Low bra-strap BSL challenge


Well-Known Member

Is it taking you forever to grow your hair to bra-strap length? Is it because you wear your bra low on your back? This challenge may be for you.

I wear my bra low where it feels most comfortable and natural. It amazes me when women can grow their hair from APL to BSL in a year or less.

If it's taken you forever to reach your BSL goals and it's because your bra falls close to mid-back, please join the challenge.

This is open to anyone who would like to grow their hair down to their actual bra strap or to below shoulder blade (BSB), provided you wear your bra lower than where the average woman may.

It will go on as long as we need it to last until we reach our goals. Please provide the following info: current hair length; goal of either BSL or BSB; how many inches you have to go; your plan to reach your goal.

There's only one rule to this challenge--no major hair cuts allowed. Anything more than a routine trim will have you disqualified.

Post a picture of your bra from the back if you feel comfortable. I won't make you post photos of your undergarments on the internet.

Please thank the post and I'll add you to the challenge list.
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My current hair length is APL.

I'd like to grow my hair to actual BSL, but will strive for BSB in the meantime.

I have 6.5 inches left to reach my goal.

My plan to reach my goal is to cowash and finger comb, and also to stop playing with my hair when I don't need to. I will only deal with it when I actually need to style or take care of it and will strive for low manipulation.
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