Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2012

[USER=309145 said:
pinkness27[/USER];16760035]If I spray the last two inches of my hair with scurl, can I skip out on sealing?

If you have found that scurl alone works for your ends then by all means use only that.
My hair is finally grazing my shoulders again, but I had my hair analyzed and they said I needed to trim 1 inch. I can't, I just can't! It took me so long to get back here. *sigh* But I have an appointment for today. I'm gonna just ask for a dusting. I can't part with an inch right now.
Sigh.... I need to do better about posting and keeping updated! Since school has started up again I feel like I'm always MIA. But I'm going to work on it, I have been missing you ladies!

Tonight I M&S, I'm hoping to gain 2 inches by the end of the year. I'm currently BSL and hopefully I'll be MBL within 4-5 months :)

I've been slacking on my vitamins and bunning it's really time to get back on the ball.
Been using my shea Butter mix on my ends x2 a day. And baggying my ends only. Ill trim again when I do my next telax
Sealed ends with HH CCW and wore a shower cap for a few hours.

This time I massaged warm vatika oil throughout my length, then I sealed with HH CCW. I'm GHE-ing overnight.

It's a good thing that I'm single and sleep alone; I would be embarrassed if my SO could hear my shower cap crinkle under my scarf. :lol:
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc

2. Current Hair Length
Mid-Back length

3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends
Thin/somewhat dry

4. What you have tried to improve your ends
Satin pillow case/moisturize ends/jojoba ends

5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends
Continue the above/tuck ends while home/light dusting

6. Optional: share your current hair measurements either in inches or body lengths (SL, APL). You may want a record of where you started.
I guess MBL

This is the last measurement pic I took...measuring every month pic-wise. (of course wet)

I straightened my hair and dusted my ends again. I had some ssks but I took off a very small amount and my ends felt much better. Heavy sealing and regular dusting is working well for me.
I've been moisturizing my ends twice a day and only sealing at night before bed. I'm also joining the V challenge so I'll report back and let you ladies no how that works. Still planning to trim next relaxer on Nov 9th
I should have updated in this thread, my ends have been doing well

using co-cleaners, tea rinses and upping my protein to every 2 weeks has whipped them into shape
pinkness27 said:
If I spray the last two inches of my hair with scurl, can I skip out on sealing?

I think so when ever I'm in a sew in I just spray scurl an my hair does fine.... You might just have to use it more since you're not sealing.... Well maybe not but that's what I learned from experience lol
This thread has been quiet. Sorry I haven't been around. It's hard for me to know what to do with my ends with a twa. My hair is just getting long enough that I have an end to seal.

Even with the twa my ends tend to stay bushy. Not sure why that is. So I sealed my ends with shea butter/cocoa butter mix.

I am going to do a search on bushy ends and see if I can find some tips.
I've been rollersetting so I haven't been sealing my ends between sets lately. They seem to be doing fine though since they're stretched. My next dusting will be some time next month.
Haven't been doing much with my ends. Finally have my hair up in a low manipulation style. Maybe that will help keep down the wear and tear on my ends. I feel SSKs and some roughness, but I am going to hold off dusting until January. I plan on buying some new shears.

Probably going to keep my hair in finger coils until the spring if I can stand them that long.
This thread is pretty quiet and has been since November.

Anyone in this thread or lurking or just stopping in interested in redoing this challenge in 2013?
This thread is pretty quiet and has been since November.

Anyone in this thread or lurking or just stopping in interested in redoing this challenge in 2013?

I am! I'm obviously very late, but I still try to pamper my ends several times a week; I happen to update in the Oils thread because I can find it easily. I just applied a heavy amount of HH Happy Hempy Pomade to my Celie braids, and I'm sleeping with a shower cap under my scarf.

I'm willing to do a deep trim, but I'd like to see what my hair looks like straight first. I did a dusting earlier this month, but it wasn't very precise since I snipped in very large sections.

How is everyone else doing?