Long hair siting...


Well-Known Member
Well I was at the store, trying to get some stuff on sale and I went to checkout. The cashier was this lady wearing her hair in a low ponytail and it was thick and long, it was straightened reached her hips I could see that her roots were wavy and shinier than the straight part. I was checking and 1st they don't sell weaves that long, and 2nd I know real hair when I see it. If I go back to that sotre I'm def. going be on the lookout for her with her natural hair. Anyways just wanted to tell all the ladies that it is possible, she got me motivated to keep on growing. I did compliment her on her pretty hair, I almost asked if she was a member. :sekret: :look:
Thats really awesome! I love being out and seeing ladies with long, healthy hair. I just cant tear my eyes away. But I make sure to keep my expression pleasant and/or smiling.....just in case Im caught staring, I dont want to be mistaken for "hating." Cuz thats never the case. :)

Did you happen to get a peek at what was in her shopping cart? :sekret: Did she have lots of fruits....veggies... cheese or other high protein products..... water, juices? Or just a variety of normal groceries? Just curious to see what type of diet she has! :lol:
KiniKakes said:
Thats really awesome! I love being out and seeing ladies with long, healthy hair. I just cant tear my eyes away. But I make sure to keep my expression pleasant and/or smiling.....just in case Im caught staring, I dont want to be mistaken for "hating." Cuz thats never the case. :)

Did you happen to get a peek at what was in her shopping cart? :sekret: Did she have lots of fruits....veggies... cheese or other high protein products..... water, juices? Or just a variety of normal groceries? Just curious to see what type of diet she has! :lol:
She was working there, she was behind the counter so, I have no idea what she uses on her hair or what she eats. Believe me, if she was shopping, I would have been all up in her shopping cart, 4 sure:lol: