~Long time lurker here (Newbie) w/ a problem and pics(long read) ~

I think you should try a hard protein and cut only wash your hair once a week. It seems like you have a lot of conditioning, but not enough protein to balance it out. HTH!!!
I think it's a mild protein. Maybe somebody that is sure will chime in.

Agree. How does your hair feel when dry? You said in your regimen that you use a mild protein biweekly (I thought you maybe meant bimonthly) and you hadn't changed anything. Protein can be a double edged sword. It strengthens but if you overshoot it it can make the hair brittle and break.

Try using your protein bimonthly and see if it improves. Continue rollersetting because you said that airdrying doesn't work for you.
Welcome Kami you hair is beautiful!

Have you tried a HARD protein treatment? You have a lot of moisture and conditioning going on there and light protein every fortnight, which may not be enough.

I would try a hard treatment like aphogee 2 step. If that does not work I would reduce the amount of time you co wash and see if it helps at all. Some people have to switch up their regimen depending on the season...you might be manipulating your hair too much right now.

I would also some blood work drawn up for sure (iron levels and hormones esp) because it could very well be internal.
Thanks guys...

I just recently upped my moisture... b4 this I was using mild protein every other week. When my hair is dry it feels moisturized, doesn't feel brittle at all. It's just that when I touch it, it literally snaps off. When I stopped doing protein treatments (thinking it was protein overload) and upped my moisture the breakage seemed to accelerate... I'm so confused b/c I feel like I'm doing everything right, and nothing is working :wallbash: I don't want to start chopping but I'm getting really frustrated...

Agree. How does your hair feel when dry? You said in your regimen that you use a mild protein biweekly (I thought you maybe meant bimonthly) and you hadn't changed anything. Protein can be a double edged sword. It strengthens but if you overshoot it it can make the hair brittle and break.

Try using your protein bimonthly and see if it improves. Continue rollersetting because you said that airdrying doesn't work for you.
I didnt read all the posts, but you have had amazing progress!

dont know if anyone mentioned this but the ORS creamy aloe is a clarifying/chelating poo right? it might be too much for weekly use

also, bi-weekly protein might have become too much for your hair now, it might have needed it and now it has what it needs and its too much protein now?

thats all I can think of for now
Thanks Noir... Some of the ladies recommended Affirm 5 n 1 so I was going to give that a try. Is it comparable to Aphogee?

Welcome Kami you hair is beautiful!

Have you tried a HARD protein treatment? You have a lot of moisture and conditioning going on there and light protein every fortnight, which may not be enough.

I would try a hard treatment like aphogee 2 step. If that does not work I would reduce the amount of time you co wash and see if it helps at all. Some people have to switch up their regimen depending on the season...you might be manipulating your hair too much right now.

I would also some blood work drawn up for sure (iron levels and hormones esp) because it could very well be internal.
If you're having breakage, a hard protein treatment may be needed. I would try either Aphogee Protein Treatment or Nexxus Emergencee. You would put these (anyone) on your hair and sit under a dryer for 5 mins or until your hair is extremely hard. While its hard, it's very important NOT to do anything to your hair, don't touch or comb it. Then rinse it out of your hair for a few minutes, and follow up with a good moisturizing conditioner (the protein treatments will leave your hair hard and crunchy if you do not follow up with a moisture-based conditioner). Also, you would want to only do a hard protein treatment every six weeks. Then I would try Aphoghee 2 mins Keratin Reconstructor once every week or every other week, as this is a light protein and use a good moisturizing conditioner either before or after and leave it in for a minute or so. Hope this helps!
I would do a hard protein treatment and obviously do a good condition after the treatment. I would stop the co-wash during the week it may be too much manipulation while wet for you relaxed hair. Continue to roller set for the week, but leave you hair alone. If you wrap your hair at night, some folks can use a dap of light cream in when they wrap. Maybe you can find a protein/moisture one.

Give that a few weeks and see what happens.
Hello Ms. Lurker from 1 to another...lol I lurk alot myself. My suggestion to you is try Aphogee treatments. The work really well to stop breakage. If you do put your hair up, try wearing wigs, not weaves. Wigs provide less stress on the hair, also it will allow you to take it down 1x or 2xs a week to wash, deep condition, etc.

I believe if you begin with Aphogee treatments and deep conditioning weekly (even with the cold weather) you will begin to see a change in a few months, and probably even some new growth!

Hope this works for you......

P.S. One more thing is you might want to join a "Hide Your Hair Over the Winter Months" challenge. It will force you to stay regular with your treatments.:grin:
I'm sorry I can't give any advice (coz I'm no expert and I haven't been a member of hairboards that long), but I just wanted to say welcome, I'm glad you finally joined and you have had some wonderful progress in the last year.... gorgeous hair.

I hope you resolve the issue soon!
May I also suggest Carrot Oil. I like the ORS Carrot Oil in the jar.....awesome for breakage. Before I joined the C&G challenge, I would soak my ends in ORS carrot Oil, and then baggy them at night. The next day, the ends are sooooo moist & pliable. No breakage whatsoever. 2 or 3 times a week did the trick for me. Then I put in my braid. Assuredly, once this challenge is over, and I begin my BUN for Growth challenge, I will be sure to incorporate this back into my regimen.:yep:
Thanks everyone for the advice! I decided to clarify (again) wash w/ a sulafte free shampoo and use Aphogee 2 min. I figured I would try mild protein first to see how that worked. After rinsing I DC w/ CON. I didn't really notice a difference, still a lot of breakage... I guess i'll try it again next week and see if there`s any improvement :-/

Beautiful hair. Maybe you can try a low manipulation regimen (check out my fotki journal) and perhaps dont comb so much, other than that, look into your diet and stress levels. God bless
Thanks everyone for the advice! I decided to clarify (again) wash w/ a sulafte free shampoo and use Aphogee 2 min. I figured I would try mild protein first to see how that worked. After rinsing I DC w/ CON. I didn't really notice a difference, still a lot of breakage... I guess i'll try it again next week and see if there`s any improvement :-/
Welcome to LHCF! BTW, what do you use as a daily moisturizer? Sorry if you mentioned it before, i didn't read the whole thread.
Thanks Lonei and Wheezy for the welcome! I'm practicing low manipulation, only combing on wash days and bunning through the week, sometimes I'll do a braid out and pin it up. I usually moisturize w/ either NTM or Nexxus Humectress and seal with evoo and castor oil. When my hair is wet it has a lot of elasticity, but not too much. While wet, it seems as though my moisture and protein is balanced but yet when I touch it hair is everywhere...so confusing :-(
Any progress yet?
I'm having a similar problem,so i'm braiding up right now.
How many weeks post relaxer are you op?