New Hairbuddy Hookup List-- Place your Ads Here


New Member
Okay, now i notice some long-timers as well as some Newbies looking for a Hairbuddy. I thought this was just the place for those looking for a buddy to mingle and tell your likes and what you hope to find in a hairbuddy(common goals, or same hair type , or similar regimine as yours -- anything along those lines that you would like to Highlight while searching)

Remember to give details since it will help you to find a better match faster, but try not to be TOO specific because you could end up weeding out lots of possible knowledgeable, helpful buddies ---I know sounds deep huh??
But our hair is important to us or else we wouldnt be here. There are just too damn many of us for those that want buddies not to all be buddied up.

Also, try scanning the buddy ads before posting your "ad"-- you may find a perfect match before you type a word and can contact each other by PM'ing (for newbies these are Personal Messages that you can send to someone by Clicking <My Home> at the top left of the screen and choosing <Send a Pm> or you can Simply click on the member's name and you will have the option of sending them a PM)
Have fun and report back with your findings
-- jainygirl
Oooh! Great post Jainygirl! I would LOVE a hairbuddy for the support, encouragement, etc. It just sounds like it would be fun to have one. My hairbuddy doesn't have to be just like me. They can be ahead of me in progress or behind me. My ideal buddy relationship is just for support, sharing tips, grievances, set-backs and triumphs, etc. I have layered 4a/b (mostly 4a--the coils, right?) relaxed hair that is starting to fall between my shoulder blades wet (the longest part). I can't say dry, b/c I haven't seen my hair dry and straight in several weeks. I wear protective styles and my ultimate goal is brastrap, preferably by or before 12/05. My main regime: co wash every other day after workout and protective styling. I can supply additional info to anyone interested. I feel like I am placing a personal...
Ok, well for one, on my most recent hair doings you can visit My Hair Journal.

Hair type: 4b
Texture: Relaxed
Hair status: In a nutshell, I got some kinky twist which grew my hair out great -- BUT when it was time to take them down, I had knots in my hair where the twist began and combing those out took a lot of my hair out. Sooooo..I'm back at square one -- again. Details are in my hair journal.
Goal: Right now, I'm just trying to repair my hair back to a healthy state. However, some particular goals of mine are to improve my hair elasticity, strengthen my relaxed hair, and learn more about taking care of my natural texture (new growth).
Me: I'm a really determined person and having healthy hair has always been a goal of mine. So, no matter how long it takes, I'll get there.
Current Research: I'm looking into natural ways (butters, oils, herbs, etc) to take care of my hair opposed to industrial products.
My buddy: I'm willing to administer any helpful information and support anyone, just not my hair buddy, in their journey to long and healthy hair.

Want more info? Geeesh! Well, just pm me
Great idea Jainy!!!! I'll take on a newbie, well wait a minute... maybe I'm a newbie?!
Well, dang, maybe I need to ask someone to take me!!! Tracy, Labett... y'all out there? Since we're hairtwins and all... will you have me?

I'll take on a newbie too though. Most of my info is in my siggy. If you have this spongy, cottony, fine, soft, dense hair...I'm your girl
. I'm a PJ, so I have decent product knowledge, but my experience has been w/salon quality products. I'm new, but truly dedicated to Dominican products, b/c my hair is so happy these days. I've challenged myself to remain heat free for 6 mos, I only have 2 months left
, but then I'm going to recommit myself (after a Dominican Blowout
) to no heat for the next 6 mos. I'm also extending my texturizer for 6 mos, not trimming for 6 mos. and am a part of the summer grow-out challenge all of which conclude @ the end of August/early September. I am also wearing twist and braid-outs until then as well (aka- I'm a big hair girl and I love it!). My goal is to have 2 feet of texturized hair (crown to back) by March 2005 and ultimately to have 2 feet of even hair (crown to back, sides and front as well).

I'm impatient w/hair growth, but not impractical. I am willing to try new things (w/in reason), but have finally settled into a routine and staple of products that I really like. My hair is currently healthy and has been for some time, but heat use stopped me from retaining my length. I was natural for 8 years and had my first texturizer last March. I am dedicated to attaining my goal and will not relent until I am successful.

If you're interested, I also have an album that needs to be updated, but will give you some idea of hair type and health.

This is a great idea Jainygirl! Im a newbie to the forum and a hairbuddy system seem like the best way to get advice.

Here's my info:
hair type- 4a/b( not quite sure yet) because I relax my hair
hair length- a layered shoulder length
hair goal- a layered elbow length (janet's look)
current weekly regime- shampoo, deep-condition, leave-in
condition, apply hair lotion, air-dry, flatiron(optional).
I use Motions products, but always looking (Im considering
the Aubrey Organics line).
daily regime - massage, apply hair lotion, wrap or braid at
I am looking for a hairbuddy.
If possible, someone with my hair type (3b/c) or similar. I'm not picky
. Just someone with similar hair that's looking for healthy hair. Their hair could be any length, relaxed, texturized, or natural. Basically someone with whom I could share tips, support, advice, etc.
As far as my regimin, I wash 1-2X a week. I co wash almost daily, unless my hair is straight. I wear my hair curly most of the time to avoid using direct heat. Right now, I don't wear protective styles (buns, phony ponies, etc.) often but that might change once it gets colder outside. I rollerset and get blowouts occasionally. My focus is on retaining length. I used to have a problem with split ends but that has stopped since I very rarely use heat. But my hair doesn't grow evenly
. I'm also a bit of a PJ.
Wow, Ive never really considered it. I guess I just assumed everybody already knew who they wanted or was matched up with whomever. The poster I feel similar to in hair is actually Lindy. But I think she has a buddy already. Ill have to ponder the idea some more
sengschick said:
Great idea Jainy!!!! I'll take on a newbie, well wait a minute... maybe I'm a newbie?!
Well, dang, maybe I need to ask someone to take me!!! Tracy, Labett... y'all out there? Since we're hairtwins and all... will you have me?

[/ QUOTE ]
Sure Girl I would love too.
Oh I'd love a hair buddy - I would love for CarmelHonee to be my buddy, but I think she may have someone already. Anybody else want a newbie?
LABETT said:
sengschick said:
Great idea Jainy!!!! I'll take on a newbie, well wait a minute... maybe I'm a newbie?!
Well, dang, maybe I need to ask someone to take me!!! Tracy, Labett... y'all out there? Since we're hairtwins and all... will you have me?

[/ QUOTE ]
Sure Girl I would love too.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yiiiiiippppppyyyyy!!! Sorry to put you on the spot but this is a challenging hair type
HoneyLemonDrop said:
Wow, Ive never really considered it. I guess I just assumed everybody already knew who they wanted or was matched up with whomever. The poster I feel similar to in hair is actually Lindy. But I think she has a buddy already. Ill have to ponder the idea some more

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Who said you could only have one?! I already have one, but I gotta enough complaints about this ish to go around!!
(Sorry hair, I was just joking. Don't get all sensitive
I had no idea how people got hair buddies so when I saw this list I got excited.
I'm too shy to just randomly ask someone to be my hair buddy.
Someone will come along w/your hair type or your goals. We won't leave you orphaned. We exchange hair information and vital knowledge about the region, and I'm definitely your twin in PJism
. So you've got me, now all you need is someone w/your hair type
. Where are all of you 3's???
Yes, you're my PJ twin, Sengschick.
I just need someone with curls. Any curls, any combo if there's some type of 3. 3a, 3b, 3c mixed with whatever. I'm so not picky.
I think that I have the same hair type and issues as Vickid. If you're out there Vickid and need a buddy that shares your hair issues. Please let me know. I think I also have Labetts hair type.
Will be a hair buddy to any newbie or long time LHCF member!

I have 4a/b, relaxed hair, currently mere inches from bra strap (when wet). My goal is healthy hair that is bra strap legnth front back and sides. My hair grows into layers with a v shape in the back no matter how I cut it. I have a tendency to be a PJ but wearing braids for the last 3 months has temoprarily curbed that!

Oh yeah, I sometimes have to fight with psoraisis (sp?) around my hairline and have a couple of tips for keeping it under control for anyone who has similar problems with flakes.

PM me if you want a hair buddy.
Hair type: 2b/c

Texture: Relaxed/layered

Hair status: hair is very dry...i have post pregnancy shedding.....its in the middle of my shoulder blades....ive been 8-10 wks and i wanna stretch it longer so i can try something other than this retched motions relaxer
.....i love dominican products and blowouts

Goal: overall my goal is healthier thicker hair...2nd bra strap....3rd layered sides to hit my collarbone

i have pj-itis baaaddddd

(im extremely shy and dont know what else to write

Do you want your Hairbuddy to have the same hair as you or does it not matter?
I remember making a post about hairbuddys and no one responded back. But anyway I'm not really picky about who becomes my buddy. I'm transitioning i have now a lil bit past ear length hair and my hair type is a combo of 2's and 3's but majority of it is 2c. My unltimate goal is bra strap length and healthy. My hair is pretty but as the new growth gets longer i'm finding it harder to moisturize my hair.
My hairbuddy can have any length and etc.. but it would be great if they are transitioning too.
Tai said:

Do you want your Hairbuddy to have the same hair as you or does it not matter?

[/ QUOTE ]

nope,it doesnt matter
I've never had a hair buddy but I've always wanted one. Maybe if I had one I would come here more often.
I am a texturized 4a with about four inches of relaxed hair on the ends. I am currently 17 inches long. My hair is naturally fine and flyaway. It always looks a bit on the thin side when it is straight, but when it isn't, my hair is super bushy! My next goal is 22 inches and my ultimate goal is 25 inches. I go to the salon once a week. I don't do my hair at home anymore except to bump my bangs under towards the end of the week when my hair gets flat and stringy looking. I am a Taurus and I like long walks on the beach and lazy summer afternoons. Hair twin! Where are you? PM me if you're here!
My Stats:
Hair Type:4b (I believe), relaxed
Hair Length: At shoulders
Goals: Less breakage, more length

My hair can get very dry at times and is easily prone to split ends
I want a buddy...

I am Kimberly
I am relaxed-no lye
I think I am 3b or c
I think I am at 26 inches after an inch cut.
No color-but getting very bored
We have the same hair type (3 b/c)
I'm texturized w/ no lye

Possible match for buddies?
That sounds cool. I just saw your routine. I was 1x/week and condition rinse 1-2x/week b/c of sweaty workouts. I think we are a pretty good match.
Is everyone taken?

I would like a hair buddy too!

Hair type: Relaxed 3c/4a
Length: Almost bra strap

Im not too picky, just looking for someone to talk about hair junk, life or whatever.
I'm a newbie and hooking up with a hair buddie is a fantabulous idea!

My stats
*4a/b fine textured (at least it use to be), naturally dry
*length- barely collar bone
*Goal 1- Healthy hair
*Goal 2- just above or between shoulder blades by July '05
*Goal 3- bra strap
*Recovering pj, want to start using only natural products (could be home made)and have a maximum of 3.

No problem with growing my hair, but have a problem with keeping it (breaking off at about shoulder length)

would love regular hair challenges!!!!
Hey HoneyRockette,

I would love it if we could be hair buddies. I have fine hair too and we both live in Queens. I just PMed you!
Fine haired 3a/3b natural for over 10 years ISO of Hairbuddy or buddies to talk about hair, life or whatever.
Current goal: 2-3 inches past bra. Longterm goal waist length. Routine currently consists of: Multiple weekly washings and/or COs.

Buddie(s) with similar goals, length, texture and etc not important but desirable.