Well-Known Member
Yes! I've actually stopped posting on this side because when I would ask questions folks would barely respond...This thread reminds me of the old days when people would come with helpful info. I have to read and come back later to add what I know...
Off the top of my head, I just wanted to side eye the boar bristle brush. If they are too stiff, I think that they'd rip your strands. I've come across a soft boar bristle once, but I think that the bristles are still stiff. But maybe it was synthetic, because I think it was less than $10 even though it was a mini brush. A goat hair brush is super soft, but I'm not sure if it would be too soft for smoothing out your hair...?
I know some people mentioned getting a proper trim, but that wouldn't help if you are dealing with keyhole splits. What you need is lots of moisture consistently. (And a good diet.)
As for the silk bonnet/scarf, is it actually silk or satin. And if it's satin, is it silk-like satin or the rough polyester stuff that I see at the black beauty supply stores? I find that real silk makes my hair feel different over time vs satin.
Will come back later and read through...I might have more to add.
I'm glad that's changed!
Maybe the boar bristles are too stiff. I got it from the BSS. Do you have recommendations for goat hair brushes?
Yes, I have midshaft holes in my hair as well. I do weight training, do I do track my calories in terms of protein, fats, and carbs. I also take iron vitamins for my anemia. My doctor says my levels are much better.
I've had this scarf since I was about 10 years old, but I'm pretty sure I got it from the BSS. Do you have any recommendations for a scarf/pillowcase? I typically don't wear bonnets