Love-Sex-Relationship Addiction...Ever been in one? What are Symptoms & Solutions

Symptoms & Solutions

  • Do you find yourself unable to stop seeing a person who is destructive to you?

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Do you make promises to yourself concerning unhealthy romance behavior you cannot follow?

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Do you feel desperation/ uneasiness when away from your partner?

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Do you find that you have a pattern of repeating bad relationships?

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Are you unable to concentrate on your own life because of thoughts or feelings of another person?

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • Have you ever thought you could do more w/your life if not excessively focused on "him"?

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Would you consider 12 step meetings as part of a solution?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Would you consider therapy,single,group,or spiritual, part of a solution?

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Would you consider temporary abstinence from dating/intimacy as part of a solution?

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Would you consider.."OTHER"...tell us! :) as part of a solution?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
It seems like some of the relationships gone wrong
that I hear of ...remind me of those times when I was so vulnerable,
and was more invested
in the person,
the relationship,
or the idea of being "in love,"

not only more than loving myself...but even worse....
to the detriment of myself. While I have not been in anything close to that barring an abusive involvement last year I quickly detached from.....

Here were some symptoms and solutions
I can either relate to or did
though I am a different person,by the grace of God

I am still vigilant....:yep:

Some symptoms....
1.Anaylzed him..kept the focus on him..HIS PROBLEMS.. ignoring
2.Love was defined by obsessive from observers..constantly thought about the person to the exclusion of anything else
3.Jeopardized work! Too much in pain to go work and/or took days off
or dropped everything "to be with him"
4. Clung to the person... no..definable sense of space or boundary
5. Felt like I would cease being alive if that person did not
acknowledge me
6. Friendships disappeared or disappeared when
they refused to co-sign the harmful relationship
7. Lost all autonomy
8. Future only had meaning if the person was in it regardless of the reality
9. Normalized pain and abuse***
10. Health suffered... ate too much or ate nothing for days
11. Needed drinking or some thing to numb the pain of missing the person
12. Multiple late night tearful phone calls to a voicemail :spinning:
13. Long "I care about you" messages that went unanswerd along
excessive emails & emails on the birthday or holidays unanswered
14 Interfering in his "new' relationships
15. Calling on a pretense of something "important",
but really just to have an excuse to connect
16. Attempting to seduce him or using sex or sexual behavior as bait
17. Enmeshing even more...when he'd moved........ on


Stopped dating for a while to get to core issues

Focused on work that me feel alive

developed my own sense of beauty without needing "his" validation

Surrounded my self with loving friends

Had postive platonic only friendships with men

Therapy with a caring woman

involved in church small group activites

prayer and dates with God

submerged in creative work

attended free 12 step groups that focused on support from love addiction

stopped having sexual relations****

made new boundaries and definitons of what was needed in a committed relationship

new boundaries and definitions of what was acceptable in casual dating

mande new bottom lines of what would no longer be acceptable or tolerated

educated self of male /female relatinoship dynamics

identified RED flags in advance..his and mine

ate healthier foods

reconnected with family

had fun..did lighthearted things

Any thoughts,ladies?
Adding anonymous poll..on defining any familiar behaviors
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It's funny you asked this. A friend of mine has been seeing a therapist for about 2 yrs now and we always discuss the things discussed in his sessions. I was recently going through a rough time relationship wise not to long ago and I suggested to him that I my need to speak to his therapist and he gave me her number and I called for a consult. I explained what was going on and has been going on in my life over the last few years and she suggested I read a book called Facing Love Addiction by Pia Mellody. I borrowed the book from my friend and I swear that the book is about me :perplexed. Its crazy! The characteristics of Love Addicts, Love Avoidants and Co-Dependents seem so common in so many people I know. Had I not known someone who was seeking help and not asked I would have never thought this was an actual problem in my life. Needless to say I will continue to speak with the therapist and am now preparing to recover from this addiction I seem to have.
Thank you Kayte, and Tayw29 for sharing your experiences with us ...:)

Very inspiring, and agreed more common than we'd like to admit, I'm sure...
Thank you JFemme for acknowledging the thread lol. Nobody seems to have anything to contribute to the subject, however I'm sure if everyone who has had troubles in relationships or seem to have a pattern of troubled relationships took a look at the characteristics they could relate. I didnt even think about it until I actually read the book and saw so much of myself in it.
I have issues that I have identified and I know the solutions and what I should be doing, but it is so hard. Right now I am with no one. I am claiming that I am taking a break but every now and again, I am looking part time.

I think that I am using my bits of knowledge to rid myself of undesirables early, that is some of the reason I am alone. Before I would just let it flow and usually the guy has ended it first. Now within a week I know if it is going somewhere or not.

Thus a lot of short rides and am still alone, but the suffering isn't crazy, just a bit lonely.
I have issues that I have identified and I know the solutions and what I should be doing, but it is so hard. Right now I am with no one. I am claiming that I am taking a break but every now and again, I am looking part time.

I think that I am using my bits of knowledge to rid myself of undesirables early, that is some of the reason I am alone. Before I would just let it flow and usually the guy has ended it first. Now within a week I know if it is going somewhere or not.

Thus a lot of short rides and am still alone, but the suffering isn't crazy, just a bit lonely.

I totally understand and agree that being alone for us is harder than most and normally that's been the reason I jump into something too quickly or back track. I have found that whats hard for me is the fact that my current issues are with the father of my children and its so difficult to move forward because he is always around or calling which makes it that much harder for me to get him out of my system. I think the recovery process for me would be a lot easier if i could just wash my hands of the situation and walk away but I cant because he is a permanent fixture in my life. I have been very persistent in standing my ground and setting boundaries when it comes to him which seems to have made him come on that much stronger. He's clueless and doesn't know that I have taken the steps to change my relationship patterns he thinks I'm crazy:spinning: but I refuse to continue on this road and need to learn how to make better choices in men.
Facing Love Addiction by Pia Mellody
classic book...

hey! I didn't abandon the thread caught up in life stuff
but I agree with JFemme, Tayw 29.. it's more common than not common ...pretty insidious..a lot of those behaviors.....
I do hope more of us weigh in ....
I have issues that I have identified and I know the solutions and what I should be doing, but it is so hard. Right now I am with no one. I am claiming that I am taking a break but every now and again, I am looking part time.

I think that I am using my bits of knowledge to rid myself of undesirables early, that is some of the reason I am alone. Before I would just let it flow and usually the guy has ended it first. Now within a week I know if it is going somewhere or not.

Thus a lot of short rides and am still alone, but the suffering isn't crazy, just a bit lonely.

I hear you~
They call them the three A's... Awareness Acceptance Action
that's kind of the work...

I also know there are couples where it''s not all worked before they meet
ideally..both people are ready but no one is perfect...
anyways can have a woman that clingly and etc ...but the guy meets her where she is at and that the relationship itself is the healer.:yep:...