
Well-Known Member
Hi Girls, I am still pretty new to the forum, I have been around since sept. I am looking for fellow newbies and some experts to team up with, so that we can grow hair and support each other. Any one else out there feel like they need some buddies? I know all the ladies on this forum are very helpful and they always chime in, but someone on this forum advised me to get some hair growing buddies and I think it would be nice to team up with some newbies and have some experts to help and quide us. If anyone is interested please PM me.
Thanks Girls
that would be nice! i'm only 3 months into my journey and i'm pretty happy with my regime thus far. but def need added support for those days i'm gonna pull my hair out in frustration:spinning:
I'm in!! I've been browsing the forum since mid summer but actually subscribe in Sept. I have to run now but will check back with you guys later tonight. :grin:
me too me too!!! i just joined today and decided today to start properly caring for my hair , im taking my braids off soon so cant wait to greet my hair
Ok ladies, I am so glad that there are so many of us that want to help each other out. I have added all of you to my buddy list. The only problem is that I am so new at this that I am not quite sure how we can all be in touch easier. I tried to reply to all your PM. I have to figure out how to send one PM to multiple users. If anyone has any ideas of how we can organise ourselves that will be great. The best thing I could do for now was to add y'all to my buddy list. I am still learning how to get around on the forum so hopefully if we all add each other to our lists we can figure out a better way of working together. PLEASE PLEASE LETS NOT LOSE THIS.:nono:...........:spinning:
I want in too. I need buddies, let's support each other and get growing:grin:
I've been stuck @ grazing shoulder top for the last six months.

P.S. what is PM (post message?)
PM is private Message. You can access it at the top right corner of your forum screen. I will add you too to my buddy list and please do the same. One of the girls was kind enough to start a Buddies support thread. She will be in touch with us and we will take it from there.
I too have been lurking for a long time. I subscribed some time ago and I'd love some buddies up here. I'm in!:yep: