried to improve your ends?
TBH, my ends are okay. I just want what I want :lachen:. I do think that consistent trims will help maintain the blunt cut I want though.

5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends?
I plan to heavy seal my ends often and trim/dust every 3 months.
I washed my hair this morning with 22nd Century Shampoo Bar and now DCing with 22nd Century Deep Conditioner under a plastic cap while at work all day today with my wig on top, of course.

I won't have time to DC tomorrow because I have an all day women's seminar to attend.

ETA: Looks like I'll be sleeping with this DC in my hair tonight because it's too late for me to deal with my hair right now. I just got off from a 13.5 hour day at work and ain't no way I'm washing my hair tonight :nono:.
LCOB'd my hair and ends with the following: L - water and CRN moisture milk, C - QB BRBC, O - QB moringa oil serum, B - QB honey hair balm. My hair and ends feel nice and moisturized and cool to the touch!
I texlaxed at home after streching for almost 6months. I will definately trim my hair within a few weeks. My hair is in braids, spritzing my hair with water+coconut oil+hawaiian silky miracle worker combo.
I cut out a few splits tonight. I still had plenty more but I didn't get sidetracked from just washing my hair. I am so glad to be out of that season where I had to do a search and destroy every time I touched my hair because my splits were so bad. They are finally manageable. I was able to shampoo and DC without any major tangles. I put extra DC on the ends to give them some extra moisture.

Can't wait to dust in 2 weeks. I may look into getting some new shears before I dust. I have a $40 target giftcard that will come in handy.

I'm washing and DCing tonight. Will color tomorrow and put my hair back into flat twist for another 2 weeks.
Sprayed some mielle organics white peony leave in on my ends and sealed with a butter. I'm really hoping my ends are just parched and need moisture. I'm going to have to baby my ends though. I may not need to remoisturize my hair much throughout the week, but my ends definitely need more attention.