A work in progress
Thank you for joining @Daina !! I am looking forward to pictures of your hair!If you'd like to join, reply with these responses:
Current Hair Status (natural? relaxed? length?): Natural WL
Styling Goals: Alternate between buns; twist-outs and in the summer add WnG's
Length Goals: Full HL
Current Routine: Cleanse bi-weekly till warmer weather and then return to weekly; currently following an ayurvedic regimen mostly leveraging cassia, clay washes, CP oil, massage and Queen Shea
Products: Varies but lots of DIY
Why does low manipulation work for you? My hair for the most thrives more when I do less
Pictures of your current styles (if you have them)
This cleanse cycle decided to stretch my hair following Maryam Hampton's method of a twist out. I purchased the Revlon paddle brush blow dryer and used it on cool to lightly stretch. I wanted more definition so I did a total of 8 twists, some flat and some two strand. I used the QP Elasta mango and olive oil moisturizer and the curly pudding. I also topped with EVOO and twisted. I will have my son take a picture when I get home but I got lovely defined and soft to the touch twist out. I will probably have to retwist every other night.