For those who wanted to know if her hair really grew that fast

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I may be a hair naive but I trust her 100%.:grin: The average hair growth is 1/2" a month, some have 1/8" and some have 2" per month. C'est la vie. Her hair is very pretty and healthy on top of that.
Her hair is pretty, beautiful, healthy and I truly admire it...too bad she was affected by comments..IT'S YOUR HAIR 'GURL'...just do you!

I think her problem is that is just got annoying. That happened to my mom too. No only did people keep asking or insisting that she got a texturizer when she went natural, but they kept insisting her hair couldn't grow that fast. After a while it's going to get to a person.
"....keep talkin' that *ish"

....I'm still singing that dang song!

LOL! Me too!

Her hair is nice. It's definitely possible for someone's hair to grow that fast. The 1/2 inch per month is just an average...I know that I RARELY get that much, while I know other people who consistently get an inch per month (lucky heffas :lachen:).
Your sorority sister sounds like she's got normal hair growth. In nine months, it's not unusual to have 4.5 hair growth, which is close to what you describe.

I agree with Nonie...that it the normal growth rate at about .5 inches a month. I mean, to sum it up...if she did get that rate I am happy for her and would love to know her secret...if she didn't...well those are her beans.
um, ok, i need the timeline spelled out for me, cause that doesn't look like crazy super growth to me. looks like a good amt if she used growth aids though.

btw, me and my SO somehow deleted the sound off my computer so i didnt get the privilege of hearin the song
Its possible. I have 3 people very close to me that share a similar growth rate, one of them being my sister. All are 4B's and NOT mixed.
It looks pretty realistic to me.
I didn't see anything miraculous about it...
plus she bc'ed
when you first BC ... your hair curls up like crazy
and then they stretch out a bit more over time as it grows...
its barely been a month ago since my BC and people are already
telling me how much my hair has grown...
I do think some of it is growth and some of it is just that
the curl pattern is stretching out...
I've seen many a FOTKI where it appeared as though
people's growth rate excelerated after the BC...
maybe there's something to that... I know it's only
been barely 3 weeks for me and I see a remarkable change in my hair
and I don't even use growth aids.
It just looks like she went from NECK LENGTH STRETCHED to SHOULDER LENGTH... that's possible in 6 months...
Shoooooooooot... I'm trying to get like her.
oh snap she saw the thread LOL

Oh damn!! :lachen:

She does have beautiful hair. The song in the video made me cringe LOL I'm just glad I didn't say anything negative LOL How the heck did she grow her hair so fast? She needs to come in here and tell us. Hell, sell it to me LOL :grin:
I look at the fotki. I really don't see the controversy. I doesn't look like it grew exceptionally fast, just normal.

Her hair is very pretty and obviously she doing something right to retain her length. You go girl
honestly i think its true BUT what i dont agree with is the fact that her B4 pics her hair looks totally dry and (shrinkage at its fullest) the last pics her hair looks kinda wet still and her curls look like they are stretched more....

for example IF you look at my pics wit my hair totally dry on a day where i jus do a wash and go... its gonna look entirely shorter then if i show u it wet and full of conditioner or even if i show it product filled and dry...

i feel like she needs to show a bone straight example of before and after to get the true results. THAT or in the before pic PULL on her hair so you can see the length when straight on both before and after....
but some women on here say there hair grows an inch a month, and it's been 7 months, so that's 7 inches plus her 2 she had when she BC'ed. That 9 inches of hair, i just think she doesn't have the shrinkage that most naturals have to deal with. Because her hair is a bit past the shoulder when curly and about 2-3 inches longer than that when almost completely straight, i dont think it's that far fetched. And why lie? its not like she's waist length or anything. I just think she has no reason to lie over something so petty as hair.
its possible.. looks like it had major shrinkage in the beginning though and in the end was stretched out more. pretty hair!
I believe her!

There is a member here that went from BC short (barely an inch of hair) to bra-strap in just over a year.

Some ppl just have fast growing hair :yep:
My mom cuts her hair constantly(like repeated bc's,not trims) and it grows back in a snap.
This weekend i put micros in her hair and she asked me to cut off all her hair so the micros don't take long to braid in:ohwell:

She has like two-three inches of hair all around,and dh asked was i cutting a weave out of my mom's hair:drunk:

Her hair will be back past her shoulders(we cut it from about an inch from apl)
in less than six months:yep:

I've seen it happen countless times.She bc's like once a year y'all!!!
The truth's just unbelievable. Truth or not, even if some of us were to see her in person and part her hair into little tiny parts there would still be those who doubt. I think it's wonderful that she has such great growth, but this is just one of those cases where one must keep their good fortune to themselves.
OMG, I love that song!

I wouldn't try to prove a thing, it doesn't even matter, folks will believe what they want. Rock on, lol...

Oh and what JK said makes alot of since, her before pic was not stretched at all, no telling how long her hair is in that pic.
OMG, I love that song!

I wouldn't try to prove a thing, it doesn't even matter, folks will believe what they want. Rock on, lol...

Oh and what JK said makes alot of since, her before pic was not stretched at all, no telling how long her hair is in that pic.

OOOOOhhhh I'm loving that protective style!
It's not so unbelievable to me. Looks like she had a lot of shrinkage in the first pic. She's been doing wash n' gos with no heat looks her hair is just thriving. I honestly made similar progress after a big chop (with a similar regimen.....and I'm just your average African American chick...not mixed.
Exactly, plus I know for a FACT that some people can grow at this and similar rates because I have seen it with my own eyes with one friend who is black (type 2a) and another who is Indian (type 1). Further, her hair type/texture obviously makes retention easier.
It is hard for me to believe that this is even questionable:nono:. YES people, this is possible.
Also, her hair is absolutely gorgeous :yep:.

but some women on here say there hair grows an inch a month, and it's been 7 months, so that's 7 inches plus her 2 she had when she BC'ed. That 9 inches of hair, i just think she doesn't have the shrinkage that most naturals have to deal with. Because her hair is a bit past the shoulder when curly and about 2-3 inches longer than that when almost completely straight, i dont think it's that far fetched. And why lie? its not like she's waist length or anything. I just think she has no reason to lie over something so petty as hair.
I can believe it cos her hair was unstretched in the first few videos and later looked like it was damp and stretched. She has beautiful hair. Her curl pattern would make it easier for her hair to grow faster than someone like me with a 4z curl pattern :grin:
I have a sorority sister the same way; she cut her hair to chin length in august 2007; by may 2008 she was a little past shoulder length; mind you i had chin length hair and my hair just now touches the back of my neck; some people are just blessed to have faster growing hair; by the way, my sorority sister isn't mixed nor does she do anything "special" to her hair; she just throws it in a ponytail for about 3 months and then styles for a day and back to the pony tail...[/quote].

That will do it. Before LHCF and I knew anything real about hair, I was growing out a bob. It was taper in the back but with some brown protein gel and a hair piece could be disguised. I wore my hair like that from like from August of one year to Spring of the next. My hair was somewhere between collar and shoulder. Honestly, I knew nothing much about hair but I do know one thing...I like that brown gel for low maintenance do (dos I am not going to do nothing with but tie up and take down on wash day). I had no vitamins..nada. Worked well and I will take notes from my back in the day self. I also know of a classmate I had many years ago. She began the school year with chin length bra, by years end her hair was very much past bra length and it was hers. I was just amazed. I literall watched this hari grow like a Chia Pet throughout the entire year.
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