What has been your longest relationship?

  • Less than one month

    Votes: 7 1.8%
  • About 3 months

    Votes: 17 4.4%
  • About 6 months

    Votes: 12 3.1%
  • About 1 year

    Votes: 42 10.9%
  • About 2 years

    Votes: 54 14.0%
  • 3-5 years

    Votes: 112 28.9%
  • Over 5 years

    Votes: 143 37.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
great discussion. (i voted over 5+ with my ex..it was 7 years) which was lot of wasted years minus the kids that came out of it.

In my current relationship (going on a year) i feel this guy is the one. but at the same time when we have a problem I just want to "run away" and give up & no resolve our issues. not sure why i do that.

you ladies bring up some great points in here that I can use. He says he is not a quitter and I love him for that. I am working on me now on how to get over the obstacles that we have because he is worth it.

It takes alot of patience and compromising to make it work and i am learning everyday.

You will learn too. there's great tips in here as well. Use them.
Mine was a year .... and that was high school. But now that I am finally not moving around so much we'll see.. nope well after College
1 yr and truthfully that was 6 months too long...

Hmn I have always wondered abut that - when two people decide to split up they didn't just wake up and one day decide to split up, it must have been going bad for months possibly even years before they eventually make the decision to break-up which was part of my original point do people stay in relationships longer than they should not to be alone...

Hope I don't sound too negative ladies its just got me thinking since I spend so much time being single in order to avoid nonsene men, I wonder if it because I cut ties to soon without trying to work things out a little longer first.:ohwell:
over 5 years.

I've been on and off (mostly on) with someone since i was 19. I'm 26.

Hope I am not being too personal but why 'on & off'?

I always wonder what that means when people talk about 'on & off' relationships and why that happens..What happens during the 'off' times, do you still speak to each other? Do you see other people??
4 years but never again unless I'm married to the person.


So how many years do you think you will stay next time before you get married? I think the older you get the less time you need (so I hear) maybe its becasue there is less time to playwith when you are older? My cousin says two years is long enough for someone to know if they will marry you or not..
The longest I will wait it one year. The sad thing is both of the guys that I dated before wanted to marry me. They just changed for the worse, so I wasn't having it. My most recent ex has given me an ultimatum. He wants to be married to me by the end of the year! :nono:
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I have long relationships. I think the main example of why this is for me is that I am VERY selective. I don't want a relationship with just anybody. There have to be butterflies and I need to be thoroughly impressed with a man to even consider seeing him longterm. I don't like wasting time on men "just to see". If I'm unsure that I could really care for you, I'm not wasting any time on you. My filters are up early on and it's hard to get past them.

So, when I get into a relationship, it tends to be long but the breaks in between of me being single are also long because I'm not afraid to be by myself and I embrace that time if I find myself single. Lots of prospects do not get very far with me because by knowing myself well (having embraced my time alone), I know very early what I like and don't like and so I tend not to be confused about who I'd like to invest time in longterm...meaning, I don't kiss too many frogs...my relationships have been wonderful learning experiences and I don't consider any of them a waste of time. BUT...if I seriously dated every man who wanted to....I would feel that I have wasted a lot of time. Do you feel me? Some women take new men into their lives too quickly and readily thinking "let's give him a try!" I'd rather be alone than be conducting constant auditions for the role of "my man!" :lachen:

Also, because I value friendship and really feel it's paramount to a successful relationship, I spend time cultivating that first before I decide whether this man is good enough for me to consider dating exclusively. What that translates into, is a relationship that weather's bumps and bruises a bit better. We aren't going to break up over things that people who aren't necessarily true friends would break up over.

Lastly, I try not to be a slave to my own expectations....I really try hard to give love without expectation because when we allow our expectations to guide our actions in a love relationship, we place an impossible burden on our partner and we are only in it to see what we can get out of it...not only that...but we wouldn't accept any of that from our man, yet we do it to him. So, I try not to be all, "tit-for-tat" and "keeping score". My longest relationship was my marriage...because we were married but mainly also because we had children. 8 years. Other than that, my relationships are always 3 years at the very least.

OMG, did I just type this? Girl you better say it again.

My longest relationships (two) were about 4 years. Then the others were over a year, but less than three.
My longest relationship was one year and 11 months.
I stayed way too long, but he was my first so I was so atached.

Now... hah, I've wiped most memories of/with him from my mind. He turned out to be a real selfish prick.
There was not an option for never been in a relationship. I chose 2 years though because of my high school boyfriend. But it was so surface level that i generally don't count it as a real relationship. we were together my junior and senior year. So stereotypical high school. i was the smart girl, he was the dumb jock. we had fun and he was sweet. but it wasn't really that deep.

Now i'm 25 and haven't been in relationship since. Never really had the desire to in college. just wanted to party and make good grades. I still feel like i'm trying to get my ish together right now (on so many levels), so i don't think i'd be ready to try a relationship for at least another 2 or 3 years if not longer.
My longest relationship was almost a year. It was a waste of my time. I heard he had lost his virginity while we went together, but it wasn't to me. I also heard that he got someone pregnant, wasn't me.

I had another relationship that was almost as long, it was also a waste of time. He stole $100 from me and consistly forgot my phone number...and we lived in the same apartment complex :ohwell:

This is part of the reason I've been single for so long, I don't think I really trust men.
Looking at the poll responses looks like most of you have been in some long relationships. Makes me feel like I have been doing something wrong:perplexed or maybe I have just been unlucky in relationships. I feel inadequate because I have not had a long relationship except for one that lasted 2 years and that was about 6 years ago all the rest barely hit 4 months.

I gotta stop picking these cute guys they nice to look at but they just nothing but trouble for me I wondering if that is the problem? *sigh*

Don't even feel bad, before my current relationship the longest I've been was 2 months :lachen:!!
I have to say that before I upgraded myself and got myself together, the biggest losers and I would stay in love forever! But once I got myself together and learned how to weed people and what I would and would not settle for/deal with my relationships have gradually gotten longer. The better fit for me the guys were, the longer the would relationships last.
My longest rlshp was w/my first love. It was a good rlshp but best that we ended up parting ways.

It lasted 3.5 years.....from ages 18-22

A long relationship is not necessarily a good relationship. My good friend was with a man for 19 years (engaged but never married) and in the end he was caught cheating a few times and had a child with one of the woman. The kid was 1 year old before my friend found out.

DH and I have been together a little over 4 years. We were dating for 11 months before we got engaged and we married 15 months later.

Many people put up with crap because they don't want to be alone. I have a family member married 33 years but her husband has children (yes plural) that are around the same age as their kids. She left once but went back. A long term relationship does not equal a quality relationship. I will take quality over quantity anyday :grin:
There was not an option for never been in a relationship. I chose 2 years though because of my high school boyfriend. But it was so surface level that i generally don't count it as a real relationship. we were together my junior and senior year. So stereotypical high school. i was the smart girl, he was the dumb jock. we had fun and he was sweet. but it wasn't really that deep.

Now i'm 25 and haven't been in relationship since. Never really had the desire to in college. just wanted to party and make good grades. I still feel like i'm trying to get my ish together right now (on so many levels), so i don't think i'd be ready to try a relationship for at least another 2 or 3 years if not longer.

You described me to a T. Except I'm 23. My freshman year was my last relationship. After that all i wanted to do was focus on school and graduating. I've been dating but havent had anything serious. And I don't have my stuff together now so I'll be single for at least another 3 years.

My longest relationship was about a year.
My longest relationship is the one I'm in now which will be 4 years on the 21st of this month. Before this one my longest was 6months..

There is no secret to our happiness. We just love each other very much and really want this to work out. So we try to be as honest and open as possible and that works for us.

I think what really bonded us together was that our goals were/ are similar inside and outside of our relationship.
the one i'm in now. i'd say how long, but after seeing all the ladies here who've been in 5 year, 10 year relationships... i'll just sit down quietly :look:
My longest is the one I'm in right now. 21 yrs as of Valentines Day. I'm very happy. Before that, I'd say the longest was 3 months.
Me and DH been together for 13 years, Married for 10 years. I met my DH in 1995 after I graduated high school, It was definitely love at first site :love: We just had our tenth year anniversary on valentines day, We had such a good time. :) We have a 9 year old daughter who will be 10 in december :)
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